Last season (my first HC), it seemed on Day one there were constant obituaries going across the screen. The number of deaths felt much lower today. I wonder if players are getting better and/or are more prepared? A few danger zones I noticed:
The Arcane Skeleton in Redemption reaps a lot of characters. Maybe let sleeping mages lie.
If you're a low DPS build don't feed the bears in the Borderlands.
The poison trap in Sunken Sewer is toxic for low HP characters. Probably should put a billboard advertising Warforged/Bladeforged in this area.
Kobald still hate you and those shamans have lightning bolts that will end your session.
As for me, I knew my build was going to start slow, and it has. DPS is terrible but survivability is elite. Luckily you're in full groups and there is always one THF Paladin, sonic blast Bard, or Inquisitive doing most of the killing. My DPS takes off around level 7-8. I'm at 5 so getting there, until then I look like the most gimp barbarian ever with my pointy dagger.
Another tip, I've made a decent amount of cash taking every Mastercraft reward option and putting it on the AH for 1000 buyout. They all sell. Don't be greedy and you can quickly build up a plat reserve.