We take an in-depth look at the new Epic Destiny Grandmaster of Flowers

The New DDO Grandmaster of Flowers in the new Epic Destinies


A destiny of the open hand where ki is an essential component; a blend of extended martial arts from the monk class that allows any class to practice that combat style.

This Destiny is for Ranged and Melee

Epic Mantle:
- You fight with the Unarmed combat style as if you were a Monk and may be Centered and use Ki. You can attack with Handwraps; fall using the Monk animations. +15% Action Boost bonus to movement speed; no longer take damage from falling. Finally, you tumble through enemies and are immune to slippery surfaces, and most forms of knockdown. You gain 10 Ki for training this enhancement.

Epic Strike: (Multiselector)
Drifting Lotus - Melee Cleave attack, deals +3/4/5[W] with a +1/2/3 Critical Threat Range and Critical Multiplier. Deals 1d6+5 Force damage per character level to all enemies struck. The force damage scales with the higher of Melee or Ranged power. Cost 25 Ki.
Cooldown 15 seconds.
Orchid Blossom - A blossom is released from your palm in a line, exploding when it makes contact, dealing 1d6+5 Force damage per character level to all enemies within. The force damage scales with the higher of Melee or Ranged power. Grants 5/10/25 Ki when used.
Cooldown 15 seconds.

Epic Moment: cooldown 5 minutes.
Split the Soul For 30 seconds, your soul is split, and a fragment of it manifests beside you as a combatant (no shadow exists presently in DDO, perhaps it will in a future patch). If you are a Monk your dark/light are doubled. Your Soul Warrior provides the following benefits as a baseline (you receive both, regardless):
Dark - Your attacks may strike an additional target regardless of weapon type, and each attack has a 5% chance of banishing your enemies from the multiverse with no save.
Light - Your Soul Warrior also grants you 25% Concealment, 25% Incorporeality, and 25% Dodge/max Dodge, as your physical form is less present while you are in this state.