We take an in-depth look at the new Epic Destiny Legendary Dreadnaught

The New DDO Legendary Dreadnaught in the new Epic Destinies


A destiny of action heroes with much martial prowess who utilize all Tactical Feats and do a Dire Attack, which can Sunder, Trip, and/or Stun foes; they excel with any Melee or Ranged weapon.

This Destiny is for Melee and Ranged.

Epic Mantle:
Dread Mantle - Your weapon attacks apply 1 stack of Terror. The Terror effect is: -1 Melee Power, -1 Ranged Power, -3 Universal Spell Power, -1 Armor Class. stacks up to 15 times. This effect has a 0.1 second cooldown.

Epic Strike: (Multiselector)
Dire Attack
Dire Charge (Melee) - Epic Strike: Rush forward at the targeted foe. That foe and all nearby foes are subject to +2[W] damage and must save or be Sundered. Sunder DC is (20 + highest ability score + bonus to Stun attacks). 12 second cooldown.
Dire Shot (Ranged Attack) - Epic Strike: Fire your weapon at one single targeted foe. That foe is subject to +2[W] damage and must save or be Sundered. Sunder DC is (20 + highest ability score + bonus to Stun attacks). 12 second cooldown.

Epic Moment:
Action Hero - For 40 seconds, you gain the following Bonuses:
+8 Action Boost Bonus to Attack
+30 Action Boost Bonus to Melee and Ranged Power
+30% Action Boost Bonus to Attack Speed
+30% Action Boost Bonus to Doublestrike and Doubleshot
+50% Action Boost Bonus to Movement Speed
+15 Action Boost Bonus to Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating
+15% Action Boost Bonus to Dodge. This bonus ignores your Dodge Cap.
+9 Action Boost bonus to Sunder, Trip, and Stun DCs.
+6 Action Boost Bonus to Saving Throws
+6 Action Boost Bonus to Skills
This ability is counted as an Action Boost, though does not have charges and does not share a cooldown with other Action Boosts.
5 minute cooldown.