We take an in-depth look at the new Epic Destiny Exalted Angel
The New DDO Exalted Angel in the new Epic Destinies
A destiny attuned to Divine magic, primarily focused on spellcasting, non-casters looking into the path of the Exalted Angel may find help in laying the Undead to rest and some defensive tools that could be useful while doing so. Exalted Angels become more like Celestial beings, shrugging off damage and diseases.
This Destiny is for Spell Casters
Epic Mantle:
Angelic Form - Your offensive spells have a 15% chance to deal 1d3+3 bonus Fire damage per caster level. Your offensive spells also have a 15% chance to deal 1d3+3 bonus Light damage per caster level. Your Positive Healing spells have a 15% chance to deal 1d3+3 extra Positive Healing per every 2 Character Levels. These damage effects each have a unique cooldown of 5 seconds.
Epic Strike:
Multiselector: Avenging Magic
Sun Pillar - Bring a beam of light down on a single enemy, dealing 1d6+6 Light damage per caster level.
Cooldown 6 seconds, cost 5 Spell Points
Flame Pillar - Bring a pillar of fire down on a single enemy, dealing 1d6+6 Fire damage per caster level.
Cooldown 6 seconds, cost 5 Spell Points
Healing Pillar - Bring a pillar of positive energy down on a single ally, healing them for 3d6+6 Hit Points, plus an additional 1 per Caster Level (Max Caster Level: 15). This is a Conjuration spell, and counts as both a Positive and Cure Wounds spell. Can be used on Undead enemies, who take that Positive healing as damage.
Cooldown 6 seconds, cost 5 Spell Points
Epic Moment:
Ascendance - You are healed to full health.
For 20 seconds, you gain the following traits:
-You gain a ring of flaming blades around you. Enemies that enter or exit your flaming blades take 1d6 Fire and 1d6 Light damage per Caster Level. This scales with Spell Power. Allies that enter your ring gain 1d6 Positive healing per Caster Level, which also scales with Spell Power.
-Every 2 seconds, you gain 1d20+20 Positive Healing per caster level. This scales with Positive Spell Power.
-+30% Action Boost Bonus to Movement Speed.
-You cannot be interrupted while casting.
-You cannot swing weapons.