I don't know where to post this but good as any.
I find myself in a weird spot where I have really started to enjoy pure casting (Favored Soul and Palemaster) but I really dislike not being able to do trapping. I have played a ranged rogue/artificer pretty much since post level 16 was added to the game. My question is does anyone have a viable caster/DC build that uses either 1 artificer or rogue? Sadly I know losing the capstone on things like Palemaster is basically a deal breaker but maybe someone can point me in a doable direction. I duo with my wife and have always been the trap guy and don't want to lose that functionality. We want to play R6-R10 content so looking for something that is R10 viable.
Would love to be a favor soul but worried how much being 19/1 arti would ruin the class. Palemaster is great but losing Greater aura sounds like a bad idea. (maybe I am wrong and the lower version is all that is needed?) I was thinking maybe Alchemist but not sure how it would fair?
Anyone tried something that was a pure caster. Artificer pure casters don't seem be widely accepted as a great R10 class. Maybe that has changed?
To ensure viability I am thinking 19/1arti with getting evasion from Shadowdancer.
love any feedback!