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  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Default Game Performance Feedback Thread November 18th - 21st

    I wanted to create a quick thread to get feedback from people about game performance tonight through the weekend. The best reports will give us a character and server, detail about what you saw, a /loc to get there again, the time it happened (including whatever time zone you are referencing) and even better is video of it if you have it. We did some work this week on the game environment infrastructure along with a particular source of lag related to the Reaper enhancement system, but we know that further work to reduce lag caused by other factors still needs to be done. It will still be useful, however, to get your feedback this weekend. Thanks!
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Seems less laggy since the patch than it was the week before. The almost total lack of lag loading into reaper difficulty quests is a great improvement, so well done on that count.

  3. #3
    Pale Fox
    LightBear's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Was experiencing more lag than usual this Friday evening (CET).

    Type of lag is delays in spells landing, dice rolls going off and zoning from instance to instance.

    Server Ghallanda, Character Ferrir Mule S.

  4. #4
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Reaper lag is definitely gone, which is awesome. I've had some super lag in fights like the end fight of dryad and demigod, but my laptop is **** so not sure if that's it.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  5. #5
    Hero apocaladle's Avatar
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    Phaaze on Cannith

    Playing this evening 5-7pm est

    I noticed

    zero reaper lag

    Zero complete locked up lag

    Zero rubberbanding

    I did notice a handful of times my spells would not cast properly or the spell would not happen but the enemies died anyway. So spell lag of somekind. It happened 3-4 times per quest and it would happen to 100% spells cast for like 3 seconds then be fine for 5 minutes.

  6. #6


    Heroic Feast or Famine R3

    2:02 AM Eastern Four 15s and a 14

    You are on server 15 at r1 lx1760 ly16 i2049 cInside ox-22.30 oy-166.80 oz-204.89 h208.1. Game timestamp 492088797.073.

    Entire Quest issues casting Healing (positive) spells on other party members. At 2:02 had a bad bout of drive casts and rubber band lag.

    The Twilight Avengers are always recruiting -

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    for me it seems better.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010


    Reaper lag when entering instance is gone, that's a huge fix !!!! So pleasant !

    Overall lag in reaper seemed better.

    Thx and keep the good work in that direction !

  9. #9
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    The problem regarding the Chat Channels not connecting on Thelanis is still persistent and it's intermittent when those 'Chat' channels and the 'Friends Lists' decide to function.

    Around 09:50 UTC, 20 November, 2021 the Chat server was up its usual tricks...

    Furthermore logging off has been slower than usual the past day or so - on occasion - although that's likely just some random coincidence.

    I've had about zero lag over the last few months except perhaps the very rare latency spike - so I certainly haven't seen any excessive in-game lag. Hence I haven't noticed any improvement.

  10. #10
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    But you've been telling us for years that there is no lag in DDO, it's all our connections and computer's fault.

  11. #11
    DDO Official Troubadour Taurnish's Avatar
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    Default feedback

    I have been running low epics on two toons since the update (usually R1-R4) with 4-6 party members. I would say the lag is improved. I do still occasionally have spells that do not go off but the timer activates (however, less than prior to this update). I do not have arcane spell failure or anything else that would cause this. I have been running a spellsinger and a EK pale master. I used a hireling for traps in VON 3 and 4 and the hireling would not search. Also, I used a cleric who simply refused to take commands to heal. These two things are new. Unsure if you did anything to impact hirelings or not but usually I do not have a problem using them as trappers or healers.

    The lag to load into quests has improved in my opinion and based on my experiences since the update.

    Cannith! Too many alts to list. Lorrtusk, Lorrtank (my main), Lorrgar, Jimipage, Taurnish, etc.

  12. #12
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    Have only 111 reaper points and playing as a lvl 30 warlock. Before this patch quite often before i could start play at quest starts most other had buffed and already started.

    Now it is 0 lag at start!!

    It has also been low lag on everything else. Great job SSG, great job!

    For me this lagfix in this patch is the most significant lowering of lag since the raid lag patch.

    Keep it up, i have a good weekend in this fantasy world :-)
    Triple all

  13. #13
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    I was playing my first life character "Venlys" with only 9 points on the server "Sarlona", was a level 24 Alchemist yesterday within Epic Prison of the Planes @ Epic Giant Hold.

    The party went in on Reaper 3. It was the worst lag that I have seen in my entire 15 years of DDO career.

    I do not have a /loc indicator, but I remembered it was the Symbol of the Plane of Shavarath - Defeat Princess Aurelia (marilith) and Jarilith room.

    Every party member was standing in the different corners of that room. The room starts lagging and everybody had to disconnect.
    The lag lasted more than 5? 10? minutes. Time? it was around 2 to 2:30pm US Eastern Time.

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  14. #14
    The Hatchery
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    I just did some heroic TR running. Gianthold mostly. We were full group. 13 fighter, 13 barb, 14 alch, 13 cleric, 13 cleric and 9 ranger/4 arti. No lag to speak of upon entry, but then, we're still low enough level not to have used too many RP (around 40ish for my barb).

    Had many lag spikes of 1-10 second duration throughout the GH saga run. One particular comes to mind, around 10 seconds, at the first fight in Foundation.
    DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.

  15. #15
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
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    I've had four "Recovering from failed teleport" loading crashes today.
    The most recent occurred on my main character at 1430 Eastern Standard, transitioning into the catacombs public area.
    Immediately after I relogged onto an alt and tried to enter saltmarsh from the training hall the loading crash happened at 1432...

    I had two other crashes earlier but didn't think much of it at the time.

    edit: Yesterday, one character was unable to leave a public instance for a couple hours- I logged on, tried to enter the feywild wilderness from the castle and I'd have the teleport failure. Exit, reload, log in, same. The third time I waited a couple minutes and still had the teleport error. (I logged onto another character after the third attempt and he worked fine.)

    All of these were on the Orien server.

    That said, lag is lower than it had been prior to the update. (It was bad the days prior.)

    I can accept the occasional load screen failure- better than dying near the end of an arduous quest because the character froze.
    Last edited by Jerevth; 11-22-2021 at 07:57 AM.
    In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
    *All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.

  16. #16
    Community Member Hawkwier's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Yes

    Entirely unscientific but I do feel the lag has improved in general. Only had one remarkable instance in the past week or so (in THTH) iirc.

    What is definitively better is the improvement in load-lag in R. A big well done Devs for that.

  17. #17
    Community Member
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    Lag was about the same.

    (Standard): You are on server 46 at r1 lx1976 ly160 i2049 cInside ox-340.06 oy-248.81 oz-40.95 h282.7. Game timestamp 492138360.220.
    Quest: The Mindsunder
    Location: Final room
    Difficulty: Reaper 4
    Time: Around... 4pm eastern Saturday 20th
    Party composition: 1 rogue thief-acrobat, 1 rogue mechanic, 1 monk arcane archer, 1 shintao monk, Heystack (cleric hire), Klin (cleric hire)
    Player locations: 2 Europe, 2 US
    Lag: 2-4 second durations.

    Cause of lag: An orange fighter/caster (at the loc provided above) could not path to us thus causing lag spikes. The same goes for the respawning renders that cannot leave the corridor before the final room. We were hanging by the shrine while those renders were standing at the door which caused regular lag spikes.

    Note: The same thing is very noticeable in "In the Demon's Den" when kiting the marilith and jumping from the ramp. While you are on the air, the chances that the entire party lags are high as well as getting a series of cometfalls on your face as she cannot get to you (in the air) for a couple of seconds.
    Last edited by Faltout; 11-20-2021 at 04:02 PM.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  18. #18
    Community Member Wahnsinnig's Avatar
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    We just did a R1 Defiler raid on Ghallanda and had insane lag in the final fight with the eriyes.

    (Standard): You are on server 17 at r1 lx248 ly152 i2049 cInside ox343.21 oy0.46 oz-194.89 h60.5. Game timestamp 492664024.871.

  19. #19
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    Default DOJ Serious lag yesterday

    Quote Originally Posted by Wahnsinnig View Post
    We just did a R1 Defiler raid on Ghallanda and had insane lag in the final fight with the eriyes.

    (Standard): You are on server 17 at r1 lx248 ly152 i2049 cInside ox343.21 oy0.46 oz-194.89 h60.5. Game timestamp 492664024.871.
    We did an R4 DOJ yesterday around 1:00 PM on Khyber. Serious lag throughout the quest. Several rewind/10+ second freezes several times.
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  20. #20
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Orien - public areas, from Cannith Craft Hall to Harbor: A 1-second pause every 15-20 seconds of running around.

    Was sorting/clearing old HCL characters, so multiple characters.

    Still getting load screen locks every half dozen or so relogs between characters.


    11/20, 10 PM to Midnight Central time.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

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