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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Default Awful lag today and yesterday, both Sarlona server and forums, /loc included

    And I checked, I have low ping (11ms) and 30+ mb/s for download/upload

    Here's my /loc during one particularly bad lagspike.

    It's making the game a bit unplayable. I can browse and watch Twitch and YouTube but get anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds of latency today and late yesterday on Sarlona. Halp.

    Edit: this also was awful lag, no enemies would even render, and I saw fake copies of my party members. I literally couldn't partake in this quest, just sat around unable to do anything. Wrath Of The Earth quest.
    Last edited by FormOf-Hitchens; 11-21-2021 at 03:09 PM.

  2. #22
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    just finished bob in searing heights on reaper and as allways when recalling the game stuck on loading screen this has happened a lot over the weekend had to restart game client to get working ..i have an i9 with all the goodies and cable internet and drivers up to date ..this was ghallanda ..aus time 7.30 am ..badmofoo

  3. #23
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    Default LFM applications

    I am certain this is lag related, but been experiencing more now than ever when I hit someone or someone hits my LFM that it never notifies. It shows up blank in the LFM with only a reference of the location only if you look in open applications.

    I only complain because I get tells during IP and people think they are getting ignored. This happened before occasionally but very frequent since the patch from what I have noticed.

    Also shrining seems longer than normal. I usually time when I move from a shrine with pretty good accuracy and lately I have been moving too early and interrupt the rest.
    Last edited by jskinner937; 11-21-2021 at 03:49 PM.

  4. #24
    Community Member mistress_minx's Avatar
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    Can we please get help on Khyber server ? My husband has been stuck 1/2 way thru ETR/TR for 9 days now with no help replies

  5. #25
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    Default honka-honka

    This lag is not just the clown, it is the entire circus. I am lagging my rear end off on a Sunday night of all things. It might've helped on your end to an extent, but it doesn't seem any different.

  6. #26
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    Having an uninterrupted and stable internet connection is probably more important than having an extremely fast connection (when in-game). My connection is slow and its download speed will be only around 2.0 Mbps - it's extremely rare I'd get any lag. The game runs super smooth. Also the machine I use for DDO is a relic and over seven years old.

    Even when I had a faulty throughput connection [Downstream sync speed: 283.00 kbps] to the house for several days in September the game rarely generated lag spikes. Of course browsing the internet: was annoying slow... as was waiting for updates.

    It's called "bandwidth" mainly because its 'width' rather than 'speed' (think water-flow through huge wide rivers and tiny steams rather than just speed itself), also things like latency affects the game play - you don't want a high latency connection with DDO.

    If you would like to read a tiny section out a book, that I co-authored (2011) covering the complex topic of: TCP/IP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myself
    User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

    UDP* is a connectionless "unreliable delivery" protocol operating at Transport Layer 4. As a result, UDP has no requirement for receiving protocols like TCP (also Layer 4) to acknowledge the receipt of data packets. It doesn’t concentrate on establishing connections like the TCP protocol, so it can transmit information faster than TCP; it is the upper application layers that are used to control its reliability. UDP is also useful for VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), streaming multimedia, and online multiplayer games moving small quantities of data—it's built for speed.

    * [...] If UDP were a car it would be a lightweight Formula One racing Car. ...
    In-game DDO needs to move fairly small quantities of data very fast; relying heavily on UDP, which as I explained is an "unreliable delivery" protocol primarily built for speed, etc. I feel my footnote was a good analogy meaning; it needs to move data very fast and isn't at all heavy. :-)

    The Technical Editor was incompetent in my personal opinion and introduced a lot of errors as networking terms matter, e.g. you never write byte when you mean octet.
    Last edited by DYWYPI; 11-23-2021 at 03:49 AM. Reason: Typo.

  7. #27
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I wanted to create a quick thread to get feedback from people about game performance tonight through the weekend. The best reports will give us a character and server, detail about what you saw, a /loc to get there again, the time it happened (including whatever time zone you are referencing) and even better is video of it if you have it. We did some work this week on the game environment infrastructure along with a particular source of lag related to the Reaper enhancement system, but we know that further work to reduce lag caused by other factors still needs to be done. It will still be useful, however, to get your feedback this weekend. Thanks!
    Stuck in perma-fall at (Standard): You are on server 17 at r1 lx1480 ly48 i2049 cInside ox-76.99 oy3.03 oz-235.82 h78.8. Game timestamp 492956752.233. (Standard): Q:0x70030E50

    Lag increasing over time while latency remains in the 31.3-38.7 range, but a spellcast or weapon swap individually is unlikely to register, but hitting it several times results multiple casts or "You are already wearing this weapon set." Individual item swaps have the same result, but may equip and activate a "clicky" when they finally do register.

    Is it possible this sort of "infinite falling" is adding effects to the queue (fall damage?) and dragging down the server?
    Last edited by Artos_Fabril; 11-22-2021 at 04:04 PM.

  8. #28


    After playing all weekend on Khyber; running almost exclusively R1 to 4 the entire time. I Played three characters in Level 4-7, 15-17, and 24-25.

    Lag was better, most of the time. When it was bad, it was bad for an entire quest. Not unplayable bad, for the most part when it popped up, but lots of dry fires of spells and ranged attacks, attacks against you weren't registering, until they do all at once. There were half-a-dozenish bouts of freeze lag for me over the weekend. For me all of these appeared to be on servers 15, 16, 17 according to the /loc command.

    The Twilight Avengers are always recruiting -

  9. #29
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    Thank you for these reports!
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  10. #30
    Community Member Chacka_DDO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Thank you for these reports!
    I would like to give you an objective and helpful request regarding lag after the work you did but I feel not really like I can.
    The delay until you got your reaper "stuff" loaded at the start of a quest is MUCH better now and if this delay/lag/server-load-issue is affecting not only my instance (it is not a big issue to wait even a minute at the start of a quest) then this should certainly do something for the game performance, just be logic.
    But what I can say for sure is that the start of a quest on reaper feels much better now and thanks for this!

    Other things...
    During the last days after the patch, I experienced only a few bearable lag issues but it is hard to say if this is significantly better than before.
    And only one really bad issue that was in the quest Beyond the Rift where we had literally endless lag after the boss Giismekhan this was maybe because the script for the fight was not correctly working (the dretches remained inactive and unattackable and the gate did not open) and maybe went "mad" and this may be made the whole instance "freeze" on the server (the whole party was almost not able to move). The only thing we were able to do was cancel the DDO client (not even recall or log out was possible) and pull the character out of the instance (for example logging to the hall of heroes) and then reset the quest.
    I can imagine such events affect more than one quest and maybe even the whole server and others see lag with no reason even in public areas.
    But I assume this had nothing to do with the fixes you released in the latest update.

  11. #31
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    U51 Shadowdancer did not really deliver anything beneficial for tactical stealth play style. Thus during this month I've been playing DDO less than usual...

    Yesterday, I disturbed one of the hardcore Unfoog hackers; someone called Kontroller apparently. He was using an IRC bot to auto alert him of my presence during the annual TNNT.

    Nonetheless within DDO, I haven't noticed any perceived improvement with game performance recently.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Thank you for these reports!
    S. Dancer has been lagging behind all the other Destinies, so far the Performance has been so bad that I can't even select a Tier V feat in Weird, which was similar to Consume but is now gone(for unknown reasons). It's gated us away from Tree.

    Epic Moment lags behind other Epic Moments that the character has to be in position to get hit every time in order for a proc to go off, if it doesn't go off, your dead or left for dead. All other Epic Moments just go off on Trees and doesn't rely on getting hit. In Legendary Casual and Normal I don't see this issue come up.

    Is there going to be a pass to fix the lag or are the hot fixes going to eventually cover these issues? Asking for a frenemy.

    So far S. Dancer is No Bueno, Very Bad...Wanan S.Dancer.
    Let's Go S. Dancer.
    Last edited by VinoeWhines; 11-28-2021 at 09:01 PM.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by apocaladle View Post
    Phaaze on Cannith

    Playing this evening 5-7pm est

    I noticed

    zero reaper lag

    Zero complete locked up lag

    Zero rubberbanding

    I did notice a handful of times my spells would not cast properly or the spell would not happen but the enemies died anyway. So spell lag of somekind. It happened 3-4 times per quest and it would happen to 100% spells cast for like 3 seconds then be fine for 5 minutes.
    This still happens and is true of Eldritch Strike as well. I saw this yesterday in Eveningstar with my EK Swashbuckler. The mini-boss in Outbreak in the left wing kept getting his HP reset to maximum too. That was unexpected. I would fight him and suddenly he would go back to his starting point. I would follow and find his HP was now back to full. I suddenly found myself forced to be very careful about not backing up too much.

  14. #34
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    Have seen bad lag so many times in i2049, that if we hitch early in a quest we do a /loc and check for it.

  15. #35
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    Several players can't even log into the game anymore after the 51.2 update on Wednesday:

    I've never seen that error message after a patch, but wonder if the Legacy Client is no longer being recognized when trying to enter the game worlds.
    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  16. #36
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    I have lag when i climb stairs and jump, since i started to play the game.

    Some violent motions (such as being lifted by vapor steam in The Pit 3rd furnace for exemple, also spies in the house and many others) ALWAYS is laggy and is impossible to aim any plataform, needing to retry many times to reach acidently where i want to land.

    Besides that game lagged saturday night (4th december) a lot doing Soul splitter content. Also some days before in Memoirs of and illusory larcerner the room when archer spawns (bar), did not spawn them, neither the sub-boss, or could talk to them. We reentered and one of the archers become unhittable behind wall. This room in this quest is particulary bugged ever since hire and pets generally do nothing inside it.

  17. #37
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    I noticed lag in dungeons that cause death when in the instance, I'm looking that I clearly am away from the arc of the swing of the mob and even though on our side of the interaction screen it should be a miss, it shows that we have been killed.

    I thought maybe it was only happening intermittently on my end but I've seen it happening to other players when looking at them jump away and they are at least a horizontal human and a half length away, their soulstone also touches the floor in shame.

    How far does a glancing blow, affect, getting hit in game, 15 yards? FUMBLE!(John Madden voice)

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