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  1. #1
    Founder Bradik_Losdar's Avatar
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    Default Cannith xp - how to get from Level 343 to 400?

    Just hit level 343 in Cannith Crafting and making shards (all levels) no longer give xp. How does one get from here to level 400 if EVERYTHING on the crafting table shows 0 xp? Please don't tell me deconstructing items is the only way to get xp left...
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  2. #2
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    That's Correct, until they increase (bring back) the 30+ Cannith Crafting Minimum Level shard recipes again; your only option is to dissolve items once there is no other way to gain Cannith Crafting XP.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    You have to start crafting unbound shards at that point.

    Then again, anything higher than 340 is basically only needed to craft unbound items, so it'd make sense you need to craft unbound shards to get there.
    Enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiast.

  4. #4
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    max recipe level for bound shards is 300, for unbound shards is 425. iirc you have to manually set a higher level in the unbound ui to see them, iirc for some reason by default is shows max 400.

    to max craft level you need to craft unbound but it is for sure harder now without the 30+ ml shards, and the other shards requires so many mats. this is also why it is considered borderline useless to max craft, when you can craft everything for yourself you are good. btw i maxed it anyway, i understand the will to go anyway to 400

    use craft exp pot when craft bonus weekend hits.

    and yeah...decon...
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  5. #5
    Founder Bradik_Losdar's Avatar
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    Ugh. Seriously?

    I waited SPECIFICALLY for this weekend - you know the +30% xp weekend. Had a bunch of essences ready, crafting potions, etc. I get 10 minutes into my first 30 minute +100%xp potion along with the bonus success potions and BAM! hit in the face with ZERO xp for EVERYTHING on the crafting lists (both bound and unbound).


    (deconstruct xp is NOT really a viable way to continue to go)
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  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Default Same issue - can't progress

    Quote Originally Posted by Bradik_Losdar View Post
    Ugh. Seriously?

    I waited SPECIFICALLY for this weekend - you know the +30% xp weekend. Had a bunch of essences ready, crafting potions, etc. I get 10 minutes into my first 30 minute +100%xp potion along with the bonus success potions and BAM! hit in the face with ZERO xp for EVERYTHING on the crafting lists (both bound and unbound).


    (deconstruct xp is NOT really a viable way to continue to go)
    Me too - I'm at level 341 - crafting unbound ML shards now grants 0 XP. Anything I can craft grants 0 XP. Any group 2 and 3 unbound insightful items, ML 375 and ML 425, I have 0% chance to craft so not allowed to even try even with a booster. So I'm stuck with no way to progress.

  7. #7
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Lol took me 10 years to crunch my way to 250+, looks like i'll be there in another 10 years.

  8. #8
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xgya View Post
    You have to start crafting unbound shards at that point.

    Then again, anything higher than 340 is basically only needed to craft unbound items, so it'd make sense you need to craft unbound shards to get there.
    Nope there is an entire gap in crafting system now where you get to a point where nothing is craftable bound or unbound for xp

  9. #9
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    At 344 I'm getting a tiny bit of XP for making level 30 unbound shards; but it's painfully small amount, the grind is insane to fill in these later levels for what amounts to just helping others with getting gear.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by h46av8r View Post
    Me too - I'm at level 341 - crafting unbound ML shards now grants 0 XP. Anything I can craft grants 0 XP. Any group 2 and 3 unbound insightful items, ML 375 and ML 425, I have 0% chance to craft so not allowed to even try even with a booster. So I'm stuck with no way to progress.

    Yep, me too. Hit 341 this weekend but going beyond seems very difficult compared to what it used to be.

  11. #11
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    1) wait half year until level cap increases
    2) pray that devs unlock also CC for those levels

  12. #12
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradik_Losdar View Post
    Just hit level 343 in Cannith Crafting and making shards (all levels) no longer give xp. How does one get from here to level 400 if EVERYTHING on the crafting table shows 0 xp? Please don't tell me deconstructing items is the only way to get xp left...
    Cannith crafting XP has always had issues for levelling, jump to far ahead too fast and not fill up lower level xp and you run the risk getting stuck at the top with zero'ed out crafting XP.
    There are some new added issues since U50 deleted Level 30(31-34) shards from Cannith crafting to make way for the level cap increase.


    1 TR - a TR will reset your ransacking effect when crafting the same shard over and over.
    This should open up some XP on the high level crafting until you ransack it again... rinse/repeat TR's

    2. When levelling.. start crafting on a non-artificer class. Artificer (and avoid human dragon mark of making) as this will increase your crafting level but not the xp so you effectively lose tiers of xp while levelling crafting.
    ..while good for increasing your crafting level to make hard to achieve higher tier items , it penalizes your pool of xp while levelling.

    3. wait for level cap increase, that should add higher tier level shards to craft.

    4. bang your head against the wall while dissolving junk items for pocket change xp.

    5. hold out hope Dev's will add some higher tier items to craft to fill the xp void of Cannith crafting xp.

    best of luck.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  13. #13
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    1) wait half year until level cap increases
    2) pray that devs unlock also CC for those levels
    3) TR into Artificer 20 for passive bonus to cannith crafting:
    "Artificer Craft Mastery (passive): Artificers gain a +1 bonus to all crafting skills for every even level of Artificer a character acquires, up to +10 at level 20."
    TR back once you finish leveling your craft.

  14. #14
    The Emperor Mornyngstar's Avatar
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    Here is the Math: it takes 75k Cannith Essence, 1 Major Crafting Experience Elixir (+100) and about 50-100 +35% Crafting Success Boosters to go from lv 1 to lv 340+. (This was pre lv 30 max shard)
    In order to get from lv 340 to lv 400 it took me the same amount of resources as getting to lv 340. This did not include all the collectables I had to use to make the necessary shards.
    It really comes down to being easier to help friends get their crafting level up so they can craft for themselves rather than crafting unbound items for them. I have helped 20+ people thru crafting and also loaning/gifting them the essence to reach lv 340 crafting. I missed this last crafting bonus weekend but I currently have 400K Essence banked to help out the next time it rolls around.
    My 2 mains are Mornyngstar and Seldissan on Thelanis but I also have toons on all servers with those names. Any toon that has Mornyngstar Clan as their last name is most likely me.

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