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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    May 2017

    Default A dungeon maker!

    It'd be neat if a dungeon maker could be added.

    Firstly, no loot except coin/gems and xp, all auto-generated based on the monsters and at less value than similar official quests, to prevent them from being farms yet also not being entirely worthless. Alternatively, make loot amount come with requirements preventing overly easy wins.

    Okay, on to the meat of the idea.

    Narratively in the game, these are just illusions telling a story, similar to that gnome Illusionist quest.

    No need for this to be complicated, just provide some map tiles that fit together on a grid that automatically place walls on any openings leading to blank space. You can break these into tilesets if that is required for memory management.

    A player can create one by going into a special room that has these tiles as items in a chest, and a grid on the ground at 1/4 to 1/6 scale, allowing the player to walk around placing the "items" onto the grid. Then they can go onto the mapm with it being loaded up based on the tile items they placed, and inside they get props, npc and monster tokens, trap/trigger tokens, etc. They can walk around the quest, -grant a quest item that generates a dimension door spell so they can have one-way sections) and they place these tokens and triggers. A trigger can have different types, for example, a trigger ambush item can be placed once, then some monster tokens placed in hidden holes, then the trigger item is used and all the monster tokens placed between the trigger being placed and subsequently used would then be set to spawn and attack when players reach the trigger. Similarly, this can be done for many things to create an adventure.

    The difficult but important part, npcs and stories. There are story items that simply display text already in game, you can allow these to be placed and allow text to be entered.

    Additionally, combine that with a set of triggers with allow text entry, allows you to have npcs de/spawn, move, act, and speak.

    Conversations with choices would be a bit more difficult to do, but can still be done by nesting triggers.

  2. #2
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    No. All of DDO's dungeons are hand crafted. I don't want to see random players BS

  3. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  4. #4
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    People would design dungeons with ridiculous XP/minute values, by abusing the system in one way or another.

  5. #5
    Community Member Kalindush's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    While I would love to design some dungeons myself, magaiti is right.

    They did a Mission Architect mode in City of Heroes. Basically, this is how people farm XP: one guy kills a ton of mobs, the rest of players just pike it. My friend wanted me to join his boring piking farm while I was interested in flower-sniffing the rest of the game.

  6. #6
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    I could imagine it as an explorer area where everything is interconnected with each instance having a set level value in both loot and challenge with rares being the only chests where the creators would be given privileges to place them with minimum distance from entry and each other.
    The rares could be given special properties creators could utilize...including placing named creatures bought that could increase the loot value.
    The Slayer count would persist from 1-30th level and the count can reach very high, way beyond 7500...but it will Cap every 5 character levels.
    Real Estate can be sold under Eberron, the Realms, Ravenloft, The Feywild ...etc with thematic tools for each.
    Last edited by Enderoc; 11-18-2021 at 11:23 AM.

  7. #7


    yes--but have them give no xp or any rewards whatsoever.

    Some might be so well-designed that the devs adopt them somehow. That would be the incentive to make a cool design.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  8. #8
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    yes--but have them give no xp or any rewards whatsoever.

    Anything else will get abused. (Have you not met the internet? )

    Possibly a closed reward system, a unique token system for unique cosmetics (or something), similar to Reaper cosmetics. But nothing that has an impact on game play.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    Sounds really boring.

    Anyways, DDO already has loads of fantastic dungeons that I would rather repeat than run some matrix dungeon with a bunch of text to read.

    Also, player created content just doesn't work well for achievement based MMOs. See Neverwinter Foundry. Not only was it rife with exploits, 99% of the content sucked.
    Last edited by GeneralDiomedes; 11-18-2021 at 04:19 PM.

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