Now with the very open system for getting Epic Past Lives (only needing to level from 20-30), maybe an option to swap one EPL for another may become feasible. These would be the benefits:
- Not needing to gain an entire stack of "better" suited active EPLs the moment more are added to the bunch, which makes it easier for alts to function
- People that changes their builds a lot during the TR hamster wheel have the option to swap to the most ideal stance for their current build
- People that took less useful EPLs can make a course direction
I don't expect this to be free in any capacity, and there may be rules added to it (like it needs to be within the same sphere or that you can only swap entire stacks for an EPL that has no stacks so far, etc.), yet I thought this may be an interesting idea to explore and could possible add some revenue.
I would probably add that as an option to Fred, who needs a specific item (which may be store exclusive or takes some specific materials to trade) to channel enough power to even change the impression a former life had on your character.