I have both the Rapid Shot feat and a quiver that gives me a 10% bow attack speed bonus, yet my character sheet is still showing 0% for my bow attack speed.
What's going on?
I have both the Rapid Shot feat and a quiver that gives me a 10% bow attack speed bonus, yet my character sheet is still showing 0% for my bow attack speed.
What's going on?
Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!
Ranged Speed is not Bow Speed, are you sure you're looking at/referring to the right modifier?
Yes. All of my "Ranged Combat" values on my character sheet are at 0%.
My equipped quiver doesn't appear to be doing anything, and my Rapid Shot feat also doesn't appear to be doing anything.
Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!
I can assure you they are doing something, even if it does not show on the character sheet. At least I could notice an increase in attack speed last time I levelled a ranged character and took those feats. You also notice a change in attack speed if you equip/unequip your ranged speed item.
So the in-game documentation is lying?
Well, it wouldn't be the first time.
Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!
Remember that there are TWO areas to Ranged Combat Stats.
The Plus Tab (+) under Ranged Combat AND the Mouse Over for Attack Bonuses on the First Sheet next to BAB.
The Quiver will list its “Ranged Attack Speed Bonus” under the mouse over area NOT the “Bow Attack Speed Bonus” on the “+” Tab.
“Ranged Attack Speed Bonus” and “Bow Attack Speed Bonus” are different.
Maybe this is of some help.
I think that is for Items / FEATs / Powers that ONLY effects BOWs.
Thus the listing as Bow Attack Speed.
The Mouse Over Area is for ALL Ranged Attack Speed.
So Thrown \ Crossbows \ Bows all are under Ranged Attack Speed.
Even though we are talking about a Quiver here, and one would think that is Bows / Crossbows only, said Quiver also helps Thrown Attack Speed.
That is how I see it anyway.