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  1. #21
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    Plat rest costs are no problem for folks with plat stockpiles but a problem for people with little to no plat like new players.
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  2. #22
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oliphant View Post
    Plat rest costs are no problem for folks with plat stockpiles but a problem for people with little to no plat like new players.
    One of the greater irony of this update since it has been indicated that it will help new players

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    It's absolutely ridiculous as it stands. ED resets should be free for the foreseeable future, as veterans need time to learn the new system and convert their characters over. I've already shelled out millions of plat for a GAME MECHANIC. Forget the real world money I've had to use to buy skill tomes because when LR'ing my characters, I screwed up on skill allocations for feats like Greater Single Weapon Fighting. Reconstructing older, incredibly nuanced characters requires more than just handing in the heart and clicking reincarnate. Stats have to be allocated correctly and feats need to be chosen at the right levels or when the right class is leveling, or you could seriously mess up everything you're trying to reconstruct because they decided to "switch things up." This legerdemain we have to perform to clean up THEIR mess is beyond the pale.

    Beyond playtesting my builds and tweaking them, I've done no actual PLAYING of the game. Just running through EE quests, seeing what works and what doesn't, resetting my ED's and sometimes Enhancements, and repeating the process.

    In my opinion, they should have left the broken feats like Dire Charge in the game, but not selectable at level up, so that legacy players could enjoy it as long as they didn't Reincarnate in any form, and NOT handed out Lesser Hearts AT ALL. Then it would have just been a simple matter of redoing EDs and MOVING on.
    Your description of how you are playing indicates to me just how new player-friendly this system is and how veterans need platinum more than ever which goes back to my alternative approaches to the platinum standard. No new player goes through all that. None. Few veterans are. My characters are so powerful now what do I care if they aren't spec'd perfectly? I'll refine it in the next racial TR. If you want to fine-tune something in the manner you're describing then paying a premium fee to do so isn't out of the question. I've offered some tools that would help you in your quest for perfection.

    This is an interesting thread adjacent to our topic discussing the platinum economy and the renewed need for platinum. I hear many red herrings about astral shards. The only people who use astral shards are the pinnacle of the pyramid or people loaded with real-world cash who drop it for convenience. Everyone else uses platinum. For example, since coming back to the game I've worked the shard exchange and have built up around 500 astral shards. I don't spend them on anything. I was going to buy Guild Storage chests but was able to pick them up for plat. The only astral shard purchases I've made are a few Feather Fall augments. Meanwhile, I've made and spent millions of platinum. Most players experience the economy this way. They have certain items they will shard for and the rest they platinum. Further, I don't believe platinum requires grinding. Maybe it does if you're a player who skips all chests and doesn't take loot. For me, this is a non-issue. I bought a Reaper pet this past life and still hit Plat cap again. Having more things to spend plat on is a good thing. I'm asking for some enhanced banking options to accommodate it.

    I am Awesomesauce!

  4. #24
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    Your description of how you are playing indicates to me just how new player-friendly this system is and how veterans need platinum more than ever which goes back to my alternative approaches to the platinum standard. No new player goes through all that. None. Few veterans are. My characters are so powerful now what do I care if they aren't spec'd perfectly? I'll refine it in the next racial TR. If you want to fine-tune something in the manner you're describing then paying a premium fee to do so isn't out of the question.
    It isn't about power. All of my characters are plenty powerful. It's REALLY DIFFICULT in this system to NOT be powerful.

    No, it's about combat flow and usefulness outside of combat. If I'm just holding down the attack button and waiting for everything to die, then I am playing the game wrong. OPTIONS. And options that don't step on each others' toes.

    Its the tricks that get me. Powers that put Epic Strikes into a 4 second cooldown, or epic strikes that put non-epic strikes into 15 second cooldowns. I found a few.
    Or abilities in the Epic Trees that put class standards to shame. Betcha not a lot of Radiant Servants are gonna be out there with the new ED healing 2x-4x as much passively.
    Or that my action bar, which used to have 5-8 abilities to mash in the right situation, has become, on some characters, 3 buttons in total.

    Figuring out the hidden GOTCHAs has been trial and error. But I won't report the bugs I've found. None of them are exploits, and at this point, I'm not about to pay to be someone's QA.

  5. #25
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    Fair enough. But wouldn't you then say the platinum cost was part of the R&D process?

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  6. #26
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    The exponential increasing plat cost for resets is BS

    Set a static low cost amount for reach reset that doesn't bankrupt players or make it cheaper to reincarnate instead of resetting destiny trees.

    Especially now since U51 has eliminated hot swap twists and alt selecting trees.

    Currently we cant even look at alt trees or spend points in other trees without leaving the 3rd tree empty, its a complete swing from the old system.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
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  7. #27
    Community Member SiliconScout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    ... platinum spent on ED is "lost" in that it doesn't circulate back into the game and many (most) modern loot items are all BTA limiting products that can even be transacted.
    You are missing the entire point here I think. It's a platinum sink and we need more of them to control inflation. When I played the game around MOTU very few items were actually seeing for a million plat. Not even tomes and back then those +4 tomes were pretty much as good as it got.

    Now everything and it's dog sells for 2M plat. The plat from ED's doesn't need to return to the economy, or if you like to think of it it this way think of it as being invested, multiplied several times over and used to purchase the platinum (or shoudl I say items) that are created from the ether every time you open a chest.

    I have at least 10 million on my account alone and I rarely play and turn at least half of all my gear into essences. As is after a certain point you literally earn multiples more platinum than you can spend every quest.

    You want plat to have more value then you need more items that are tradable and more (and better) platinum sinks.

    Prime example is the first week or so of HCL platinum is scarce and items are selling in the ASAH that are really vendor trash in any other time because nobody has platinum to spend on them. within 2 weeks though the decent to good items are in the plat house and the ASAH is mostly the premium gear.

    The game needs more platinum sinks and specifically those that are worth spending the platinum on if you want it to regain value.

    Honestly if anyone needs plat for an ED reset just hit me up on Thelanis, you can have it.
    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

  8. #28
    Community Member Hawkwier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    The first part I view is working as intended. People need to realize the game supports a vast array of difficulties. It's alright to lower the difficulty if you can't handle the quest. The second part is that we've moved away from twists. Those are no longer in the design philosophy. We don't need people gaming the system and creating workarounds.

    Revitalizing the DDO economy is a good thing. The two most popular uses of platinum - ED resets and Reaper wings get grief on these forums because they are desirable items people want for free. Desirable items drive economies. They cost money. In this case platinum. Which you earn. It's good to see platinum have value again.

    I do agree that for high-end players most ED resets involve only switching around a few points as abilities are tested out. A certain grace period for ED experimentation should have been put in but that ship has sailed unless we get a Christmas week ED free moment.
    You are of course free to view it as you like.

    I view the loss of flexibility as a steaming pile of [unprintable] garbage.

    The ONLY reason the raid today was dropped in difficulty was we lacked a tank. The option was to wait for one, or to hedge it by dropping the difficulty. This was not an issue pre-U51, as I've tanked it many times before in US. Dress it up how you like. It's plainly a loss of build flexibility compared to pre-U51. That's poor, and deserves to be called out as a regressive step. Inferring loss of power is stupid. It was loss of role, not power, that was the issue. It's sad you either can't fathom, or worse seek to deliberately obfuscate that fact, just so you can pretend everything is awesome, as the song goes...

  9. #29
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    Your description of how you are playing indicates to me just how new player-friendly this system is and how veterans need platinum more than ever which goes back to my alternative approaches to the platinum standard. No new player goes through all that. None. Few veterans are. My characters are so powerful now what do I care if they aren't spec'd perfectly? I'll refine it in the next racial TR. If you want to fine-tune something in the manner you're describing then paying a premium fee to do so isn't out of the question. I've offered some tools that would help you in your quest for perfection.

    This is an interesting thread adjacent to our topic discussing the platinum economy and the renewed need for platinum. I hear many red herrings about astral shards. The only people who use astral shards are the pinnacle of the pyramid or people loaded with real-world cash who drop it for convenience. Everyone else uses platinum. For example, since coming back to the game I've worked the shard exchange and have built up around 500 astral shards. I don't spend them on anything. I was going to buy Guild Storage chests but was able to pick them up for plat. The only astral shard purchases I've made are a few Feather Fall augments. Meanwhile, I've made and spent millions of platinum. Most players experience the economy this way. They have certain items they will shard for and the rest they platinum. Further, I don't believe platinum requires grinding. Maybe it does if you're a player who skips all chests and doesn't take loot. For me, this is a non-issue. I bought a Reaper pet this past life and still hit Plat cap again. Having more things to spend plat on is a good thing. I'm asking for some enhanced banking options to accommodate it.
    You may not care if your build is speced out but that is entirely subjective

    Having play since tied to ED respec is inno way new players friendly however you like to wrap it

    Yes Having plat tied to respec is all about shards otherwise it would not have a shard bypass

    No top tier players are not tye only ones targeted with micro transaction bypass

    No most players do not experience the economy the way you describe you do not speak for most players

    You aren't asking for something that is a thing we will get the devs have stated limits there and Having higher plat limits doesn't solve the issue for new players you know who this update was touted to help

  10. #30
    Community Member Alttab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjw View Post
    The problem with the current ones is that they are deeply UN-FUN.
    How about one or more of:
    • 1M plat = 1 "Loot Rune"; 20 runes gets you non-raid named item of choice, for which you own the content.
    • 1M plat = 10 Raid Runes (assuming you own the raid and have run it)
    • 2M Plat = any sub-20 augment; 4 M plat = any non-named augment
    • 0.5M plat = (non-store) scroll of your choice

    None of these would break the game and all would be useful.
    Yes, I like that idea, maybe not exactly like that, but something like that.

  11. #31
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    What you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what sort of person you are.

    You can also get the Topaz of Feather Falling Augment with 20 Tokens of the Twelve. Or purchase them for 8 Astral Shards from the Collectors. I assume Marshal_Lannes acquired his topazes from Kipling Vranch or Peta Flashpin. Since the ones regularly posted on ASAH tend to be over double that AS price.

    Last month alone; I probably made over 1000 AS (after sales fees), just selling complete random junk on the ASAH. I deposited around 300 AS of that into our Guild account although technically we won't need it for Guild Amenities. I've never purchased any Astral Shards.

    On average I probably spend well over 64,000 pp daily - that will be currency in circulation. Our members don't get VIP perks, like monthly DDO points. The only things we've purchased for real money was the first two Expansions during a sale. They weren't available for Turbine Points at that time.

    If you've got any spare Platinum to donate that you have no use for, I can always use it. I've only had one of my Characters hit Platinum cap for a few days (this current year). I always loot chests and will pass most named items in raids to others.

    I haven't spent anything on Epic Destiny respecifying since U51, nor would I personally use AS for that purpose. Currently five of my Characters are Epic, I did respecify once recently, during a Lesser Recantation, this week as I'd misclicked a AP spend button on Tier Four, but that wasn't ED related.
    Last edited by DYWYPI; 11-13-2021 at 07:31 AM. Reason: Make a little money to feed the children!

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlcoArgo View Post
    Yes, that is the point of a platinum sink. There is far too much plat in the game right now because it is far too easy to get.

    That has nothing to do with the platinum cap. There is a cap because that is the highest number an unsigned 4 byte integer can hold (or whatever data type they used - not sure which ). Plus, if I recall correctly, all money is stored as CP and then converted so in essence the plat cap is the largest number of CP you can get. That means one can't arbitrarily raise the plat cap to a bigger number without rearranging the entire code base.

    Oh I miss my Digital Logic class, you reminded me of it when I heard unsigned bytes.. The professor I had was from Iran, and his accent when he said bits came out as "beets" I smiled every time I heard it. Also he always asked. anyone got a question? got a question? If you moved or shifted, he would call your name.. you got a question? if you scratched your nose , he thought you had a question.. got a question? It reminded me so much of Corky Romano when he accidentally broke the bag of coke, and then had to go give a presentation to a bunch of kids.. Gotta a question???
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  13. #33
    Community Member Dejvid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    <snip> For me, this is a non-issue. <snip>
    this is a prime example of "i have no problems, therefore noone should complain because there are no problems.". sure, people like you that nolife ddo do not need to grind tens of thousands of platinum to reset their destiny trees. a friend of mine and me had to do exactly this while testing. oh sure, we just spend half an hour rushing trough borderland chain to have enough for the first test, but nonetheless, why is there an inconvenience in the first place?

    and that so called "red herring" astral shards? guess what.. he was tempted to spend the few he bought a while ago just to not grind platinum after a while.

  14. #34
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    It was suggested in a earlier thread they need to just make it so you can save three epic destiny layouts. Then you can switch between them depending on the group make up.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junk View Post
    It was suggested in a earlier thread they need to just make it so you can save three epic destiny layouts. Then you can switch between them depending on the group make up.
    This would go a great deal to getting me to stop hating this game.

    Do the same for Heroic ENH as well.

  16. #36
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    With platinum making such a big comeback opportunities abound for a tongue-in-cheek haggle enhancing item for the DDO anniversary event.

    I am Awesomesauce!

  17. #37
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    With platinum making such a big comeback opportunities abound for a tongue-in-cheek haggle enhancing item for the DDO anniversary event.
    Platinum has not made a comeback

  18. #38
    Community Member Hawkwier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junk View Post
    It was suggested in a earlier thread they need to just make it so you can save three epic destiny layouts. Then you can switch between them depending on the group make up.
    This has been suggested/requested from pretty much first preview of U51. Not sure they are going to do it any time soon though.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    Platinum has not made a comeback
    Simply put plat now is a necessity. For those that have it this is a minor inconvenience, for those that don't its a potential deal breaker. You are incorrect that it hasn't made a comeback but are 100% correct it still holds no value. For it to have value it would have to be usable for things that the players want. What we have here is just a bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Those that have spare plat to waste will barely notice how important it is while those that don't will be pushed even further back down the DDO food chain.

    A player that has plat overflowing that ends up in a broken or non synergistic destiny can easily respec and move on in a few minutes. For a new player or one that's just low on plat that same issue can quickly become a major problem. This is not a plat sink its a wall placed to max inconvenience to induce shard sales. Plat sinks should always be optional and reward the player for using them. They should not be mandatory and used to buy your way out of what the devs released in a broken update.

  20. #40
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weemadarthur View Post
    Simply put plat now is a necessity. For those that have it this is a minor inconvenience, for those that don't its a potential deal breaker. You are incorrect that it hasn't made a comeback but are 100% correct it still holds no value. For it to have value it would have to be usable for things that the players want. What we have here is just a bigger divide between the haves and have nots. Those that have spare plat to waste will barely notice how important it is while those that don't will be pushed even further back down the DDO food chain.

    A player that has plat overflowing that ends up in a broken or non synergistic destiny can easily respec and move on in a few minutes. For a new player or one that's just low on plat that same issue can quickly become a major problem. This is not a plat sink its a wall placed to max inconvenience to induce shard sales. Plat sinks should always be optional and reward the player for using them. They should not be mandatory and used to buy your way out of what the devs released in a broken update.
    For it to make a comeback we would need to have tradable loot economy having a large play sink doesn’t bring plays value back you are right about the haves and the have nots

    Looking at the AH shows the symptoms of how broken the plat economy is

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