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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New to hardcore - A few questions

    So according to the wiki you can be 4 levels over a quest.

    I just want to make absolutely sure that i can gold roll to level 5 and start on all the level 1 quests then?

    Also. sometimes my computer crashes. If i understood it correctly this means i die (permanently) in hardcore?

  2. #2
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultinoob View Post
    So according to the wiki you can be 4 levels over a quest.

    I just want to make absolutely sure that i can gold roll to level 5 and start on all the level 1 quests then?

    Also. sometimes my computer crashes. If i understood it correctly this means i die (permanently) in hardcore?

    No if you crash and mobs kill you before you disconnect then yeah you're dead. If you DC it does not kill you..If you lag out and die, you're dead. Dead is dead. No matter how it happens. So probably don't run Shroud

  3. #3
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Gold rolling to 5 is super overkill. HC is very populated so it's super easy to find groups for low levels. My recommendation (what I've done since hc2) is make a hunter on the same account. Someone that can hunt $$, gear, a horse, etc. They don't need to worry about favor so they can zoom pretty fast (first life xp!).

    Then, when you make your favor char, he'll be tweaked out with borderlands gear, fey gear, and piles of plat to get pots/scrolls/auction house goodies.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  4. #4
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    If you die in hardcore for any reason then you are perma dead until the hardcore season is over. It really is that simple.

  5. #5
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    So gold rolling to 5 is overkill But can i enter a level 1 quest on level 5?

    Yes i understand that if you die you are dead. But if y computer crashes i don't die by that necceseraly, but if mobs kill me while i crashed well then i am dead for good.

  6. #6
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Yeah 4 levels over is the max, so running 1s at 5 is fine. Only time it gets a little iffy is with Devil Assault, which is a 6/12/18 on normal/hard/elite, but counts as a lv 6 regardless. Running hard at lv 10 is doable, but elite needs a good team.

    Challenges are a bit weird too...and I don't know the math on it lol. Also, once you take 20 you're locked out of running ANY quest on heroic, even if they're 19-20.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  7. #7
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultinoob View Post
    but if mobs kill me while i crashed well then i am dead for good.
    Only if they kill you before the disconnect actually happens server side.

  8. #8
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    I would suggest,

    use the 1 or 2 gold rolls to get to level >2<


    grab a healer hireling and hit the outdoor area in Keep at the Borderlands
    to get your FF cloak and starting gear. When you get to level 3+

    go hit sewers in harbor (not the dungeons) to finish getting to level 4
    and getting some collectables to make a water breathing ring.
    the tutorial one doesn't work

    ok lvl 4, go hit level 1 dungeons on elite. You will be lvl 5 before finishing them.

    and off you go.

  9. #9
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    Default yup

    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    I would suggest,

    use the 1 or 2 gold rolls to get to level >2<


    grab a healer hireling and hit the outdoor area in Keep at the Borderlands
    to get your FF cloak and starting gear. When you get to level 3+

    go hit sewers in harbor (not the dungeons) to finish getting to level 4
    and getting some collectables to make a water breathing ring.
    the tutorial one doesn't work

    ok lvl 4, go hit level 1 dungeons on elite. You will be lvl 5 before finishing them.

    and off you go.
    What he said but you can also hit 5 before fighting any elite mobs - the first 2 baudry quests are essnetially combat free (cru de graux?sp I know), and you have 4 wilderness in order of difficulty= korthos, borderlands, ceruclean hills and water works you can play with. Without dice you can hit 5, with dice and more time can hit 6. It just how much time you want to spend getting to 6 before elite combat. Try t ofind a ship when you can that give the exp buff, and if you must -exp pot. Priates ways here is faster.

  10. #10
    Guild Leader - Death Smile
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultinoob View Post
    So according to the wiki you can be 4 levels over a quest.

    I just want to make absolutely sure that i can gold roll to level 5 and start on all the level 1 quests then?

    Also. sometimes my computer crashes. If i understood it correctly this means i die (permanently) in hardcore?
    You can gold roll to 5 and do lvl 1 quests yes; many do that.

    Keep in mind though - if you are not going for 5000 favor you do not need to worry about doing every quest. It is recommended to do every quest from 1-5 if you are going for 1750 because, generally, the low level quests are easier on elite than the higher level quests - but, the point is, if you are not going for 5000 favor you can cherry pick quests and skip ones you find difficult.

    If you are just going for the reaper rewards you can just focus on getting to 30 as fast as possible and cherry pick your way doing slayer zones - why? because Legendary RXP is doubled and there are groups that farm it - much easier than doing R in heroics, much faster, much safer.

    If your computer crashes and you die, yes, that character is sent to the land of lost souls and you will be unable to leave there until the event ends, at which time you can transfer them off to a different server.

    Lag deaths, DCs, crashes, etc do not matter - if you die by any means, you are sent to the land of lost souls.
    Last edited by Dark_Lord_Mary; 11-29-2021 at 03:48 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    The big thing in the beginning, know when the Champions will be in play.
    I am not sure about the mechanics, but if I remember correctly HCL
    has additional Champs that are not on regular servers.
    (Someone might need to confirm that, it might have been in one particular event) <<<-----
    and the new ones are nasty
    ---->>> or it might have been some new Reapers. (Don't remember for sure)
    That is why I suggest you get a second opinion on that if
    you are concerned about champions or Reapers.

    If you go slow and look at the mobs before rushing in, you can
    ID the Champs by type ... if you zerg ... you get what you get.
    Slow is usually safer

  12. #12
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    I am not sure about the mechanics, but if I remember correctly HCL
    has additional Champs that are not on regular servers.
    (Someone might need to confirm that, it might have been in one particular event) <<<-----
    and the new ones are nasty
    Every HCL season, there's a new twist. The new Champs were unannounced, the Mimics were unannounced - who knows what might be new, or returning, or tweaked? (Well, the Devs do, but they're not talking... )

    Slow is usually safer
    The only quest I intend to NOT go slow is Baudry #2 (no combat, just break boxes). But we'll see how that plan goes...

  13. #13
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Since they're copy/pasting some of the rewards, I don't think they put much effort into new twists for this one.

    I still don't get how people can crystal to 5 though lol, that's a LOT of astral shards. I usually get a +2-4 con/main stat tome once I figure out what I want to use to hit 5000 favor. Korthos is fast and easy, I'd rather spend my shards on rerolls in awful quests, like tank gear in just business, or trapper gear if I'm crazy enough to play a trapper.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  14. #14
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Every HCL season, there's a new twist. The new Champs were unannounced, the Mimics were unannounced - who knows what might be new, or returning, or tweaked? (Well, the Devs do, but they're not talking... )

    The only quest I intend to NOT go slow is Baudry #2 (no combat, just break boxes). But we'll see how that plan goes...
    lol so true, you can zerg box bashing and if your running away
    from dogs your not allowed to kill ... might want to 'zerg' that too.
    unless you like getting chewed on. (cough cough barbarian cough)


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