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  1. #21
    Community Member ironmaiden-br's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerevth View Post
    "Muddy Footprints" would work.
    Anything but the blood footprints....

    Put something new... mud footprints, firefootprints wherever but keep the season 1 prizes unique
    Helloween/Trooperrj/Dreamhealer/Sepulturaa/ x SabotageX/Ironhell/Aceshigh/Halibaba/gammaray/Blindgardian/Megadethx and 22 others..INFERUS SUS-Thelanis

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The next Hardcore season is currently set for early December and will be a bit different than a Season 5. It'll be a shorter encore of the first season, with the first season's rewards.
    Sweet, thanks Cordovan!

    Considering I missed out on the footprints that's a nice moonshot carrot to keep me from getting my Leroy Jenkins on.
    - Raja Stormcrow -
    Thelanis Permadeath
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  3. #23
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Well, if they need to make the foot prints different, make them black with a little black
    'smoke' coming off them. Give them an undead vibe.

  4. #24
    Community Member ironmaiden-br's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The next Hardcore season is currently set for early December and will be a bit different than a Season 5. It'll be a shorter encore of the first season, with the first season's rewards.
    I would like to see a real season5 with new theme and new rewards...

    A encore of season 1 with the same rewards really dont look good imo.....
    Helloween/Trooperrj/Dreamhealer/Sepulturaa/ x SabotageX/Ironhell/Aceshigh/Halibaba/gammaray/Blindgardian/Megadethx and 22 others..INFERUS SUS-Thelanis

  5. #25
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden-br View Post
    I would like to see a real season5 with new theme and new rewards...

    A encore of season 1 with the same rewards really dont look good imo.....
    While I would agree, I'd rather they focus their efforts on fixing U51 bugs than coding new champs/challenges for the HC.
    Use that as incentive to get the fixes done and then they can make new champs/challenges- it's like desert after they eat their peas.
    In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
    *All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.

  6. #26
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Well... it's in December...

    Green for a grinch vibe? Red & white candy stripes? Cordovan's face with a santa hat?
    Last edited by voxson5; 11-16-2021 at 02:46 PM.

  7. #27
    Phoenicis' Wife SavageDoom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The next Hardcore season is currently set for early December and will be a bit different than a Season 5. It'll be a shorter encore of the first season, with the first season's rewards.
    I think that is not quiet fair.
    What about people that would like the chance to get one of the rewards of the other seasons?
    Imo there should either be the chance to gain any of the previous rewards, not only from seaon one, or new ones.

  8. #28
    Community Member ironmaiden-br's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SavageDoom View Post
    I think that is not quiet fair.
    What about people that would like the chance to get one of the rewards of the other seasons?
    Imo there should either be the chance to gain any of the previous rewards, not only from seaon one, or new ones.
    This is ok for festivals like Mabar, Cristal Cove etc.. IMO HArcore prizes should be unique for each season period...
    Helloween/Trooperrj/Dreamhealer/Sepulturaa/ x SabotageX/Ironhell/Aceshigh/Halibaba/gammaray/Blindgardian/Megadethx and 22 others..INFERUS SUS-Thelanis

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    My understanding is that the next season will have its own cloak (and not be VIP gated, which the original Season 1 was). We'll have more info soon!
    I'm just here for the permadeath but if this were a work meeting I think it might go something like this:

    Me: Hey what time is that Mortality meeting?
    Boss: 10:00 AM December [something]. Someone will be bringing donuts
    Coworker 1: Whoa we had donuts last meeting, what's a guy gotta do to get some bagels up in here?
    Coworker 2: Yeah bagels please, and we'll need a toaster
    Coworker 3: Hey can we get catering for the interns?

    Good times, good times.
    - Raja Stormcrow -
    Thelanis Permadeath
    Long Live Xoriat | East Side | Spiritus Mundi

  10. #30
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    Why does it have to be a shorter season many of us would love to play it year round and its already short enough at a couple of months.

  11. #31
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenlogic123 View Post
    Why does it have to be a shorter season many of us would love to play it year round and its already short enough at a couple of months.
    Good question, they have data now.
    They looked when all the sales had dropped from the coin store to calculate
    when the event stop making money and now will cut it off right there.

    A lot of us like HCL because it is at least similar to PnP (a little closer than
    the regular DDO) and we also like that it encourages cooperation with players
    of all level since everyone start shiny fresh and new.

    HCL is none of that to SSG (they might claim otherwise)
    HCL is a cash cow, nothing more or less.
    They will likely never have a full time HC server because,
    how could they possibly milk it for profit ? After the start,
    folks don't need as many cash buffs and sales drop off.

    HCL is just a cash cow they beat to death twice a year.

  12. #32
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    Why not have a hard core league lets call it "seasons" where you have to continually progress from season 1-5 starting with season 1 and using those rules for each season starting at 1. If you can make it through all the seasons then and only then can u get the final big reward. Of course this would allow to have hardcore server last alot longer.

  13. #33
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    "The next Hardcore season is currently set for early December and will be a bit different than a Season 5. It'll be a shorter encore of the first season, with the first season's rewards."

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    My understanding is that the next season will have its own cloak (and not be VIP gated, which the original Season 1 was). We'll have more info soon!
    Rewards as per the wiki season 1
    Memorial list of characters who survived above Level 5: Hardcore League/survivors/season one
    1,750 favor: Eyes of Darkness - Death Watches You cosmetic feat
    5,000 favor: Bloody Footprint - Death Follows You cosmetic feat
    10 reaper points: Death Walker's Cloak (cosmetic)
    20 reaper points: Blood Reaper pet (Blood Wraith)
    Level 20: Death Walker's Sash (cosmetic)

    So is the cloak being referred to the 10 reaper point reward cloak and the level 20 reward sash? - minimum change would be for it to have V instead of the I.
    Agreed as mentioned several times in this thread for the cosmetic rewards if they can be colored differently.
    For the Memorial list of characters, if part of reward list, maybe bring the level higher such as level 15?

    p.s. Season 4 (with mimics & special reapers) was my favorite - hopefully similar concepts can be included in future hard core leagues. Season 3 "the softcore league" least favorite.

  14. #34
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    for what i understood this season will be named ''in search of footprints''
    'cause everybody (me either) will do it for that reason only .

  15. #35
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden-br View Post
    Anything but the blood footprints....

    Put something new... mud footprints, firefootprints wherever but keep the season 1 prizes unique
    yeah, good idea.. i agree with that.

    why to not leave blood footprints unique ? make new kind of, instead.

    lighting footprint, highlighted footprints, fire footprints (nice), cold footprints, etc..

  16. #36
    Community Member HedgeHogShadow's Avatar
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    Angry Bad Long Term Decision

    Quote Originally Posted by drathdragon View Post
    for what i understood this season will be named ''in search of footprints''
    'cause everybody (me either) will do it for that reason only .
    Some of this has been said, but I'm just chiming in with my humble opinion. I feel SSG is making a big mistake in saying, "If you can't make it this season, you'll have a chance later."

    1. The HC1 rewards were discussed as one-shot only or limited edition rewards. Mass release with an easier target cheapens the reward for those that earned it in a harder era. They could have at least bumped the requirement to 6K favor now that its become academic to get 5K favor

    2. If the rewards are not limited edition, participation will go down (after bloody footprints).

    3. It seems to be a quick cash grab because they haven't had time to build new rewards.

    4. Pretty much abandons those that already earned those rewards effectivelty saying; you can't have a hardcore until everyone else catches up.

    If SSG were trying to get me to boycott hardcore league, they could not have done a better job.

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by drathdragon View Post
    yeah, good idea.. i agree with that.

    why to not leave blood footprints unique ? make new kind of, instead.

    lighting footprint, highlighted footprints, fire footprints (nice), cold footprints, etc..
    yes--I would fight for smoky footprints
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  18. #38
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HedgeHogShadow View Post
    Some of this has been said, but I'm just chiming in with my humble opinion. I feel SSG is making a big mistake in saying, "If you can't make it this season, you'll have a chance later."

    1. The HC1 rewards were discussed as one-shot only or limited edition rewards. Mass release with an easier target cheapens the reward for those that earned it in a harder era. They could have at least bumped the requirement to 6K favor now that its become academic to get 5K favor

    2. If the rewards are not limited edition, participation will go down (after bloody footprints).

    3. It seems to be a quick cash grab because they haven't had time to build new rewards.

    4. Pretty much abandons those that already earned those rewards effectivelty saying; you can't have a hardcore until everyone else catches up.

    If SSG were trying to get me to boycott hardcore league, they could not have done a better job.

    Footprints I think were one of the most popular rewards and have been asked for by many to return

    A different color would be cool

    On a different note we see how focus on U51 has impacted Hardcore League

    Change the I to V & done for other rewards

    I think it was a PR mistake to even call it a repeat of season 1 rewards then say the cloak would be changed to V
    just change numerals and the colors of the footprints then make an official announcement that as season 5 the footprints would return in a new color.

    . think every one is focused on U51 & Isle of Dread currently
    Last edited by Oxarhamar; 11-18-2021 at 02:26 PM.

  19. #39
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    Good question, they have data now.
    They looked when all the sales had dropped from the coin store to calculate
    when the event stop making money and now will cut it off right there.

    A lot of us like HCL because it is at least similar to PnP (a little closer than
    the regular DDO) and we also like that it encourages cooperation with players
    of all level since everyone start shiny fresh and new.

    HCL is none of that to SSG (they might claim otherwise)
    HCL is a cash cow, nothing more or less.
    They will likely never have a full time HC server because,
    how could they possibly milk it for profit ? After the start,
    folks don't need as many cash buffs and sales drop off.

    HCL is just a cash cow they beat to death twice a year.
    A shorter HCL is better both for HCL and for the health of the game

    They could do a full time HCL just need to swap the rewards and wipe the server every so often

    But if they did open full-time HCL then the population will not be as large as it currently is in the temporary state

  20. #40
    Community Member sturmbb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    A shorter HCL is better both for HCL and for the health of the game

    They could do a full time HCL just need to swap the rewards and wipe the server every so often

    But if they did open full-time HCL then the population will not be as large as it currently is in the temporary state
    I would love for them to do a full time HCL (for over a year i only play when HCL is on, i have just come back in the last week a so on live, just to see what the new update is like,
    but to be honest, i'm not having as much fun as i do on the HCL) they could have a dedicated server which would wipe periodically. and have it run as seasons (a bit like diablo)
    i'm not very happy they are actually cutting the HCL down to be a shorter period, its bad enough i can only play 6 months out of the year, but now it sounds like ill be playing maybe 2-4 months a year. I really think SSG should try cater for the HCL crowd. I know on the General forums a lot of people complain about HCL, saying the Live servers are quieter when HCL is on but i always
    think more options in a game is better.

    It also amuses me how on the General forum anything but HCL is discussed. As soon as a HCL post is put up everyone starts complaining even though there is multiple threads that should not be in the general forums.

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