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  1. #1
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Default Destiny combinations that work.

    I'm not a builder.

    I REALLY blow when it comes to figuring out and making the enhancement trees work.

    The Old destiny format, that I could work with, it was straight forward one tree, a couple twists and done.

    Now? I'm lost. Completely.

    I've tried putting together destinies for a Fae Warlock and a monk/celestial warlock (12/8) and, well, lets just say both characters seem weaker than they used to be.

    I'm putting out an appeal for all the forumites who, like me, can't build their way out of a paper sack.

    Those who are good at building, toss us a bone here. A couple of builds that work, general melee, dc caster, warlock (Fae warlock would be nice, as it doesn't fit the draconic that would seem to be the default primary for warlock)

    Give us some help, PLEASE!

  2. #2
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    My approach (probably bad) so far was to pick up a primary tree with mantle, strike, and t5. And then slap the rest of the points in Unyielding Sentinel for some HP/defense.

  3. #3
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    For your Warlock, check out Slarden's posts. His warlock--albeit with some pretty massive past life and gear investment--came out ahead. DCs generally are up for Warlocks. Shiradi is good for casters again generally, but needs gear investment and probably some change to your casting style.

    Hybrid monk-warlock...yeah, you're almost certainly weaker post-U51, sorry, but it depends on your playstyle. It is very expensive to build up both casting and melee effectively; it was easier with twists to fill in the weak spots.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
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    As a general rule, if you're a melee, go run around in tier 5 LD and don't skimp on using Action Hero boost. If you can use Adrenaline, take some of that too. You'll feel better

  5. #5
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    If you want ranged DPS Shiradi main with side car of SD and LD is the max but you will be a tad starved for self heals.
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  6. #6
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    On my thrower I went tier 5 Shiradi, SD to get full dodge bonus from meld/shadowstrike and 6 sneak dice, and 3 points in Avatar for cocoon. It's ok, but then I'm inexplicably missing 29 doubleshot and some ranged power, and the paralyzing proc is not going off anywhere near 7% of the time (7% rate itself is garbage after the U49 nerf to how doubleshot and weapon procs interact). The huge cooldown on Shadowstrike (15 sec) means it doesn't combine well with Hunt's End (shared cooldown on epic strike), as you've either got high dodge or your dps burst, but never both; and who wants HE on a 15 sec cooldown, twice it's normal timer?

    My raiding buddy said that his thrower using tier 5 LD and fully upgraded Hunt's End from Shiradi is a monster. I hate to give up that many sneak dice from SD, but I'll probably switch.

  7. #7
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    Well fey lock is obviously Fatesinger in the shiradi mantle, light version to scale with your spell power for utter dark

    Monk/es melee I'm guessing? Either play it by the book in gmof, with us for extra tank and heals...or go t5 ld t4 fotw and lean more into the cc, especially dire charge/imp trip for helpless

  8. #8
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    Default Shiradi/ Primal avatar/ Divine crusader

    My class combo is 12 warlock / 6 Ranger / 2 Rogue (fire spec) primary tree: Enlightened spirit 35 pts Secondary : Visanti Knife fighter 27 pts
    other trees, Feydark Illusionist, 7 pts for charisma mod and Arcane Archer, 7 pts for returning arrows and 3d8 fire damage

    Shiradi is my prime. I love the mantle. I love the +1 saves/skills. I'm not thrilled with the cores, and the DC is of no use, because its not evocation. The epic strike is ok, it doesn't work with my primal avatar heal, but thats ok, if I'm using my bow, i don't need the heals. My ranged damage is quite impressive, and my dual wielding daggers and elderitch stance devastate the room

    My secondary is Primal avatar. I have the heart and the epic upgrade, that is plenty of healing power. The damage is ok. This tree does offer me Evocation DC. The epic heal does stack with the cocoon, but I dropped the cocoon. I didn't need it, and I wanted some extra pts in balance. I do consider swapping the epic uprade for the acid/poison attack. The 3 pt core opens it up, and it looks like a really big nuke. I lose some spell power, but I don't think that will be a big factor. I have potency mods, so poison/acid is still fairly high

    My Final tree is divine crusader. Consecrate is very underwhelming, and it is much slower than my primal avatar heal. I love the core trees, so i put 11 pts into it. My first points went into +3 to hit/dmg. then I grabbed smite, and put in an upgrade for the 4 charges. I am not a fan of smite, but it is a little extra damage in a boss fight, and the heal is nice. the 3 pts is just to advance tree. Then i put 2 pts into fortification, you can never have enough. For 11 pts, thats 55 hp, 15 melee power, 12 range power, +3 saves, 55 fortification, my weapons don't take durability damage, which is nice for oozes. add in 15 healing amp 5 physical resist and 5 ac, and 3 dmg/acc. Thats a very solid 11 point investment

    note: I just respecced primal avatar to add in the poison/acid upgrade. The problem was that I couldn't double its power with the next upgrade. So I went back to the healing/fire spell. There is a good argument for doubling down on cocoon, but like I say, its just overkill
    Last edited by Dazednconfused; 11-06-2021 at 05:06 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oliphant View Post
    If you want ranged DPS Shiradi main with side car of SD and LD is the max but you will be a tad starved for self-heals.
    3rd tree LD does not bring much. I'm t5 shiradi with t4 SD. LD is not good for ranged even at 3rd tree. I'm considering doing 3rd tree for healing even if I lose a few ranged power. It's super easy to get over 300 on a bow now so a few for healing is not a big trade.

  10. 11-06-2021, 04:36 PM

  11. #10
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I just don't know.

    I'm really, really struggling with the split personalities of the trees and the restrictions/exclusives/shared cooldowns/pt cost to unlock tiers to do much of anything. I am not feeling this supposed flexibility of having 3 trees.

    I mean take Shiradi for instance. Gygax forbid you should want a mantle from one tree and a strike from another because I just can't seem to find enough to spend points on for a spellcaster to get to tier 5 of Shiradi if they don't want the strike without also wasting points in either rogue-ish or ranged stuff.

    Shadowdancer feels all over the place but like no particular playstyle is well supported.

    Same for fatesinger, are you a swashbard? warchanter? Better make this your secondary tree.

    The only constructive feedback I can offer for that is to either slightly reduce the cost to unlock T5 say to 25 pts or to have more multi-selectors that offer choices for each playstyle the tree is meant to support. But looking at live versus Lamannia... I do not have high hopes.
    Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)
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  12. #11
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    For ranged I'm trying out:

    - Shiradi tier 5, mantle and strike

    - Dreadnought tier 3 for +6% doubleshot, 3 extra action boosts, +75 hp, +12 rp, +15 prr and filler

    - Shadowdancer tier 3 for +6d6 sneak attack, +12 rp, +5% doubleshot and filler

    My strategy for selecting the other two trees was prioritizing doubleshot and then trying to minimize filler versus other useful stuff like action boosts and sneak attack.

  13. #12
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cantor View Post
    3rd tree LD does not bring much. I'm t5 shiradi with t4 SD. LD is not good for ranged even at 3rd tree. I'm considering doing 3rd tree for healing even if I lose a few ranged power. It's super easy to get over 300 on a bow now so a few for healing is not a big trade.
    I'll try it out (going Cocoon and no extra cores style and put more in SD). The other side of the coin is once you are close to maxing your dps, each aspect has maximal effect. LD gets you PRR and HP as well as attack, damage, RP, stat boosts (on action boost). Switching over to PA and adding more to SD, I also managed to get my threat reduction maxed with the extra SD points, up to 75% reduction from 55%, getting pretty sneaky. This experiment will include the SD scroll mastery for heal scrolls, Healing Spring and Cocoon (really leaning in on healing on this test).
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  14. #13
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    For my melee Pally I'm doing (54 points on him):

    FOTW tier 5 mantle and strike (only had enough points for 1 tier 5 ability)
    US tier 2

    Not enough points left to get tier 3 in US let alone a third tree.

    I'm with Aelonwy, not feeling the "increased flexibility" in the new system. I'm also mourning the loss of DC, but frankly, the self healing in FOTW is better (?).

  15. #14
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    For ranged I'm trying out:

    - Shiradi tier 5, mantle and strike

    - Dreadnought tier 3 for +6% doubleshot, 3 extra action boosts, +75 hp, +12 rp, +15 prr and filler

    - Shadowdancer tier 3 for +6d6 sneak attack, +12 rp, +5% doubleshot and filler

    My strategy for selecting the other two trees was prioritizing doubleshot and then trying to minimize filler versus other useful stuff like action boosts and sneak attack.
    Yeah I think this is best for ranged maxed dps. Worked well for me so far but more of a group, need-a-healer playstyle.

    I'm going to test out giving up LD, leaning more heavily into SD and snagging Cocoon from PA next (should also work).
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  16. #15
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    I think its best to think of it as you only have two trees, and two twists now.

    For ranged, I picked Shiradi for t5, Fatesinger for my 2nd tree (both give ranged power in the cores, and have useful dmg abilities for ranged). My 3rd tree was my "twists" tree, Unyielding Sentinal, where I spent 6 points to pickup Divine Energy Resist, and Renewal.

  17. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oliphant View Post
    Yeah I think this is best for ranged maxed dps. Worked well for me so far but more of a group, need-a-healer playstyle.

    I'm going to test out giving up LD, leaning more heavily into SD and snagging Cocoon from PA next (should also work).
    An alternative I'll try is switching out shadowdancer for fatesinger, mostly because Reign is just a super fun effect to have active.

    As far as old system vs new, in the old system I would have played in Shiradi and twisted Martial Hymn, Blessed Blades, +Action Boosts, Dance of Flowers, and Reign. It looks to me like (for my character) the trade off is at least somewhat positive in terms of character power. Mostly I miss Reign for the fun factor and Blessed Blades was just a handy convenience for not having to worry about good/chaos bypass.

    I really hate what they did to the merged pin/whistler though. Just an awful change speaking in terms of fun factor.

  18. 11-06-2021, 07:39 PM

  19. #17
    Community Member HedgeHogShadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluenoser View Post
    As a general rule, if you're a melee, go run around in tier 5 LD and don't skimp on using Action Hero boost. If you can use Adrenaline, take some of that too. You'll feel better
    The Action Hero boost seems to have such a long cooldown that its only good once per dungeon. I would give it up for a working dire charge like we used to have.
    Occupy Stormreach

  20. #18
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    I think they needed/need to make epic strikes and mantles give a universal boost to each each epic strike and strike enhancer you take boosts the efficacy of all epic strikes by 10%, and same with mantles

    That provides you with value spending your points on strikes you won't use regularly, which makes it less fluffy to unlock higher tiers, and also might mean you actually occasionally use your off mantle or strike, just because you have it anyway

  21. #19
    Community Member mr420247's Avatar
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    Fire tier 5 ea shiradi tier 4 21 pts, or ice magus tier 5 but it has alot of useless filler same with drac

    And its all still buggy broken or u want a tank spec t5 us or u want to monk splash wo kensai whats the build thats core 2

    Dual stances on what u want to do zergs raids solos
    Last edited by mr420247; 11-06-2021 at 09:05 PM.
    Damonz Cannith

  22. #20
    Community Member krimsonrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenicis View Post
    I'm not a builder.

    I REALLY blow when it comes to figuring out and making the enhancement trees work.

    The Old destiny format, that I could work with, it was straight forward one tree, a couple twists and done.

    Now? I'm lost. Completely.

    I've tried putting together destinies for a Fae Warlock and a monk/celestial warlock (12/8) and, well, lets just say both characters seem weaker than they used to be.

    I'm putting out an appeal for all the forumites who, like me, can't build their way out of a paper sack.

    Those who are good at building, toss us a bone here. A couple of builds that work, general melee, dc caster, warlock (Fae warlock would be nice, as it doesn't fit the draconic that would seem to be the default primary for warlock)

    Give us some help, PLEASE!
    Super easy. For a warlock use Draconic Incarnation. Then get Attune the Arcane and take it as high up as you can.
    Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.

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