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I suppose none, because as a caster character:
1) when you are hit, you are dead
2) when you shoot at stuff, your spellpoints will eventually run out at legendary quests
3) when you cast something it needs to be empowered, heightened, maximized, quickened, ... or it won't hit
4) at legendary, if they save, and yes they save a lot, its no damage or other effect at all
5) they changed hate in that way, that players who have fewer hitpoints draw a lot more hate, or how do you explain that even if a caster is just standing on a distance and does nothing draws aggro away from the melee with the 2-hander?
And as a melee fighter:
1) when you are hit, you can be hit another 5-10 times until you are dead, so time enough to be healed by someone
2) you keep hitting forever except when you hit oozes
3) since the base stuff doesn't cost you anything, you don't even need to boost anything that would cost something, except maybe a flavor effect by action boost
4) when you miss, don't worry about it, they changed AC in this way that you always hit a percentage years ago
And on top of that, except when there are several criticals that triggered, a melee does a lot more damage than a caster
I could make the same list from a ranged characters view without a problem, but I think you know the drill by now.
All the nerfs against casters and ranged characters came after excessive complaining on the forums because the tank was not able to reach some trashmobs before they died. So the devs boosted the melees and the mobs to ridiculous levels (orcs with 200k hitpoints??? hello????). And they nerfed ranged and casters until they were only useful in epic normal/hard quests or when they had an even more ridiculous amount of past lives and a min-maxed build that couldn't ever be explained to a sane dungeon master
Let me give you some DND lessons:
- A party needs to work together and has different roles in it: a trapper, a healer, a buffer, crowd-control, a nuker, a ranged, a dps-melee, a tank, a smooth talker, ...
- Most partymembers have a few of these roles in their character (a specialisation and a few extra talents)
- The party needs to work together to overcome challenges. That can be puzzles, swashbuckling or just being Jimmy the rogue in the crucible.
So let me explain that last part again:
The party needs to work together, so complaining about a non-melee in your party being able to do damage, is selfish and ridiculous in DND
2HF still does a lot more average damage than a caster or a ranged, but we are once again getting a bit closer to a more balanced system. Keep it this way and stop complaining about your fellow players.