UPDATE: The game worlds have reopened.
The DDO game worlds will be unavailable from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) on Friday, November 5th to release Update 51.0.1. Find the release notes on DDO.com.
UPDATE: The game worlds have reopened.
The DDO game worlds will be unavailable from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) on Friday, November 5th to release Update 51.0.1. Find the release notes on DDO.com.
Last edited by Cordovan; 11-05-2021 at 09:10 AM.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Does this team test anything before it comes out? In 99% of other industries, this development team would be fired...well done, well done!!
How to take this update seriously? They fixed bugs that benefited players but didn't fix ANY bugs that harm players. LOL
Not at all..I just enjoy gaming so have zero knowledge of the inter workings of this type of work..To launch a product or service in any industry and have to repeatedly fix it after its launched, time and time again, calls for some sort of accountability. I think that is fair....I'm sure this team works hard, sure they have a defined product they want us to have, however this happens over and over again...for years!!! I mean fix the process because whatever game plan or business plan they use to create these updates does not work and its proven over and over again
That is fantastic but we've created a list of things that aren't working. Would you please tell us why don't you try to fix the remaining things and put it all in one?
Ps. Not going to fix the Non-legendary raids?
And what about the list of things that the players prepared for your Dev Team to have it fixed. Or is it simply that the list of things not working correctly is so long that it impossible to have it fixed?
Yet again, great ideas, really cool stuff and all but.. not entirely reliable with your release.
Last edited by Malusny; 11-04-2021 at 08:06 PM.
Several of the fixes in here - some players being permanently crowd controlled, even after relogging, for instance - could not wait. We got some smaller fixes in that were ready to go as well.
We're still working on finishing the work needed to reopen the closed content, and still working on many of the bugs raised in the last few days, and will be getting those out as soon as we can.
We don't only build for the builds that exist.
We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.
The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.
I read the release notes, is there a chance of fixing lost Epic Past Lives?
I TR'd one of my alts after the update and lost my Epic Past Lives, they are gone.
Wont a roll back be easier? Then you all fix everything broken, proof test it, triple redundancy it, then roll it out again.
Q/C is important you know.
Looks good, thank you. Some of those fixed had to get out asap. I am looking forward to seeing the closed quests and raids reopened soon as well.
Please - remove the cost to reset EDs. This will let the playerbase help pinpoint bugs much more easily. It will also lessen the stain of having to respec due to bugged abilities while you fix the bugs. A removal of the cost for say a month would be very well received.
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
The torches in Inferno of the Damned aren't working.
It's always amusing to see comments from people that have no clue about software engineering give advice about how a software company should operate.
Or you know, they could get some real QA going instead of releasing stuff broken to this extent to begin with. There is literally no acceptable excuses at this point for why this happened. Everything was even up on a test server and this still made it through? HOW?! I'm not trying to be a jerk, and i am genuinely sorry if i am coming across that way, but at this point SSG's track record is a meme in and of itself. Think the only game having a rougher time of it right now is New World.
I had hoped that Daybreak and be default SSG, being acquired by Enad Global 7 AB would have seen more money thrown to QA and quality of life fixes after all the investor report hoopla they went through talking about how great the DDO ip is and how they wanted to grow it. So far it just seems to be more of the same at a slightly faster pace. at least the game is still running, guess that is something for now.