Level 30 PDK Paladin THF. This is my main. Pure pally used +1 heart to remove fighter level. Kind of want that fighter level back now To GET HASTE boost back.
Maybe not completely broken but broken enough I don't want to play him. I had invested -a lot- to get him to where he was. So now there is no haste in dreadnought I had that twisted while running in Crusader. Extra lay on hands in Unyielding Sentinel is too high to reach now. So I had 13 before that regenerated faster, now 10 that do so slowly. I had twisted 20% strike through from Fury or Sense Weakness before maybe I can stretch enough to get 1 of 2 not enough points for both. 6 tactics DC I twisted before is gone and I can only get 3 now in dreadnought. There's no Charisma in the tree now. Lost that.
There's a very useful apply character level rather than paladin level to Lay on Hands in Unyielding Sentinal now. Have to throw away 10 points in the tree on useless stuff to get it. Lol
Oh and Zeal of the Righteous is gone now replaced with blah of the blandness (Beckon Divinity).
I'm sorry. This is underwhelming. I had just gotten back into the game after an extended break. I'm suddenly no longer motivated to play.
I can only imagine what other builds have lost.
Not a fan of update 51. Not a fan at all.