Epic poison spell power doesn't seem to give anything.
Draconic core 2 doesn't give eschew materials, not sure about the spell cost reduction.
Epic poison spell power doesn't seem to give anything.
Draconic core 2 doesn't give eschew materials, not sure about the spell cost reduction.
- Magus of the Eclipse: Deepening Arcana missing words and wrong punctuation: "YOUR Spell Point Pool IS increased by 10%."
- Magus of the Eclipse: Imperceptable Casting's name should be corrected to Imperceptible Casting, and "double these bonuses" should be changed to "double the bonus"
- Magus of the Eclipse: Gloomspear/Moon Lance "Single-target level 3 dice" should be reworded by something a casual player can understand, in line with how other spells are worded. Also no real need to mention cooldown and SP costs in description as they are already displayed above it.
- Magus of the Eclipse: Great Summoner's last sentence should be either "Stacks with..." or "These bonuses stack with..."
- Magus of the Eclipse: Call Upon Golem has 3 instances of the word "magic" that should be removed
- Magus of the Eclipse: all 3 versions of Lunar Insight have multiple errors and should be changed to: "When using Arcane Insight, gain 200% of your (Charisma/Intelligence/Wisdom) in temporary Spell Points that last 60 seconds, and the cooldowns of all Words of Power reset."
- Magus of the Eclipse: all versions of Partial Eclipse need no punctuation
- Magus of the Eclipse: Lunar Imbuement should have "they take" changed to "they get"
- Magus of the Eclipse: Starlight should start with "Your Cold or Dark Light of the Moon zone.."
- Magus of the Eclipse: Piercing Spellcraft should have its words capitalized and no punctuation
- Magus of the Eclipse: Moon's Shadow/Zero Degree Comet have no real need to mention cooldown and SP costs in description as they are already displayed above it. Also the save doesn't mention which ability modifier it uses.
Fireball scrolls no longer set ablaze the tents in Seigebreaker.
I haven't tried it as a castable spell or using a wand.
I suspect this is related to the bug in Inferno of the Damned that doesn't permit the torches to be lit.
Has anyone seen any bookshelves getting wreathed in flames as a result of fire spells? Maybe all such interactions have been suppressed.
They add a flat 50 spell points on my character & needs to be corrected. Tried both separately by paying the plat to test the changes.
Vistani is no longer working on monks with throwing daggers - equipping a throwing dagger uncenters you on a monk even with points in the Vistani T3 Deadly Blades
I was under the impression from previous testing that this never worked in the first place (but whether it was WAI or not was up in the air). Was this fixed at some point and then broken again with U51? Or just an obversvation after trying it out?
:: edit ::
Looking back at the Live description, it specifically mentions it Centers the player with Daggers, but not Throwing Knives, so I imagine this is probably WAI.
Last edited by J1NG; 11-12-2021 at 05:36 PM.
Thelanis: Yijing (*Completionist* TR 20 Aasimar Scourge Monk Level 20 / Epic Level 10)
Thelanis: Pocket-Monks: Sightblur, Peashoote, Jigglypath, Jedinja.
Invisible Fences, unkillable Target Practice Dummy's, Shared Bank's, Pale Lavender Ioun Stones, the dimensional barrier between Eberron and Shavarath, I've broken them all...
Added MORE Toggles, in a system where most of them aren't needed. Should be Passive like HCL, but now the system has to track even more.
Zero fixes to the Filigrees that are STILL broken.
Capstone's working erratically, or just not working at all.
Augments haven't been working in pet gear since the "revamp", and according to them it's supposed to.
Augments that are L30, made from L29 gear, so you can't even slot them before you ER in this stupid EDP system.
The worst scaling changes we've ever seen, and that's really impressive.
Feydark shield bonuses broken.
Upgrade Fate tomes currently useless.
Several spell DCs completely missing.
Multiple feats not WAI, or calculating the DCs wrong.
More spelling errors than Pre-K.
The incompetence here is simply staggering. "We listened to player input about..."... I'll stop you right there. No. You didn't.
Last edited by DRoark; 11-12-2021 at 07:44 PM.
When you reset heroic enhancement trees, the ED enhancement resets get more and more expensive.
Please consider the environment before printing this post
Magus of the Eclipse: Mantle deactivates when you shrine, die, go through a portal, enter a quest etc....toggle still stays on by Mantle is off. (specifically MRR cap)
- Shadowdancer: Shadowstrike (both melee and ranged): replace "+3 Threat" with "+3 Critical Threat Range"
- Shadowdancer: Nightmare Lance should have Int/Wis/Cha capitalized
- Shadowdancer: Meld into Darkness should have "Uncapped" not be capitalized
- Shadowdancer: Dark Mercy is lacking punctuation
- Shadowdancer: Improved Meld should have "dodge" capitalized and "Into" not capitalized
- Shadowdancer: Step through Shadow should not have "pure Shadow" capitalized
- Shadowdancer: Shadow Mastery does not list its duration
- Legendary Dreadnought: Dire Charge, Dire Shot, and Lay Waste should have their DC rewritten as (20 + highest ability score modifier + Stun bonuses)
- Legendary Dreadnought: Dread Mantle should have no punctuation after "stack of Terror" and has incorrect capitalization (stacks up -> Stacks up)
- Legendary Dreadnought: Extra Action Boost ranks 2 & 3 erroneously say "Action Boosts use" instead of "Action Boost uses"
- Legendary Dreadnought: Pulverizor's correct name is Pulverizer
- Legendary Dreadnought: Action Hero's bonus Dodge doesn't mention if it ignores Max Dex Bonus or not (in fact, almost none of the uncapped dodge abilities mention this). Also remove the period (.) in the Sunder/Trip/Stun segment
Graphics: Lay Waste, Dire Charge and Dire Shot use wrong versions of their icons (the ones from the Builder/Spender preview 1, hence the silly "bricks" and "coins" on them)
Gameplay: Dire Shot should be using Stun Bonuses instead of Sunder Bonuses, like every single other ability on the tree, regardless of the effect they apply (Dire Charge, Momentum Swing, Lay Waste)
... not granting the ability to tumble through enemies as stated in the tooltip
... whatever "immunity from slippery surfaces" is supposed to mean, grease does still affect a character with the mantle on
Last edited by Meowin_W; 11-13-2021 at 09:50 AM.
Server: Aureon -> Keeper -> Ghallanda
Chars: Borenor - Bulwey - Mabderion - Mabmedic - Maboron - Mabotu - Madmab - Margrom - Peredo - Sudoc
-Many undead are STILL taking poison damage after years of bug reports.
-Carrion Swarm seems to be missing its buzzing insect effects and sounds.
-Gloomspear is not paralyzing Reapers
-Reapers are still using the Wraith model
-Dark Light of the Moon is not triggering Unholy Avatar from the Pale Master tree.
-Nullmagic aura doesn't actually protect you from magic.
Last edited by Shadowperson; 11-14-2021 at 04:16 PM.
Upgraded it with Throw the Boom to hit multiple enemies. Tested it in several quests such as Tower of Frost and The Tracker's Trap with one of my guildees. It was working all the time with a DC calculated to 38 without my stunning items (which I removed for the test), where my guildmate's assassinate of DC 75 was failing periodically.
Serenity: Grandmaster of Flowers Destiny Mantle: You may now fight with the Unarmed combat style as if you were a Monk, and may be Centered and use Ki. When you attack with Handwraps or begin falling, you will use the Monk class' animations instead of your own.
Monk class animation doesent works.
-Epic Feat- Wellspring of power claims a 1 minute duration in only place but states 30 seconds elsewhere in the discription.
-Exalted Angel- Sunbolt is selectable at level 21 despite it being in the level 23 row
Last edited by Will_Ferrer; 11-13-2021 at 04:38 PM.
Irro of Gland
Not sure if this had been reported, but its the leap of faith ability in the exalted angel tree. Its supposed to recharge once every 15 sec in private areas, (guessing they mean quests) but it doesn't recharge at all in quests.