Feywild Frosty Reception the skeleton icy defender dudes were not being harmed by wifes pale master neg energy, they were being healed, on R4 was pretty tough to overcome the healing ... even with unholy avatar running.
thought they were supposed to bypass the undeadness and harm them instead?
Attempting to use RF2 from the warpriest ET with a longbow on an elven cleric with arcane archer derived from elven racial tree procs
Failed action: you do not meet the requirements for this action. (Incorrect stand/form. weapon type, or insufficient resources.)
should be:
Arrow of BOOM.
This is a not a bug. No favored weapon source for longbow.
Last edited by krynnotaur; 12-17-2021 at 04:36 AM.
Fair point on most of them being categorized as nitpicking.
What is absolutely infuriating though is them "dismissing" them because of that. Lack of formatting not only makes stuff look unprofessional and sloppy, it also conveys false information (or no information at all).
And it's not like they have to do any of the hard work themselves; we did it for them, we went through all the new text they introduced and pointed out a) the errors, b) where they occured and c) supplied fixes for them. If they can't be bothered to spend 30 minutes to fix 200+ typos (at how many typos does this stop being nitpicking by the way?) after all this work by us, then that sounds mighty disrespectful to me.
The fixes' opportunity cost is just so low, that I can't think of any reason other than "I'm bored/I don't feel like doing that" for them dismissing those errors.
And don't even get me started on how from the 200+ total text errors, there's a solid 70+ that are by no means nitpicking, and in 4 patches they have fixed maybe 20 of those. The further we get from U50 and the closer we get to new content being released, the chance of them fixing their stuff quickly reaches zero.
Last edited by Firebreed; 12-17-2021 at 08:27 AM.
I think they need to readjust their message model and create different channels for different things.
There is no need to send an update to the entire instance what every piece of equipment is in your inventory and what you are wearing.
That your object is there and visuals info should be enough for me and you.
If your object of mine is moving about and taking actions is just that.
If I or you then infoce some form of interaction between your object and mine we can have an effects negotiation.
Maybe this is allready the case, I dunno but it just feels weird that if I interact with my bank inventory the entire world is freezing up.
See, there can be two case:
1 - You use the non-negative damage spell, z.B., Magic Missile that does trigger Mantle negative-damage proc but not trigger Unholy Avatar debuff because Mantle proc not considered as spell, then everything WAI;
2 - You use the negative damage spell, z.B., Necrotic Ray that does trigger Mantle negative-damage proc and trigger Unholy Avatar debuff, then it's clearly not WAI and bugged.
You have UA debuff on target when proc healing it?
The last one from Sharn docks still broken; forgot and tried to run in a pug and we couldn´t pass the puzzle part.
1 - no
2-yes, this was happening
I don't know if the debuff/buff was happening. As the tank I was watching her blast them have subsequent spells healing them.
Now the other item, one of my guild mates mentioned that he thought those frozen skeletons were coded as constricts...which I never checked. If that is case all sorts of weird is going on, lol
The OP was last updated 11-18-2021.
Is a dev or someone going to update what's going on with the hundreds of U51 bugs still out there??
Occupy Stormreach
I've been slowly updating what I find as I do lives and experience new destinies. US is mostly tested, working on Shiradi/Shadow Dancer this life. I'm realizing from patch notes generally fixing unlisted things and from the lives I'm doing the actual list is much larger than this.
I don't think it is fixable. I think at best we index it by ED.
Last edited by Tilomere; 12-23-2021 at 04:26 AM.
If it is, I can't see it in my feats list anywhere, and running my full completionist charcter, who is currently an Arti, and well geared, isn't auto spotting traps in heroic level 7 content.
Ok, I found where its listed, but I am still not auto finding traps
Last edited by Abilbo; 12-23-2021 at 04:27 PM.
Community Member
From a separate post but worth registering here I reckon...
Dear Devs, something weird is happening with Trip DCs…
Firstly, the added epic enhancement bonus of 3 for Savage Takedown III (Fury ED tree) when wearing light/medium armour is not applying. Swapping armour types makes no difference to the Trip DC, and the Trip bonus with/without Savage Takedown is only 3 when wearing light armour, this should be 6 (As an aside, I want to register that I resent having to pay plat just to test this for you!)
Then we have Trip DC stacking errors... At base, with no gear, I have…
Improved Trip Base 14
STR bonus 10
Fighter PLs 3
Ship buffs 1
Savage Takedown III 3*
Total = 31, showing only 30, so a deficit of 1 (maybe ship buff not working/stacking?)
(*Should be 6, see above)
As I add gear, this -1 discrepancy tracks, until we get to adding Dread Adversary Tactics DC Filigree bonuses. These don’t apply to Trip DCs. Adding/removing them makes no difference. I have one such Filigree on a minor artefact, and another on my weapon. Neither impacts Trip.
So, overall my Trip DC is -6 compared to where it should be (-1 base discrepancy, -2 filigree, -3 Savage Takedown III).
Note that these same issues don’t appear to apply to Stun/Direcharge DCs (of course Savage Takedown III doesn’t affect stun anyway), just Trip DCs.
Be grateful if you could review/correct these discrepancies please, as -6 DC at cap can make quite a difference.
Going to submit this as a bug while adding here:
When using a shuriken, Pin does not activate from Shiradi destiny with a targeted enemy.
There is no throwing animation (character appears to block). Nothing happens to the enemy.
Editor, The Book of Syncletica 2nd Edition: An unofficial DDO Monk Guide, and Stormreach Shadows: An unofficial DDO Stealth Guide(Stormreach Shadows updates are in indefinite hiatus.)The Order of Syncletica: A DDO-flavored blog on Monks and gameplay and more
Yea next time you're there, I would right click and check them to see what the game says they are. If undead, then it's definitely a bug. But I know some of the undead ghosty beholders are apparently beholders first, and the game considers their type to be aberration. So despite being undead and healing from negative energy, the Unholy Avatar never hits them due to them not being undead on top.
I really think to fix all cases of this and potential future cases, Unholy Avatar should be changed to do any non player creature who is immune or heals from negative energy. Sorcerers and Druids and Artificers and Alchemists all get something that removes immunity to an element of their choice completely. I don't see why Palemasters who are using one of the worst energy types in the game should be the only ones to get a "Remove immunity" that's so restrictive as to only work on one enemy type.
Server: Thelanis - Characters Main: Rusttttt, Sepiaaaaa, Amethysttttt - Other Alts: Flameeeee, Siennaaaaa, Rougeeeee, Roseeeee, Wineeeee, Marigolddddd, Zaffreeeee, Wisteriaaaaa, Scarlettttt, Rufousssss, Lilaccccc, Puceeeee, Azureeeee, Orchiddddd, Sinopiaaaaa, Amaranthhhhh, Violettttt, Umberrrrr, Tawnyyyyy, And More! Literally too many for the Signature!
Sanctified Vial (Alchemist Level 4 Spell) does not function with the Divine Crusader epic destiny, but is compatible with the two other divine epic destinies (Exalted Angel and Unyielding Sentinel).
Beni - Argonnessen - Synergia