Thanks for your humble and not constructive opinion, I'll take it for what it's worth.
Streamlining items hurts everyone. I don't particularly care to have crit outliers necessarily (although bow playstyle is heavily based around Hunt's End that really takes away from that extra 5% crit range those bows would have at lv 29/30), but I do want some uniqueness to my top tier weapons.
If you look at endgame bows they're pretty much all the same. And the ones that are in some way unique are far from top tier. Not sure about Xuum since I'm not that used to THF, but it's still ugly to nerf an iconic weapon like that.
Most legendary gear is about different tetris placements, that's all. Dripping with magma is a refreshing option that probably won't stay viable very long before it's nerfed. Other than that it's just about slotting your usual suspects and playing with set bonus placements.