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    Default Let's try consolidate U51 Bugs Here

    11/18/2021 Update:
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    Hey! Thanks for all of the posting in this thread. I wanted to dive in here and give an update of where we are. We've fixed a lot of what is in the OP's list over the last Hotfix and Patch! We're aware there are more fixes and polish to be done. We'll be working on them as we can.

    We've organized things in the OP's list as of this morning into categories. A few important notes before we break it down:

    1. We've taken note of every text and typo report here for internal record, and will be working on those, but I didn't reprint them here because it's a big long list and doesn't really help as much as a breakdown of where gameplay function bugs are.
    2. There a decent number of repeats in the OP's list. I didn't consolidate or remove any, so the lists look longer than they really are in places.
    3. There are 20 gameplay notes from the list missing here, We're trying to work out what categories they belong in and I will edit in as I can.
    4. I didn't change the text of what was written in the OP's list except where a note covered multiple things that belonged in multiple categories, and the removal of a few lines that weren't helpful in identifying the issues.
    5. This list is almost definitely not perfect. Thanks for bearing with us as we navigate!

    Fixed in U51 Patch 1 (or earlier in U51.0.1)
    This list contains things that should be fixed as of the most recent patch, U51 Patch 1.

    • 2 Subtle Flame and Imperceptible Casting from EA and Magus say they lock each other out but do not.
    • 3 Deepening Arcana 10% mana stacks with Deepening Faith 10% mana, but as reduction to costs.
    • 9 LD tier 5, legendary rally does not seem to be applying the +2 critical multiplier.
    • 10 Summoning Litch (or any undead) from Magus of the Eclipse, positive energy immediately kills it.(Combat): You hit Lich for 100,001,000 points of positive damage.
    • 11 Fey Lights: Patch notes say Highest of Enchantment or Illusion bonuses, in game it says only illusion bonuses.
    • 12 Spell targeting: The slow effect of Evard's Black Tentacles is hitting players
    • 17 Ran Spinner of Shadows and she was immune to all damage at the point when you need to beat here down to get more spiders.
    • 18 The Greater Beams ability in Magus seems to be broken, at least the Cold/Moon lance ability part. Its definitely not 12 seconds at least, as I type this I am currently a permanent Statue in the Phoenix Tavern Brawling Pit on Argo. Been sitting here for about a little more than 20 minutes. I stayed frozen even after death.
    • 21 magus & exalted (deepening faith/arcana) not granting 10% spell points. Looks like they’re granting 10% cost reduction.
    • 22 New Fate Point Tomes/ Tomes of Fate Currently Unusable I have two characters that I've been trying to use fate point tomes on after U51 to get them to an extra point. My current observation is that, while the tomes that have been used prior to U51 remain functional, new Fate Point Tomes cannot be used.
    • 27 Moontouched: +3 DC to fear based spells does not add +3 DC to Wierd, but does add correctly to PK.
    • 30 Magical training from EDs don't allow access to Feydark Illusionist.
    • 33 Wake Me Up Inside The water to the left as you go out the hall, towards the trolls, isn't water anymore. (Also other Feywild areas) also monsters are pathing into the water when they should be going around it.
    • 34 SCION OF SHADOWFELL IS NOT providing 25 or 10% critical damage.
    • 36 Strength of Vitality in the Unyielding Sentinel tree. is not working for the third point put in it unless you have US mantle active. The third points puts your hit points back to if you had no points put in Strength of vitality without active US mantle.
    • 38 Spell targeting: Circle of Death is completely non functional. Also a mention of Undeath to Death.
    • 42 magus third core release notes said 2 min cooldown, tooltip lists both 2 min and 4 min
    • 44 Epic Spell Power: Negative taken at level 22 does not apply the +15% spell crit damage for negative spell damage and 5% universal spell crit multi does not apply to poison and repair aswell.
    • 46 Holy Aura spell isn't hitting caster.
    • 54 Epic spell power: Sonic, doesn't add critical multiplier to negative, poison, repair or universal
    • 55 Sundering Swings (Legendary Dreadnaught T5) disables Shatter Defenses(Battle Engineer T3)
    • 57 Spellsinger magical training is not counting on initial log in for Feydark Illusionist access, so FI is being reset.
    • 65 Fury of the Wild Tier 4;"Wade Through/Strike Through" (middle column) states a requisite of level 30 and a thirty point requirement. It should be level 26/20 point requirement.
    • 80 GMOF Enlightenment Rank 3 not giving +1 passive ki generation despite stating as such.
    • 83 FotW Spirit Beast Tier 3 does not double the effects of Ram's Might if you gain it by wearing the item "(Legendary) Belt of the Ram" and only doubles animal growth for 1 second.
    • 84 (Part 2) Some cores also broken like Core 3 of Magus doesn’t provide +1 DC
    • 90 primal avatar: T3 At Its Core mistakenly requires level 26.
    • 106 Null magic aura is 4 min Cooldown instead of 2 (4 is too long to be useful)
    • 109 FotW Primal screams buff bar icon claims to grant +4 to all stats but it actually granting the correct +2 to dex con and str.
    • 112 Graphics: Both Shiradi Epic Moments incorrectly use the obsolete (see below) icon for Pin.
    • 116 Graphics: Stay Good shows twice on the buff bar (Stay Frosty probably suffers from this too, but not sure).
    • 117 Graphics: Double Rainbow shows twice on the buff bar; 1 of the instances has the generic tooltip "Arcane forces surround you." - the other instance has the correct description but has a display error.
    • 119 Tooltip: Dire Attack (both Shot and Charge) don't mention they are Epic Strikes.
    • 139 Exalted angel: Stand and be Judged last for 4 sec in r1 and the duration should be 8 sec, and not reduced below 6 seconds.
    • 140 Exalted Angel: Epic Moment healing over time doesn't scale with anything, and doesn't match tooltip formula
    • 148 Typo: Exalted Angel: Flaming Sphere has an obvious typo near the end of its description
    • 151 Graphics: Exalted Angel: in the Spell DC multiselector, the Enchantment option has the placeholder "STUB" icon
    • 157 Typo: Fatesinger: the Epic Strike Multiselector's description is typo'd "Choice an Epic Strike"
    • 162 Typo: Fatesinger: Resonance of Fate multiselector's description makes no sense in English (Choice a Thread of Fate to Resonant with -> Choose a Thread of Fate to Resonate with)
    • 197 Epic Spellpower Acid isn't providing the universal crit damage to Negative, Poison, and Repair damage and Epic Spellpower Poison isn't providing the 15% crit damage to Poison or the 5% crit damage to Negative and Repair.
    • 198 Scion of the Plane of Earth isn't granting the 25% spell critical damage to poison or the 10% spell critical damage to repair and negative.
    • 206 Good luck (Shiradi Champion T1) give luck bonus only to Reflex save instead to all save. I have Luck of Heroes feat, not sure if without it work
    • 207 Epic Spell Power: Repair The feat is not granting +20 Repair Spell Power, +15% spell critical damage with the selected type, +5% all other types of spell critical damage.
    • 213 Fury of the Wild: DC calculation for "The Great Leveler" is not taking into effect Trip DC bonuses.
    • 221 Spell Targeting: Fireball scrolls no longer set ablaze the tents in Seigebreaker.

    On Our Radar For Upcoming Patches/Updates (No Specific ETA Yet):
    This list contains the lines that we are pretty sure (but not necessarily 100% sure) are real bugs still present in the game. We'll be working on these as we can.

    • 6 Enemy of My Own Shiradi doesn't give Favored Enemy: Fey feat in feat list
    • 24 Push through the line is not giving the +3 to all ability scores when using an action boost (Old bug No Holds Barred/EF aren't classic action boosts) (These also don't regenerate from draconic reinvigoration as they are not standard boosts, and also not from LD Dusk Surge)
    • 28 Fatesinger Mantle breaks fascinate.
    • 29 DC Strike with Poise only checks main hand eligibility for both hands.
    • 32 LD Ghost Touch doesn't show on weapon. Unclear if it works.
    • 41 Spell targeting: FvS healing wall doesn't work on someone who is targeted. They have to leave the area and come back, which is not how it worked before.
    • 48 Stomrage is dealing damage to allys when you use Spring to Summer.
    • 51 Mantle of Nature not sharing spell power to wolf pet.
    • 56 Ranged version of Legendary Rally (Legendary Dreadnaught T5) uses the Manyshot animation, even when using repeating crossbows. The attack only shoots once with repeating crossbows.
    • 58 White Plume Mountain; Giant crab was resistant to stat-squish.
    • 62 Spell targeting: Spells/runearms fail to light the torches in Inferno of the Damned (Heroic) and epic.
    • 64 base core on magus and other destiny who claims to gives you +1 (each core you get) for DC spells doesn't give that bonus.
    • 66 Magus of the Eclipse - Frostlight/Chill Aura is not dealing negative damage to any foe when in pale shroud, just cold damage.
    • 69 Spell targeting?: Good hope spell or on heroic Mask of Comedy isn't working.
    • 79 First core ability in the Grandmaster of Flowers is supposed to grant proficiency with handwraps, but either it is not granting proficiency, or the icon does not reflect said proficiency.
    • 85 Spell targeting: Light Monk buffs don't affect monk.
    • 87 The bug would be Stay Good upgraded all the way doesn't paralyze or blind. (I think damage proc is putting CC proc on ICD.
    • 91 primal avatar: Core 3 says that protection from element spells give 25 points per level, but it's giving 20 per level.
    • 92 primal avatar: T2 Shard Storm says it deals 6 strikes over 6 seconds. It's 6 over 12 seconds.
    • 98 Shared mantles are not working with wizard pets or hirelings.
    • 96 Shiradi core 2 Holy Striker doesn't double the dodge bypass.
    • 107 Exalted Angel core 3" angelic charge" () charges do not recharge, neither in private, nor in public areas. They seem to only reset to 5 after resting.
    • 110 Shiradi Champion's "Pierce Deception" does not grant +5% Doubleshot if you already have Watchful Eye feat
    • 111 Fey Form in Shiradi only grants DR 5/Cold Iron as per the Character Sheet instead of DR 10/Cold Iron as stated in the tooltip
    • 113 Graphics: Vision shows as 2 buffs on the buff bar, both of which have the generic tooltip "Arcane forces surround you."
    • 115 Graphics: Fey Form on the buff bar has the generic tooltip "Arcane forces surround you."
    • 118 Graphics A ton of old square icons (Stay, Audience with the Queen, etc) that are now passives have not been cropped at all and now bleed out of their octagons. Others like Vision and Pierce Deception have the remnants of a black square on their edges. 2 of the Shadowdancer cores have numerals on them for no reason whatsoever.
    • 120 Shiradi: T5 CC effects don't work with ranged, blind/slow doesn't proc at % chance listed for ranged or spell. Presumably due to change in freeze DC to be evocation based, but projectiles don't carry DC information. See #203.
    • 121 Inexorable Advance is not granting its 30% Action Bonus to Movement Speed.
    • 103 - 'Attack and Defend 3/3 is not doubling Combat Expertise bonuses
    • 130 Graphics/Typo: Shiradi grants a "Step into the Wilds" buff that a) has no clear source or effect, and b) has the placeholder description of "Arcane forces surround you"
    • 131 Graphics - Primal Avatar: Storm Catcher erroneously displays Electric Loop's icon in its tooltip.
    • 132 Graphics - Primal Avatar: Thunder Snow erroneously displays Storm Catcher's icon in its tooltip.
    • 133 Graphics - Primal Avatar: Reborn in Fire erroneously displays the old Strength of Spirit icon in its tooltip.
    • 134 Graphics - Primal Avatar: Shard Storm erroneously displays Reborn in Fire's icon everywhere (tree preview, tooltip, active ability).
    • 135 Graphics - Primal Avatar: Greater Form-Heart of Flame erroneously displays Reborn in Fire's icon in its tooltip.
    • 136 Graphics - Primal Avatar: Greater Form-Sky Rager erroneously displays Reborn in Fire's icon in its tooltip.
    • 137 Graphics - Primal Avatar: Greater Form-Thorn Cloud erroneously displays Reborn in Fire's icon in its tooltip.
    • 142 Ranged version of Shadowstrike in SD does not apply regular throwing speed, giving it both a very slow animation and reduced throwing rate.
    • 144 Legendary Dreadnought: Dusk Surge ( T5) doesn't work on tactics boost (prior bug above also doesn't work on NHB/EB).
    • 154 Graphics: Shiradi: Inexorable Advance appears thrice on the buff bar when popped, and all three versions of the buff have the placeholder tooltip "Arcane forces surround you."
    • 173 Prism does not seem to be using ranged power for ranged attacks.
    • 176 Angel mantle spams combat log.
    • 178 Graphics: Ascendance does not give a ring of flame blades. Only provides a moving Blade Barrier
    • 191 Graphics: - Fury of the Wild: Boulder's Might erroneously uses Fast and Furious's icon (should be using the old Boulder Toss/Boulder's Might icon)
    • 196 - All EDs: - Various instances of the phrases "Destiny Mantle" and "Epic Strike" are not correctly color coded (purple and blue respectively)
    • 200 Shadowform incorporeal and concealment aren't stacking, so are reduced to 0 in reaper mode
    • 204 Greater Summoner in Magus of the Eclipse states that your summons, pets and hirelings gain increased health, but the only increase in health my Skeletal Knight received was from the +4 con.
    • 212 Exalted Angel: Holy Fireball does not display its DC
    • 214 Grand Master of Flowers: mantle doesn't allow tumbling through enemies.
    • 218 Draconic Incarnation: core 2 in draconic does give eschew material, however, the spell description when you mouse over it still shows that you are missing the components.
    • - When you reset heroic enhancement trees, the ED enhancement resets get more and more expensive.
    • 226: Grand Master of Flowers: Not granting "immunity from slippery surfaces", grease does still affect a character with the mantle on.
    • 230 -Exalted Angel- Sunbolt is selectable at level 21 despite it being in the level 23 row
    • 232 Primal Avatar: Natural Shielding doesn't seem to work for me, none of my hirelings are getting it. My skelly has it, but not the hirelings. Others don't have it apply to skelly, and to some hires only.
    • 235 Typos: - Unyielding Sentinel: all 3 Cores are erroneously called "Ever Watchful", which is what the leftmost tier 1 ability is correctly called. The first two cores erroneously share an icon too.
    • 236 Magus of the Eclipse: Lunar Imbuement should do Vulnerability stacks with Gloomsphere but I cannot see the stacks examining (in my harmful effect).

    Needs Further Information, Investigation, or Internal Discussion
    Reports in this section are here for one of a few reasons: Either we don't have enough information to know if this is a real bug yet, an in-depth investigation is needed to figure out what is going on, or it requires an internal discussion within the team to know what should be happening with these.

    • 7 Divine crusader Axiom of fate, helf ranger dilly grants longbow, but longbow cannot be chosen.
    • 23 Angelic Soul in EA is broken with too high effect when combined with other effects (monk stances and GMoF?)
    • 47 Spell Targeting: Fireball and meteor swarm targeting seems to be off. Sometimes they'll hit in front of a target and sometimes behind without doing any damage. Reported on Deep Gnome and Drow
    • 60 Can't hotbar wildhunt shifter ability
    • 61 The Darkest Luck (Shadowdancer core 3) does not grant Improved Evasion if you have evasion from Liquid Luck (Alchemist feat)
    • 63 Constant red dungeon alert with no mobs appearing and only one person in the instance in Inferno of the Damned (Heroic).
    • 67 Also, the icon of the active instance at your buffs bar is disappearing every time you change instance.(not sure what this means)
    • 68 Spell targeting: Used Animate Ally (palemaster ability) on the level 20 Paladin hireling, he was saving vs my death aura, in previous patches he was healed without rolling a save.
    • 74 Patch notes says: monsters throughout levels 20 and 29 have had their stats adjusted to account for the new Epic Destiny update. However, monsters seem to have been adjusted into heroics. (my limited testing and memory on Disciples of Shar trash mobs)
    • 77 Hellstorm doesn't give +10 universal spell power.
    • 78 Spell Targetting: Meteor Swarm does no damage at pointblank range (lvl 30 Drow Wizard EK-PM, with EDF and Knight's Transformation active). When it does hit, it's missing about 2/3 of its pre-U51 damage.
    • 84 (Part 1) ED DCs on spells T5 not stacking.
    • 86 Defensive Fighting, Vorpal Strikes, and the Light Monk toggles for Healing Ki Finisher (Difficulty/Receptive/Restoring/Lifting) still do not save toggle state properly on logout/in
    • 88 Great Summoner doesn't work on hirelings.
    • 89 Spell Targeting: Water Breathing doesn't work.
    • 97 Red Fens is all drained
    • 105 Stopped seeing monster HPs for the monsters I have mastery for in Epics since the patch
    • 123 Earth elementals in VoN 3 are spamming earthgrab.
    • 125 Player stat damage no longer regenerates 1 point/minute. Permanent Cha 0 from Ego Whip in LHox.
    • 155 Magus of the eclipse: Great Summoner not stacking with Augument Summoning on druid's wolf.
    • 167 Shiradi: Every time I click my guild buffs, Divine spring goes from 5 charges to 3
    • 171 If you move the new fates window and you have to select a skill with a multiple choice (pop up screen 2) the said screen 2 doesn't appear until you press the drop down bar select a new fate and reselect your original. DOES NOT happen when fate is selected, does not go away after relog or reinstall. Glitch remains
    • 172 Nature's Warrior: Great White Wolf (T4) does nothing it says it does. (presumably related to dragonborn druid fixes)
    • 174 Spell: Ottos Disco Ball will disappear after only 15 secs. It does not seem to be related to any other spell dispelling it, but could be a spell proc from colors of the queen or prism.
    • 175 Epic feat Vorpal strikes used to have a buff icon, now it doesn't. It also breaks other feats like power attack when it is activated, reducing dice to minimum until you relog the monk.
    • 180 Spell Targeting: My Warlock's Eldritch Blast (Great Old One) seems to be exploding in front of me
    • 181 Spell Targeting: WF Arti's Tactical Detonation and Lightning Sphere are having same effect and just landing in front of me.
    • 186 Hathera in The Devil's Details stops attacking, making it possible to damage her for protracted periods without reprisal. This may involve her targeting a Hire
    • 187 Scrags in epic Into The Deep are now red names (they weren't before AFAIK). Sorry if mentioned previously. (I didn't have this effect when I ran it)
    • 188 Pack Presence druid spell doesn't trigger intimidate check after update.
    • 194 Pack Presence druid spell doesn't trigger intimidate check after update. (I don't think it ever did?)
    • 195 Feats gained in new ED system are not being properly gained, then are not being properly removed when ED is reset.
    • 202 Spell Targeting: Chain shape on a warlock seems to have sporadic delays / hanging and targeting issues that weren't there prior to the update.
    • 203 (Not sure this is a bug, reference material.) The legendary crown of snow, legendary ice greensteel weapons, and items with "Royalty's frigid response" such as the bitter edge, have had the DCs on their freeze effects broken. When triggered from spells, testing indicates that the DC on the freezes of all three items is no longer static, but is instead 11 + Evocation bonuses + the spellcasting modifier that applies to the triggering spell. For reference, the DC on the bitter edge was still static at DC 90 when triggered by a melee attack.
    • 209 Spring to Summer and (Heart) Reborn in Fire are killing people in quests on procs still.
    • 211 Divine Wraths Spell Point Cost is 50 regardless of MetaMagics
    • 215 Banishing Arrows: Pull of Reality does not affect bosses (think this is old)
    • 219 Epic Spellpower Poison doesn't do anything.
    • 227: Audio: -Carrion Swarm seems to be missing its buzzing insect effects and sounds.
    • 229 Grandmaster of Flowers Legendary Fury of Blows : Does not knock down on vorpal, still doing the preview 1 guard break despite being changed to function like the old Balanced Attacks (as per its description in game).
    • 233 Fatesinger: Majesty does not apply restoration on bard song.
    • 237 Favored Soul Auras have infinite range auto intimidate on everything, even when turned off.

    Needs Further Investigation/Unable To Reproduce Internally At This Time:
    Reports in this category have been tested internally, and have not resulted in the listed bugs. Doesn't mean there's not an issue, but if there is, we haven't found it yet.

    • 1 Magical Training feat granted by EA or Magus does not grant orb proficiency.
    • 14 Meld tier 1 doesn't apply dodge on epic strike Shadowstrike. Annunciation and buffy bar shown, but dodge unchanged in Char Sheet. Testing showing is working, think character sheet updating error. Tier 2 works.
    • 16 Release notes "Epic XP will be displayed on your XP Bar differently (by splitting each level up into Ranks so we can award points more often), but the amounts and totals needed to level up are unchanged from how they are currently." However, they have changed, unable to take 21 at 675k xp.
    • Divine Protection in the Exalted Angel tree is not giving the +6 MRR , here is a before and after Screenshot.. It just stays at 80 MRR.
    • 39 Time stop is only stopping things for 5 seconds vice the 10 seconds annotated in the release notes.
    • 43 Primal avatar in particular seems to auto confirm point expenditures so you can't back out and explore options.
    • 53 Character corrupted: I cannot seem to find a way to activate an ED or gain xp in dungeons.
    • 73 Cosmetics: I got a perma reaper red helm even if I took it off yesterday.
    • 78 Spell Targetting: Meteor Swarm does no damage at pointblank range (lvl 30 Drow Wizard EK-PM, with EDF and Knight's Transformation active). (When you are to close to target your spell is absorbed by target without going off. Example, run all the way up to boxes and cast meteor, and nothing appears to happen.
    • 99 (Part 1) Magus: "Cold Light of the Moon" AoE still seems completely unaffected by spell power.
    • 104 Jack Jibbers blade requires two tries to activate.
    • 141 Doubleshot: It doesn't appear that the various epic sources of doubleshot in Shadowdancer and Shiradi are stacking
    • 160 Typo: Fatesinger: Arrow of Discord has a confusing capitalization error in its description (Restores -> restores).
    • 169 Fatesinger: Releasing three chords of fate does not regenerate spellpoints
    • 182 Tsunami isn't affected by Intensify
    • 183 Some animal mobs are now immune to crowd-control. Rats, wargs and hyenas at least; we couldn't stun or (AA) paralyze them in Slavers tonight and there's no save or 'immune' appearing above their heads.
    • 184 Divine Crusader: Axiom of Faith in Divine Crusader does not allow a character to pick Greatsword even though the character is already proficient in that weapon.
    • 199 Tsunami isn't a cold spell for druid mantle to remove cold immunity.
    • 205 The fatesinger mantle of sound and fury is not procing on spell casts.
    • 216 Fury of the Wild: Tier 4 Overwhelming Force is not being added to the Adrenaline bonus damage (Adrenaline remained at 75% based off the max for Tier 1)
    • - Magus of the Eclipse: Mantle deactivates when you shrine, die, go through a portal, enter a quest etc....toggle still stays on by Mantle is off. (specifically MRR cap)
    • 231 (old bug since start of EDs 15 years ago) Serenity: Grandmaster of Flowers Destiny Mantle: You may now fight with the Unarmed combat style as if you were a Monk, and may be Centered and use Ki. When you attack with Handwraps or begin falling, you will use the Monk class' animations instead of your own. Monk class animation doesent works.
    • 234 Grandmaster of Flowers: Split the Soul grants 50% stacking dodge instead of the in the tooltip announced 25% and 50% Concealment instead of the in the tooltip announced 25%.
    • 239 Divine Crusader Strike with Poise implement tier 3 doesn't work.

    Not Actually A Bug (WAI):
    Reports in this section are actually working as intended. I'll throw a few notes in here on some as to why.

    • 5 EA and Magus mantle damage and healing do not spell critical or apply on spell-hit effects such as LGS
      • They aren't spells, under the hood, and aren't meant to be doing those things. Yes, we could use better clarity into which things are and are not spells, but that's a separate issue.

    • 8 Epic chrono broken Epic sands broken Epic von broken
      • These quests were closed intentionally. Some have reopened in U51p1, the rest will be coming soon.

    • 13 Fast and Furious (out of FotW) shares a cooldown with Lead the Charge (out of KotC).
      • Almost all Charges in the game share a central cooldown. The ones that don't, should.

    • 35 Inventory items are getting damaged again. I had scrolls getting broken today.
      • Scrolls are equippable, much like weapons and armor; equippable items still take item damage in some circumstances.

    • 99 (Part 2) Magus: (Cold Light of the Moon deals) no crit damage either.
      • This also isn't a spell. U51p1 did add text mentioning that this isn't meant to work. There's a case to be made that it SHOULD be a spell, and that may change in the future.

    • 146 Typo?: Exalted Angel: Angelic Form (mantle) "Positive Healing per every 2 Character Levels" (keep either word but not both)
    • 164 Typo: Fatesinger: Turn the Tide's "The trumpets call the rally!" description is not real english.
    • 170 Dark imbuement on shadowdancer ED doesn't proc on offhand or strikethrough
      • It has an internal cooldown, so I don't believe you'd ever have the opportunity for it to go off on an offhand strike or strikethrough.

    • 179 Ascendance Caster Levels not shown in combat log. Do not believe they are applying. Ascendance also does not appear to be calculating spell critical chance.
      • See above on "Things that are not actually spells"

    • 185 On a regular basis, when entering a new area, the game draws my characters surrounded by waffles. (I think this is law damage from US aura)
    • - Shiradi: Stay Frosty & Stay Good should not have the word "Ranged" capitalized (two instances)
    • 193: Typo: Shadow Dancer: Stealth movement bonus should say "reduces the movement penalty of stealth by 12.5%" to be less confusing on if it is 25% movement speed or 25% stealth movement speed which is really 12.5% movement speed.
    • 201 Axiom of Faith requires proficiency in weapon to make it favored, but favored weapons grant proficiency to user in all other cases.

    Larger Issues, No Short-Term Fix Expected:
    Reports in this section are part of larger systematic issues; while we'd also like them to be fixed, and will be talking about how and when to work on these, I wouldn't expect a quick fix.

    • 4 Combat log for Magus mantle says 10,050% cold and negative absorb, but grants 50%.
    • 49 DDO favor is out of sync with displayed favor and lags behind (old issue)
    • 70 Reincarnation may lose arcane epic past lives. (Don't know if old bug or new due to new arcane life)
      • On this issue, specifically: We don't have reason to believe at this time that U51 introduced a new bug here. There are some longstanding bugs that rarely cause this sort of thing to happen, and a larger portion of the population has been reincarnating with Epic Lives lately. In any event, we have people looking at this.

    • 82 (Design issue, not a bug) Once all Destiny points are allocated, there is no way to view any of the other Destiny content.
    • 94 Historic tome of Fate does not give you a feat that help you track if you have use such a tome or not
    • 108 FotW Fast and Furious tooltip not indicating when available to use due to resets
    • 156 Master of the dead ( Level 24 Feat): Not working at all (some of this is old, auras never scaled past CL 20 for healing amount)

    Release-Notes Only Issues (May or may not have had notes fixed at this time):

    • 25 I confirmed Warlock is getting Arcane Tempest (Thank you Lynnabel!) even though it's not on the release notes. (not a bug, release notes only)
    • 26 Vortex in draconic is not doubling damage which I believe is working as intended - the release notes are just wrong?
    • 40 Whirling Wrists in Shiradi doesn't have incorporeal bypass as per patch notes.
    • 59 indomitable in draconic that improves the mantle proc to a dot makes it stack up to 3x and multiplying the damage by the number of stacks. Thats no where in the tooltip or release notes

    Notes That Didn't Really Fit Into Any of the Above Categories:

    • 45 Destiny cloaks are not appearing for some accounts.
      • We believe most of this was fixed by relogging; any remaining issues should go through Customer Service.

    • 50 DDO favor lost for quests not available
      • This is a side effect of closing the higher difficulties; we do not have additional information at this time.

    • 192 Graphics:- Shiradi: Fey Lights, Fey Flash, Fey Flare, Beguiling Charm, Greater Beguiling Charm, Pin, Otto's Whistlery all use wrong versions of their icons (the ones from the Builder/Spender preview 1, hence the silly "bricks" and "coins" on them)
    • 224 Graphics: Graphics: Lay Waste, Dire Charge and Dire Shot use wrong versions of their icons (the ones from the Builder/Spender preview 1, hence the silly "bricks" and "coins" on them)
      • A few of these stuck around. Will investigate when Art can do something about them, but they aren't hurting much in their present state so they're likely lower on the priority list.

    I'm leaving out old bugs from consolidation, so if you don't see something listed, it is because I know of it from before U51. But I will take new ones and list them below, starting numeration at 240. Will try to reuse numbers above for more information.

    Unable to reproduce internally at this time steps/further investigation:
    1 I had a pure 20 SDK rogue assassin, magical training from EA, equipped orb, and non-proficiency on orb showed up on orb picture as yellow bottom border, as well as buff icon you are not proficient showed up. See post here for examination of Magical Training feat bugs by destiny.
    7 Divine crusader Axiom of fate, helf ranger dilly grants longbow, but longbow cannot be chosen. See screenshots, longbow proficiency is in red on ED ability despite having it.
    23 Angelic Soul Should be fixed as per U51.01 patch notes
    61 Alchemist liquid luck = evasion SD improved evasion core 3 upgrade, fixed as per patch notes 51.1
    87 The bug would be Stay Good upgraded all the way doesn't paralyze or blind. I think damage proc is putting CC proc on ICD. This affects all 4 abilities: Stay Good, Stay Still, Stay Frosty, Stay Frozen. AKA none of the slow/blindness/paralysis/encasement work if you have rank 3 in the tier 2 ability (not sure if the tier 5 ability works if you only grab rank 2 in the tier 2 ability).
    89 Spell Targeting: Water Breathing doesn't work. (Believe same spell targetting issue as Good Hope, doesn't affect spell caster.) See investigation here.
    125 I went back and tested LHox, and Charisma did regenerate from 0 after a minute. Seems ok.
    130 Graphics/Typo: Shiradi grants a "Step into the Wilds" buff that a) has no clear source or effect, and b) has the placeholder description of "Arcane forces surround you"
    This appears to be granting Displacement. It's granted upon login, along with a random Audience of the Queen effect (this is a bug of its own that hasn't been mentioned). Both effects actually work and show up in the buff bar, but they disappear as soon as you step into a dungeon.
    142 Ranged version of Shadowstrike in SD does not apply regular throwing speed, giving it both a very slow animation and reduced throwing rate. New: Also repeaters don't work well with ability.
    153 Alchemist : Poisoned Coating -- Not Working seems when you take vile chemist core 2 (poisoned coating), you get spell sword dice icon. The Poisoned Coating toggle did nothing, spell sword dice icon stays no matter what and poison damage doesn't work/appear. Seems to add no damage at all.
    160 Typo: Fatesinger: Arrow of Discord has a confusing capitalization error in its description (Restores -> restores).
    183 Some animal mobs are now immune to crowd-control. Rats, wargs and hyenas at least; we couldn't stun or (AA) paralyze them in Slavers tonight and there's no save or 'immune' appearing above their heads. Also an elemental in Bastion of Power. Think small chance for mobs to be red named (1/1000 or less).
    209 Spring to Summer and (Heart) Reborn in Fire are killing people in quests on procs still. (OP guess this is same as FvS healing wall, and Stormrage and LGS Enders and First Blood (Shadow dancer) procs are killing players).
    216 Fury of the Wild: Tier 4 Overwhelming Force is not being added to the Adrenaline bonus damage (Adrenaline remained at 75% based off the max for Tier 1) Also: the knockdown doesn't last four seconds- more like two. (mimics are a big one on the slide movement)
    -The +25/50/75% damage increase wasn't readily apparent in combat; roughly the same number set would pop overhead and the Adrenaline tooltip did not adjust to state 150% (it remains at 75%).
    231 (old bug since start of EDs 15 years ago) Serenity: Grandmaster of Flowers Destiny Mantle: You may now fight with the Unarmed combat style as if you were a Monk, and may be Centered and use Ki. When you attack with Handwraps or begin falling, you will use the Monk class' animations instead of your own. Monk class animation doesent works. Specifically: Whirlwind Attack doesn't multihit as a non-monk, even centered with handwraps. In addition, razorclaw animations remain in GMoF. Also: report of not able to tumble through enemies and I don't see any increase in damage even though I'm supposed to do +1w. My current and max Ki stays the same and I don't move any faster either. The animation plays as well as the GFX of the pink/purple feathers floating around me, but that appears to be the only thing working. Also: take falling damage and normal falling animations.
    234 Split the soul stacks with items, but not spells, and is 50% concealment and incorporeal instead of 25% as listed.
    239 Divine Crusader Strike with Poise implement tier 3 doesn't work. (Blood of Vol > daggers on 20 SDK Rogue).

    240: Exalted Angel Stand and be Judged + Delayed Judgement Funny DC, Testing Shows 20 + Stat + Some Evocation bonuses, not conjuration as written. See testing here.
    241 400 Extra HP, loss of spell points (The cores from the caster Reaper Tree now grant hit points instead of spell points.)
    242 Shiradi: Pin and Whistler: Slow (from Pin) effect is just 2-3 seconds, no Immobilized, mobs recover from Dance quickly reword. Wrong save calculation (never works).
    This is 3 things: 1) the slow is not lasting its intended duration, 2) mobs never get immobilized regardless of what they're doing when hit, and 3) when mobs fail their save and start dancing, they only do so for a few seconds and not 18.
    243 Items: Legendary weapons versions do not have expanded critical multipliers and ranges their epic/heroic versions did (OP guess not a bug).
    244 Fatesinger: The Sword Sings sonic damage scales off both spell power and melee power (not sure if bug).
    245 Draconic : Scales of the Dragon - Only works for some elemental types. Works properly for Fire (Red Dragon), for Acid (Black Dragon) it casts the old Energy Sheath ability.
    246 Quest: Price of Freedom ran several times since U51 and the dryad prisoner (Philliree, I believe) seems to have disappeared.
    248 Spell Targeting: Ironskin Chant does not work (or at least it doesn't when the Damon Everwander hireling sings it). No DR/ shows up in my character sheet.
    249: Draconic Incarnations's Conduit ability is supposed to double the Implement bonus of a quarterstaff, but it actually gives +0. Draconic Incarnation's "Conduit" does not work on old-style Enhancement bonusx3 based Implement bonuses.
    250: Quest: Reaper Mode: If you die and release in an Epic Reaper Quest, you immediately die when changing maps, which happens again when you try to release there (endless loop).
    252 Graphics: VFX: Beguile no longer has its unique visual effects on affected creatures, and is instead improperly using the pink Charm hat.
    254: Primal Avatar : Flowers in the Thorns (Tier 2) is just healing 1 HP per character level not 1d3 per character level as in the description. Tested with a level 20 Warlock (Great old One) with Entangle -> heals 20 HP flat per tic every 5 seconds. No healing amplification effect.
    255 Primal Scream damage doesn't seem to scale correctly with spell power. At level 26, with 413 sonic spellpower, it deals ~450 damage. Should be more like 1400.
    256 The Primal Avatar Epic Strikes which are spells are not working with the Nature's Protector T4 "Beast Awakened: You can now cast druidic magic while raging". WAI? IMHO at least the Primal Avatar spells should count as druidic magic, maybe some as well. (may not be a bug, because it prevented druids from renewal self-heal stacking for years).
    257 Fatesinger text problems
    258 Druid: My bear has a hitbox of a knife user or something like this since the update with THF weapon equipped.
    259 Quest: Von1 Grogan the Promoter, in Tharashk Arena, seems to have misplaced his key to that treasure room. In any case, it doesn't drop when you defeat him.
    261 Quest: Beacon of Hope/Grace are healing undead now in Spies in the House. Exalted Angel Healing Aura is healing Animated Armors in same quest.
    262 Fatesinger majesty healing is not scaling with spellpower.
    263 Draconic Spell Focus: Conjuration does not add to Conjuration DC
    264 Quest: Partysnatchers: Marks of Shadow 1,3,4 are immune to force damage, but 2,5,6,7 are not.
    265 Quest: Tomb of the Tormented rats and worgs below in maze cannot be killed with AoE wands or scrolls.
    266 Draconic: Item Dripping with Magma no longer scales off spell power (meteor 20 wiz). (Might be a nerf not a bug) Also: not compatible with Draconic Fire Mantle
    267 Quest: Healing aura is healing undead in Chamber of Raiyum, Tomb of the Wizard King.
    268 Fatesinger, Metamagics Attunement: Enlarge, does nothing.
    269 Spell Targeting: Chaos Hammer does nothing.
    270 Monster Manual bugs, the most recent additions have been monsters in the various adventure packs that were updated with U51.x. Looks like many, if not all, of the monsters in those adventure packs have lost their creature type.
    271 Quest: Wiz King: In Epic The Chamber of Raiyum some mobs HP/stat weren't properly lowered with U51.1 - Eternal Gatekeepers for sure, Flesh Golems and pre-boss Djinnies (air ones) probably also. In Epic The Chamber of Raiyum "Slay Den Mother Yheeroua" the very first objective in main room now says just "Slay "
    + In Epic The Chamber of Raiyum Den Mother Yheeroua herself doesn't have overhead name - It's empty also in focus orb making it really weird
    272 Item Negative energy % absorb on deathblock is overriding deathward spell 100% negative absorb on enervation DoT.
    273 Quests: Newly reopened quest mobs many have lost their mob type for monster manual effects. (Author didn't specify which quests and mobs)
    274 Spell targeting for AoE spells seems to have broken with the patch prior to update 51. The spells will no longer fly towards your auto target, instead they will fly towards where your camera is aimed. (Author didn't specify which spells).
    275 Draconic Incarnation Arcane Spellsword bonus dice to wiz version of eldricht knight spellsword, doesnt work. (Level 18 wizard EK with C5 EK).
    276 Divine Crusader Law of the Divine in DC appears to be bugged, it pretty consistently does less Lawful damage than my Paladin's light damage procs. Testing shows it is ok, just weak.
    277 Exalted Angel: pillars holy command DC is not visable on mouse over and the calculation formula is not standardized IE (DC 13 + wis/int/cha +evocation bonus) is heighten supposed to work on this?
    278 Flaming sphere does not aggro or engage or damage anything and dies if it takes ANY damage
    279 Fury of the Wild: On relog, Mantle of Fury is replaced by Mantle of the Wild with lower stats.
    280 Spell Targeting: Shadow Dancer Dimension door requires a target. (OP Not sure if this is a bug)
    281 Renewal is no longer respecting anti-magic and quell.
    282 Fury of the Wild: Unquenchable rage not working with "Visage of Terror" on-rage use effects
    283 Shadow Dancer Epic Moment says "you no longer cast a shadow" but you do.
    284 The wisdom damage and intelligence damage doesn't seem to work in the new version of insidious spores added to the druid spellbook.
    285 Pre-U51 the "Turn to Frog" spell had a "Finger of Death" animation when it killed a monster. Post-U51 this was changed to a Banishing animation. This change is causing quest objectives to be incompletable because it removes the entity from the quest entirely. Some examples are, The Announcer in Finding Dorris. The seers in Madstone Crater. The Doomsphere's seals in Ghosts of Perdition. Presumably same for double rainbow frog effect.
    286 Fatesinger Greater Shout Sla is not stunning. I tested my normal spell and stunned 10+ mobs (without any metamagics) while the SLA one that supposed has greater DC dont stuns anything.
    287 Shadowdancer - Nightshield granted by Cover of Darkness provides no Saving Throw bonuses.
    288 Fury of the Wild While in Elemental form and using a quarter staff - you can not use Boulder's Might --> Failed Action - Wrong Weapon Type.
    289 Legendary Dreadnaught: Stunned and tripped mobs don't swap to death animations on dying, making it hard to see what is alive or not.
    290 Fatesinger Cut the Strings - the description says all monsters within a wide radius around you are forced to dance for 10 seconds if they fail their save. Then I can kill one per second during the 10 seconds. What I found is that the radius isn't very wide. Maybe the same as a hold monster, mass spell. It also seems buggy in how it applies. Some mobs seem to break out of it right away and the rest don't seem to last 10 seconds.
    291 Grandmaster of Flowers, tier 5, "Dancing With Flames" Does not double the fire absorption bonus when in fire stance as stated. Gives 15% more instead of 25%.
    292 Magus of the Eclipse - t2 dark light of the moon (garbage) heals enemy undead when it specifically says it deals damage to non-undead enemies in the zone. I read that as in it doesn't heal them. Also, it doesn't count for PM negative immunity stripping. (OP thinks this is WAI because its not a spell, so it shouldn't strip, and hitting undead with negative energy should heal them but I'll list it anyways)
    293 Paladin's Righteous Command isn't benefiting from the 5 max caster levels you get in epic. It should be applying 20 mp but it's still only giving 15. (think WAI, could use tooltip clarification)
    294 Shadowdancer Bring Darkness First Blood triggers on friendly spell casts such as alchemist weapon imbue, killing players. (fixed)
    295 Character Druid's wolf no longer has epic summons buff.
    296 Primal Avatar Typo: The description of shared mantle says that your summon gains your spell power. Is this only for the procs? Must be more clear.
    297 Spell Targeting: AoE persistent and Symbol spells are eating projectiles at their detection borders. (fixed)
    298 Quest Quarantine: Peron Uthe is too weak, and has too low attack bonus to hit players. Zombies and other mobs in this chain don't hit hard enough, with enough attack bonus.
    299 Quest Von6 Respawning Elementals and Frost Reavers at CR45 with 70k+ hp or so are too powerful for at-level general players. Everything in Von5 doesn't hit hard enough, with enough attack bonus.
    300 Quest Snitch: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie optional dogs have too many HP for at-level general players. Damage of mobs in quest is otherwise 100% too low.
    301 Quests: Epic Three Barrel Cove: Everything is too weak and needs 70% more hp and damage. Especially since as level 27 on elite quests players are going through with T4 helpless ED stuns.
    302 Quests: High Road: Everything is too weak and needs 60% more hp and damage. Especially since as level 26 on elite quests players are going through with T4 helpless ED stuns.
    303 Magus of the Eclipse: Lunar Insight: wisdom Lunar Insight: Charisma Neither of these seem to be granting the temporary spell points when using Arcane Insight
    304 Unyielding Sentinal: Knight's challenge uses ranged attack infinite range targeting, but fizzles past spell range.
    305 Spell Targeting: Call Lightning Storm fails to target enemies when any other object is in range (Shrines, vases, corpses, doors, etc).
    306 Quests: Demonweb: mobs are too weak, dretches at 1.7k hp and driders and tougher mobs at 3k hp seem to be heroic elite Sharn values. Double hp, damage, attack bonus.
    307 Shiradi Watchful Eye granted feat doesn't work.
    308 Mixed itemization bugs and scaling issues.
    309 Draconic Bring About Destruction grants only 10 spell power total to your element.
    310 Quest: Ogre Magi in Tharask Arena are too powerful
    311 Quest: Treasure Bags in the revamped epic quests are broken, ie empty (presumably tied to monster manual mobs lost their typing with revamp)
    312 More Typos.
    313 Spell Targeting: Chain missiles doesn't proc arcane warrior in quests (maybe tied to reaper tree) Edit: Neither does Call Lightning Storm.
    314 Typo: Sword Sings effect is on hit, not on use as described in tooltip.
    315 Shadow Dancer Imbuement isn't scaling off of power as described.
    316 Spell Targeting: Spirit Blades fly into the ground and only hit point blank.
    317 Tooltip: Shadowdancer: Imbuement ~0.4 second internal cooldown not listed on tooltip.
    318 (delete fixed)
    319 Tooltip: Shiradi 0.1 second internal cooldown not listed on tooltip.
    320 Fury of the Wild Embrace the Pain is always on.
    321 Tiefling Scoundrel tree keeps resetting due to Magical Training Feat granted by EDs not working properly for it.
    322 Devil Assault (epic) is over scaled.
    323 Character: Movement Speed altering enemy spells and allied/self effects rewrites the stats snapshot used to effect abilities and attacks, causing attacks and spells to fail until you move your character or exit persistent effects to refresh the stats snapshot again. (Not entirely new and not entirely a bug, just new ED pass has new movement altering abilities). Result of 1 damage spells, failed breath attacks, missing shots of ranged, etc. Also see here. Slowing spells that do this include: Fears, Webs, Otto's, Spike Growth, Storms and Clouds, Symbols that CC or slow, etc.
    324 Quest: Frosty Reception the skeleton icy defenders are not properly affected by Unholy Avatar and appear coded as constructs that heal from negative energy?
    325 Quest: Good Intentions Reapers are spawning at 1 hp.
    326 Exalted Angel. Healing aura doesn't take into account all sources of spell power (No on wellspring, No on something else at least (Probably heal skill). See here.
    327 Exalted Angel Spells that affect both enemies and allies are now triggering the light damage from EA's mantle on allies. Divine Wrath, Spring to Summer, and Reborn in Fire all tested and confirmed.
    328 Shiradi Stay Good Blind Tier 3 doesn't allow sneak attacks (ranged proc).
    329 Quest Chaimber of Raiyum Death Hex Wraith Epic spawning with 39 hp
    330 Shadow Dancer Dark Imbuement Blind doesn't allow sneak attacks.
    331 Shiradi Wild Magic doesn't grant force or universal spell power.
    332 Shadow Dancer Technician - Nimble Fingers sneak attack die lost on death.
    333 Quest: Ghouls in Crypt of Gerald Dryden (Epic) have 83 hp along outside path.
    334 The spell power scaling of Arcane Tempest is wrong
    335 Shiradi: Feywild Attunement T5 Spell Power does not work.
    336 EA Healing Aura is (20 - Half Epic Level) instead of (20 + Half Epic Level)
    337 Fury of the Wild: Savage Takedown only gives +3 instead of +6 to trip DCs. Also trip DC calculation is off by Dreadkeeper filigree and another source.
    338 Draconic: Similiar to 266 above, Draconic mantle not compatible with creeping doom and LGS earth.
    339 Fatesinger ranged attacks don't work while moving. The Pluck of a String / Arrow of Discord
    340 Some people are missing a destiny point. Some people have an extra. Presumably related to nerfs/adjustments to ED ability costs (EA mass cure) (fixed?)
    341 Shiradi Hunt's End doesn't work well with repeaters, 1 bolt then reloads. (fixed?)
    342 Fury of The Wild: Nature's Fury doesn't support TWF VKF style.
    342 US Mantle buff language is different from effect and tooltip. Says 20% when it is 15%. (fixed?)
    343 Spell Targeting: If you hurl instead of kill certain quest objective mobs, it removes them from the game instead of killing them, making quests incompletable (Eg. Phase 2 Shroud Crystal). See #285 above. Presumably same for double rainbow hurl effect. (partially fixed, inferno of the damned portals remain bugged and never respawn)
    344 Spell Targeting: Glitterdust trap no long works. Other spell traps untested.
    345 Shiradi/Shadow Dancer/Draconic Spells cast from traps do not trigger ED abilities that add effects to spells. (not a bug?)
    346: Shiradi: Pin has no throwing animation or throwing effect. Tested with shuriken.
    347 Sanctified Vial (Alchemist Level 4 Spell) does not function with the Divine Crusader epic destiny. (fixed?)
    348 The spell power scaling of Tsunami is wrong? (seems ok)
    349 Fatesinger Pluck of A String/Arrow of Discord doesn't work with repeaters to produce multiple shots, or take into account rapid shot/reload/alacrity bonuses. Both do 3 shots instead of 2 with dual shooting. (fixed)
    350 Dire Shot dual shooting shoots 3 times instead of 2
    351 Exalted Angel Tooltip: Feat Self Sufficient gives an unlisted buff to Turn Undead (+1 to effective level +1 to max hit dice and +1 to hit die) from Subtle Flame.
    352 Spell Targeting: Time Stop and Cut the Strings require hard targets, but are AoE effects centered on the caster, and cast when out of range of that hard target required to no effect. Also Negative Energy Burst. (fixed)
    353 Grandmaster of Flowers Split the soul Dark monk henshin. Can confirm that it gives additional 200% strikethrough as it should, I managed to hit 5 targets at once. Unfortunately once it ran out I no longer hit up to 3 targets as I should with my normal 195% strikethrough. I'm down to single target until I relog. That definitely fixes it, death doesn't. Seems to be same bug of using Dance of Death with THF.
    354 DDO market still says that the expansions give you Epic Destinies Access
    355 Grand Master of Flowers: tooltip: Split the Soul says it allows attacking additional targets with all weapons, but only works with melee weapons.
    356 Grand Master of Flowers: Cruelty of Evil Rank 1 only provides sneak attack accuracy, not damage (other ranks untested).
    357 FoTW/Shiradi: Hunt's End and Adrenaline don't work with other epic strikes. (fixed)
    358 Draconic mantle DoT ticks and overwrites single target instead of triple stacking.
    359 Tsunami has too high of a total save DC displaying much higher than similar level spells. (fixed)
    360 Major elemental dots all overwrite and share a channel: LGS Earth/Earth Attunement?/Draconic Mantle Acid/Creeping Doom
    Dripping With Magma/LGS Fire/Draconic Mantle Fire
    LGS Water / Water Attunement / Draconic Mantle Cold
    361 Epic Destiny core that gives magical training cause arcane archer tree and to reset upon log in if soul magic from arcane archer tree is put point in. Same for swashbuckling (arcane marauder). (Swash is fixed)
    362 Spells: Celestial Bombardment total damage doesn't match description.
    363 Exalted Angel: Deepening Faith breaks echoes of power completely.
    364 Magus of the Eclipse: The Lich, evidently, fails to get chill aura from share the light
    365 Shiradi: Prism does repair damage, but it isn't a damage type.
    366 Exalted Angel: Angelic Charge (abundent step) doesn't work in animal form.
    367 Shiradi: Fey Flash doesn't work properly (DC/helpless)
    368 Shadow Dancer: Dark Imbuement/Paranoia scales with melee/ranged power + spell power for ranged, spell power for casting, and nothing for melee, an also has an unlisted save
    369 Fatesinger: Strike a Chord doesn't strikethrough, attack or proc.
    370 Fatesinger: Blade and Arrow of Discord are copies of Sword Sings Pluck of a String (fixed in U53)
    371 ED abilities converted to spells aren't coded as spells for the purposes of Spell Absorb (Eg. Divine Wrath).
    372 Magus of the Eclipse: Lunar Imbuement: when I cast Gloomspear I receive +10 Cold Spellpower instead +10 Negative Spellpower
    373 Magus of the Eclipse: Lunar Imbuement: Moonlight, Dark Light of the Moon, Starlight 3rd Rank: I tested it on the red mobs in Saltmarsh and I noticed that when the Moonlight dissipates, often, very often (I presume 80% of the time) the mobs are not damaged. It is not relative to resistance or something, there is no damage at all. For example the Shambling Mound and the Kelpie on one run were damaged hard when the Moonlight dissipates, on a second run there was no damage. The Manticore took no damage on both the runs. The Abishai was damaged both the times.
    374 Fury of the Wild: Quick Cutter doesn't scale.
    375 Fred commonly eats astral shards, regardless of how you pay to change feats.
    376 Lay on Hands (LOH) and Light the Dark US are based on 10 + epic level + paladin level, and only scale at 100% of power.
    377 Caster Core 4s don't provide their proper bonuses (DCs/Spell Pen/Etc)

    Unsorted Old:
    15 Shadow Dancer Shadow Mastery Epic Moment does not allow From The Shadows, the Stealth active jump forward or assassinate
    15 Shadow Mastery Epic Moment does not allow From The Shadows, the Stealth active jump forward or assassinate
    19 Dragonborn's "draconic knowledge:blue" no longer applying to sonic spells, or horn of thunder
    20 The Energy Vortex (electric) has an activation issue. Target one enemy, activate Dragon Breath (which then triggers the Vortex). If you just activate, the Vortex doesn't happen.
    31 Unclear Spell Cooldown reduction not working properly somehow. The Epic Destiny active ability, or the Mantle effect from Draconic, nor the Shadowcaster effect from Shadowdancer.
    37 Neither epic knowledge nor spell of arcane might are applying increased caster levels - casting everything sonic @ caster level 23
    71 Aura of courage toggle, 2nd core in the Enlightened Spirit warlock tree is not remembering its previous state of being turned on and it always off upon log in
    72 Shadowstrike (Shadowdancer epic strike) from release note Cooldown should be 10 seconds, on live is 15 seconds.
    75 SD Epic Moment is a melee guard only, not ranged guard.
    76 Bard song numbers and levels no longer add for more or longer songs. (Think this has to do with fatesinger bards losing max songs and song duration)
    81 When using mantle of nature and shared mantle my own spell only seem to proc cocoon and not the damage.
    95 Mantle of Sound and Fury does not seem to be scaling correctly the sonic damage is extremely low. (not based on spell power, higher of 100% ranged or 200% melee power?)
    247 Storm of Vengeance: No longer does lightning damage! (Just the animation of lightning). (was previously without a #)
    100 Draconic: The DoT of the Arcane Mantle (Inevitable T3) becomes removed on Exit from any persistent AoE... Spike Growth, Earthquake, IceStorm, for example... resulting in the loss of those tics
    101 Primal Avatar: Flowers of the thorns does not use Hamp or Positive spell power. I was healing at 40'ish hp per tick at lvl 30 every 5s inside of a Spike Growth spell... which won't help epic+ characters out too much as it is.
    102 Draconic Incarnation: 'Elemental Blood' with 'Draconic Bloodline: Shadow' doesn't proc temporary hit points with 'Lesser Death Aura' and 'Death Aura'.
    122 Enemy casters have the new energy drain DoT effect and it bypasses Death Ward.
    124 Unyielding Sentinel T2 Knight's Challenge requires a melee weapon or nothing in your main hand. Doesn't work if you have a thrower in your main hand.
    126 Fatesinger: The pluck of a string does not add the sonic damage. Tested on the magefire cannon repeatedly.
    127 Fury of the Wild: Mantle of Fury healing seems to check if you appear to be at full health before it heals you, but it includes temporary HP in that check.
    128 Tsunami spell description says cooldown 12 seconds but its 17 seconds.
    129 Warlock Spirit Blasts t appears that none of the bonus enhancement dice are being included or applying the Metafeats
    143 Scales of the dragons ability from Draconic Incarnation looks like enemies are bypassing fortification to calculate the damage while the absorption is active.
    152 Shadow Dancer: "Depths Of Darkness" not stacking with "Ghost in the Wind" PM Undead Shroud Augmentation. (I think both are forms so WAI)
    153 Alchemist : Poisoned Coating -- Not Working
    166 Embodiment of Law requires level 28 instead of 25.
    168 Primal Avatar: Primal avatar's heart mantle doesn't trigger when utterdark essence is used to make blasts do alignment damage, or using the chaos damage slas from the soul eater tree, or the extra light damage dice added to eldritch blasts from the enlightened spirit spiritual retribution and spirit blast & elritch burst enhancements from the enlightened spirit tree (though I could see that intentionally not counting as a spell or sharing a cooldown with the evil damage from the utterdark blast). Also the thorn mantle doesn't trigger off of acid pact damage or eldritch blasts when using the default force damage so it looks like the primal avatar mantles are completely nonfunctional with eldritch blasts.
    210 Greater Elders Knowledge once again claims to grant 20% Artifact bonus to Spell Critical Damage. Despite it only granting 10%.
    228 Unyielding Sentinal: Celestial mandate Says that it increases PRR and MRR for 15 seconds but it instead does it for 10 seconds, doesn't apply slow, and has 6 instead of stated 4.5 second cooldown.
    251 Gameplay: Dire Shot should be using Stun Bonuses instead of Sunder Bonuses, like every single other ability on the tree, regardless of the effect they apply (Dire Charge, Momentum Swing, Lay Waste) (I erased old # this used to be)
    260 Graphics: Unyielding Sentinel-Divine Energy Resistance erroneously uses the icon for Magic Circle Against Evil in its description.

    Unsolved but reported solved/not a bug:
    11 Fey Lights: Patch notes say Highest of Enchantment or Illusion bonuses, in game it says only illusion bonuses. If you do actually fix this, might as well add the word "mod" in the DC to get it over with. Also: Fey lights doesn't properly calculate DC's.
    52 Negative damage from Magus of Eclipse Chill Aura is healing undeath enemies despite Chill aura description.
    83 FotW Spirit Beast Tier 3 does not double the effects of Ram's Might if you gain it by wearing the item "(Legendary) Belt of the Ram" and only doubles animal growth for 1 second. Ram's might fixed. Animal groth fixed for druid animal form, does not work for shifters.
    109 FotW Primal screams buff bar icon claims to grant +4 to all stats but it actually granting the correct +2 to dex con and str.
    112 Graphics: Both Shiradi Epic Moments incorrectly use the obsolete icon for Pin.
    157 Typo: Fatesinger: the Epic Strike Multiselector's description is typo'd "Choice an Epic Strike"
    162 Typo: Fatesinger: Resonance of Fate multiselector's description makes no sense in English (Choice a Thread of Fate to Resonant with -> Choose a Thread of Fate to Resonate with)
    119 Tooltip: Dire Attack (both Shot and Charge) don't mention they are Epic Strikes. These do indeed now mention that they are Epic Strikes, but you forgot to add a space and a colon.
    146 Typo: Exalted Angel: Angelic Form (mantle) "Positive Healing per every 2 Character Levels" (keep either word but not both)
    "Per", as you know, means "for each". I'm sure you agree that "For each every" is an incorrect phrase. Thus it should either be "Positive Healing per 2 Character Levels" or "Positive Healing for every 2 Character Levels".
    160B Typo: - Shiradi: Stay Frosty & Stay Good should not have the word "Ranged" capitalized (two instances)
    This is also just some typos; the words "melee/ranged/thrown/spell" are not supposed to be capitalized (according to the vast majority of the game's descriptions). A similar description correctly written is Double Rainbow's. Just to be clear, here's an image showing the errors I'm talking about. These typos exist in both Stay Good AND Stay Frosty. Also the word "stance" should be replaced by a pink "Destiny Mantle". All in all, this should be moved from "Not Actually A Bug (WAI)" to "Actually a Bug/Move to Typos Guy"
    201 Divine Crusader Axiom of Faith requires FEAT proficiency in weapon to make it favored, but favored weapons grant proficiency to user in all other cases. This isn't being considered a bug, but all the non-feat ways of become proficient (enhancements like HElf Dilly proficiencies, EK martial proficiency, warchanter martial proficiency, War Domain) aren't allowing selection of Axiom of Faith weapons.
    221 Spell Targeting: Fireball scrolls no longer set ablaze the tents in Seigebreaker. Fireball spell and DBF spell are not lighting tents up.
    253 Typo: While you did fix Flaming Sphere's typo, the damage type in both Flaming Sphere and Sun Bolt is still lacking capitalization. See here.

    Not U51, but people mention:
    Animated Armor's are healed by negative energy.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 07-02-2022 at 11:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Divine crusader Axiom of fate, helf ranger dilly grants longbow, but longbow cannot be chosen.

  3. #3
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Epic chrono broken
    Epic sands broken
    Epic von broken

  4. #4
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    LD tier 5, legendary rally does not seem to be applying the +2 critical multiplier.

  5. #5
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    Summoning Litch from Magus of the Eclipse

    (Combat): You begin to cast Call Kindred Being (Necromancy) at level 35.
    (Combat): You hit Lich for 100,001,000 points of positive damage.

    You summoned nice lich dead body on ground

  6. #6
    Developer Steelstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xario View Post
    Summoning Litch from Magus of the Eclipse

    (Combat): You begin to cast Call Kindred Being (Necromancy) at level 35.
    (Combat): You hit Lich for 100,001,000 points of positive damage.

    You summoned nice lich dead body on ground
    That's, uh, quite a bit of positive damage, there.

    What kind of build are you/what other skills do you have running? Did it happen instantly on summoning?
    We don't only build for the builds that exist.
    We don't only build for the builds that are good right now.

    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

  7. #7
    Community Member Gralhota's Avatar
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    Default Skellie Insane NERF!!!!

    Mantles dont work with wizard pet.
    Buffs to summons dont work anymore with Skeliie. Just him dont get prr, mrr, mp, sp / epic level buff.

    Lich keep die. Running Magus Eclipse + Primal destine.

    Sorry for bad english

  8. #8
    Community Member kmoustakas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NemesisAlien View Post
    Epic chrono broken
    Epic sands broken
    Epic von broken
    Aka all the pug raids
    Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers

  9. #9
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    Release notes say - "Fey Lights: Epic Strike: Cone SLA. Enemies are sprayed with illusions of color, and must make a Will save or be Dazed, Blinded, and/or Silenced. The target must make a saving throw for each effect. (20 + Highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma + Highest of Enchantment or Illusion bonuses)", in game it says only illusion bonuses.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by makmakkabab View Post
    Release notes say - "Fey Lights: Epic Strike: Cone SLA. Enemies are sprayed with illusions of color, and must make a Will save or be Dazed, Blinded, and/or Silenced. The target must make a saving throw for each effect. (20 + Highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma + Highest of Enchantment or Illusion bonuses)", in game it says only illusion bonuses.
    Don’t we have enough color spray SLAs. That one is just useless.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    Don’t we have enough color spray SLAs. That one is just useless.
    Well, as a warlock, I found the idea of making undead, oozes, plants and constructs helpless intriguing.

  12. #12
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    The slow effect of Evard's Black Tentacles is hitting players

  13. #13
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    Fast and Furious (out of FotW) shares a cooldown with Lead the Charge (out of KotC).

  14. #14
    Community Member MacDubh's Avatar
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    Meld doesn't apply dodge on epic strike Shadowstrike. Annunciation and buffy bar shown, but dodge unchanged in Char Sheet. May be just update Char Sheet problem?

    From The Shadows, the Stealth active jump forward, cannot be triggered when the Shadow Mastery Epic Moment is applied whilst not in Sneak. Can be triggered when in Sneak with Shadow Mastery Epic Moment. But Shadow Mastery Epic Moment is supposed to make be like as Sneak whatever else you be up to. " While in this form, you are considered Sneaking and Invisible regardless of what you do."
    Similarly, cannot assassinate when the Shadow Mastery Epic Moment is applied whilst not in Sneak. But Shadow Mastery Epic Moment is supposed to make be like as Sneak whatever else you be up to. So the Epic Moment is not Sneaking like Sneak.

  15. #15
    Community Member Brekian's Avatar
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    from release notes "Epic XP will be displayed on your XP Bar differently (by splitting each level up into Ranks so we can award points more often), but the amounts and totals needed to level up are unchanged from how they are currently."

    On my main I was level 20 with enough XP to take 21 (~678k), now it shows rank 4 and unable to take 21 so it seems the xp needed to level up has in fact changed.

    Edit: Looks like I was mistaken, it did let me level when I tried again.
    Last edited by Brekian; 11-03-2021 at 05:52 PM.
    Sarlona Server - Elmastor, Joltara, Joltax, Rhaazz, Talaro, and more

    Leader of The Wulfepack - "If you call one wolf, you invite the Pack"

  16. #16
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    Note sure if its a one off occurrence, but Ran Spinner of Shadows and she was immune to all damage at the point when you need to beat here down to get more spiders
    Cannith Server: Maetrim - Once again complete
    Maetrim's DDO Character Planner:

  17. #17
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Default i want my money back ... every dime spent the last 15 years

    I am super ****ed off ...

    i was ok with the last stat nerf ... i thought it was really bad timing but they should have done it 10 years ago when i said on these forums that gear should be based on levels and one raids gear at the same level should not be so drastically different in power and same with random drop gear.

    but after that stat nerf ... i was told by the elitists on these forums that you should be able to get more than 100 DC ... and they were right i just had to spend a whole bunch of money on sentience and spend hours farming just to destroy the gear i got and finally got myself over 100dc so that i could START trying to do reapers and try to build that up too.

    now i dropped ANOTHER 8 DC across the board on all my schools ... they didnt just drop me 6 int points from the stat nerf with destinies but also screwed me out of my DCs AGAIN.

    but i read the notes ... all three pages of BS and no where did they say they re-adjusted the mobs again ... not even that they readjusted the mobs after not doing enough last time.

    so i am happy for all the elitist trash that the DEVs are listening to when making these stupid decisions, but us people who have been around since day one with this game ... who have put up with Turbines stupidity and then Warner ... SSG has taken it to a new low.

    No wonder pug raids have dropped off the face of sarlona lately ... used to be able to put up a dryad and with the majority of those people run practically every raid only replacing one or two people as we went along ... havent even seen more than one or two pug raids in weeks all leading up to this nonsense. Even then, i was there for the community conversation on lama ... i told people they listened ... i am sure they are going to consider all of these issues before it goes live.

    man was i wrong.

    i have characters that i have spend a lot of real money on looks and upgrades that i cannot even enjoy playing anymore.

    i want all my money back ... give me the 3 grand i spent on this game over the last 15 years and you can take my account ... multiple lvl 30s 21 characters deep almost all on at least second life.
    i dont want to learn to play the game i have played most of my adult life all over again .. because you want to sell us on lvl 40 that no one is asking for ... so that you can force us to TR more ...

    you have ruined this game for the last time ... and honestly ... you cant just assume that because we stuck through turbine that we will stick around when you idiots turn this game into a ****ing hole.

    rant over.
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    That's, uh, quite a bit of positive damage, there.

    What kind of build are you/what other skills do you have running? Did it happen instantly on summoning?
    Razor claw barb1/FvS1/druid18

    I thing that all summons receiving immediatelly after summoning such very hight positive heal (saw that numbers on also other summons (9th level Dryad or Dryad from Primal Avatar)) as part off summoning process, but in case of undeath Lich ... it is letal for him ...

  19. #19
    Community Member LeoLionxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drfirewater79 View Post
    but i read the notes ... all three pages of BS and no where did they say they re-adjusted the mobs again ... not even that they readjusted the mobs after not doing enough last time.
    Here it is: the Monsters section on page 3 of the notes:

    - Monsters throughout levels 20 and 29 have had their stats adjusted to account for the new Epic Destiny update.

    - Fixed various Undead who were not being harmed by Positive energy, as well as Animated Objects that were mistakenly tagged as Undead instead of Constructs. Please continue to report any such monsters you encounter.

    - Hellhounds should no longer slide around and attack while using standing-still attack animations.
    That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
    Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu

    Bug report form link

  20. #20
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    The Greater Beams ability in Magus seems to be broken, at least the Cold/Moon lance ability part. Its definitely not 12 seconds at least, as I type this I am currently a permanent Statue in the Phoenix Tavern Brawling Pit on Argo. Been sitting here for about a little more than 20 minutes. I stayed frozen even after death.

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