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    Default Update 51 Release Notes

    Update 51 Release Notes

    Here are the release notes for Update 51: A New Destiny, released on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021.
    Of Special Note:

    Epic Destiny Update

    Update 51 brings a big update and overhaul of our Epic Destiny system! The new system features improvements through the level 20 to 30 process along with a new destiny called Magus of the Eclipse. All characters who are at least level 20 and players in the future who achieve level 20 can get started with the new system by speaking with a Fatespinner to be taken to the Junction of the Planes to acquire their Epic Destinies and learn more!

    Epic Destinies are now free to every player regardless of account status. Any player who previously owned Epic Destinies will receive a Tome of Destiny +1 (Historic) that grants you +1 permanent Destiny Point for one of your characters (see the release notes for more information about Destiny Points.) If you have at least one character before this overhaul that has fully capped all of their Epic Destinies, you will receive an exclusive Cloak of Destiny featuring the now-deprecated Starmap to commemorate your achievement. All characters level 20 and higher at the time of this Update will not be able to change Feats with Fred until they perform a Lesser Reincarnation (or any other form of Reincarnation). This is to prevent invalid build scenarios and situations where certain feats simply cannot be swapped. All characters level 20 and higher at the time of this Update have been granted a Bound-to-Character +5 Lesser Heart of Wood.

    Read the release notes below for extensive information about the new system.
    News and Notes:


    • Female Dragonborn breath attacks that previously failed to function now work correctly.

    DDO Store

    • When the in-game DDO Store is set so that it uses your external web browser the "No" button has been updated to state "Cancel" to reduce confusion.
    • A Tome of Destiny +1 (Historic) which gives +1 permanent Destiny Point to the character who uses it has been added to the Store. This is the same type of tome that players will receive for previously owning Epic Destinies and will only stack with Tomes of Destiny that have another type such as (Feywild).


    • Aasimar Ascendant Bonds no longer spam your combat log.
    • Several Falconry bird attacks now properly factor in their Assassinate bonuses.
    • Pale Master's Improved Zombie Form now properly penalizes your attack speed.

    Epic Destinies: Overall Changes

    • We are updating our Epic Destiny structure from the ground up to provide a cohesive level experience from levels 20 to 30 and beyond. The new structure resembles Heroic Enhancements - Cores along the bottom and 5 tiers reaching to the top. However, there are some notable differences from and similarities to the old Epic Destiny structure:
      • You can now be in up to three Epic Destinies at a time. You select up to three trees at a time in a drop-down menu of the user interface, socketing them into place in your Epic Destiny window, just as you select your Heroic Enhancement Trees. You can spend points freely between these three trees, and resetting your Epic Destiny points out of a tree will allow you to choose a new one.
      • As you level up beyond level 20, you will earn Destiny Points that you can spend in these Epic Destiny trees. Epic Levels now display their experience in Ranks, just like Heroic levels do. Each point is earned at each Rank of an Epic Level, which means that each Epic Level corresponds to 4 Destiny Points. The 5th rank of each Epic Level is the level itself, as it is in Heroics. This means that you'll earn Destiny Points at a steady rate rather than in large chunks every 5 ranks.
      • Each Epic Destiny ability in the new Destiny system has a destiny point requirement as well as a level requirement - just like heroic enhancements do - so you can't jump right to the end at level 20 or without spending the requisite points up the tree. The Level and Destiny Point requirements are as follows:
        • Core 1: Level 20, 0 Destiny Points spent
        • Core 2: Level 23, 5 Destiny Points spent
        • Core 3: Level 26, 10 Destiny Points spent
        • Cores 4 through 6: Will eventually be available at levels higher than 30.
        • Tier 1: Level 20, 0 Destiny Points spent
        • Tier 2: Level 20, 5 Destiny Points spent
        • Tier 3: Level 23, 10 Destiny Points spent
        • Tier 4: Level 26, 20 Destiny Points spent
        • Tier 5: Level 30, 30 Destiny Points spent (you may only be in one Tier 5 at a time)

      • These new Epic Destiny trees are a mix of the old Epic Destiny abilities and brand new ones, providing a large variety of options to players both familiar with our current Epic Destinies and those hungry for new abilities. We have been able to make sweeping changes to themes and designs to better support the widest range of available play. You'll see familiar abilities in unfamiliar places, new abilities in the places of old ones, and changes aimed at bringing the entire Destiny system together into more of a cohesive whole.

    • Unlocking Trees
      • Assuming you've never been in epics before, when you reach level 20, you will be directed to the Fatespinner and a new public area accessible from her dialogue. This area will contain NPCs that correspond to each Destiny. Speak to those NPCs to unlock the destiny for this character permanently. This NPC will give you a description of the playstyles that the tree supports, as well as serve a small part in a new, lightweight tutorial. Once you have done this once on a character, you will not need to do it again. This is just a way for us to vector new players to the Epic gameplay loop into a space that can give them a bit of an aesthetical introduction to our Epic game.
      • Unlocking a tree in the new system also provides +3 Fate Points per tree, which means that a brand new character reaching 20 for the first time will begin with 36 Fate Points.

    • Fate Points
      • There are no more Twists of Fate in this system since players can branch out across up to three trees, but Fate Points still have a use. Every 3 Fate Points you've earned will contribute to 1 Permanent Destiny Point in the Epic Destiny Trees. These points are available at level 20 and can be freely spent between the trees you have slotted. If this is your first time in Epics, you will begin with a bare minimum of 36 Fate Points (from unlocking the 12 currently available trees), which means you'll start level 20 with 12 Permanent Destiny Points. This Permanent Destiny Point system is where we recapture the currently-frontloaded Destiny flow and allows us to offer playstyle-defining elements right out of the gate. The first two tiers of each tree are accessible at level 20, so you'll have quite a bit of choice and power at the start.
      • Fate Points also grant +2 Hit Points and +1 Spell Points each, starting at level 20.
      • You earn Fate Points in a variety of ways - from the Tomes of Fate currently available, from Epic Past Lives at the ratio of 3 Epic Past Lives to 1 Fate Point (compared to the 4:1 ratio as it is currently), and from unlocking Destinies in the new system. You will no longer receive bonus Fate Points at levels 29 and 30.
      • The current maximum Fate Points is 55: 36 from unlocking trees + 16 from Epic Past Lives + 3 from a Tome of Fate. This means that you will start with up to 18 Permanent Destiny Points from Fate at level 20 (+1 extra Fate Point).

    • Epic Reincarnation
      • Rather than requiring Karma, Epic Reincarnation simply allows a player at level 30+ to take the Epic Past life of your choice and return to level 20.
      • Epic Completionist, rather than granting a Twist of Fate slot, will instead grant a flat +1 Destiny Point You will also earn additional copies of Epic Completionist every 12 Epic Past Lives you earn thereafter. This means that a player with 24 Epic Past Lives will start with 2 copies of Epic Completionist, and will be able to earn 2 more as they reach the 48 total Epic Past Lives. A player with all 48 will have 4 copies of Epic Completionist, for a total of +4 Permanent Destiny Points.
      • This means that a player with Epic Completionist, all Epic Past Lives, the Tome of Destiny from Feywild, a +3 Tome of Fate, and all unlocked Destiny Trees, will begin level 20 with 23 Permanent Destiny Points (18 from fate, 4 from four copies of Epic Completionist, 1 from Tome).

    • Epic XP, Epic Destiny XP, and Karma
      • There is no Epic Destiny XP or Karma in this new system. A player will not be required to level up in a destiny, or earn XP in a destiny, to unlock new trees or reincarnate. The base 12 destinies will be unlocked at level 20 via a simple tutorial, and reincarnation will no longer require Karma to complete. This means that the only type of XP you need to worry about in Epics is Epic XP, which will be unchanged from how it is earned. Epic XP will be displayed on your XP Bar differently (by splitting each level up into Ranks so we can award points more often), but the amounts and totals needed to level up are unchanged from how they are currently.

    • Leveling Up in Epics
      • In order to address the backloaded feat flow and frontloaded enhancement flow, we are meeting in the middle for the new level-up experience for Epics:
        • Level 20: Unlocks Tier 1 and 2 of your Epic Destinies.
        • Level 21: Acquire an Epic Feat
        • Level 22: Acquire a Destiny Feat
        • Level 23: Unlocks Tier 3 of your Epic Destinies, Unlocks Core 2 of your Epic Destinies
        • Level 24: Acquire an Epic Feat
        • Level 25: Acquire a Destiny Feat
        • Level 26: Unlocks Tier 4 of your Epic Destinies, Unlocks Core 3 of your Epic Destinies
        • Level 27: Acquire an Epic Feat
        • Level 28: Acquire a Destiny Feat
        • Level 29: No level up benefit specific to Epic Destinies
        • Level 30: Acquire an Epic Feat, Acquire a Legendary Feat, Unlocks Tier 5 of your Epic Destinies

      • We are moving the Destiny Feat levels to follow directly after the Epic Feat levels. We want to smooth out the rate at which a player gains power considerably, which means we are lowering the minimum levels of the Destiny feats.

    • Epic and Destiny Feats
      • Epic Destiny Feats no longer have Sphere requirements, as there are no more Spheres. Instead, they will simply have level prerequisites.
      • The level prerequisites of Destiny Feats have been changed. Whereas before a Destiny Feat would have a prerequisite for levels 26, 28, and 29, they will now follow the new acquisition level flow, moving to min level 22, 25, and 28 respectively.
      • Several Epic and Destiny Feats have changed in functionality, as will be detailed next.

    • Caster Levels
      • Caster Levels
        • Old Epic Destinies gave specific bonuses to specific caster levels in their Cores, but these bonuses did not give maximum caster levels, just caster levels. There was also a smattering of specific caster level/maximum caster level bonuses spread across some trees for only specific spells.
        • New Epic Destinies will give no specific caster levels to classes. You'll instead gain +1 Caster Level and +1 Maximum Caster Level with all spells for every 2 Epic levels you've earned - so at level 30, you'll be at +5 to your caster levels.

    • Spell Schools and Spell DCs
      • Old destinies supported either a small subsection or all DC types at the same time, and even then, if you wanted DCs, Magister was the clear choice most of the time.
      • Now, each spell school has a specialized Destiny and supports several DC bonuses. This means that each type of DC has plenty of room to be specialized in instead of living in a single tree. Our new Spell DC Paradigm is as follows:
        • Each core of a casting tree grants +1 Epic bonus to all DCs (so Core 2 grants a +2 Epic bonus, Core 3 grants a +3 Epic bonus)
          • Since this is typed, it does not stack, so taking Cores from other trees will not increase your DCs.

        • Each of these casting trees in Tier 5 has an enhancement that grants +1/2/3 to all DCs.
          • Since this is in Tier 5, and like with Heroic enhancement trees you can only spend points in the tier 5's of a single Destiny, you can only access one of these universal DC boosts.

        • In Tier 3, there is a multiselector of a subset of DCs that grants +1/2/3 to the selected DC
          • These are antirequisites of the same DC found in other trees. Once you select necromancy in one tree, you can't take it in the other tree.
          • This means that if you are a Necromancy DC caster, you will want 1 of your trees to have that Necromancy, but once you've gotten that DC, your other options are wide open
          • This also means that you can go wide for more DCs for secondary DC values OR go tall to keep focusing, rather than wanting to go wide for all of the DCs across all of the trees that offer it

        • The Epic Resilience buff has been removed from all monsters at endgame to make DCs across the board far easier to achieve.

    • Spell Power Types
      • Our goal is for each type of Spell Power to have at least one tree that specializes in that type of spellcasting damage, with Draconic and Primal Avatar both leaning on different parts of the role of "choose a Spell Power to specialize in. This means that if you're a caster that tries to deal spell damage, you'll have several options to encourage you to pick the ones that are right for your build. We're also opening up Draconic and Primal Avatar to cover a lot more ground horizontally.
      • There was not previously much Spell Power in the former Epic Destiny system, unlike Melee and Ranged Power. In our new flow, each Core of a Spellcasting Destiny will grant +5 Spell Power in the thematic types (For example, Fatesinger will boost Force and Sonic) as well as +5 Universal Spell Power. There will also be +20 thematic and +20 Universal Spell Power in the tiers of each Spellcasting Destiny, for a total of +35 thematic/+35 universal in each tree.

    • Spell Critical Chance
      • Old Epic Destinies gave a smattering of spell critical chance that disproportionately boosted the elements presented. Fire and Light were at a severe advantage, and other elements were neglected.
      • New Epic Destinies will not give a spell critical chance.

    • Spell Critical Damage
      • Draconic being the only source of Spell Critical Damage meant it was clearly superior in terms of raw damage for almost all damaging casters, even if it was aesthetically or synergistically suboptimal. New Epic Destinies will give no spell critical damage, but that doesn't mean players won't have access to it going forward, as we'll get to further in these notes.

    • Melee and Ranged Power
      • Each tree that wants you to deal damage with weapons will now support both melee and ranged in both their active attacks and respective powers.
      • Each tree that grants Melee/Ranged power will now do it at an equal rate across all trees to prevent one tree from simply granting more than the others. We want players to choose the tree that best fits their desired playstyle and not the tree that simply has the greatest numerical superiority.
        • Melee Power per Core Ability: 5
        • Ranged Power per Core Ability: 4
        • Each melee/ranged tree will also grant both Melee and Ranged Power at the same time. The exception to this is Fury of the Wild and Shiradi Champion, which will grant only Melee Power and only Ranged Power respectively, and contain only melee and only ranged attacks respectively.
        • To make up the rest of the Melee and Ranged Power that was currently available, we are doubling the bonuses of the Epic Power feat that is granted at each Epic Level from +3 to +6. This means that you will earn a total of +60 Melee and Ranged Power from leveling up versus the currently available +30.

    • Usage-Per-Rest Abilities
      • Rather than individual abilities having their own charges (for example, Healing Spring in Shiradi being usable some number of times per rest), if we use a charges-per-rest system in the new Epic Destiny trees, it will always have a Heroic or shared component. Keeping with Healing Spring, in the new paradigm, it will instead use Wild Empathy charges (and grant a few so that you'll be able to start with the same amount of charges or more in the new flow). You'll see a lot more abilities that use things like Turn Undead, Bard Songs, Rage, and Smite Evil, and a lot of ways to augment recovering those charges or increasing your pool. This helps the Epic Destiny trees feel more like an extension of your existing abilities than an unconnected system meant to replace them.

    • Feat Tie-Ins
      • We are reclaiming many of the former sub-optimal feats- for example, an Epic Destiny ability that grants a significant bonus if you have the Luck of Heroes Feat trained - in ways that would reward you for having them in your build without making them mandatory. You'll also see a lot of abilities that tie into Destiny and Epic feats that are underused or overlooked, such as Embodiment of Chaos/Law and the Bulwark of Defense feat. When these appear, rather than being requirements to train, they will instead apply an additional bonus if you have the feat to reward players who decide to shift their own meta.

    • Ability Score Bonuses
      • There are no more ability score bonuses in these trees, which allows us space to include more exciting abilities that provide stronger benefits to characters.

    • DC Checks
      • Old Epic Destinies had DC checks that used specific stats to determine their DC, and sometimes didn't include DC bonuses they should have. This meant that if you were a specific caster type, you were limited in which Spell Like Abilities (SLAs) had workable DCs.
      • If an ability in a new Epic Destiny uses a DC, it follows this formula: 20 + (highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma if a spell, highest of Strength/Dexterity/Constitution if a purely physical ability, highest of all ability scores if otherwise/both) + (spell school bonus if it's a spell, appropriate DC boost such as Sunder or Trip if not, includes things like Breath Weapon if it's a Breath Weapon, etc) This means that you can expect a relatively small range of DCs for your abilities that use the same stats, even across separate trees. It also means that if you're a spellcaster, your primary spellcasting stat will be able to contribute evenly, regardless of which tree you are in.

    • New Trees
      • One of the major changes as a part of this refactor is that we can begin releasing entirely new Epic Destiny trees. We are starting with 12 Epic Destiny trees, and expect to introduce more over time.
      • We are retiring Magister and replacing it with Magus of the Eclipse, a brand new Epic Destiny that focuses on Negative, Cold, and Necromancy spells, as well as weaving potent anti-magical defenses.

    • Epic Destiny Mantles, Epic Strikes, and Epic Moments
      • To help keep Epic Destinies feeling mechanically different than heroic trees, we're putting together a global system of active play across all trees.
      • Destiny Mantles
        • In the lower tiers of each Destiny Tree you will find an enhancement labeled as a Destiny Mantle. These are powerful persistent abilities that must be toggled on in order to gain their benefits. You can only have a single Destiny Mantle active at a time. You can take multiple of these Mantles in order to swap between them on the fly, however, you can only gain the benefits from one of them at a time. These exclusive toggles are how we plan to keep powerful passive abilities and aspects separate from each other (for example, Grandmaster of Flower's monk animation suite versus Shadowdancer's Shadowform) without making them truly exclusive. Their exclusivity also means that we can allow players access to them right at level 20.

      • Epic Strikes
        • Scattered throughout the Destiny Trees you will find abilities that are labeled as Epic Strikes. These abilities share a cooldown but are not exclusive. These powerful abilities are enhanced as you spend points in their respective trees, and are meant to be accessed right out of the gate at level 20.

      • Epic Moments
        • In Tier 5 of each tree you will find an Epic Moment. Epic Moments are powerful abilities with a long cooldown, and represent a significant amount of late-game power. Our design philosophy for Epic Moments was quite loose to give each tree the freedom it needed, but a general rule is that Epic Moments will break one fundamental "rule" of DDO for its duration. As an example, the Shadowform Epic Moment ("Shadow Mastery") allows you to be considered "stealthed" for its duration, regardless of your actions.

    Epic Destinies: Feats and Legendary Feats

    • Epic Feats
      • Epic Power (autogranted feat): +6 Melee Power, +6 Ranged Power, +6 Universal Spell Power and -1% to the Spell Point cost of all spells.
      • Epic Knowledge (autogranted feat at level 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30): +1 caster level and max caster level with all spells (for a total of +5 to all casting classes at level 30).
      • Epic Reputation now grants +5 to its listed skills instead of +3.
      • Expanded Clip: This is a new feat that requires 12 Artificer class levels and character level 21. Your repeating crossbows have 1 extra shot in their clips.
      • Epic Barbarian Damage Reduction: This is a new feat that requires 12 levels of Barbarian and character level 21. Your Barbarian Damage Reduction is increased by 1%. You also gain +5 Physical and Magical Resistance Rating.

    • Destiny Feats:
      • Epic Spell Power (all types): Provides +20 Spell Power with the associated elemental type. This feat now also provides +15% spell critical damage with the appropriate elemental type and +5% all other spell critical damage.
      • Epic Skill Focus has been removed from the game.
      • Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting: This is a new feat that requires Two Weapon Fighting and character level 22. Your offhand attacks now Doublestrike at 65% of the rate of your main hand, versus the base 50%, up to a maximum of 65%.
      • Doublestrike: +5% Doublestrike. This is the former Perfect Two Weapon Fighting feat, and if you previously had Perfect Two Weapon Fighting you now have this feat.
      • Crush Weakness: This is a new feat that requires character level 25 and provides +15% damage versus the Helpless.
      • Destiny Feats that previously had no minimum level now have a minimum level of 22.
      • Destiny Feats that previously had a minimum level of 28 now have a minimum level of 25.
      • Destiny Feats that previously had a minimum level of 29 now have a minimum level of 28.

    • Legendary Feats
      • Scion of Earth:
        • +4 to the DCs of Conjuration and Transmutation spells, +2 to the DCs of other spells
        • +20 Physical Resistance Rating
        • +10 Acid and Poison Spell Power, +30 Universal Spell Power, +25% Acid and Poison Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage
        • Add 2d20 Acid damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)

      • Scion of Air
        • +4 to the DCs of Evocation spells, +2 to the DCs of other spells
        • +4% Dodge, +4 to Dodge Cap
        • +10 Electric Spell Power, +30 Universal Spell Power, +25% Electric Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage
        • Add 2d20 Electric damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)

      • Scion of Fire
        • No longer grants +25% Spell Critical Damage with all spells
        • +4 to the DCs of Evocation spells, +2 to the DCs of other spells
        • +10 Physical Resistance Rating, +10 Magical Resistance Rating
        • +10 Fire Spell Power, +30 Universal Spell Power, +25% Fire Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage
        • Add 2d20 Fire damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)

      • Scion of Water
        • +4 to the DCs of Evocation spells, +2 to the DCs of other spells
        • +20 Magical Resistance Rating, +200 Maximum Spell Points
        • +10 Cold Spell Power, +30 Universal Spell Power, +25% Cold Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage
        • Add 2d20 Cold damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)

      • Scion of Feywild
        • +10 Sonic and Force Spell Power, +30 Universal Spell Power, +25% Sonic and Force Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage
        • +4 to the DCs of Enchantment and Illusion spells, +2 to DCs of other spells
        • Add 2d20 Sonic damage to weapon and unarmed attacks (Scales with Spell Power)
        • +20 Healing Amplification

      • Scion of Shadowfell
        • +4 to the DCs of Necromancy spells, +2 to DCs of other spells
        • +10 Negative Spell Power, +30 Universal Spell Power, +25% Negative Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage. (note that the Poison Spell Power moved to the Scion of Earth feat)
        • +20 Negative Amp (assuming you take healing from Negative)
        • Weapon and Unarmed attacks heal you for 1d6 Positive damage, or 1d6 Negative damage if you are Undead.

      • Scion of Mechanus
        • +20 Repair & Rust Spell Power, +20 Universal Spell Power, +25% Repair and Rust Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage
        • +20 Repair Amplification (assuming you take healing from Repair)
        • +10% Fortification Bypass on weapon and unarmed attacks
        • Gain: Master Reconstruction, shares cooldown with Communion of Scribing

      • Scion of Celestia
        • +4 to the DCs of Evocation spells, +2 to the DCs of other spells
        • +20 Positive, Light, & Alignment Spell Power, +20 Universal Spell Power
        • +25% Positive, Light, and Alignment Spell Critical Damage, +10% all other spell critical damage
        • +150 Maximum Hit Points
        • +4 to Will Saves

    Epic Destinies: Destiny Trees

    • Divine Crusader:
      • Overview: Charge into battle and crush your enemies with your divine abilities, rallying your allies to your side.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20) Just Cause: Each core including this one in this tree provides +15 Hit Points, +5 Melee and +4 Ranged Power.
        • Core 2 (level 23): Confront any Foe: Your weapons are immune to durability damage. +3 to all saving throws.
        • Core 3 (level 26): Weather any Blow: +5 Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating. +15 Healing, Repair, and Negative Amplification.

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • ?Divine Smite: You gain the Smite Evil feat, and +1 uses of Smite Evil. Enhances Smite Evil by adding 5 effective Paladin levels to its damage calculation. Furthermore, Smite Evil attacks to grant you and nearby allies 1d2 Positive Healing per Character Level when they hit an enemy. This may only apply once every 10 seconds.
        • Shield of Justice: +5/10/15% secondary shield bash chance.
        • Spear of Light: +1/2/3 to Attack and Damage
        • Divine Sundering: +2/4/6 Sunder DCs
        • Consecration (Epic Strike): The ground you are standing on is consecrated. While standing on consecrated ground you and your allies are healed every 3 seconds for 1 point of positive energy per character level. This is affected by your Positive Spell Power. (Cooldown: 30/25/20 seconds). Duration: 15 seconds.

      • Tier 2 (requires level 20):
        • Endless Smiting (requires Divine Smite): +2/4/6 Uses of Smite Evil, Smite Evil regenerates 10/20/30% faster.
        • Bulk Up: +5/10/15 Hit Points, +25/50/75% Fortification
        • Holy Mantle: Divine Crusader Destiny Mantle: Weapons and Shields you wield are considered to have your alignment for Damage Reduction purposes. Your Base Attack Bonus is now equal to your Character Level.
        • Divine Deflection: +1/2/3 all saves, additional +1/2/3 saves vs Enchantments
        • Shield of Light: +2/4/6 Physical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating. Rank 3: You gain Magic Missile immunity (as per the Shield spell) while holding a shield.

      • Tier 3 (requires level 23):
        • Gaze of the Divine: You gain True Seeing and Blindness Immunity.
        • Crusade: Consecration now grants Crusade to allies who stand inside of it (+10% damage for 4 seconds) and burns all enemies within it. (every 3 seconds, they take 1 point of fire damage per character level. This scales with your Fire Spell Power)
        • Axiom of Faith: Multiselector: Choose a Religion from the full list of Religions. You are now considered a follower of that religion, including being able to use its Favored Weapon.
        • Strike with Poise: Your Divine Crusader Destiny Mantle grants Favored Weapons an additional +1/2/3 to their Enhancement bonus. Rank 3: Favored Weapons are also now considered Implements to you automatically, and gain +1[W].
        • How Dare You: Being struck by magic has a 10/20/30% chance to regenerate a Smite Evil. Rank 3: Getting hit below 50% will automatically Consecrate the ground beneath your feet. Can only happen once every 2 minutes.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • Purge the Wicked: +1/2/3 Critical Hit damage and +1/2/3 to your Critical Hit confirmation, doubles if you have the Power Critical feat.
        • Blessed Strikes: +2/4/6% Doublestrike and Doubleshot.
        • Heavenly Presence: Your Divine Crusader Destiny Mantle now grants you the traits of a Celestial. +10 Physical Resistance Rating and 10% Acid, Cold and Electricity Absorption. In addition, you are immune to Petrification.
        • Cower Before Me: When you use Consecrate, nearby enemies must make a Fortitude save or become Cowered for 4 seconds. Cower makes an enemy helpless for the duration. Only sentient creatures, Undead, Aberrations, and Outsiders may be cowered (so constructs, oozes, etc, are immune) DC: 20 + Sunder DC + highest ability score.
        • Rend Armor: You gain the Improved Sunder feat.

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Beckon Divinity: Epic Moment: Divine Power infuses you and your party members, granting them Divinity for 30 seconds. This blessing is so strong that any allies who are dead are raised from it to their Maximum Hit Points. Divinity: When you are struck by any type of damage, you are healed for 4d6 Positive Healing (this healing becomes Repair if you are a Warforged, or Negative if you are Undead). Furthermore, for the first 10 seconds, you are immune to all forms of Crowd Control. The Resurrection portion of this ability may only affect you once per rest.
        • Law of the Divine: You gain the Embodiment of Law feat. If you already had it, it instead enhances the feat to deal 1d6 Law damage per Epic Level scaling with 200% Melee or Ranged Power, and apply a stack of Vulnerability and Armor Destruction on Critical Hits. (1 second cooldown on the debuff application)
        • Bring Down Wrath: Your shield is now considered a Favored Weapon for the purposes of your Divine Crusader Destiny Mantle, and now Doublestrikes at 50% of the rate of your main hand Doublestrike as if it were an offhand weapon.
        • Blessed Blades: While using a Favored Weapon, +1 Critical Multiplier on a roll of 19-20.
        • Mighty Crusade: Smite Evil attacks apply the Crusade buff to your entire party for 4 seconds. You gain +1 Armor Class and +1 Physical Resistance Rating for every two Religious Lore feats you have.

    • Draconic Incarnation:
      • Overview: Become the embodiment of a Draconic Bloodline as you wield elemental damage to destroy your foes.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20): Draconic Heritage: Multiselector: Select the Color of Dragon you embody. No matter what color you pick, you gain the Magical Training feat. Each Core ability in this tree also grants +50 Spell Points, +5 Spell Power with the chosen element, and +5 Universal Spell Power. Each core also grants a +1 Epic bonus to all Spell DCs.
          • Red: Fire
          • Blue: Electric
          • Green: Poison
          • White: Cold
          • Black: Acid
          • Shadow: Negative

        • Core 2 (level 23): Draconic Bloodline: -5% Spell Point cost on all spells. Your spells no longer need material components, as if you had the Eschew Materials feat.
        • Core 3 (level 26): Elemental Blood: -5% Spell Point cost on all spells. Casting spells that align with your Draconic Heritage now trigger a 15% chance to grant yourself +10 temporary Hit Points per character level, these last for 10 seconds. This can only trigger once per 10 seconds.

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • Draconic Perception: +2/4/6 Spot/Search and Reflex saves.
        • Dragonhide: +2/4/6 Armor Class and +2/4/6 Fortitude saves. Rank 3: no longer fail Fortitude saves on a roll of 1.
        • Attune the Arcane: Draconic Destiny Mantle: Offensive spells you cast have a 25% chance to deal 1d6+6 bonus damage per caster level in the elemental damage of your Draconic Bloodline. This has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
        • Dragonscales: +1/2/3 Physical and Magical Resistance Rating
        • Arcane Studies: +2/4/6 Concentration, +1/2/3 Use Magic Device. Rank 3: +5 Spell Power of your Draconic Heritage and +5 Universal Spell Power

      • Tier 2 (requires level 20):
        • Draconic Presence: +1/2/3 DC to breath weapons. Rank 3: Immunity to Fear
        • Draconic Rage: You may now cast spells while Raging.
        • Dragon Breath: Epic Strike: This is a Breath Attack spell. Deals 1d6+10 damage per Character level of the element of your choice to enemies in a cone in front of you. Cooldown 25/20/15 seconds, Costs 20 Spell Points.
        • Coalescence: You bypass the first 5/10/15 points of Damage Reduction with your spells. Rank 3: +5 Spell Power of your Draconic Heritage element and +5 Universal Spell Power
        • Conduit: Double the implement bonus of quarterstaves you wield.

      • Tier 3 (requires level 23):
        • Inevitable: When your Attune the Arcane Destiny Mantle procs, it now instead applies a Damage Over Time effect that deals its full damage 3 additional times after application, for a total of 4 ticks of damage beyond the first, application damage.
        • Daunting Roar: Breath Weapons (including your Dragon Breath Epic Strike) have a 25% chance to paralyze enemies caught within them with fear for 6 seconds with no save. This can only affect each monster once; once they have been feared successfully, successive attempts will fail. Enemies that are immune to fear are immune to this effect.
        • Scales of the Dragon: Activate this to shroud yourself in the Scales of a Dragon. This has two components; first, it absorbs 15 points of damage per Character Level in Ablative protection. Secondly, it shields you from 50% of the Elemental Damage of your dragon type. Both effects last for 5 minutes. Cooldown: 30 Seconds. Costs 30 Spell Points.
        • Arcane Spellsword: (Multiselector, choose 1) +1/2/3 dice with either Eldritch Knight, Vile Chemist, or Arcane Archer toggles.
        • Draconic Spell Focus: (Multiselector, choose 1) +1/2/3 Evocation, Conjuration, Necromancy, or Transmutation DCs.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • Pull from the Wellspring: Wellspring of Power's duration is doubled. When you activate it, you gain +10 temporary Spell Points per character level that last for the full, doubled duration.
        • Metamagic Attunement: Maximize, Intensify, or Empower
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Maximize: Using the Maximize Spell Metamagic costs you 3/6/9 fewer Spell Points.
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Intensify: Using the Intensify Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.

        • Metamagic Attunement: Quicken or Enlarge
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Quicken: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Enlarge: Using the Enlarge Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.

        • Greater Dragon Breath: Multiselector:
          • Energy Vortex: Your Dragon Breath Epic Strike is modified to instead cause energies to swirl around you, dealing its damage to nearby enemies every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.
          • Energy Burst: Your Dragon Breath Epic Strike is modified to instead burst from within you in a 360 degree area, dealing double its damage to all nearby enemies
          • Gaping Maw: Your Dragon Breath Epic Strike now deals double its damage.

        • Dragonspeed: While in your Attune the Arcane Destiny Mantle, your spell cooldowns are reduced by 10%, you gain the Mobile Spellcasting feat, and you have a 30% enhancement bonus to movement speed.

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Epic Moment: Dragonform: Activate this ability to take on the aspect of your Draconic Bloodline. Duration: 30 seconds. Cooldown: 5 minutes.
          • You become immune to elemental damage of your Draconic Bloodline for the duration.
          • You gain Damage Reduction/100- and your Hit Points begin to regenerate at a fast rate for the duration.
          • Your spells gain a 50% cost reduction for the duration.
          • Your spells have a chance to turn a non-boss enemy to gold permanently, adding them to your hoard, with no save.

        • Ruin Intensified: Your Ruin and Greater Ruin now applies a secondary burst of damage (at the same amount that ruin/greater ruin does) based on the chosen element and scaling with the appropriate Spell Power.
        • Bring About Destruction: +10 Spell Power of your element, +10 Universal Spell Power. Your Eldar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold, Burning Blood, Enervation, and Venom Concentration spells now stack two additional times.
        • Spread your Wings: Leap forward a la Abundant Step. Cooldown 15 seconds.
        • Enhanced Draconic Spell Focus: +1/2/3 spell DCs

    • Exalted Angel:
      • Overview: Exalted Angels are uniquely tuned into Divine magic. While primarily focused on Positive Healing, Light, and Fire spellcasting, non-casters looking into the path of the Exalted Angel may find help in laying the Undead to rest and some defensive tools that could be useful while doing so. Exalted Angels can use Angelic form to become more like Celestial beings, shrugging off damage and diseases that might otherwise kill those not favored by the Divine.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20): Astral Touch: You gain the Magical Training feat. Each core of this tree grants +50 max Spell Points, +5 Positive, Fire, and Light Spell Power, and +5 Universal Spell Power. Each core also grants a +1 Epic bonus to all Spell DCs.
        • Core 2 (level 23): Deepening Faith: Spell Point Pool increased by 10%, Echoes of Power now restores up to 30 Spell Points. Does not stack with Deepening Arcana (which is now core 2 of Magus).
        • Core 3 (level 26): Angelic Charge: You are able to leap through the air to bring the fight to your enemies or traverse chasms that make normal adventurers balk. 9 second cooldown. Using this ability costs 10 Spell Points. Uses of this ability recharge at a rate of one every 15 seconds in private areas, and 3 seconds in public areas. If you already have the Leap of Faith feat, it now recharges at a rate of one every 12 seconds in private areas instead.

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • Subtle Flame: -10/20/30% spell threat. Rank 3: +5 Fire, Light, Positive, Alignment, and Universal Spell Power.
        • Born by Flame: +5/10/15 resist Fire and Light, +5% Fire absorption and Light absorption
        • Angelic Form: Exalted Angel Destiny Mantle: Your offensive spells have a 15% chance to deal 1d3+3 bonus Fire damage per caster level. Your offensive spells also have a 15% chance to deal 1d3+3 bonus Light damage per caster level. Your Positive Healing spells have a 15% chance to deal 1d3+3 extra Positive Healing per every 2 Character Levels. These damage effects each have a unique cooldown of 5 seconds.
        • Avenging Magic: Multiselector:
          • Sun Pillar SLA: Epic Strike: Bring a beam of light down on a single enemy, dealing 1d6+6 Light damage per caster level. Cooldown 6 seconds, cost 5 Spell Points
          • Flame Pillar SLA: Epic Strike: Bring a pillar of fire down on a single enemy, dealing 1d6+6 Fire damage per caster level. Cooldown 6 seconds, cost 5 Spell Points
          • Healing Pillar SLA: Epic Strike: Bring a pillar of positive energy down on a single ally, healing them for 3d6+6 Hit Points, plus an additional 1 per Caster Level (Max Caster Level: 15). This is a Conjuration spell, and counts as both a Positive and Cure Wounds spell. Can be used on Undead enemies, who take that Positive healing as damage. Cooldown 6 seconds, cost 5 Spell Points

        • Bane of Undeath: You gain the Turn Undead feat. +1/2/3 uses of Turn Undead. Rank 3: If you have the Improved Turning feat, +3 to Effective Level for Turn Undead, +3 to Maximum Hit Dice for Turn Undead, and +3 Hit Die for Turn Undead.

      • Tier 2 (requires level 20):
        • Divine Protection: +6 Magical Resistance Rating. Costs 2 Destiny Points.
        • Stand And Be Judged: Targeted foe at any range (but with line of sight) is Dazed for 8 seconds. (Taking damage breaks the Daze). 20 second cooldown.
        • Angelic Body: While in your Exalted Angel Epic Destiny Mantle, you are immune to Natural Poisons and Natural Diseases.
        • Saving Grace: +2/4/6 Will Saves. Rank 3: You no longer fail Will Saves on a Natural 1.
        • Endless Turning: (requires Bane of Undeath): Turn Undead regenerates 10/20/30% faster. Rank 3: When you Turn Undead, you apply Restoration to allies in the Turn.

      • Tier 3 (requires level 23):
        • Angelic Spell Focus: +1/2/3 Evocation, Conjuration, Necromancy, or Enchantment DC
        • Noble Affinity: Multiselector:
          • Sun Bolt SLA (12 second cooldown, 12 Spell Points)
          • Flaming Sphere SLA (60 second cooldown, 15 Spell Points)
          • Mass Cure Moderate Wounds SLA (9 second cooldown, 35 Spell Points)

        • Holy Presence: While in your Exalted Angel Epic Destiny Mantle and conscious, you and your allies in close range heal for 1d4+1 bonus Hit Points per caster level in Positive healing every 6 seconds. This scales with 100% Positive Spell Power.
        • Purity of Mind & Soul: +5/10/15 to Positive, Negative, and Repair Healing Amplification
        • Shadows Upon You: When you Turn Undead, foes in the area become cursed with Shadows Upon You, reducing all saving throws by -1 for 20 seconds. Whenever this foe is damaged by spells or attacks, saving throws are reduced by an additional -1 for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • Blood and Radiance: +10 Fire, Light, Positive, Alignment, and Universal Spell Power
        • Delayed Judgement: Foes affected by Stand And Be Judged must now also make Will saving throw (20 + Highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma modifiers + Highest of Evocation and Conjuration bonuses) or be Stunned for 8 seconds. If stunned, after 6 seconds they take 10d50 Fire damage and 10d50 Light damage. This damage scales with Spell Power.
        • Angelic Soul: Your Exalted Angel Destiny Mantle now grants +10 Magical Resistance Rating and 15% damage absorption to all damage types other than Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning, Negative, Positive, Repair, and Bane/Untyped.
        • Holy Command: When you hit enemies with Sun Pillar, Flame Pillar, or Healing Pillar they must make a saving throw (20 + highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma + highest of Evocation and Conjuration bonuses) or be tripped, blinded, and made helpless for 12 seconds.
        • Metamagic Attunement: Maximize, Intensify, or Empower
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Maximize: Using the Maximize Spell Metamagic costs you 3/6/9 fewer Spell Points.
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Quicken: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Enhanced Angelic Spell Focus: +1/2/3 spell DCs
        • Heavenly Magic: Multiselector:
          • Holy Fireball: SLA: (Cooldown 9 seconds, Costs 40 Spell Points) Creates a ball of fire that detonates on impact, causing an explosion of light and flame that deals 1d3+9 Light damage and 1d3+9 Fire damage per caster level to targets in its path. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. This counts as both a Fire and Light spell. (Max Caster Level: 20). (Available Metamagics: Empower Maximize Quicken Enlarge Intensify Embolden)
          • Chain Cure: SLA: (Cooldown 9 seconds, Costs 40 Spell Points) A powerful discharge of Positive energy strikes a primary Ally or Undead Foe for 1d6+3 Positive Healing per Caster Level and then arcs to other nearby Allies and Undead Foes hitting each of them with a similar bolt of Positive energy. (Max Caster Level: 20). This is considered a Cure Wounds spell. (Available Metamagics: Empower, Empower Healing, Maximize, Quicken, Enlarge, and Intensify)

        • Blessed Water: +1/2/3 to all Turn Undead attributes and Turn Undead charges. If you have the Font of Life feat, you gain +15 Physical Resistance Rating and +15 Armor Class.
        • Ascendance: Epic Moment: You are healed to full health. For 20 seconds, you gain the following traits:
          • You gain a ring of flaming blades around you. Enemies that enter or exit your flaming blades take 1d6 Fire and 1d6 Light damage per Caster Level. This scales with Spell Power. Allies that enter your ring gain 1d6 Positive healing per Caster Level, which also scales with Spell Power.
          • Every 2 seconds, you gain 1d20+20 Positive Healing per caster level. This scales with Positive Spell Power.
          • +30% Action Boost Bonus to Movement Speed.
          • You cannot be interrupted while casting.
          • You cannot swing weapons.

        • Metamagic Attunement II: Multiselector:
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Empower Healing: The Empower Healing Metamagic no longer costs Spell Points
          • Enhanced Metamagics: Intensify: The Intensify Metamagic no longer costs Spell Points.

    • Fatesinger
      • Overview: A glorious weaver of fate, herald of ancestral legend and master of magical song, the Fatesinger's power at once empowers companions, and sends foes to their graves with a smile on their face.
      • Features; Enhanced Sonic damage, powerful party buffs, and Crowd Control. Has general support for ranged and melee combat and a few healing perks.
      • Core Abilties:
        • Core 1 (level 20): Fate Singer's Repertoire: You gain the Magical Training feat. Each core of this tree grants +25 Spell Points, +5 Positive and Sonic Spell Power, +5 Universal Spell Power, +5 Melee Power, +4 Ranged Power. Each core also grants a +1 Epic Bonus to all spell DCs
        • Core 2 (level 23): Intoxicating Presence: Enemies that strike you have a 5% chance of becoming Fascinated for 12 seconds, with no saving throw.
        • Core 3 (level 26): Glitter of Fame: +1 to all ability scores and saves

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):

        • Music of the Spider Queen: You gain +3/6/10 Universal Spell Power. Rank 3: If you have Fascinate it now gains the power to mesmerize Vermin and if you have Bardic Inspiration it now applies Neutralize Poison. Mesmerized Vermin are not susceptible to suggestion.
        • Jack of all trades: +1/2/3 bonus to all Skills. Rank 3: If you have the Inspire Bardic Ability it now also grants +3 Skills to those you inspire.
        • Epic Strike - Multi Selector:
          • Strike a Chord: SLA: Cost: 2 Spell Points, Blasts a single target with a random note of music for 1d6+1 Sonic damage per character level scaling with Spell Power. You gain a stack of Chords of Fate which 30 seconds, stacks 3 times. Cooldown: 2 seconds.
          • The Sword Sings: Melee Attack: 3[W] +2 Critical Threat Range, Your weapon swings with the power of song, causing an additional 2d10 Sonic damage per character level that scales 200% with Melee Power. You gain a stack of Chords of Fate which lasts 30 seconds, stacks 3 times. Critical hits cause the target to be Stunned for 2 seconds, no save. Cooldown: 4 seconds
          • The Pluck of a String: Ranged Attack: 3[W] +2 Critical Threat Range. Your ranged weapon sings through the air causing 2d10 Sonic Damage per character level that scales with 200% Ranged power. You gain a stack of Chords of Fate which lasts 30 seconds, stacks 3 times. Critical Hits cause the target to be stunned for 2 seconds, no save. Cooldown: 5 seconds.

        • Harmonic Resonance: Your Epic Strikes in this tree and all of your attacks and offensive spells have a 20% chance to build up a stacking Harmonic Resonance in your enemies. Harmonic Resonance: Each stack increases the creature's vulnerability to Sonic damage by 10% and reduces their Armor Class by 5. The effect may stack up to 3 times and lasts up to 20 seconds.
        • Tune of the Weave: You gain 2/4/6 Magical Resistance Rating & 10/30/50 Spell Points.

      • Tier 2 (requires level 20):

        • The Rhythm to Reign: You generate 15/25/35% less threat from all sources. In addition, you gain +5/10/15 Positive Spell Power.
        • Mantle of Sound and Fury: Fate Singer Destiny Mantle: All your attacks and spells have a chance to cause a swirl of music notes to surround you causing 1d6 Sonic damage per level to all nearby foes. Scales with the highest of Sonic Spell Power or 200% Melee Power or Ranged Power. This will not damage Fascinated targets. When this occurs you gain 6 per character level temporary Hit Points for 10 seconds. Can only occur once every 10 seconds.
        • Multiselector: Discord - Requires an Epic Strike from this tree
          • Echoes of Discord: Spell: Consumes all Chords of Fate. Creates a blast of music on the target that strikes nearby enemies for 1d6+1 Sonic damage per Character Level, scales with 100% with Sonic Spell Power. Each Chords of Fate you have increases the damage by 100%. This attempts to stun the target for 1 second per Chords of Fate. Fortitude Save of DC:20 + STR/DEX/INT/CHA + Evocation Bonuses. Releasing 3 Chords of Fate restores 10 Spell Points.
          • Blade of Discord: Melee Cleave Attack: +3[W], +2 to Critical Threat Range. Consumes all Chords of Fate. You cleave your foes with the power of discord. Stuns for 1 second for each Chords of Fate consumed unless they make a Fortitude Save vs (DC 20 + Highest of STR/DEX/INT/CHA Mod + Stunning Bonuses). Releasing 3 Chords of Fate restores 10 Spell Points.
          • Arrow of Discord: Ranged Attack: +3[W], +2 Critical Threat Range. Consumes all Chords of Fate. Discord erupts from the first enemy struck, applying a Stun for 1 second per Chords of Fate consumed unless the enemies make a Fortitude Save vs (DC 20 + Highest of DEX/WIS/INT/CHA Mod + Stunning Bonuses). Releasing 3 Chords of Fate Restores 10 Spell Points.

        • Grandeur: Your friendly spells now apply a lingering buff that grants +3 Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating. Stacks twice for 10 seconds.
        • Master the Acoustics: 5/10/15 Sonic Spell Power. Rank 3: When using the Sonic Blast or Reverberate spells the damage is increased by 50%.

      • Tier 3 (requires level 24):
        • A Little bit of Music: Grants Bardic Inspiration if you don't already have it. Passive: +3 Bard Songs & +1 Spell Penetration.
        • The Magic of Music: Multiselector: +1/2/3 Enchantment, Illusion, Abjuration, or Evocation DCs.
        • Reign: Your Vorpal Strikes cause 7/9/11d20 Electric and Sonic damage. Scales with Melee and Ranged Power by 300%. Passive: Gain +1/2/3 to Hit.
        • The Sonata to Serve: +1/2/3 Spell Penetration and 3/6/9% Fortification Bypass. Rank 3: If you are actively using the Mantle of Sound & Fury you are now immune to Arcane Spell Failure.
        • Masquerade: You have a 3/6/10% reduction in the cost of your spells.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):

        • Great Ballads of War: You gain +1/2/3 to hit and damage. If you have the Bardic Ballad Feat this also applies to your Ballad's bonus to others.
        • Majesty: You are immune to Charisma stat damage. When you play any Bardic Song while using the Mantle of Sound and Fury, you heal yourself and nearby applies for 1d2 Hit Points per Character Level and apply the Restoration spell. Scales with Spell Power.
        • Resonance of Fate Multiselector : Grants ability score bonuses and modifies your mantle.
          • Arcane Resonance: +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. When using the Mantle of Sound and Fury gain +10 Universal Spell Power, +2 Spell Penetration, +4 Use Magic Device, +10% to your Fire, Cold, Acid and Electric Absorption.
          • Divine Resonance: +1 to Strength, Charisma and Wisdom. When using the Mantle of Sound and Fury gain +1 to hit damage, and to confirm critical hits, +5 Physical Resistance Rating, and +15 Positive and Negative Spell Power.
          • Martial Resonance: +1 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. When using the Mantle of Sound and Fury gain +5 Physical and Magical Resistance rating, +5 Armor Class, and +10 Melee and Ranged Power
          • Primal Resonance: +1 to Strength, Constitution and Wisdom, +25 Maximum Hit Points, +10 Spell Resistance, +10 Healing Amplification, and an additional +3 Strength while Raging.

        • Shout it out Multi Selector:
          • Greatest Shout SLA : Cooldown of 6 seconds. Costs 6 Spell Points. You may cast the spell Greater Shout as a Spell-like ability with an increased DC. Emits an ear-splitting yell that deals 1d6+3 Sonic damage per caster level (up to caster level 20) and stuns targets in its path. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the stun, DC:20 + Highest of Stat Mod + Evocation.
          • Very Very Vocal: When you cast Shout, Great Shout or Horn of Thunder the damage is doubled. Your Discord abilities stun for an additional 3 seconds when used with 3 Chords of Fate

        • ?Metamagics Attunement Gain one of the following Metamagic Feat effects with no additional spell cost (Enlarge, Extend, Eschew)

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Ballad of the ages: You benefit from the True Seeing spell and gain +2 to damage with all weapons. If you have Bardic Ballad it adds Inspired Transcendence to that effect. Inspire Transcendence: +1 to all Spell DCs, +1 to the DC of all Tactical Feats, and True Seeing.
        • Mastering the Strings: +1/2/3 Spell DCs
        • Blade Song: +1 multiplier on 19-20 critical hits when using any hand held weapon. This excludes punch weapons and animal forms.
        • Turn the Tide: Epic Moment The trumpets call the rally! For 20 seconds you and your party gain full attack bonus, +10% to weapon damage, +10% uncapped Dodge, +100 Universal Spell Power and -25% to spell costs. 5 minute cooldown.
        • Cut the Strings: SLA. Strike a note to reveal the chords of fate so you might cut them. All monsters within a wide radius around you are forced to dance (Will vs DC:20 + Highest Stat Mod + Enchantment) pulled by the strings of fate for 10 seconds. In Addition for 10 seconds your character gains the ability to cut their strings with any weapon strike or spell at a rate of once per second, instantly killing them. Bosses if they fail their save do not dance but will take an additional 100 Sonic damage that scales with Spell Power when attacked by you in melee for the duration of the effect. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
    Last edited by Cordovan; 11-04-2021 at 02:38 PM.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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    • Fury of the Wild
      • Overview: Fury provides damage and some durability supported by regeneration with a primary focus on melee builds that use two handed weapons, duel wield, animal forms and razor claw.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20 ): You gain the Diehard feat. Each Core ability grants +20 Hit Points as well as 5 Melee Power.
        • Core 2 (level 23): Die Harder: +100 Unconsciousness Range.
        • Core 3 (level 26): Die Hardest: +250 Unconsciousness Range.

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • Enduring: +2/4/6 Physical Resistance Rating.
        • Savage Takedown: +1/2/3 Trip DCs. Rank 3: Gain an additional +3 to Trip DCs if you're wearing Medium or Light Armor.
        • Epic Strike: - Multiselector
          • Adrenaline: Your next melee attack deals +25/50/75% damage, and increases your threat by 4/8/16. Requires a melee weapon to use. Cooldown: 8 seconds.
          • Quick Cutter: Melee Attack: 0/1/2[W] + 0/1/2 Critical Threat Range. When you use this skill gain the effect “Quick” which grants +2/4/6% Dodge for 9 seconds. If you use this skill again while Quick is still active you instead apply Cutter to your target. Cutter: 4d6 Bane damage per character level every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. Stacks 3 times and scales with 200% of Melee Power. Off hand strikes can apply Cutter as well. Requires a melee weapon to use. Cooldown: 6 seconds.

        • Mantle of Fury: Destiny Mantle: Gain 3/6/9% damage against helpless targets. You also heal 2/4/6d10 Hit Points every 15 seconds. Scales with the highest of Positive Spell Power or 200% Melee Power.
        • Acute Senses: +2/4/6 Balance, Listen, Spot, Search, and Saves versus Traps. Rank 3: You gain 1% Dodge

      • Tier 2 (requires level 22):
        • Multi Selector - Speed or Strength
          • Fast and Furious: Charge a target dealing 1/2/3[W] +0/1/2 Critical Hit Multiplier. Rank 3: When you activate this ability, if you are raging, the cooldown is immediately reset. This cooldown reset may only happen once every 10 seconds, independent of the skill’s cooldown. Requires a melee weapon to use. Cooldown: 12/10/8 seconds.
          • Boulder's Might: Melee Cleave: +5[W], +0/1/2 Critical Multiplier on this attack. Requires you to be fighting in Two Handed Fighting style (using a Two Handed Weapon while not Natural Fighting) to use. Cooldown 10/8/6 seconds

        • Fear my Vengeance: +1/2/3 damage to Shaken foes.
        • I'm Always Angry: You gain the Barbarian Rage feat. +1/2/3 uses of Rage.
        • Primal Scream: Nearby Allies gain a +2 Morale bonus to Strength and Constitution for 5 minutes. This effect cannot be refreshed until the first one expires. Nearby Enemies take 1d20 Sonic damage per character level and are Shaken for 30 seconds. Damage Scales the highest of 200% with Melee Power or Sonic Spell Power. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
        • Gird against Demons: Weapons you wield bypass Cold Iron damage reduction.

      • Tier 3 (requires level 24):
        • Sense Weakness +2/4/6% Fortification Bypass. Your Fury Destiny Mantle grants you an additional 3/6/9% damage against helpless targets.
        • Multi Selector:
          • Wild Weapons: +5/10/15% Strikethrough Chance
          • Wild Weapons: +3/6/10% Offhand strike Chance
          • Wild Weapons: +1/2/3% Doublestrike Chance

        • Eternal Rage If you are not Raging and you are out of Rage charges, you have a 1/2/3% chance to gain 1 charge of Rage whenever you strike a foe.
        • Multi Selector
          • Furious Force: +1 Strength while Raging. Increases Adrenaline damage bonus by 25/50/75%.
          • Spirit of the Beast: +1/2/3 attack bonus. Rank 3: The effects of Ram’s Might and Animal Growth are doubled on you.

        • Embrace the Pain: When you are below 15/25/40% of your Max Hit Points you gain 2d10 Hit Points every 6 seconds. Scales with the highest of Positive Spell Power or 200% Melee Power.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • Voice of Fury: Doubles the damage and Stat Bonuses of your Primal Scream. If Adrenaline or Quick is active when you use Primal Scream, triple the damage instead, and nearby enemies have a 75% chance of become Confused for 3 seconds, no save. Adrenaline and Quick are consumed.
        • Top Dog: You gain the Improved Trip Feat.
        • Multi Selector:
          • Overwhelming Force: +1/2/3 bonus to hit. Increases your Adrenaline effect by 25/50/75% additional damage. Rank 3: Melee attacks under the effect of Adrenaline cause knock down on target for 4 seconds.
          • Primal Force: You gain a +1/2/3 Attack bonus and 2/4/6% Fortification Bypass. Rank 3: If duel wielding, using punch weapons or in animal form gain a +2% Epic Damage bonus to all physical attacks.

        • Multi Selector:
          • Wade Through: +10/15/25% Strikethrough chance
          • Wade Through: +3/6/10% Offhand strike chance
          • Wade Through: +2/4/6% Doublestrike chance

        • Unquenchable Rage: Reduce all damage taken by 8/12/15% for 6 seconds after you consume a Rage charge or use Primal Scream. Rank 3: Now also applies a copy of the Heal spell to you which scales with the highest of Melee Power at 200% or Positive Spell Power.

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Lore of the Wilds: Every 2 Wilderness Lore feat now grants a 1% Primal bonus to Maximum Hit Points.
        • Scarred by Chaos: +50 Hit Points and +10 Physical Resistance Rating. Doubled if you have the Embodiment of Chaos feat.
        • Unbridled Fury: Epic Moment: Cooldown: 5 minutes. For the next 30 seconds you gain +1000 Unconsciousness Range and 100% Strikethrough. Every 5 seconds you heal for 10% of your max Hit Points, Gain Adrenaline and Quick Effects, and the cooldown for the Great Leveler resets.
        • Nature’s Fury: +1 Critical Hit Damage multiplier on rolls of 19 or 20 if using a two handed weapons, duel wielding, punch weapons or if you're in animal form.
        • The Great Leveler: Cooldown of 30 seconds. Melee attack. 3/4/6[W]. +4/8/16 Critical Threat Range. This attack creates a shock wave that affects all enemies in a short narrow line. The length and width of the line doubles if Adrenaline or Quick is active, consuming those effects. Applies Trip (DC 20 + Highest of Dexterity/Strength/Constitution + Trip/Tactics DCs).

    • Grandmaster of Flowers
      • Overview: Become the embodiment of a Draconic Bloodline as you wield elemental damage to destroy your foes.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20): Inner Focus: You gain proficiency with Handwraps. Each Core ability of this tree grants +5 Melee Power and +4 Ranged Power, +1 Spell Resistance, as well as 15 Maximum Hit Points. You also gain +10 Maximum Ki per Epic Level if you have at least one level of Monk or are in the Grandmaster of Flowers Destiny Mantle.
        • Core 2 (level 23): Disciple of Material: Select from Adamantine, Byeshk, Cold Iron, Crystal, or Silver. Your weapons now bypass that kind of Damage Reduction innately. +5 Physical Resistance Rating (doubled if you have the Discipline feat)
        • Core 3 (level 26): Disciple of Morality: Select from Good, Evil, Lawful, or Chaotic. Your weapons now bypass that kind of Damage Reduction innately. +5 Magical Resistance Rating (doubled if you have the Discipline feat)

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • Strike with Poise: +2/4/6 Stunning DCs
        • Serenity: Grandmaster of Flowers Destiny Mantle: You may now fight with the Unarmed combat style as if you were a Monk, and may be Centered and use Ki. When you attack with Handwraps or begin falling, you will use the Monk class' animations instead of your own. You gain a +15% Action Boost bonus to movement speed, and no longer take damage from falling. Finally, you are unbothered by the physical restraints of the world: you may tumble through enemies, and are immune to slippery surfaces and most forms of knockdown. You also gain 10 Ki for training this enhancement.
        • Disciple's Studies: +2/4/6 Heal and Diplomacy, +3/6/10 Healing, Repair, and Negative Amp.
        • Enlightenment: +15/30/45 Maximum Ki and +2/4/6 Concentration. Rank 3: +1 passive Ki generation.
        • Multiselector:
          • Wholeness of Spirit: You may expend 50 Ki to bring your mind, body, and soul into harmonious balance, restoring health as if you were affected by the benefits of a Heal spell, as well as curing all ability damage, negative levels, and other Adverse Conditions that may be affecting you. Cooldown: 180/120/90 seconds.
          • Inner Focus: Activate to gain 20d10 Ki. Cooldown: 180/160/120 seconds

      • Tier 2 (req level 20):
        • Calm before Storms: +3/6/10 Spell Resistance. Rank 3: You no longer fail Will saves automatically on a roll of 1.
        • Epic Strike: Multiselector
          • Drifting Lotus: Melee Cleave attack, deals +3/4/5[W] with a +1/2/3 Critical Threat Range and Critical Multiplier. Deals 1d6+5 Force damage per character level to all enemies struck. The force damage scales with the higher of Melee or Ranged power. Cost 25 Ki, cooldown 15 seconds.
          • Orchid Blossom: A blossom is released from your palm in a line, exploding when it makes contact, dealing 1d6+5 Force damage per character level to all enemies within. The force damage scales with the higher of Melee or Ranged power. Grants 5/10/25 Ki when used, cooldown 15 seconds.

        • A Flower's Bloom: Multiselector:
          • Long Sword: You gain the effects of the Whirling Steel Strike feat, and may use Longswords as if they were Ki weapons.
          • Longbow: You gain the effects of the Zen Archery feat, and may use Longbows as if they were Ki weapons.
          • Sickle: You gain the effects of the Prescient Curve feat, and may use Sickles as if they were Ki weapons.
          • Deflection: You gain the Deflect Arrows feat, letting you knock aside one projectile every 6 seconds.

        • A Dance of Flowers: While in the Grandmaster Destiny Mantle, your weapons gain 1[W].
        • Hail of Blows: +5% Offhand strike chance, +10% Strikethrough, +3% Doublestrike and Doubleshot

      • Tier 3 (requires level 23):
        • The Flickering Flame: +1/2/3 to hit and damage. Rank 3: +25% Fire Absorption. If you are in any Sun Stance, the bonuses of this enhancement are doubled.
        • Flow of Water: +1/2/3 saving throws, you take 5/10/15% less damage from being Helpless. Rank 3: +25% Cold Absorption. If you are in any Ocean Stance, the bonuses of this enhancement are doubled.
        • Serene Mercy: While in the Grandmaster of Flowers Destiny Mantle, you deal +5/10/15% bonus damage to the Helpless.
        • Catch the Wind: +1/2/3% Dodge, +2/4/6 Armor Class. Rank 3: +25% Electric Absorption. If you are in any Air Stance, the bonuses of this enhancement are doubled.
        • Strength of Stone: +5/10/15 Hit Points and +2/4/6 Physical Resistance Rating Rank 3: +25% Acid Absorption. If you are in any Mountain Stance, the bonuses of this enhancement are doubled.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • The Clarity of Law: Your attacks bypass 5/10/15% of enemy Fortification. Rank 3: +15% Law Absorption
        • The Serenity of Good: +1/2/3 Saves vs Enchantments, Curses, and Illusions, and +2/4/6 Magical Resistance Rating. Rank 3: +15% Good Absorption
        • Multiselector:
          • Lotus Bloom: Drifting Lotus now attempts to Stun all enemies struck. Stun DC: 20 + Highest Ability Score Mod + Stunning Bonuses. This stun lasts 4 seconds.
          • Blossoming Peace: Orchid Blossom now attempts to Stun all enemies struck. Stun DC: 20 + Highest Ability Score Mod + Stunning Bonuses. This stun lasts 2 seconds.

        • The Delight of Chaos: +1/2/3 Critical Hit Confirmation and Critical Hit Damage. Rank 3: +15% Chaos Absorption
        • The Cruelty of Evil: +1/2/3 Sneak Attack and Sneak Attack Damage. Rank 3: +15% Evil Absorption

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Beyond the Center: +5/10/15 Magical Resistance Rating cap. Rank 3: +15% Force Absorption
        • Imposing Force: +1 damage multiplier on a roll of 19-20 while centered.
        • Everything is Nothing: Your state of luminous consciousness allows your will to alter the fabric of the planes, ripping your foes out of time and space. Up to six nearby non-boss enemies must make a saving throw (DC: 20 + Highest Ability Score Mod + Stunning Bonuses) or be erased from the multiverse. If they succeed at their saving throw, they are instead paralyzed by temporal shock for six seconds. When you activate Everything is Nothing, you are affected by Emptiness for 5 minutes. Emptiness: +3% Dodge, +1% Dodge cap. You gain the effects of the Elusive Target feat, or if you already have it, it instead has double the chance to proc. Ki Cost: 50. Cooldown: 3 minutes.
        • Split the Soul: Epic Moment: For 30 seconds, your soul is split, and a fragment of it manifests beside you as a combatant. Your Soul Warrior provides the following benefits as a baseline: Dark: Your attacks may strike an additional target regardless of weapon type, and each attack has a 5% chance of banishing your enemies from the multiverse with no save. Light: Your Soul Warrior also grants you 25% Concealment, 25% Incorporeality, and 25% Dodge/max Dodge, as your physical form is less present while you are in this state. If you follow a Monk Philosophy, your split soul will embody that choice more fully (either Light or Dark), doubling either the Dark portions or Light portions and still granting you the baseline version of the other philosophy.
        • Legendary Flurry of Blows: +1/2/3% Doublestrike and Doubleshot, +3/6/10% Strikethrough, +3/6/10% Offhand Strike chance. Rank 3: While dual wielding (including handwraps) or using a quarterstaff, you gain: On Vorpal: Daze an enemy for 2 seconds. Dazed enemies are Helpless. (Since Daze breaks on any damage, this means you'll only get one Helpless hit in before the Daze breaks)

    • Legendary Dreadnaught
      • ?Overview: Legendary Dreadnoughts are powerful warriors with a commanding presence. They specialize in either Melee or Ranged weapon combat, using their martial prowess to impair nearby enemies. Dreadnoughts are the most versatile at using Tactical Feats, gaining bonuses to all Tactical Feats and access to Dire Attack, which can Sunder, Trip, and/or Stun foes. They are the masters of Action Boosts, gaining access to exclusive boosts and gaining significant bonuses any time they activate an Action Boost. Dreadnoughts are versatile in their martial prowess, and can excel with any Melee or Ranged weapon.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20: Fearless: You are now immune to Fear. Each core grants +15 Hit Points, +5 Melee Power, +4 Ranged Power
        • Core 2 (level 23): Weaponmaster: +2 to Attack and Damage with all weapons.
        • Core 3 (level 26): Thick Skinned: +15 Physical Resistance Rating.

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • Push Through The Line: Activating an Action Boost grants +1/2/3 to all Ability Scores for its duration.
        • Epic Tactics: +1/2/3 to all tactical DCs
        • Dire Attack: Epic Strike: (Multiselector)
          • Dire Charge: (Melee Attack): Epic Strike: Rush forward at the targeted foe. That foe and all nearby foes are subject to +2[W] damage and must save or be Sundered. Sunder DC is (20 + highest ability score + bonus to Stun attacks). 12 second cooldown.
          • Dire Shot: (Ranged Attack): Epic Strike: Fire your weapon at the targeted foe. That foe is subject to +2[W] damage and must save or be Sundered. Sunder DC is (20 + highest ability score + bonus to Stun attacks). 12 second cooldown. (This is a single-target Ranged attack, but can be affected by Improved Precise Shot.)

        • Dread Mantle: Legendary Dreadnought Destiny Mantle: Your weapon attacks apply 1 stack of Terror. The Terror effect is: -1 Melee Power, -1 Ranged Power, -3 Universal Spell Power, -1 Armor Class. stacks up to 15 times. This effect has a 0.1 second cooldown.
        • Shrug Off Punishment: +10/20/30 Hit Points

      • Tier 2 (requires level 20):
        • Extra Action Boosts: +1/2/3 Action Boosts
        • Ghost Touch: Your melee and ranged weapons get the Ghost Touch effect.
        • Multiselector: Honor/Backstab:
          • Honor: +1/2/3 Attack. If you have the Tactician feat, double this bonus.
          • Backstab: +2/4/6 Attack when Flanking. If you have the Tactician feat, double this bonus.

        • Combat Brute: While in your Dread Mantle, your weapons gain +1[W].
        • Life and Death: +3/6/10 Positive, Negative, and Repair Healing Amplification

      • Tier 3 (requires level 23):
        • Action Boost: Tactics: For 20 seconds, gain +3/6/9 Action Boost bonus to Sunder, Trip, and Stun DCs. (30 second cooldown, shared with other Action Boosts. Has charges like any other Action Boost)
        • Strike Twice: +2/4/6% Doublestrike and Doubleshot
        • Epic Power & Precision: When you have Power Attack active, you gain +2/4/6 Critical Hit damage (before weapon multipliers). When you have Precision active, you gain +2/4/6 to your critical confirmation rolls.
        • Momentum Swing: When you use your Dire Attack, enemies must now also save or be Tripped. Trip DC is (20 + highest ability score + bonus to Stun attacks).
        • Armor of Dusk: +2/4/6 Armor Class and maximum Dexterity bonus, -1/2/3 armor check penalty

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • Carry On: When you activate an Action Boost, you gain a 10% Action Boost bonus to attack speed for 20 seconds. (As it is an Action Boost bonus, it does not stack with Action Boost: Haste)
        • Strike with Fear: Your weapon attacks against creatures inflicted with Fear, or creatures with at least 5 stacks of Terror, add one stack of Vulnerability.
        • Lay Waste: When you use your Dire Attack, enemies must now also save or be Stunned. Stun DC is (20 + highest ability score + bonus to Stun attacks).
        • Kick While They're Down: While in Dread Mantle, you deal +5/10/15% damage to Helpless opponents.
        • Untouchable: While any Action Boost is active, you have Displacement.

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • ?Multiselector:
          • Pulverizor: +1 Critical Multiplier on a roll of 19-20 with bludgeoning weapons.
          • Lacerator: +1 Critical Multiplier on a roll of 19-20 with slashing weapons.
          • Impaler: +1 Critical Multiplier on a roll of 19-20 with piercing weapons.

        • Legendary Rally:
          • Legendary Rally (Melee): +5[W] Cleave attack. Attack is considered an automatic critical. Can be used while Crowd Controlled, clears all Crowd Control effects on you when used. 30 second cooldown.
          • Legendary Rally (Ranged): +5[W] Single-Target Ranged attack. Fire a shot at your targeted foe. Attack is considered an automatic critical. Can be used while Crowd Controlled, clears all Crowd Control effects on you when used. 30 second cooldown. (This is a single-target Ranged attack, but can be affected by Improved Precise Shot.)

        • Sundering Swings: Creatures affected by your Improved Trip are also made Helpless. This supercedes other Improved Trip effects. Creatures affected by your Improved Sunder take -75% Fortification instead of the usual -25%. This supercedes other Improved Sunder effects.
        • Dusk Surge: While in Dread Mantle, striking with weapons now has a chance to regenerate an Action Boost. Does not stack with other abilities that can regenerate Action Boosts.
        • Action Hero: Epic Moment: For 40 seconds, you gain the following Bonuses:
          • +8 Action Boost Bonus to Attack
          • +30 Action Boost Bonus to Melee and Ranged Power
          • +30% Action Boost Bonus to Attack Speed
          • +30% Action Boost Bonus to Doublestrike and Doubleshot
          • +50% Action Boost Bonus to Movement Speed
          • +15 Action Boost Bonus to Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating
          • +15% Action Boost Bonus to Dodge. This bonus ignores your Dodge Cap.
          • +9 Action Boost bonus to Sunder, Trip, and Stun DCs.
          • +6 Action Boost Bonus to Saving Throws
          • +6 Action Boost Bonus to Skills
          • This ability is counted as an Action Boost, though does not have charges and does not share a cooldown with other Action Boosts. 5 minute cooldown.

    • Magus of the Eclipse
      • Overview: Magus of the Eclipse is a new Epic Destiny that replaces Magister in this new Epic Destiny system. The old Magister had a lot of different things in it, some better than others. One of the biggest components of old-Magister was Spell DCs - However, in the new system one of our major goals was to give far broader options for DC casting, so we distributed that role among a large number of trees. We also wanted to find a tree for two particular casting types not covered well in the existing Destinies: Cold and Negative damage. Ultimately, this led to us sunsetting Magister and creating Magus of the Eclipse, a tree with a focus on Cold Damage, Negative Damage, and some DC and Spell Penetration aspects. We do know that there were features of Magister that were well liked; some (like Grand Summoner and the unique Summons) remain in Magus! Others (like Arcane Tempest) may appear in other places in the future, such as spells or potential future Destinies.
      • There is a new Epic Past Life thematically connected to this tree! Like all Epic Past Lives starting in Update 51, you are not required to play any specific Destiny to be able to take that Epic Past Life. Eclipse Power: Arcane Past Life Stance: +1 Spell Penetration per stack of this Past Life. Passive Bonus: +1% Absorption of Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage per stack of this feat. Like other Epic Past Life feats, this can be acquired up to three times.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20): Touched by the Moon: You gain the Magical Training feat. Each core of this tree grants +50 Spell Points, +5 Cold, Negative, and Force Spell Power, +5 Universal Spell Power. Each core also grants a +1 Epic bonus to all Spell DCs.
        • Core 2 (level 23): Deepening Arcana: Spell Point Pool increased by 10%, Echoes of Power now restores up to 30 Spell Points. Does not stack with Deepening Faith (from Exalted Angel).
        • Core 3 (level 26): Nullmagic Aura: Your comprehension of the arcane allows you to unravel spells at the base level, before they do any harm. When activated, for 20 seconds, you and allies near you are immune to harmful spells. Cooldown: 2 minutes

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • Imperceptible Casting: -10/20/30% spell threat. Rank 3: if you have the Discipline feat, double these bonuses.
        • Moonbeams: Multiselector:
          • Moon Lance: Epic Strike: Single-target SLA, 1d6+6 Cold Damage per caster level and applies 3 stacks of Shattermantle. Cooldown 6 seconds, cost 5 Spell Points
          • Gloomspear: Epic Strike: Single-target SLA, 1d6+6 Negative Damage per caster level and applies 3 stacks of Shattermantle. Cooldown 6 seconds, cost 5 Spell Points

        • Great Summoner: Your summons, pets, and hirelings gain +4 to all ability scores, increased Hit Points, 100% Fortification, and a 40% increase to movement speed. These benefits stack with Augment Summoning and similar effects.
        • Frostlight: Magus of the Eclipse Destiny Mantle: You take half damage from Cold and, if you are not Undead, take half from Negative. If you are Undead, you take half damage from Light instead. This does not stack with Fire Shield: Cold or Cold Energy Sheathe.
        • Impregnable Mind: +2/4/6 Will saves and concentration. Rank 3: you no longer fail Will saves on a 1.

      • Tier 2 (requires level 20):
        • Moontouched: +1/2/3 to the DCs of Fear-based spells.
        • Call Upon: Multiselector: Active Ability: (Cooldown 60 seconds) Summon an epic (CR20) creature to aid you:
          • Animated Armor
          • Golem
          • Succubus
          • Living Meteor Swarm
          • Dream Reaver
          • Lich
          • Gargoyle

        • Moonlight: Multiselector:
          • Cold Light of the Moon: Creates a lingering Area of Effect of moonlight. Deals 3d6 Cold Damage plus 2 per Caster Level to enemies inside the zone every 2 seconds. The zone lasts for 10 seconds. 25 second cooldown.
          • Dark Light of the Moon: Creates a lingering Area of Effect of moonlight. Deals 3d6 Negative Damage plus 2 per Caster Level. to non-undead enemies inside the zone every 2 seconds The zone lasts for 10 seconds. 25 second cooldown.

        • Chill Aura: While in your Frostlight Mantle, enemies within melee range take 2d4 Cold damage per caster level and 2d4 Negative damage per caster level every 6 seconds. If an enemy would heal from either of these effects, they do not take the damage.
        • Lunar Insight: Multiselector:
          • When using Arcane Insight Gain 200% of your Intelligence in Temporary Spell Points that last 60 seconds and the cool downs of all Words of Power Reset.
          • When using Arcane Insight Gain 200% of your Wisdom in Temporary Spell Points that last 60 seconds and the cool downs of all Words of Power Reset.
          • When using Arcane Insight Gain 200% of your Charisma in Temporary Spell Points that last 60 seconds and the cool downs of all Words of Power Reset.

      • Tier 3 (requires level 23):
        • Partial Eclipse: Multiselector:
          • ?+1/2/3 Evocation DC
          • +1/2/3 Necromancy DC
          • +1/2/3 Illusion DC

        • Lunar Imbuement: When you hit an enemy with Moon Lance, you gain +10 Cold and Force Spell Power for 12 seconds. When you hit an enemy with Gloomspear, you gain +10 Negative and Force Spell Power for 12 seconds. When you hit an enemy with either, they take 5 stacks of Vulnerable.
        • Starlight: Your Cold or Dark Light zone now has the following attributes:
          • Rank 1: Slows the movement of non-boss enemies that enter it by 20%
          • Rank 2: Adds 5% Incorporeality to all allies inside the zone
          • Rank 3: On expiration, the zone explodes, dealing 3d20 + 6 per Caster Level of the relevant kind of damage to enemies within.

        • Share the Light: While your Frostlight Mantle is active, your summons now also benefit from it. For the purpose of this skill, these summons have your Cold and Negative Spell Power.
        • Piercing Spellcraft: +1/2/3 Spell Penetration.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • Nullmagic Protection: When you are hit or missed by an enemy, there is a 6% chance that a burst of antimagic energy expands from your body. Nearby enemies are subject to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip them of their magical protections, and will be rendered unable to cast spells and lose 4 Spell Resistance for 30 seconds.
        • Greater Beams: When you use Moon Lance, the target must make a save (DC 20 + highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma modifier + the highest of your Evocation and Conjuration bonuses) or be Frozen for 12 seconds. When you use Gloomspear, the target must make a save (DC 20 + highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma modifier + Necromancy bonuses) or be Paralyzed for 12 seconds.
        • Improved Arcane Pulse: The effect of the Arcane Pulse feat now stacks up to 7 times.
        • Nullmagic Strike: While in your Frostlight Mantle, attacks you make and offensive spells you cast have a 15% chance to subject the target to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip them of their magical protections, and will render them unable to cast spells and lose 4 Spell Resistance for 30 seconds.
        • Reduced Metamagic Feats: Multiselector:
        • Enhanced Metamagics: Maximize: Using the Maximize Spell Metamagic costs you 3/6/9 fewer Spell Points.
        • Enhanced Metamagics: Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Total Eclipse: +1/2/3 spell DCs.
        • Cosmos: Multiselector:
          • Zero Degree Comet: Evocation SLA. Hit target enemy with a falling chunk of ice for 1d6+28 Cold damage per caster level. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. Cooldown 18 seconds, costs 40 Spell Points.
          • Moon's Shadow: Necromancy SLA. Hit target enemy with a miniature black hole for 1d6+28 Negative damage per caster level. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. Cooldown 18 seconds, cost 40 Spell Points.

        • Time Stop: Epic Moment: Enemies in a small area are Paralyzed and Helpless with no save for 10 seconds. They cannot die in this state, but if they are below 0 HP when they leave this state, they die quickly after the effect expires. Bosses and Raid Bosses in the area are instead considered Helpless for the purpose of damage for 10 seconds, but take 10% less extra damage from being Helpless than normal. 5 minute cooldown.
        • Lunar Power: +10 Negative, Cold, and Force Spell Power, +20 Universal Spell Power, If you are in your Frostlight Mantle, you also gain +20 Magical Resistance Rating Cap.
        • Epic Metamagic Feats: Intensify: Using the Intensify Metamagic no longer costs Spell Points.

    • Primal Avatar
      • Overview: This tree is now focused on casting, designed to support elemental damage, poison and healing. It's mechanics combine certain element pairs into custom spells and abilities. It also can great increase the power of your summons and features a special summon with enhanced casting ability.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20): This is your Nature: Multiselector: Select either Heart, Sky or Thorn.
          • Heart: Fire, Light, Positive: +5 Spell Power of these types and 5 Universal Spell Power and +50 Max Spell Points per core you have trained. Each core also grants a +1 Epic bonus to all Spell DCs. Grants Magical Training.
          • Sky: Cold, Electric, Sonic:+5 Spell Power of these types and 5 Universal Spell Power and +50 Max Spell Points per core you have trained. Each core also grants a +1 Epic bonus to all Spell DCs. Grants Magical Training.
          • Thorn: Acid, Poison, Force: +5 Spell Power of these types and 5 Universal Spell Powers and +50 Max Spell Points per core you have trained. Each core also grants a +1 Epic bonus to all Spell DCs. Grants Magical Training.

        • Core 2 (level 23): Now Grow: Multiselector: Choose another aspect of nature at reduced power. You cannot choose what you took in the first core again.
          • Heart: +3 Spell Power of these types per core you have trained.
          • Sky: +3 Spell Power of these types per core you have trained.
          • Thorn: +3 Spell Power of these types per core you have trained.

        • Core 3 (level 26): Weathering the Elements: Gain 15% Absorption against Fire/Cold/Acid/Electric/Poison Damage. Whenever you cast any Protection from Element spell it grants you 25 Spell Points per level instead of 12 with no level cap.

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • Seeking Balance: You gain +1/2/3 Reflex Saving Throws, +2/4/6 Tumble, and +2/4/6 Balance. Rank 3: If you’re using a quarterstaff gain +1 Damage and +5 Universal Spell Power.
        • Well Weathered: +1/2/3 to Physical and Magical Resistance Rating.
        • Epic Strike - Multi Selector:
          • ?Spring to Summerrequires Nature of Heart) Cost 20 SP, A burst of butterflies forms around the caster in a small radius applying a copy of rejuvenation cocoon to all allies. After several seconds the butterflies burst into flame causing 2d6 Fire Damage per character level to all nearby enemies, Reflex vs Evocation DC:20+Highest of INT/WIS/CHA for half damage. Cooldown: 12 seconds.
          • Carrion Swarmrequires Nature of Thorn) Cost 8 SP, cooldown: 6secs. Target enemies and nearby enemies becomes swarmed by biting acidic and poisonous insects. Every 2 seconds they take 1d4+1 acid and 1d4+1 poison damage per 2 character levels for 8 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. Each stack also causes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and Armor class.
          • Storm Catcher (requires Nature of Sky) Cost 5 SP, Target enemy is instantly struck by a bolt of lightning for 1d6+3 damage per level. Fortitude vs Evocation DC:20+Highest of INT/WIS/CHA for half damage. Target also becomes chilled to the bone for 8 seconds slowing their movement and reducing their reflex save by half your character level. They also taking 1d6 per 2 character level in Cold damage every two seconds. Cooldown: 6 seconds.

        • Friends of Nature: When you sit to rest at a rest shrine your selected friend of nature visits you briefly and offers comfort. You and your party are granting a buff that lasts until the end of your current quest.
          • Bat of Echoes: +10 Sonic Spell Power, +15 Sonic Absorption and +3 Listen
          • Bird of Wind: +15 Electric Spell Power, +1 Dodge, +3 and Spot
          • Fox of Flame: +10 Fire Spell Power, +2 Sneak Attack damage, and +3 Move Silently
          • Frog of the Lake: +10 Cold Spell Power, +2 Magical Resistance Rating, and +3 Jump
          • Squirrel of Luck: +1 to attack, damage and saving throws.
          • Spider of the Deeps: +10 Poison & Acid Spell Power. 15% Poison Absorb.

        • Rejuvenation Cocoon: Cost 12 SP Protects target with a shield of 150 temporary HP for 9 seconds. Heals 5d6 HP every 2 seconds while the shield persists. Cooldown: 12 seconds.

      • Tier 2 (requires level 22):
        • Flowers in the Thorns: Stepping inside a Spike Growth or Entangle spell, whether hostile or friendly, heals you for 1d3 Hit Points every 5 seconds per character level of the spell's owner.?
        • Mantle of Nature: Multiselector:
          • Heart: Your Healing spells have a chance to apply a copy of Rejuvenation Cocoon to your target. Your Fire, Light, and Alignment spells have a chance to apply a blast of that damage type for an extra 1d3/4/6 per character level. All effects scale with 100% Spell Power. Each effect can only occur once every 5 seconds, tracked separately. Any melee or ranged attack can also generate one of these effects.
          • Sky: Your Cold, Electric, and Sonic spells have a chance to blast one target for an additional 1d3/4/6 damage per character of the same type as the spell used. All effects scale with 100% Spell Power. Each element can only strike once every 5 seconds, tracked separately. Any melee or ranged attack can also generate one of these effects.
          • Thorn: Your Acid, Force, and Poison spells have a chance to blast one target for an additional 1d3/4/6 damage per character of the same type as the spell used. All effects scale with 100% Spell Power. Each element can only strike once every 5 seconds, tracked separately. Any melee or ranged attack can also generate one of these effects.

        • Primal Spell: Multiselector:
          • (Heart) Reborn in Fire Cost 30 SP, Cooldown: 20secs. A swirl of fire surrounds you dealing 1d6 fire damage per character to enemies and healing allies for 1d6 per character level. Level.
          • (Sky) Thunder Snow: SP: 20 CD: 20 Sends forth a wide wave of freezing hail before you with a narrow blast of lightning at its center directly in front of the caster. The hail deals 1d6+4 cold damage per character level. The bolt of lightning strikes for 1d6+4 per character level.
          • (Thorn) Shard Storm: SP: 20 CD: 20 Summons a cloud of acidic poisonous shards that randomly strikes enemies within 15 meters. 6 strikes over 6 seconds. Each shard deals 1d4+2 poison and acid damage per character level.

        • Thrive: Epic strike abilities in this tree grants now have a 30% chance to grant a 25% Enhancement discount to all spells. Lasts 4 seconds.
        • Spirit Boon - Body:
          • ?Multi Selector: Gain +1/2/2 Primal bonus to all physical abilities (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) or mental abilities (Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma).

      • Tier 3 (requires level 24):
        • Ever Green: +30/60/100 Maximum Spell Points. Rank 3: Mantle of Nature now has a chance to grant 100 Temporary Spell Points for 60 seconds.
        • Shared Mantle: (Requires Mantle of Nature) Your summons and pets now also benefit from your Mantle of Nature. In additional your Spell Power values are now added to theirs.
        • Magic of the Old World: +1/2/3 DCs for Evocation, Conjuration, Transmutation, or Enchantment spells.
        • Natural Shielding: You gain 10 Hit Points and +2 Magical Resistance Rating. Your summons, pets and hirelings gain 60% of your Max Hit Points and 30 Magical Resistance Rating instead. Summoned minions also gain +4 Reflex Saves and Evasion.
        • At Its Core: Multi Selector
          • Heart: Doubles the damage of Reborn in Fire, and the ability now grants +25% uncapped Dodge for 4 seconds on use.
          • Sky: Doubles the damage of Thunder Snow which now also applies the slow effect of Storm Catcher, slowing movement and reducing all targets reflex saves by half your character level for the duration of the slow.
          • Thorn: Doubles the damage of Shard Storm and you gain Shard Reflection for 12 seconds which grants 25% of your max Hit Points as tempory Hit Points.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • Natural Evasion: Gain the Evasion Feat. Exclusive from other enhancements that grant this feat.
        • Blessing of Nature: When you rest the spirit of a nature manifests as a unicorn and provides a blessing on your party that lasts until quest's end or you rest again, granting a +5% inspiration bonus to Max Hit Points.
        • Nature's Reach: +5/10/15 Universal Spell Power and reduces the cost of the Enlarge Metamagic by 3/6/9 Spell Points.
        • Enhanced Metamagics: choose a heroic Metamagic to discount. (This follows the Heroic template, but you can stack it.)
        • Enhanced Metamagics: choose a heroic Metamagic to discount. (This follows the Heroic template, but you can stack it.)

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Primal Ally: SLA - Multi Selector: Costs 50 Spell Points. Creates a focal point of power that spawns a powerful ally who casts spells adding twice your highest mental stat bonus to their DCs and your Spell Power. Summon lasts for 25 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
          • (Heart) Heart Flame Dryad: Creates an elder dryad that casts fire and healing spells. She remains rooted to her summoning point.
          • (Sky) Storm Guard : Creates a greater storm spirit to blast your foes with lightning and cold. Remains bound to their summoning spot.
          • (Thorn) Briar Patch: Creates a greater thorn spirit which launches attacks of poison and acid at nearby enemies.

        • Ancient Wisdom: +1/2/3 spell DCs
        • Mass Frog: Costs 60 Spell Points. Up to six nearby enemies are turned into frogs. Each may avoid ribbiting on a successful Fortitude saving throw vs. DC (20 + Highest of Wisdom/Intelligence/Charisma modifier + Transmutation bonuses). Cooldown: 60 seconds.
        • Epic Moment - Greater Form: Transform briefly into an ultimate form based on your nature. Cooldown: 5 minutes.
          • Heart: Become like a Summer Fire for 15 seconds and gain:
            • Become ethereal to monsters (you can pass through them)
            • 25% Action Boost to movement speed
            • 25% Uncapped Dodge
            • 100% Absorption to Fire and Light
            • Deal 1d6 Fire damage per character level to enemies that are close to you, and heal you and your allies for 1d6 Positive every character level as well.
            • Immunity to most forms of Crowd Control

          • Sky: Become like a Raging Storm for 15 seconds and gain:
            • Become ethereal to monsters (you can pass through them)
            • 25% Action Boost to movement speed
            • 60% Incorporeality
            • 100% Absorption to Cold and Electric
            • Deal 1d6 Cold damage per character level and apply a slow to all enemies near you every two seconds. A single random enemy will be struck every 3 seconds with a bolt of lightning for 1d6+6 Electric damage per character level and knock down for 4 seconds. No save.
            • Immunity to most forms of Crowd Control

          • Thorn: Become like a Cloud of Biting Insects for 15 seconds and gain:
            • Become ethereal to monsters (you can pass through them)
            • 25% Action Boost to movement speed
            • 60% Incorporeality
            • 100% Absorption to Poison and Acid
            • Deal 1d2 Acid and 1d2 Poison damage per character level to enemies near you every two seconds. Enemies also have a 50% chance to become swarmed which causes confusion for 6 seconds. No save.
            • Immunity to most forms of Crowd Control

        • Epic Metamagics: Intensify: Reduces the cost of Intensify by 2/4/6

    • Shiradi Champion
      • Overview: Shiradi Champions are uniquely attuned to the magic and chaotic power of they Feywild. They can be uncanny hunters with ranged weaponry, mages who use spells to lure foes to their doom, or some of both. With Ranged weapons, they can command high damage and slow down foes; with Spells, they can take control of powerful enemies and turn them on their allies. Shiradi Champions are especially good at keeping large crowds of enemies at bay, while adding a touch of chaos to any fight.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20): Fey Favor: You gain the Magical Training Feat. Each core ability including this one grants +4 Ranged power, +50 Spell Points, and +5 Force and Universal Spell Power. Each core also grants a +1 Epic bonus to all Spell DCs. Only the highest Epic Bonus to Spell DCs you get from Destiny Cores applies.
        • Core 2 (level 23): Vision: Your attacks have Ghost Touch and you bypass 5% Dodge and Fortification. If you have the Holy Strike feat, double the Dodge and Fortification bypass.
        • Core 3 (level 26): Audience with the Queen: Get some tea! When you Rest, you pop off for some tea, and randomly get one cool buff. This benefit no longer uses a Diplomacy check to determine which buff. Buffs last for 10 minutes or until you die.

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • Prism: Shiradi Champion Destiny Mantle: Your ranged and thrown attacks have a 15% chance to deal 3d100+100 extra damage of a random type. This damage scales with 200% Ranged Power. Your offensive spells have a 30% chance to deal 3d100+100 extra damage of a random type. This damage scales with 100% of the type's Spell Power.
        • Wild Magics: +30/60/100 Spell Points. Rank 3: +5 Force and Universal Spell Power
        • Good Luck: +1/2/3 Luck bonus to attack and saving throws. If you have the Luck of Heroes feat, double this bonus.
        • Fey Strike: Multiselector:
          • ?Hunt's End: Epic Strike: Your next shot with a Ranged or Thrown weapon has +75% damage, and increases your Critical Threat Range by 16. (Cooldown: 8 seconds). Costs 2 Destiny Points.
          • Fey Lights: Epic Strike: Cone SLA. Enemies are sprayed with illusions of color, and must make a Will save or be Dazed, Blinded, and/or Silenced. The target must make a saving throw for each effect. (20 + Highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma + Highest of Enchantment or Illusion bonuses) Cooldown: 6 seconds. Costs 10 Spell Points.
          • Fey Sight: +2/4/6 Listen, Search, and Spot. Rank 3: You are immune to Blindness.

      • Tier 2 (requires level 20):
        • Stay: Multiselector:
          • Stay Good: While in your Prism stance, Ranged and thrown attacks have a 15% chance to deal 1d100+30/2d100+60/3d100+100 extra Light damage. Your offensive spells have a 30% chance to proc this damage. This Light damage scales with 200% Ranged Power if from a Ranged attack, or 200% Light Spell Power if from a spell. Rank 3: Enemies hit by your ranged attacks have a 20% chance to be blinded for 10 seconds. Enemies hit by your offensive spells have a 30% chance to be blinded for 10 seconds.
          • Stay Frosty: While in your Prism stance, Ranged and thrown attacks have a 15% chance to deal 1d100+30/2d100+60/3d100+100 extra Cold damage. Your offensive spells have a 30% chance to proc this damage. This Light damage scales with 200% Ranged Power if from a Ranged attack, or 200% Cold Spell Power if from a spell. Rank 3: Enemies hit by your ranged attacks have a 20% chance to be slowed for 10 seconds. Enemies hit by your offensive spells have a 30% chance to be slowed for 10 seconds.

        • Phase Double: +2/4/6% Doubleshot.
        • Multiselector: Fey Charms
        • Pin: Ranged Attack. +3[W]: If target is moving, they are Slowed for 12 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds
        • Beguiling Charm: Target must make a Will save versus (20 + Highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma + Enchantment bonuses) or be Charmed for 12 seconds. Cooldown 15 seconds. Cost: 10 Spell Points.
        • Healing Spring: (Cooldown: 30 seconds) SLA of Greater Vigor, Mass. Uses charges of Wild Empathy, +1 Maximum Wild Empathy charge.
        • Empathetic Link: +1/2/3 charges of Wild Empathy.

      • Tier 3 (requires level 23):
        • Double Rainbow: While in your Prism Mantle, your ranged and thrown attacks have a 7% chance to inflict a random effect on your target. Your offensive spells have a 14% chance to proc these effects. These effects scale with various different things depending on their origins, including Melee, Ranged, and Spell Power.
        • Pierce Deception: You gain the Watchful Eye feat. (If you pass within 5 feet of a trap, you make a Search check to notice it as if actively Searching. (You still need the Trapfinding feat to successfully Search for difficult traps.)) If you have the Watchful Eye feat, +5% Doubleshot.
        • Greater Fey Charms:
        • Otto's Whistler: If enemies hit by Pin are not moving, they must make a Reflex save (20 + highest ability score + Spot bonus) or be Immobilized for 18 seconds. If enemies hit by Pin are moving, they must make a Will save (20 + highest ability score + Listen bonus) or Dance for 18 seconds.
        • Greater Beguiling Charm: Enemies Charmed by your Beguiling Charm deal double damage with attacks and spells while under the effects of Beguile.Fey Strike II: Multiselector:
        • Fey Force: Increases Hunt's End damage bonus by 75%.
        • Fey Flash: Fey Lights' Daze now additionally affects Undead, Plants, Constructs, and Oozes, who would normally be immune to such effects.Shiradi Magic: Multiselector:
          • +1/2/3 Illusion DC
          • +1/2/3 Enchantment DC
          • +1/2/3 Transmutation DC
          • +1/2/3 Conjuration DC

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • Fey Form: While in your Prism Mantle, gain 9% extra damage against Helpless targets, DR 10 Cold Iron, and +5 Force and Universal Spell Power.
        • Track: Dealing damage to enemies reduces their Armor Class by 1 and Fortification by 2%. Stacks up to 10 times.
        • Enemy of my Own: You gain the Favored Enemy: Fey feat.
        • Fey Strike III: Multiselector:
          • Overwhelming Force: Increases your Hunt's End effect by 75%.
          • Fey Flare: The Daze portion of Fey Lights is now a Stun instead. (This Stun applies to the additional creature types in Fey Flash, if you have that skill).
          • Whirling Wrists: +10/20/30% Attack Speed with Thrown Weapons. You gain +2/4/6% stacking Incorporeality.

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Still: Multiselector:
          • Stay Still: While in Prism stance, your ranged and thrown attacks and offensive spells have a 7% chance to paralyze living creatures for 6 seconds. Requires Stay Good.
          • Stay Frozen: While in Prism stance, your ranged and thrown attacks and offensive spells have a 7% chance to freeze living creatures for 6 seconds. Requires Stay Frosty.

        • Control: +1/2/3 to all Spell DCs
        • Lore of the Hunt: Ranged Weapons gain +1 Critical Damage Multiplier on rolls of 19-20.
        • Feywild Attunement: Every 4 Wilderness Lore feats grant you +1% Dodge. You are always considered to be in Point Blank Shot range and have a Base Attack Bonus equal to character level with Longbows and Shortbows. +10 Force and Universal Spell Power.
        • Agent of the Court: Multiselector:
        • Inexorable Advance: Epic Moment: For 30 seconds, you gain +30 Ranged Power, can move while still gaining Archer's Focus stacks, and you do not take the normal 20% damage penalty while using Improved Precise Shot. You also gain 30% Action Boost bonus to Movement Speed for the duration. In addition, your Ranged attacks have a 100% chance to deal 3d100+180 Cold damage and 3d100+180 Light damage which scale with 200% Ranged Power in addition to Stay Good or Stay Frosty. Finally, your Ranged attacks in this state have a 100% chance to proc Double Rainbow effects. Cooldown: 5 minutes.
        • Mass Chaos: Epic Moment: Enemies in an area are Confused with no save for 30 seconds, gain a stack of Fey Chaos, and apply a stack of Fey Chaos on hitting non-Player, non-Hireling targets while Confused. 5 minute cooldown.
        • Fey Chaos: This creature takes 5% more damage from all sources for 10 seconds. This effect can stack up to 10 times, and all stacks expire after not gaining new ones for 10 seconds. This effect works on Bosses and Raid Bosses.
    Last edited by Cordovan; 11-04-2021 at 02:39 PM.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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    • Shadowdancer:
      • Overview: Use the power of shadows and deadly illusion magic to terrify and consume enemies.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20): Shadow Training: You gain the Magical Training feat if you didn't have it already. Each core ability including this one grants +5 Melee Power and +4 Ranged Power, +1 Sneak Attack Dice, 50 Spell Points, +1 Epic DC, 5 Force Spell Power and 5 Universal Spell Power.
        • Core 2 (level 23): Step Through Shadow: Dimension Door SLA. Cooldown of 2 minutes.
        • Core 3 (level 26): The Darkest Luck: You have Evasion, normal Evasion rules apply. If you have Evasion already, you gain Improved Evasion. If you have Improved Evasion already, you no longer fail Reflex Saves automatically by rolling a 1.

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • Stealthy: +1/2/3 Reflex Saves, +2/4/6 Hide and Move Silently. Rank 3: Gain the Hide in Plain Sight feat.
        • Cover of Darkness: +10/20/30% less threat from all sources. Rank 3: Gain a permanent benefit of Nightshield.
        • Well of Darkness: +30/60/100 Spell Points, Rank 3: +5 Force/Universal Spell Power
        • Assassinate: +2/4/6 to your Assassinate DCs.
        • Technician: +2/4/6 to Search, Spot, Disable Device, Open Lock. Rank 3: If you have the Nimble Fingers feat, +1 Sneak Attack dice.

      • Tier 2 (requires level 20):
        • Dance in the Dark: +1/2/3 Sneak Attack Dice
        • Sleight of Hand: +2/4/6 UMD. +25/50/75% damage and healing of your wands, scrolls and other items that cast spells. Adds +1/2/3 to the save DC's of your offensive wands.
        • Shadowform: Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle. Grants +30% Enhancement bonus to movement speed, 25% Insight bonus to Sneak Speed, 25% Insight bonus to Cast Run Speed, and grants ghost touch on all attacks.
        • Multiselector:
          • ?Shadowstrike (melee or ranged): Epic Strike: +5[W], +3 Critical Threat Range and Critical Damage Multiplier. Enemy must make a Fortitude save vs (20 + highest ability score + assassinate) or be cursed with Shadow Loss. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
          • Nightmare Lance (spell): Epic Strike: Illusion Spell, deals 1d6+6 Force damage per caster level. Enemies must make a Will save vs (20 + highest ability score + illusion bonuses + fear bonuses) or be cursed with Shadow Loss. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
          • Shadow Loss. You no longer cast a shadow. In addition, you have -5 PRR, MRR, and Spell Resistance.

        • Lithe: Passive Bonus: +2/4/6 reflex saves, AC and light armor Max Dex Bonus, Rank 3: +5 Force/Universal Spellpower.

      • Tier 3 (req level 23):
        • Depths of Darkness: While in your Shadowdancer Destiny Mantle, you gain 25% Incorporeality and 25% Concealment.
        • Multiselector:
          • Meld into Darkness: Your Epic Strike now grants you 10% uncapped dodge for 10s
          • Dark Imbuement: Your Epic Strike now imbues your weapons with Evil energies for 10s: You deal 1d6 per Sneak Attack Dice in Untyped damage on hit (scaling with Melee or Ranged Power, or Force Spell Power if its higher), and on a vorpal strike, your attacks blind enemies with no save. This blind lasts 5 seconds and can only apply to each monster once per 60 seconds.
          • Paranoia: Your Epic Strike now imbues your spells with Evil energies for 10s: Your Sneak Attack dice are now applied to your harmful spellcasts. Your spells deal 1d6 Untyped damage per Sneak Attack Dice you have (scaling with Melee or Ranged Power, or Force Spell Power if it is higher). This may only trigger once per spellcast per monster, so multi-hit spells will only have one additional damage value.

        • Grim Precision: +1/2/3 Spell Penetration, and you bypass 5/10/15% enemy Fortification.
        • Shadowdancer Spell Focus: +1/2/3 Illusion, Necromancy, Enchantment or Abjuration DCs
        • Multiselector:
          • Shadowcaster: -10% Spell Cooldowns. Immunity to Energy Drain.
          • Shadowstriker: +5% Doublestrike and Doubleshot. Immunity to Energy Drain.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • ?Pierce the Gloom: +1/2/3 Accuracy, to-hit with Sneak Attacks, to-hit while flanking. Rank 3: You gain immunity to Silence, Quell, and Blindness.
        • From the Shadows: From-Stealth Active: From a stealthed position, dissolve into shadows, before appearing some distance in front of you. This grants you the buffs from your Shadowdancer Epic strike if you have them trained.
        • Dark Mercy: Your Shadowdancer mantle now grants you +5/10/15% Helplessness damage.
        • Bring Darkness: When you roll a natural 20 on a melee or ranged attack, you envelop the target in shadow, applying the Darkness debuff. If you have the feat First Blood, the trigger of First Blood now also applies the Darkness debuff, and First Blood now triggers on Harmful Spellcasts.
          • Darkness: The target is no longer immune to Sneak Attacks. -3 Spell Resistance, -3 Physical Resistance Rating and -3 Magical Resistance Rating per stack. Lasts 12 seconds, stacks drop 1 at a time. Max 3 stacks.

        • Multiselector:
          • Linger in the Dark: Meld now grants 15% uncapped Dodge. When enemies miss you in combat while Meld is active, they are blinded by shadows with no save. This blind lasts 5 seconds and can only apply to each monster once per 60 seconds.
          • Long Shadows: Dark Imbuement now increases your melee range.
          • Shadowed Insight: Paranoia now reduces the cost of all of your Metamagics by 1 Spell Point each.

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • ?Improved Shadowform: Adds to your Destiny Mantle: You float as if you had Feather Fall, +20 Hide and Move Silently, and no longer trigger pressure plate or bear traps. +10 Force/Universal Spell Power
        • Just a Taste: +1 multiplier on an attack roll of 19-20 with bows, thrown weapons, crossbows, quarterstaves, and finessable melee weapons
        • Multiselector:
          • Weird: You gain the Weird spell - Area of effect Phantasmal Killer, scales off Illusion DC. You must be able to cast level 9 spells. Cooldown 60 seconds, Spell Point code of 50 (matches Implosion). DC 20 + highest of INT/WIS/CHA + illusion bonuses
          • Consumed by Shadows: From Sneak: Active attack. Enemy must make a Will save versus 20 + highest ability score + Assassinate or be beset by your shadow. Enemies affected have their Armor Class set to 0 for 5 seconds, and when they are hit, they take a stack of Vulnerability. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

        • Enhanced Shadowdancer Spell Focus: +1/2/3 Spell DCs
        • Shadow Mastery: Epic Moment: Dissolve into a whorl of shadow, leaving your corporeal form behind. While in this form, you are considered Sneaking and Invisible regardless of what you do. You also gain 3d6 Sneak Attack Dice, 50% Incorporeality, as well as the effects your Epic Strike as if they had been fully trained and upgraded. When non-boss enemies miss you in this state, they are slain by their fear, automatically taking a Phantasmal Killer effect with no save. Duration: 20 seconds. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

    • Unyielding Sentinel:
      • Overview: Unyielding offers great durability, a new taunt mechanic and some powerful healing tools. The playstyle has become more active rewarding attacking with only intermitted blocking. Useful for pure tanks or anyone looking to increase their survivability.
      • Core Abilities:
        • Core 1 (level 20): Unyielding: You gain the Diehard feat. Each core ability of this tree, including this one, grants +35 Hit Points, 20 Spell Points, and 5 Melee Power
        • Core 2 (level 23): Ward Against Darkness: You are protected by a ward against curses. This ward can absorb one curse every 60 seconds. You gain 10% Evil damage absorption.
        • Core 3 (level 26): Stand Against the Tide: Immune to most forms of Knockdown while wearing a shield.

      • Tier 1 (requires level 20):
        • ?Celestial Mandate: Melee Cleave: 6[W] Adds 3000 Hate to target and slows their movement by 50% for 10 seconds. Grants a +1/2/3 buff to Magical and Physical Resistance Ratings for 15 seconds. Double this bonus if using a shield. Stacks 6 times. Cooldown: 6 seconds.
        • Guard Up - Gain a Sacred Temporary Hit Point bonus equal to 300% of your Melee Power for 6 seconds. This can be used while stunned, or otherwise disabled. Cooldown: 12 seconds.
        • Ever Watchful: +2/4/6 Spot & Listen. Rank 3: You are immune to blindness effects.
        • Divine Energy Resistance: Cost: 15 Spell Points This SLA grants 35 resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Sonic, Electric damage for 1 minute per character level to all allies in the standard area of effect; centered on the caster. You can apply Metamagic feats to this SLA for free (Extend, Quicken). The effect does not stack with the Resist Energy spell. Cooldown: 6 seconds.
        • Epic Strike - Multiselector:
          • Attack and Defend: +1/2/3 to hit. Triple this bonus if using combat expertise.
          • Brace for Impact: +10/25/50% Fortification, rank 3: +1 to all Saving Throws.

      • Tier 2 (requires level 22):
        • Renewal: SLA: heal-over time. Heals 1d2 Hit Points per 2 character levels every 2 seconds for 8 seconds.
        • Mantle of the Sentinel: Aura of Destiny - You gain a 15 Healing Amplification, Absorb 15% of all Force, Fire, Electric, Acid, Cold, Sonic, Chaos and Evil damage. Grants Immunity to Mind effects from evil creatures.
        • Knight's Challenge: Requires shield to use. Throws a Spiritual version of your Shield at a single target for 1d20 Law damage per character level, scales with 200% Melee Power. Creatures struck by the shield reset their hate and are compelled to target the player for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
        • Commanding Presence: +150/300/450% Threat Generation.
        • Shield Prowess: Your Shield's Armor Class contribution is increased by 15/30/50%.

      • Tier 3 (requires level 24):
        • Legendary Shield Mastery: While wearing a shield, you gain +5/10/15 Physical Resistance Rating. Rank 3: You gain 6% Doublestrike.
        • Hands of the Sentinel: Gain the Lay on Hands feat. Using Lay Hands now uses the highest of Charisma or Constitution score to determine its effect and also uses your total character level instead of paladin level.
        • The Rule of Law: Your Mantle of the Sentinel now grants your melee attacks a chance to pulse a out a wave of d3/4/6 Law damage per character level around the player. Cooldown of 8 seconds. Scales with the highest of 200% Melee Power or Spell Power.
        • Spark of Life: Your armor gains Deathblock, protecting you from death effects. Passive: Gain 25 Hit Points.
        • Into the Fray: When you first strike a foe with a melee attack gain +2/4/6 Damage & +10/15/25 Physical and Magical Resistance Rating buff for 5 seconds. This effect will not reoccur until you are out of combat for at least 3 seconds.

      • Tier 4 (requires level 26):
        • Endless Vigil: Requires Lay Hands or Hands of the Sentinel. Passive Bonus: +1/2/3 Lay On Hands use per rest. Lay On Hands regenerate one use every 180/160/145 seconds.
        • Hardened Purpose: +5/10/15 Armor Class. Rank 3: Increase the Mantle of the Sentinel damage absorption by another 10%.
        • Throw the Boom: (requires Knight's Challenge) Knight's Challenge now affects small area around the target and applies a Stun, DC: 20 + Stun Bonuses + STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA for 4 seconds.
        • Divine Bulwark: +5 Physical Resistance Rating. If you have the Bulwark of Defense feat, gain an additional +10 Physical Resistance Rating
        • The Best Defense: Blocking a melee attack now grants a +1/2/4 bonus to Damage, Hit and Critical Hit damage for 12 seconds. This can only occur once every 12 seconds. Passive: Gain +20/40/60 to Max Hit Points

      • Tier 5 (requires level 30):
        • Resurrection: Cost: 15 Spell Points. Can now cast Resurrection as a spell-like ability. Cooldown: 6 seconds.
        • Strength of Vitality: Gain 3/6/10% Insight bonus to Max Hit Points. Rank 3: Increase Insight bonus to 20% if Mantel of the Sentinel is active.
        • Undying Vanguard: Activate Your body becomes a fortified fortress. Completely heal yourself and gain 10,000 Temporary Hit Points & +5 Weapon Dice for 30 seconds. You can use this while Crowd Controlled. Cooldown: 5 minutes
        • Deific Resilience: You gain the Deific Warding feat. If you already have it, you gain +5% Quality bonus to Maximum Hit Points
        • Light the Dark: (requires Lay Hands) Using Lay on Hands is now an area of effect, healing friends and damaging undead near the selected target. This effect scales with the highest of 200% Melee Power or 50% of Spell Power.


    • Knight's Training now increases the threat range of Maces and Warhammers by an additional 1
    • Swords to Plowshares now increases the threat range of Quarterstaves by an additional 1.
    • Archer's Focus no longer spams your combat log.


    • Calls of Destiny have been deprecated from the game. Existing Calls of Destiny have been replaced with Sovereign Experience Elixirs, which boost all Experience earned by 50% for one and a half hours. NOTE: If you are already benefitting from a Sovereign or Sovereign II Experience Elixir, the buff may not appear in your buff bar, or it may appear to replace your current Elixir. What is actually happening is that the buffs are suppressing each other, and when one runs out, the other will appear in its place. You will still receive the benefit of the other Elixir when the higher benefit Elixir expires.
    • Keys of Destiny have been deprecated from the game, and are now called Tarnished Keys of Destiny. Players can place any remaining Tarnished Keys of Destiny into a Stone of Change to receive 1 Sovereign II Experience Elixir per key you exchange.
    • You may now trade Tomes of Fate for Purified Eberron Dragonshards.
    • The values of Assassinate DC bonuses found on items has increased significantly.
    • Legacy Augment Unslotters are now Bound to Account.
    • Cannith Crafted Keen no longer sometimes stops working.


    • Monsters throughout levels 20 and 29 have had their stats adjusted to account for the new Epic Destiny update.
    • Fixed various Undead who were not being harmed by Positive energy, as well as Animated Objects that were mistakenly tagged as Undead instead of Constructs. Please continue to report any such monsters you encounter.
    • Hellhounds should no longer slide around and attack while using standing-still attack animations.

    Quests and Adventure Areas

    • Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
      • Swim At Your Own Risk
        • An issue with the mage boss missing spells in some difficulties has been corrected.
        • Fixed an issue with a barrier that could drop too early and lead to two copies of 1000 Teeth being in play.

    • Masterminds of Sharn
      • Players identified a monster pathing issue in "A Sharn Welcome" that could cause severe lag when monsters tried and failed to path to the upper levels when chasing players. To mitigate this, players must now kill all enemies in the room with the stuffed bear before opening the secret door to proceed. A new Quest Objective and an additional signal crystal above the door have been added to remind you to do this.
      • Exploding spider traps in Sharn have been changed to display an area of effect reticle before exploding.
      • The "Boromar Muscle" Dragonborn from Sharn have had their appearances updated so their outfits display properly.

    • The Seal of Shan-to-Kor
      • Workmen have finally taken away some extra ladders left behind during construction of the Halls.


    • Dragonborn can now properly use the Druid Cold Breath spell.


    • Several changes and optimizations have been made to spells that can affect multiple targets. This should resolve several issues with area of effect spells connecting while impacting with shallow water, as well as having a much better time making contact through uneven terrain.
    • Alchemist's Sanctified Vial spell now requires 1 level of Cleric, Favored Soul, or Paladin OR any points spent in the new Divine Crusader, Exalted Angel, or Unyielding Sentinel Epic Destinies.
    • The Enervation spell now applies a Negative Damage Over Time effect.
    • Prismatic Strike’s weapon damage reduction debuff now does the correct value of 25%.
    • The following spells are now in spell books:
      • Artificer
        • Arcane Tempest - Level 6

      • Cleric/Favored Soul
        • Celestial Bombardment - Level 9
        • Divine Wrath - Level 9

      • Druid
        • Insidious Spores - Level 7
        • Stormrage - Level 8
        • Tsunami - Level 9

      • Sorcerer/Wizard
        • Arcane Tempest - Level 8

      • ?Warlock
        • ?Arcane Tempest - Level 6


    • Toggles now remember their state better through logout and login.
    • The Fatespinner will now remind you when you haven't unlocked all the new Epic Destiny trees.
    • The Gnome and Deep Gnome tree Cores 2 and 4 now have their correct icons.
    • There is a new tab on the character sheet that contains your Epic Destiny abilities.

    Known Issues:

    • Fatesinger's Mantle of Sound and Fury Burst damage doesn't scale with Melee and Ranged Power yet.
    • An issue with some bodies of water in the Feywild can result in players getting stuck.
    • The following quests and raids have been temporarily closed due to a monster statting bug, and we expect to reopen the following quest packs and raids in a patch in the near future:
      • The Phiarlan Carnival
      • The Sands of Menectarun
      • Sentinels of Stormreach
      • Vault of Night: VoNs 5 and 6 (raid)
      • The Chronoscope (raid)

    • ?The XP bar UI at the bottom of your HUD still shows old Epic Destiny information if you cycle through it.
    Last edited by Cordovan; 11-04-2021 at 02:40 PM.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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