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  1. #1
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Default Changes to Epic Destinies In The DDO Store & Market

    Greetings! With the upcoming changes to Epic Destinies in Update 51, we’re going to be retiring a few DDO Store items, and introducing some new ones! We wanted to announce these changes ahead of the release.

    Epic Destiny Access

    The first change is that with Update 51, Epic Destinies will no longer be gated by a purchase. Anyone will be able to access Epic Destinies once they are high enough level on their characters.

    For those who already own Epic Destinies, we thank you for being a DDO Store customer, and we will be automatically granting a +1 Tome of Destiny (Historic) to your account when Update 51 launches. The tome is Bound to Account, and will be delivered on the first character (per server) that you log into after the game update. This Tome, when used, grants +1 Permanent Destiny Point to the character that consumes it, which will increase the amount of points available for that character in the updated Epic Destiny System. Note that this will not stack with other Historic type bonuses, but will stack with any other types (e.g. type Feywild). It will no longer be possible to purchase the item “Epic Destiny Access” in the DDO Store.

    Previously released Expansion bundles will no longer claim to give “Epic Destiny Access”, but will instead grant this +1 Tome of Destiny (Historic). This includes:

    • The Expansion Trove
    • Fables of the Feywild Standard (or higher) edition
    • Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Standard (or higher) edition
    • The original Menace of the Underdark Base (or higher) edition

    We’ll also be adding this Historic type Tome in the DDO Store as an ala carte purchase for anyone who never had the chance to buy Epic Destiny Access prior to Update 51.

    So whether you previously got Epic Destiny Access as part of a past Expansion or you bought them directly, you’ll receive this thank you Tome. That also means anyone who purchases Epic Destinies in the DDO Store, or through eligible DDO Market Expansions, between now and when Update 51 launches will receive the Tome when the Update launches.

    Call of Destiny Potions

    The Call of Destiny potions are likewise being retired from the DDO Store, and as of today are no longer available for purchase. When Update 51 launches, any existing potions you have will automatically convert into Sovereign Experience Elixirs lasting 1.5 hours. This includes not only the main Call of Destiny Elixir, but also any of the specific Destiny tree Elixirs granted from that item that you hadn’t consumed. Note: If you’re already benefiting from Sovereign or Sovereign II Experience Elixirs, the usual buff queuing behavior will occur when these Sovereign Elixirs are used.

    Key of Destiny

    The Key of Destiny will also be retired from the DDO Store, and as of today is no longer available for purchase. When Update 51 launches, any existing keys will be automatically turned into “Tarnished Keys of Destiny”, and they may be taken to a Stone of Change to receive a Sovereign II Experience Elixir per key you exchange. The description of the keys will also be updated to reflect this change.

    We hope you enjoy the upcoming changes to Epic Destinies and we look forward to seeing you in game!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    So rwading between the lines here, will we recieve 1 of these tomes per account, or as hopefull at least one per account per access purchased through for eg MOTU, Feywild, Saltmarsh etc?

    Seems that as we paid for things we already had access to which is now being removed/changed we should at least get a reflection of what we paid for up front?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Greetings! With the upcoming changes to Epic Destinies in Update 51, we’re going to be retiring a few DDO Store items, and introducing some new ones! We wanted to announce these changes ahead of the release.

    Epic Destiny Access

    The first change is that with Update 51, Epic Destinies will no longer be gated by a purchase. Anyone will be able to access Epic Destinies once they are high enough level on their characters.

    For those who already own Epic Destinies, we thank you for being a DDO Store customer, and we will be automatically granting a +1 Tome of Destiny (Historic) to your account when Update 51 launches. The tome is Bound to Account, and will be delivered on the first character (per server) that you log into after the game update. This Tome, when used, grants +1 Permanent Destiny Point to the character that consumes it, which will increase the amount of points available for that character in the updated Epic Destiny System. Note that this will not stack with other Historic type bonuses, but will stack with any other types (e.g. type Feywild). It will no longer be possible to purchase the item “Epic Destiny Access” in the DDO Store.

    Previously released Expansion bundles will no longer claim to give “Epic Destiny Access”, but will instead grant this +1 Tome of Destiny (Historic). This includes:

    • The Expansion Trove
    • Fables of the Feywild Standard (or higher) edition
    • Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Standard (or higher) edition
    • The original Menace of the Underdark Base (or higher) edition

    We’ll also be adding this Historic type Tome in the DDO Store as an ala carte purchase for anyone who never had the chance to buy Epic Destiny Access prior to Update 51.

    So whether you previously got Epic Destiny Access as part of a past Expansion or you bought them directly, you’ll receive this thank you Tome. That also means anyone who purchases Epic Destinies in the DDO Store, or through eligible DDO Market Expansions, between now and when Update 51 launches will receive the Tome when the Update launches.

    Call of Destiny Potions

    The Call of Destiny potions are likewise being retired from the DDO Store, and as of today are no longer available for purchase. When Update 51 launches, any existing potions you have will automatically convert into Sovereign Experience Elixirs lasting 1.5 hours. This includes not only the main Call of Destiny Elixir, but also any of the specific Destiny tree Elixirs granted from that item that you hadn’t consumed. Note: If you’re already benefiting from Sovereign or Sovereign II Experience Elixirs, the usual buff queuing behavior will occur when these Sovereign Elixirs are used.

    Key of Destiny

    The Key of Destiny will also be retired from the DDO Store, and as of today is no longer available for purchase. When Update 51 launches, any existing keys will be automatically turned into “Tarnished Keys of Destiny”, and they may be taken to a Stone of Change to receive a Sovereign II Experience Elixir per key you exchange. The description of the keys will also be updated to reflect this change.

    We hope you enjoy the upcoming changes to Epic Destinies and we look forward to seeing you in game!

  3. #3
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    This a great change. Coupled with the coupon (plus 99 point expansions) and the game is very new player accessible from to 1 to 30 now.

  4. #4
    Community Member Fenix93's Avatar
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    Jan 2015

    Question I have a question about "Free epic destiny Tomes"

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Epic Destiny Access

    The first change is that with Update 51, Epic Destinies will no longer be gated by a purchase. Anyone will be able to access Epic Destinies once they are high enough level on their characters.

    For those who already own Epic Destinies, we thank you for being a DDO Store customer, and we will be automatically granting a +1 Tome of Destiny (Historic) to your account when Update 51 launches. The tome is Bound to Account, and will be delivered on the first character (per server) that you log into after the game update. This Tome, when used, grants +1 Permanent Destiny Point to the character that consumes it, which will increase the amount of points available for that character in the updated Epic Destiny System. Note that this will not stack with other Historic type bonuses, but will stack with any other types (e.g. type Feywild). It will no longer be possible to purchase the item “Epic Destiny Access” in the DDO Store.

    Previously released Expansion bundles will no longer claim to give “Epic Destiny Access”, but will instead grant this +1 Tome of Destiny (Historic). This includes:

    • The Expansion Trove
    • Fables of the Feywild Standard (or higher) edition
    • Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Standard (or higher) edition
    • The original Menace of the Underdark Base (or higher) edition

    We’ll also be adding this Historic type Tome in the DDO Store as an ala carte purchase for anyone who never had the chance to buy Epic Destiny Access prior to Update 51.

    So whether you previously got Epic Destiny Access as part of a past Expansion or you bought them directly, you’ll receive this thank you Tome. That also means anyone who purchases Epic Destinies in the DDO Store, or through eligible DDO Market Expansions, between now and when Update 51 launches will receive the Tome when the Update launches.
    Ok then... if my theory is right... I bought on my account the following expansions from the market (not the DDO Store), MoTU, Shadowfel, Ravenloft and Saltmarsh ... so it means that in theory I should receive the first time i log in to U51 launch i will have about 3-4 "epic destiny tome" right? if and so I think it's a lot of stuff and it's a great boost perhaps for someone like me who bought the previous expansions individually, have more points more to invest in epic destiny and a big advantage for a Veteran rather than a new player.
    "It's time for epic adventures!"

  5. #5
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    1/server is unacceptable. Full stop.

    EDs were something that every single character that you play past 20 was invested into. Every character that played under the old system deserves the same +1. There is no justification for making us choose one character per server and then having to buy the Tome for every other one.

    The obvious and fair way to do this would be to make the free tome BTC and grant it to every active character when U51 hits, as has often been done in the past for other compensation-type rewards.

    If that's impossible for some reason (like you cant make it BTC or something) then we should at least be granted the 1 tome per server, plus 1/server for each of the content packs we own that will now carry the tome. We paid for those bundles which included EDs, D Tomes are replacing EDs in those bundles, so we should get those same D Tomes retroactively as well. That will at least be enough to cover multiple mains/primary alts.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    1/server is unacceptable. Full stop.

    EDs were something that every single character that you play past 20 was invested into. Every character that played under the old system deserves the same +1. There is no justification for making us choose one character per server and then having to buy the Tome for every other one.

    The obvious and fair way to do this would be to make the free tome BTC and grant it to every active character when U51 hits, as has often been done in the past for other compensation-type rewards.
    This. EXACTLY this. Once again, we who play lots of alts (so as to have toons at various levels to join friends no matter what level they're at)... are getting shafted.
    Dawnstrider, Officer of Pay It Forward (Sarlona, and all servers)

  7. #7
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Sep 2007


    Gathering up answers to a few questions from various places . . .

    - Correct it is one per server and not one per account, and it is bound to account.

    - Yes if you got Epic Destinies ala carte in the DDO Store and also some expansions you would end up getting more than one Tome delivered.

    - Yes if you owned more than one of the Expansions you'd get it again for each Expansion that was offering Epic Destinies. We're going to update the Market on U51 launch day to reflect that change for the offers that had this. It's only for the Expansions that had Epic Destiny Access folded into them though. There were some Expansions that didn't include EDs on any Edition, so those Expansions wouldn't grant this Tome.

    - The ala carte Tome will be 3495 Points, same price as the Universal AP Tome.

    - This doesn't take the place of the commemorative item for people who complete all their destinies under the old ED system, that's still happening.

    - This tome does stack with the Feywild Tome of Destiny, but consuming more than 1 Historic Tome of Destiny does not grant more than 1 point
    Last edited by Tolero; 10-28-2021 at 03:51 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Teleforce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Greetings! With the upcoming changes to Epic Destinies in Update 51, we’re going to be retiring a few DDO Store items, and introducing some new ones! We wanted to announce these changes ahead of the release.

    Epic Destiny Access

    The first change is that with Update 51, Epic Destinies will no longer be gated by a purchase. Anyone will be able to access Epic Destinies once they are high enough level on their characters.

    For those who already own Epic Destinies, we thank you for being a DDO Store customer, and we will be automatically granting a +1 Tome of Destiny (Historic) to your account when Update 51 launches. The tome is Bound to Account, and will be delivered on the first character (per server) that you log into after the game update. This Tome, when used, grants +1 Permanent Destiny Point to the character that consumes it, which will increase the amount of points available for that character in the updated Epic Destiny System. Note that this will not stack with other Historic type bonuses, but will stack with any other types (e.g. type Feywild). It will no longer be possible to purchase the item “Epic Destiny Access” in the DDO Store.

    Previously released Expansion bundles will no longer claim to give “Epic Destiny Access”, but will instead grant this +1 Tome of Destiny (Historic). This includes:

    • The Expansion Trove
    • Fables of the Feywild Standard (or higher) edition
    • Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Standard (or higher) edition
    • The original Menace of the Underdark Base (or higher) edition

    We’ll also be adding this Historic type Tome in the DDO Store as an ala carte purchase for anyone who never had the chance to buy Epic Destiny Access prior to Update 51.

    So whether you previously got Epic Destiny Access as part of a past Expansion or you bought them directly, you’ll receive this thank you Tome. That also means anyone who purchases Epic Destinies in the DDO Store, or through eligible DDO Market Expansions, between now and when Update 51 launches will receive the Tome when the Update launches.

    Call of Destiny Potions

    The Call of Destiny potions are likewise being retired from the DDO Store, and as of today are no longer available for purchase. When Update 51 launches, any existing potions you have will automatically convert into Sovereign Experience Elixirs lasting 1.5 hours. This includes not only the main Call of Destiny Elixir, but also any of the specific Destiny tree Elixirs granted from that item that you hadn’t consumed. Note: If you’re already benefiting from Sovereign or Sovereign II Experience Elixirs, the usual buff queuing behavior will occur when these Sovereign Elixirs are used.

    Key of Destiny

    The Key of Destiny will also be retired from the DDO Store, and as of today is no longer available for purchase. When Update 51 launches, any existing keys will be automatically turned into “Tarnished Keys of Destiny”, and they may be taken to a Stone of Change to receive a Sovereign II Experience Elixir per key you exchange. The description of the keys will also be updated to reflect this change.

    We hope you enjoy the upcoming changes to Epic Destinies and we look forward to seeing you in game!
    Will this Tome be provided to VIP users as well?

  9. #9
    Community Member TedSandyman's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Fenix93 View Post
    Ok then... if my theory is right... I bought on my account the following expansions from the market (not the DDO Store), MoTU, Shadowfel, Ravenloft and Saltmarsh ... so it means that in theory I should receive the first time i log in to U51 launch i will have about 3-4 "epic destiny tome" right? if and so I think it's a lot of stuff and it's a great boost perhaps for someone like me who bought the previous expansions individually, have more points more to invest in epic destiny and a big advantage for a Veteran rather than a new player.
    No. That does not mean that you will receive 3-4 tomes.

    Only one of those purchases, the first one, gave you access to epic destinies.

    Any subsequent packs, you purchased knowing that you wouldn't get anything extra in the way of epic destinies.

    You didn't get anything extra with destinies when you purchased the second pack, or the third pack, or the fourth pack and you are most likely not going to get anything extra for those purchases now.

    As I read it, you will get one tome if you purchased at least one pack that granted access to epic destinies.

  10. #10
    Community Member Mordrack's Avatar
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    So to be clear, If you bought all three of those expansions you'd get 3 of these tomes per server?

  11. #11
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coeus91 View Post
    Will this Tome be provided to VIP users as well?
    obviously no.

    the fake vip this game offers, that doesn't grant full unlock of content, no full unlock of races, no full unlock of classes, also never granted destiny unlock. destinies were paywalled even for vips from the start.
    storage solution suggestion: Collection

    omni-cosmetic system suggestion: Arbiter d'Phiarlan, the Weaver of Guises

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    1/server is unacceptable. Full stop.

    EDs were something that every single character that you play past 20 was invested into. Every character that played under the old system deserves the same +1. There is no justification for making us choose one character per server and then having to buy the Tome for every other one.

    The obvious and fair way to do this would be to make the free tome BTC and grant it to every active character when U51 hits, as has often been done in the past for other compensation-type rewards.

    If that's impossible for some reason (like you cant make it BTC or something) then we should at least be granted the 1 tome per server, plus 1/server for each of the content packs we own that will now carry the tome. We paid for those bundles which included EDs, D Tomes are replacing EDs in those bundles, so we should get those same D Tomes retroactively as well. That will at least be enough to cover multiple mains/primary alts.
    I agree, and this seems fair. I don't like the feeling of playing one character in DDO, but you seem to be driving us that way.

  13. #13
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Gathering up answers to a few questions from various places . . .

    - Correct it is one per server and not one per account, and it is bound to account.

    - Yes if you got Epic Destinies ala carte in the DDO Store and also some expansions you would end up getting more than one Tome delivered.

    - Yes if you owned more than one of the Expansions you'd get it again for each Expansion that was offering Epic Destinies. We're going to update the Market on U51 launch day to reflect that change for the offers that had this. It's only for the Expansions that had Epic Destiny Access folded into them though. There were some Expansions that didn't include EDs on any Edition, so those Expansions wouldn't grant this Tome.

    - The ala carte Tome will be 3495 Points, same price as the Universal AP Tome.

    - This doesn't take the place of the commemorative item for people who complete all their destinies under the old ED system, that's still happening.

    - This tome does stack with the Feywild Tome of Destiny, but consuming more than 1 Historic Tome of Destiny does not grant more than 1 point

    finally fixing the destiny paywall, well done ssg, finally moving in some right direction.

    also really nice booster for saltmarsh sales, from offering for 20 bucks content + monster manual + something we already have, that something is turning into a potential value of 3495 ddo points +content + MM. now that's a real deal for those that still play alts hehehe
    storage solution suggestion: Collection

    omni-cosmetic system suggestion: Arbiter d'Phiarlan, the Weaver of Guises

  14. #14
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puddinhead View Post
    I agree, and this seems fair. I don't like the feeling of playing one character in DDO, but you seem to be driving us that way.
    this is not a mmo, this is a single player game with multiplayer option. you have to boost your fantasy hero character with past lives, sentient exp, reaper exp, have tomes, farm stuff but store less gear as possible. all points to play just 1 char if you are playing a moderate amount of time, always did. or 2, or 3, if you play a lot of time. realize this, this also let you save a lot of money and time instead of wasting em on subpar chars while you'll have more fun with a stronger character, not because it is cool or necessary, no, just because being stronger and better geared as default it opens up more grouping options.
    storage solution suggestion: Collection

    omni-cosmetic system suggestion: Arbiter d'Phiarlan, the Weaver of Guises

  15. #15
    Guild Leader - Death Smile
    Dark_Lord_Mary's Avatar
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    To grant only 1 tome per server/account would be is a huge mis-step - the player base is already extremely concerned and worried about a massive part of the game being overly simplified and ruined (Epic Destinies which their 'dumbification' affects ALL of epic game play, ALL raiding, MOST R10, and ALL eTRing)

    - it would be extremely bad form

    - BAD FORM -

    to not grant this historic tome to every character on an account considering it was the player and account that unlocked these expansions and not one of the characters -

    this is not something to cheap out on

    To me, as someone who values players who come to my content creation platforms such as youtube to see what I post about this game, it seems a no-brainer.

    By gamers, for gamers is not just a tag line used to sell ad time on Ninja liive - we are talking about players who've already spend hundreds of actual dollars on expansions.

    Is it really so difficult to show some love to the playerbase who are being forced to endure a massive change to their beloved ED system which is not broke, that we've had for over a decade, that works great, is fun, engaging, and allows for numerous build options?
    Last edited by Dark_Lord_Mary; 10-28-2021 at 04:26 PM.

  16. #16
    Community Member Blastyswa's Avatar
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    Default 1/Server

    Not a fan of the 1/server per account per expansion ordered business, based on OP and Tolero's follow-up.

    1. This just seems overcomplicated. I own epic destinies already, so I get a tome. I don't know what "The Expansion Trove" means, so I'm probably not getting one from that. I bought feywild for DDO points so that doesn't give a tome, I don't own saltmarsh, and I paid money for MotU, so I guess I have 3 tomes coming per server for my account, and any others I might want would cost ~$35. I own the Ravenloft superfan edition or whatever it's called, so every character I ever make gets a +1 racial tome in their starting inventory- that's a lot easier from a user perspective.

    2. Previously, getting epic destinies meant you unlocked access to them on your entire account, on all servers. No business of buying epic destinies just for my main character, and then having to buy it again for each alt. And now that's being replaced with a bonus power tome for one character? That just doesn't track as anything but a moneygrab for me. How many players even have a bunch of alts anyway? I have 3-4 that I actually play, which will probably drop to a solid 3 after this if my math in point 1. is right, because I don't want to spend more money on +1 destiny point for an alt than I spent on the entire feywild expansion.

    3. The game is opening up for new players in one way, but getting worse for them in another. My SO is getting into the game at the moment, and having a lot of fun playing through quests, exploring wildernesses, and just generally messing around. We're about to get a year subscription to VIP for her so that she can open stuff on elite without having to triple run quests, and that's awesome and great, she's loving the game and having a great time playing it. She got hooked from the free quest coupon, which encouraged her to get VIP for some of the content and perks. If she wants to get Feywild or Sharn, she can spend 2500 DDO points on them- that's like 2-3 reincarnations of points or a few months of VIP, that's a very attainable goal for a lot of content. If she wants Saltmarsh, she can choose between waiting 3-4 more months for it to be available for DDO points or just shell out $20 right now for early access. I like that payment model- DDO is a product, SSG is a company, yada-yada there isn't any problem paying money for something you enjoy.

    The issue is all the nickel and diming coming from the mega collectors editions and stuff is adding up ridiculously. A year or two ago, a big complaint in the community (still around somewhat) was that more and more packs kept coming out while old packs were the same cost. The cost for someone to buy all content in the game just kept rising higher and higher, and it was a problem that was only growing. SSG released the free adventure pack coupons, and that beautifully knocked down that issue. But we're getting the same thing coming from the microtransaction power grab garbage. As a fairly veteran player (I first started playing around MotU), I've played a lot of hours. I've gotten a lot of favor. I've got something like 122 past lives on my main character, and I'd say I average 3k favor a life, so I'm looking at probably close to 100k TP/DDOP gained over the years, in addition to being an active subscriber for probably 7 out of the last 10 years, which is another ~40000 DDOP. I have tomes, I have the little microtransactiony things, whatever.

    I don't mean to say all that to point out how much time I've wasted on this game, but rather to show how much time it takes to get all this stuff. When my SO started, her biggest complaint about the game (well, after how confusing she found the enhancement system) was monster manuals. She thought they were so cool, but paying $5-10 per manual just really turned her off, making her think the game was another microtransaction cesspool. But she's fine with the idea of a VIP subscription system thing that allows access to that stuff.

    But just consider all the stuff she has to feel pressured by. One of the main builds interesting her right now is a DC wizard- well, those are pretty tough to pull off first life. At the very least a few wizard/favored soul lives are pretty crucial with the spell penetration hyper-inflation. And of course, those can be bought with Otto's boxes. But hey, whatever, she goes ahead and does 1-2 wizard past lives that she wanted to do anyway to get to the 36 point build, and now she's ready to play. Saltmarsh is p2p even for VIPs, which is pretty questionable but whatever, expansions happen. But now she needs tomes if she wants her DCs to work in the LFMs that are getting posted (Not a lot of people running EN LoD, and it is an MMO after all, so playing with people is most of the acronym). There's $40 for the anniversary expansion thing. But oh, she also wants greater color spray from Feydark- whatever, $5. Now she is 1 AP short of getting GCS as well as the other stuff she wants in trees- hey cool, pay us $35 and you can get that as well. And oh, she needs just 1-2 more AP in racial to pick up something there- another $25-35 or whatever the heck that thing costs. And with this update, now it's also "oh, and I need one more AP to get both of these busted and impactful abilities from EDs, so shell out another $35 please".

    Very quickly, this game becomes a microtransaction fest for a player currently, and that's the route it keeps going down. After Feywild, what will the next super fan edition contain? +1 class specific AP? +1 Reaper Point? Maybe a tome that allows you to have a 4th epic destiny? If it's one of those ideas, save the others for the expansion after that, and then charge $35 for it. That type of design is just horribly anti-new player, and at a time where the game is poised to get so much new life into it.

    4. Point 3 was a doozy, this one will be quite a bit shorter, but in the same vein. My main character is parked at max level at the moment grinding raids, and it's been a lot of fun. But I still want to experience the leveling process, so I have an alt going at the moment. He's on his 4th life, running around shooting hand crossbows as an inquisitive at level 8, and he has +1 racial AP, courtesy of my $130 spent on ravenloft years ago. My main character has +4/+5 to all skills from tomes: He has a +1-+3 to about half of them. My main has +8 to all stats: He has +5 to constitution from a 5k favor tome, and +2 to all others. My main has +2 racial AP: He has +1, only because of that purchase. My main has +1 universal enhancement tree point: he has none. My main has about 50 reaper points: He has 6. My main has 122 past lives, and starts at level 1 with 120 HP: He has 4, and starts at level 1 with 40 HP.

    The amount of grind to make an alt even semi-relevant just keeps becoming more and more, in terms of time investment (reaper points, past lives) and monetary investment (tomes like this). There is obviously some overlap between the two (xp potions for reaper, otto's boxes for PLs, grinding favor for monetary stuff), but trying to maintain alternate characters just gets exhausting. Most of the people I know who used to have lots of alts just play 1-2 characters now- and the ones who still have alts are half the time going "Ooh, let me swap to one of my gimp alts for LH Dryad & Demigod in case an elite or reaper run shows up for my real character".

    That's about all I have to say on the issue. In conclusion, I think making this tome 1 per character forever would be less confusing and annoying, logically follow based on what is being converted (epic destiny access for accounts), feel better for new players, and feel better for veteran players. And all of this while not costing SSG any extra money and likely not costing them profit from the tomes either, except for the few whales who would actually pay for these tomes on their fifth, sixth, and seventh characters. But hey, if the goal is whale hunting, I guess get the harpoons ready and don't be surprised if you don't catch many fish.
    Dazling of Cannith

  17. #17
    Community Member Qeistalan's Avatar
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    Default Fed up with "giveth and taketh away" business model

    Quote Originally Posted by tolero View Post
    for those who already own epic destinies, we thank you for being a ddo store customer, and we will be automatically granting a +1 tome of destiny (historic) to your account when update 51 launches. The tome is bound to account, and will be delivered on the first character (per server) that you log into after the game update. this tome, when used, grants +1 permanent destiny point to the character that consumes it, which will increase the amount of points available for that character in the updated epic destiny system. Note that this will not stack with other historic type bonuses, but will stack with any other types (e.g. Type feywild). It will no longer be possible to purchase the item “epic destiny access” in the ddo store.
    WHY are you not granting one tome per active character per server?

    EVERYTHING SSG does is bait-and-switch nukejobbery to the current paying player base, then offer scraps and crumbs disguised as gifts.

    Not only do devs have NO IDEA how to keep players, they willfully show their cards that they do not CARE if they lose current players.

    Build Back Better. Bravo.

  18. #18
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016


    Without the outrage:
    One tome per server is inadequate: when I purchased Epic Destinies it applied to all characters going forward. I don't think it's unbalanced that, at least all existing characters with at least active EDs or one Heroic TR should receive a +1 tome. (And those servers where this didn't occur should receive one for the first character logged in.) BTA is fine- I don't see these stacking anyway so there's no abuse there.
    In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
    *All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.

  19. #19
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Gathering up answers to a few questions from various places . . .

    - Correct it is one per server and not one per account, and it is bound to account.

    - Yes if you got Epic Destinies ala carte in the DDO Store and also some expansions you would end up getting more than one Tome delivered.

    - Yes if you owned more than one of the Expansions you'd get it again for each Expansion that was offering Epic Destinies. We're going to update the Market on U51 launch day to reflect that change for the offers that had this. It's only for the Expansions that had Epic Destiny Access folded into them though. There were some Expansions that didn't include EDs on any Edition, so those Expansions wouldn't grant this Tome.

    - The ala carte Tome will be 3495 Points, same price as the Universal AP Tome.

    - This doesn't take the place of the commemorative item for people who complete all their destinies under the old ED system, that's still happening.

    - This tome does stack with the Feywild Tome of Destiny, but consuming more than 1 Historic Tome of Destiny does not grant more than 1 point
    THAT is a post from an official source.
    It CLEARLY states how many Tomes you will get.

    Now look below that original post, go ahead ... it is near the top of the thread.
    Then read all the posts made by players after that (not official sources) COUNTERDICTING the official source.
    Go with the OFFICIAL source, ignore all the other folks.

  20. #20
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Sounds reasonable, thank you.

    Those of us who purchased EDs previously also got to enjoy them for a long while till now. Making them free for all now is a very good idea - and imho you didnt even need to give any compension so what you are giving looks fine.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

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