Epicsoul | Omnisoul | Soul - Assistant to the Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2020-Present | Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2021-2022)
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I concur with many who have already posted that awarding only one historic tome of fate to those who have invested in epic game play is not appropriate.
I'm concerned about those who have many alts and have been playing for some time but whom also thought it prudent to wait and buy expansions with points instead of cash. Players are of the greatest value.
Playing on alts is how old players get their friends to play. It is self defeating to disadvantage those who bring you customers.
Lastly, Understanding the minor advantage this might give to those that play on the hardcore server, receiving some of these tomes per server assuming the historic tomes are bound to account as they should be. Honestly, how many players that make it to 20+ in hardcore will need more than one. Those players that get several up are not likely to be the same players that frequently buy tons of boosts from the DDO store to do it anyway. It will become one of those things us old guard will import from the hardcore server to put on alts. My lady on the other hand has a ton of alts and will likely struggle to put the tomes she will get on anyone because she hates to pick favorites. She will also never play on the hardcore server in an effort to get more tomes, for her a tome per character would be far less stressful. Her banks are all clogged with gear already adding an undecidable tome will just be annoying to me cause ill have to hear about it every time she finds one again sorting through her gear.
As a lover of DDO, a player of many alts and as long time ddo mentor/leader, I would personally feel cheated to get less than 3 of these historic tomes BtA per server at the bare minimum. Luckily it seems I will be getting 3 as it is. Honestly I will never purchase one for any of my characters regardless. Its more fun to play naked first life sorcerers anyways!~
That all being said I'm also very pleased with the vast majority of the changes to the game that ssg has spearheaded, and appreciate that even if it was only one historic tome awarded to the old guard is meant as recognition. It would mean more if there was something useful which would be unobtainable for future players, like a ML:1 raise dead clicky or some other such trivial bank clogging awesomeness. I sincerely hope all of those responsible for making DDO excellent and balanced will be able to stay and preserve this game. Our Game!~
Save us from overinflated stats and adventures without substance.
Last edited by glennson; 10-30-2021 at 11:16 PM.
The more you know the more you know you don't know ~Plato as Socrates
Please re-read what I said, the person I quoted thinks they are losing the benefits of multiple epic past lives. Currently 48 epic past lives will give you an additional 16 fate points which translates into 5 destiny points. For each epic completionist you get an additional +1 destiny point. This poster will be getting an additional 9 destiny points from this. Read this https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...stiny-Overview for the full info.
Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!
Thumbed_Servant (to my cats ) I LOVE playing a healer (nannybot to the derisive folks)
Leader: Order of Sunlit Rose on Argonnessen server
Current active toons: Muhther....going through the Passed Lives grind at my own pace...currently lvl 28
One per character. At the very least per PAID character slot! 1/server is pretty bad.
i had zero issues with the compensation tome beeing once per server, but this little tidbit just leaves another sour taste in my mouth.
if the tome was to be an honest to goodness "thank you" with no additional means of purchase otherwise, ie really just a compensation or a gift for those of us that had purchased the destinies beforehand, then all would have been good.
but now people with alts will always have this "i could get me one of those tomes from the store..." because the main has it, the alt not. but i guess that was the whole idea behind this "free" gift after all...
I have been thinking about this since Tolero posted the original note. As a player with multiple ALTs I clearly do not believe that the 4 Tomes of Destiny is enough; and I clearly do believe handing me 42 Tomes of Destiny is overkill.
It is too bad that SSG cannot hand out a +1 Tome of Destiny to every character that achieved maximum Epic Destiny points (ie filled out every ED to max XP), plus 1 Tome for each Expansion Bundle and/or purchase of Epic Destiny in the DDO store.
In my case that would give me 15 for my characters and 4 additional Tomes.
The Twilight Avengers are always recruiting - http://twilightavengersofeberron.yuku.com/topic/655
Think they should have kept shtum and not given anything.
1 per server seems like a jelly bean reward where offering something makes everything seem worse overall. It's a pretty stingey offering on the whole, even as a freebie. After all, none of the players voted for this change remember and we're the ones who will be beta testing it on live servers.
Thanks! I am glad to see this was done and it feels very compensable and fair. I do think the tomes need to be one per character (maybe per purchased character slot?) vs 1/server. But the pot exchange feels right. Good job.
Wow, you seriously do not have the ability to read and understand do you? I was not talking about tomes. I was talking about destiny points, you get additional destiny points for epic past lives, period. Tomes are bonuses because you bought epic destinies and has nothing to do with past lives. ugh. Try reading.
Last edited by merridyan; 11-01-2021 at 07:52 PM.
Maybe I miss something...
but as far as I understand, when you bought one of those expansions, you bought with it the access to the ED. This access is now free of charge for everyone. So all your characters will still be able to enjoy EDs, nothing changed there. Now as a thank you for being a previous user/owner of the ED you will get one additional tome on top, which was not included at all before. In other words you get an additional boost that you hadn't had, but that boost is indeed limited to only 1/server.
It seems to me that there is a lot of outrage based on lack of information or missunderstandings. You can stay in your destiny (or better say in the points you attributed in your up to 3 trees) as long as you wish and will accumulate over time more points to distribute. So this elixier is not needed anymore, as there is no real destiny to choose from. They are all unlocked, there is no forced choice of destiny anymore, you may just not have enough points to fill them out all fully.
The only thing I really do miss, is that you previously could just switch over from one tree into an other tree (as long as you unlocked and leveld it) free of charge (as a VIP you could do this in any public zone, otherwise just talk to the fate spinner). Now you have to reset and re-attribute a tree, which I see the only downside of the new system.
While I understand that this is some symbolic gesture, it is disappointing to see the tome being limited to 1/server when the initial purchase was not 1/server.
When I purchased ED, it was not for only 1 character, but for all of my characters. Now, however, only 1 will receive the benefit.
It's already more than enough having paid for ED twice (1st at ~900 DDO points in store, 2nd with a pack)
Further attempts from the company to sell ED with subsequent packs only leading to 1/server seems disproportionate.
This company reserves the right to change anything and everything in this game on a whim and already has.
I also have the right to change my spending and already have.
It appears as though this gesture is an effort to keep customers happy and spending... time will tell if it is successful.
All you characters will automatically have all EDs unlocked, in fact it is like the current enhancement tree, just for level 20 upwards, which everyobody gets! In fact you don't even have to unlock the spheres anymore, you can just start putting points in up to three different trees.
Previously, to be able to spend points in a ED or to even unlock spheres you had to buy the ED first, otherwise the only thing you would have got is the level proggression up to level 30 (feats, skills and stat points). That is what you previously bought, when you got the EDs and which is now obsolete as there are no more spheres and EDs to unlock, just points to spend in an enhancement tree for level 20 and up.
I tried to keep an open mind as I learned of the changes coming to ED. I knew it would negatively affect toons that had front-loaded destinies (all my epics); but what I wasn't prepared for was how the devs could take something that felt like icing on the cake - the reward for a job well done reaching 20 - and turn it into... cake. You could have just as easily just enlarged the heroic trees by ten levels. All the hoopla -v- the delivery reminds me of the story of the Edsel. The shadowdancer was gutted for special attacks, the exalted angel's bonus for healing clerics went down significantly. And that's just two trees!
After all the planning that went into this in order to create more parity for new players; maybe a little energy should have been spent on equity for players who spent months and years designing, and building based on the old system. My level 30 arti's attack hotbar looks the same as it did when she was 20.
That... Was what they said was going to happen in the first place, you crybaby. Wow. Let me just collect your childish tears for my potions. You know that's the base for Remove Curse pots, right? The insolent tears of idiots who can't read a whole post before screaming about people needing to do what they're already doing.
Okay, happy the epic destinies are free for all, but not so happy about the other changes.
My character had 17 past epic destiny lives and my alts all pretty much had 3 or more. So I get to split the 3 tomes among all my alts? And thats it? Or they get credit for the past lives and the 3 tomes are extra?
Then, I am a little upset because I was an epic completionist and then they added the four new ones, so I was starting my second run through and had done 2 x on the martial one, but hadn't completed the other three, so no cloak for me. ?? Why did they add new destinies close to doing this? Just to limit the number of people who could get cloaks?
Finally, I have no clue where I stand completionist-wise now. Do I have to start over? Are there no bonuses at all for epic past lives?
I really don't understand why they had to change the whole mechanic. They could have just given a code so everyone gets them for free. DDO is hard for new players to learn, but when you put the time and effort into learning it, you don't want to relearn it again.
Further, as someone else said, fix the major bugs - like those with Cannith Crafting that never occurred under the old system ( items cleaned and crafted bound once retain their bound state even if recleaned, unbound items lose their modifications when unequipped, spontaneous crafting errors o cur and you have to relog to continue crafting, etc.) Instead of creating another brand new system of epic destinies that will probably have its own new bugs.
PLEASE add an Unlock all trees option somewhere (Fatespinner would be a good choice), or just eliminate the unlocking step. Clicking on all of the NPCs in 4 instances for every character is getting very old very fast.
Ghallanda (38): Vilas, Alphon, Whelm, Thaylan, Tyclmi, Amgine, Talc, Dedlee, Payle, Darell, Talenta, Zhen, Thrane, Arrith, Durdyn, Magefyre, Necrophil, Tulgey, Borogove, Hasugi, Shawal, Hailestorm, Branthan, Lightningbug, Bettercall, Elecktric, Zardu, Zergworthy, BrotherOf, Missadventer, Bytemy, Demogeorgia, Tizen, Warrcore, Permadeaf, Fullmettle, etc...
I'm very glad to see the part "the game will actually prevent you from doing so, too" here. I hope it work all the time but didn't test it yet.
What I would like a lot more is to add Destiny Tomes to "Special Feats" category like all other tomes for clarity. It might even help people with many toons to buy more as they will be sure with one glance which are missing a particular tome before spending points.