I have been gone for over a year and a half. Missed the last expansion and overwhelmed by all the new changes coming for the current expansion. With that the wife and I want to return and we both have over 30 past lives on our characters but I am going to assume the builds are very outdated or will be. So have a few questions that hopefully can get answered while I spend the next two days reading the forums trying to make sense of things
What builds are currently are considered the meta for melee, ranged, healer, caster. I fully understand that most things are viable but what seems to be the ones that outperform a bit. With Update 51, does anyone see this changing a lot and have any idea what they think will be the new meta with the expansion. Mainly asking because would like to spend the next month working toward something I think I would like to play that also performs well. Caster/healer/range/rogue is what we normally like to play.
Does anyone have a link to a general overview of what is actually changing in U51? Ive been on the test forums and there is just so much info.
Anyone have a link to the current enhancement trees and the new one coming with the expansion. Would like to look over the abilities to mentally envision a build.
Any other information that a returning player should be aware of? We like to run quest in R1-R3 and always Duo.
Thanks for the help.