Recently, I TRed back into a wizard on my main character in Argo. I was running some R1s with a group, and it was pretty much a snooze-fest, so we decided to kick things up a notch and started playing R4. Still easy, we sprinted through a couple more quests, and kicked it up to R6. At this point, people would occasionally die, and it was beginning to feel like a challenge, so naturally we bumped up to R7. As we made our way through R7 Gianthold, I had perhaps the most fun I have ever had playing DDO, as it truly felt like we had to work as a team, we had to plan our moves out, and if someone got careless we could all die.
Since that day, every time I jump onto DDO, I try to play at the highest R that the party can handle, which has lead to lots of hard-fought victories, as well as several hilarious wipes. Nothing is more satisfying, though, than finishing a quest that felt impossible to run on R7-8 after careful planning, teamwork, and gameplay.
However, something that I have learned is that medium-high reaper is not for everyone. While it's true that many first lives feel ill-prepared for the depths of reaper, what I really mean is that there are a surprising number of uber completionist gamers that just want the E/R1 xp/min grind. That's ok for them, I respect it, but it just means it can be hard to settle on a difficulty for any given group.
Now, I know that there are many people on every server who love to sit at level 30 and grind R8-R10 and have a good ol' time of it. I agree that can be fun, but sitting at level cap has never been something that I have enjoyed, as I enjoy the dopamine injection that is leveling up.
Thus, I have come here in hopes of finding a group of like-minded adventurers up for the challenge. My plan is to TR with a group of players, then to attempt to re-reach level 30 together, all while only entering dungeons on mid-high reaper (R5+ perhaps). First life players would be welcome within reason, as things like trapping and healing are not super gear or past-life intensive, but generally speaking I am looking for the gamers that would be excited to enter kobald's ringleader on R10 and spend an hour grinding through the hardest version of an otherwise easy game.
Currently my play schedule is a bit erratic, and this proposed TRing would likely be in a number of weeks, as I feel it will take time to collect such a group; I fear that too many people view dying in DDO as failure, instead of as a natural part of pushing your limits. I live in the US, in the southwest, in PST time zone.
If anyone is interested, please respond to this post or PM me; I will be checking both of those a few times a week over the coming weeks, and hopefully we can get something started.