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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Quest XP / RXP Calculator

    Hi folks,

    I built this quest XP calculator in Excel and figured I'd share. My motivation was primarily to test my hypothesis that, for leveling for acquiring past lives, in epics it's probably faster to run on Hard vs Epic or Reaper. But this post is not intended to be a discussion of the truth or merits of that conjecture - just wanted to post this tool because I haven't seen anything comparable, especially for RXP.

    Anyhoo... Seems to work well both XP and RXP. You will see deltas of up to 6 or so XP between this calculator and actual XP awarded which I ascribe to rounding errors of some kind. Also I've only tested on solo runs so let me know if I've missed something related to group play. Adding the "/min" part of XP/min was of course the trivial part once I had the XP calculated.

    Using the tool I hope is pretty straight-forward. Edit the green fields only. The tool looks up base quest values from the second sheet which I cut and paste from ddowiki. You do need to select Heroic, Epic, or Manual mode since some quests have a heroic and an epic version. If quest base XP values are missing or wrong, you can use Manual mode. Don't type in the other cells - I haven't tried to lock anything down. No macros - just standard Excel formulas with some conditional formatting. I've included inputs for the standard breakables, secret door, etc. bonuses as well as cells for VIP, ship buff, XP potion, etc.

    A few caveats:

    - Assumes first time completion - I haven't tried to code up all the permutations, e.g. completed this morning once all ready, completed same quest on heroic but now completing on epic, etc.
    - Does not include late entry penalties
    - Does not include penalties for someone in the group being over-level

    Hopefully others find this useful. Hope this link works!

    [Updated link to version 2]
    Last edited by h46av8r; 11-05-2021 at 02:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Just updated the link to version 2. Heroic and Epic XP weekend bonusses, e.g. this weekend's 30% Epic XP bonus, apply at step 1 versus step 2, as in BaseXP x (1+sum of step 1 bonusses such as ransack, tome of learning, etc. ) x (1+sum of step2 bonusses such as VIP, guild ship, and XP pots). So for epic borderlands quests on R1 you can expect an effective boost of about 10% overall, for example.

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