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  1. #1
    Systems Designer
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    Jul 2016

    Default U51 Preview 3: Grandmaster of Flowers

    Everything seen on the preview server, Lamannia, is not final and is subject to change or removal before live release.

    Note: This tree has had no functional changes from Preview 2, but that does not mean we are not planning further changes after this preview. We appreciate any and all feedback!

    Core 1 (level 20): Inner Focus: You gain proficiency with Handwraps. Each Core ability of this tree grants +5 Melee Power and +4 Ranged Power, +1 Spell Resistance, as well as 15 Maximum Hit Points. You also gain +10 Maximum Ki per Epic Level if you have at least one level of Monk or are in the Grandmaster of Flowers Destiny Mantle.

    Core 3 (level 23): Disciple of Material: Select from Adamantine, Byeshk, Cold Iron, Crystal, or Silver. Your weapons now bypass that kind of DR innately. +5 PRR (doubled if you have the Discipline feat)

    Core 6 (level 26): Disciple of Morality: Select from Good, Evil, Lawful, or Chaotic. Your weapons now bypass that kind of DR innately. +5 MRR (doubled if you have the Discipline feat)

    Tier 1 (req level 20):

    • Strike with Poise: +2/4/6 Stunning DCs
    • Serenity: Grandmaster of Flowers Destiny Mantle: You may now fight with the Unarmed combat style as if you were a Monk, and may be Centered and use Ki. When you attack with Handwraps or begin falling, you will use the Monk class' animations instead of your own. You gain a +15% Action Boost bonus to movement speed, and no longer take damage from falling. Finally, you are unbothered by the physical restraints of the world: you may tumble through enemies, and are immune to slippery surfaces and most forms of knockdown.\\n\\nYou also gain 10 Ki for training this enhancement.
    • Disciple's Studies: +2/4/6 Heal and Diplomacy, +3/6/10 Healing, Repair, and Negative Amp.
    • Enlightenment: +15/30/45 Maximum Ki and +2/4/6 Concentration. Rank 3: +1 passive Ki generation.
    • Multiselector:
    • Wholeness of Spirit: You may expend 50 Ki to bring your mind, body, and soul into harmonious balance, restoring health as if you were affected by the benefits of a Heal spell, as well as curing all ability damage, negative levels, and other Adverse Conditions that may be affecting you. Cooldown: 180/120/90 seconds.
    • Inner Focus: Activate to gain 20d10 Ki. Cooldown: 180/160/120 seconds

    Tier 2 (req level 20):

    • Calm before Storms: +3/6/10 Spell Resistance. Rank 3: You no longer fail Will saves automatically on a natural 1.
    • Epic Strike: Multiselector
      • Drifting Lotus: Melee Cleave attack, deals +3/4/5W with +1/2/3 crit threat and mult. Deals 1d6+5 Force damage per character level to all enemies struck. The force damage scales with the higher of Melee or Ranged power. Cost 25 Ki, cooldown 15 seconds.
      • Orchid Blossom: A blossom is released from your palm in a line, exploding when it makes contact, dealing 1d6+5 Force damage per character level to all enemies within. The force damage scales with the higher of Melee or Ranged power. Grants 5/10/25 Ki when used, cooldown 15 seconds.
    • A Flower's Bloom: Multiselector:
      • Long Sword: You gain the effects of the Whirling Steel Strike feat, and may use Longswords as if they were Ki weapons.
      • Longbow: You gain the effects of the Zen Archery feat, and may use Longbows as if they were Ki weapons.
      • Sickle: You gain the effects of the Prescient Curve feat, and may use Sickles as if they were Ki weapons.
      • Deflection: You gain the Deflect Arrows feat, letting you knock aside one projectile every 6 seconds.
    • A Dance of Flowers: While in the Grandmaster Destiny Mantle, your weapons gain 1W.
    • Hail of Blows: +5% offhand strike chance, +10% Strikethrough, +3% doublestrike and doubleshot

    Tier 3 (req level 23):

    • The Flickering Flame: +1/2/3 to hit and damage. Rank 3: +25% Fire Absorption. If you are in any Sun Stance, the bonuses of this enhancement are doubled.
    • Flow of Water: +1/2/3 saving throws, you take 5/10/15% less damage from being Helpless. Rank 3: +25% Cold Absorption. If you are in any Ocean Stance, the bonuses of this enhancement are doubled.
    • Serene Mercy: While in the Grandmaster of Flowers Destiny Mantle, you deal +5/10/15% bonus damage to the Helpless.
    • Catch the Wind: +1/2/3% dodge, +2/4/6 Armor Class. Rank 3: +25% Electric Absorption. If you are in any Air Stance, the bonuses of this enhancement are doubled.
    • Strength of Stone: +5/10/15 HP and +2/4/6 PRR Rank 3: +25% Acid Absorption. If you are in any Mountain Stance, the bonuses of this enhancement are doubled.

    Tier 4 (req level 26):

    • The Clarity of Law: Your attacks bypass 5/10/15% of enemy fortification. Rank 3: +15% Law Absorption
    • The Serenity of Good: +1/2/3 Saves vs Enchantments, Curses, and Illusions, and +2/4/6 MRR. Rank 3: +15% Good Absorption
    • Multiselector:
      • Lotus Bloom: Drifting Lotus now attempts to Stun all enemies struck. Stun DC: 20 + Highest Ability Score Mod + Stunning Bonuses. This stun lasts 4 seconds.
      • Blossoming Peace: Orchid Blossom now attempts to Stun all enemies struck. Stun DC: 20 + Highest Ability Score Mod + Stunning Bonuses. This stun lasts 2 seconds.
    • The Delight of Chaos: +1/2/3 Critical Hit Confirmation and Critical Hit Damage. Rank 3: +15% Chaos Absorption
    • The Cruelty of Evil: +1/2/3 Sneak Attack and Sneak Attack Damage. Rank 3: +15% Evil Absorption

    Tier 5 (req level 30):

    • Beyond the Center: +5/10/15 MRR cap. Rank 3: +15% Force Absorption
    • Imposing Force: +1 multiplier on a 19-20 while centered.
    • Everything is Nothing: Your state of luminous consciousness allows your will to alter the fabric of the planes, ripping your foes out of time and space. Up to six nearby non-boss enemies must make a saving throw (DC: 20 + Highest Ability Score Mod + Stunning Bonuses) or be erased from the multiverse. If they succeed at their saving throw, they are instead paralyzed by temporal shock for six seconds. When you activate Everything is Nothing, you are affected by Emptiness for 5 minutes. Emptiness: +3% dodge, +1% dodge cap. You gain the effects of the Elusive Target feat, or if you already have it, it instead has double the chance to proc. Ki Cost: 50. Cooldown: 3 minutes.
    • Split the Soul: Epic Moment: For 30 seconds, your soul is split, and a fragment of it manifests beside you as a combatant. Your Soul Warrior provides the following benefits as a baseline: Dark: Your attacks may strike an additional target regardless of weapon type, and each attack has a 5% chance of banishing your enemies from the multiverse with no save. Light: Your Soul Warrior also grants you 25% concealment, 25% incorporeality, and 25% dodge/max dodge, as your physical form is less present while you are in this state. If you follow a Monk Philosophy, your split soul will embody that choice more fully (either Light or Dark), doubling either the Dark portions or Light portions and still granting you the baseline version of the other philosophy.
    • Legendary Flurry of Blows: +1/2/3% Doublestrike and Doubleshot, +3/6/10% Strikethrough, +3/6/10% Offhand Strike chance. Rank 3: While dual wielding (including handwraps) or using a quarterstaff, you gain: On Vorpal: Daze an enemy for 2 seconds. Dazed enemies are Helpless. (Since Daze breaks on any damage, this means you'll only get one Helpless hit in before the Daze breaks)
    Last edited by Lynnabel; 10-29-2021 at 11:13 AM.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

    "Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"

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