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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default Augment Pass: Globe of Imperial Blood

    Did the Globe of Imperial Blood miss the augment pass? I have one in my bank, but I don't see the need to pull it out unless it will be upgraded by doing so.

    If it was missed, can it now be upgraded since all the other augments got a recent pass? +3 Enhancement bonus to all abilities at level 16 (according to the bug reported on the wiki), is not beneficial when you can get +8 Ability augments at that level. Even a +6 Enhancement bonus to all skills would be better.

    Also, the Ruby Eye of.... augments seemed to miss the pass. Could these also be updated to become competitive again? It just seems odd that all the other augments were taken care of but these did not. I understand the need to balance things, but not upgrading any of these makes them leave in chest quality instead of the special reward they were once supposed to be.

  2. #2
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    I mean, I still get use out of my Ruby Eyes of Force and Ruby Eye of the Tempest...

    But yeah that 2% Level scaled damage is a biiiiit weak.

    As for the Imperial Blood, it doesn't stack in a relevant way much anymore, that said, it can't be Profane, cuz you need the Litany Aug for that.

    Maybe Quality + (x) stat?

  3. #3
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SoVeryBelgian View Post
    I mean, I still get use out of my Ruby Eyes of Force and Ruby Eye of the Tempest...

    But yeah that 2% Level scaled damage is a biiiiit weak.

    As for the Imperial Blood, it doesn't stack in a relevant way much anymore, that said, it can't be Profane, cuz you need the Litany Aug for that.

    Maybe Quality + (x) stat?
    Litany is old school and outdated BTC level 13 hard to get raid item when you can easy access to +1 Profane earlier from....

    ML Item
    3 Bottle of Shadows
    5 Crown of Leaves
    8 Executioner's Platemail
    8 Executioner's Docent
    10 Shield of the Scorpion
    10 Coat of the Traveler
    10 Band of Insightful Commands
    10 Platemail of the Barovian Lord
    10 Disciple of the Dawn
    10 Mist-laden Vestment
    10 Memory of Hiding in Darkness

    The heroic blood augment as it sits now is useless and has been for as long as I can recall.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  4. #4
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    Litany is old school and outdated BTC level 13 hard to get raid item when you can easy access to +1 Profane earlier from....
    It's so outdated that nowdays when people say "Litany" they most probably mean the new +2 profane to all stats augment, crafted from Epic Litany

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Sep 2013

    Default So, for These Augments....

    Quote Originally Posted by DreamingReality View Post
    Did the Globe of Imperial Blood miss the augment pass? I have one in my bank, but I don't see the need to pull it out unless it will be upgraded by doing so.

    If it was missed, can it now be upgraded since all the other augments got a recent pass? +3 Enhancement bonus to all abilities at level 16 (according to the bug reported on the wiki), is not beneficial when you can get +8 Ability augments at that level. Even a +6 Enhancement bonus to all skills would be better.
    They could make the Globe of Imperial Blood grant a unique bonus so the +3 to all stats will always apply. Then you would want it on your character along with the Globe of True Imperial Blood's +1 exceptional bonus to all stats (assuming I'm remembering it correctly) for a total of +4.

    Quote Originally Posted by DreamingReality View Post
    Also, the Ruby Eye of.... augments seemed to miss the pass. Could these also be updated to become competitive again? It just seems odd that all the other augments were taken care of but these did not. I understand the need to balance things, but not upgrading any of these makes them leave in chest quality instead of the special reward they were once supposed to be.
    Here's what they should do with the 'Ruby Eye' series of augments. They should scale up the damage of the 2% elemental AoE damage proc, OR make it an on-hit-damage effect like the other red augments that add elemental damage to a weapon, but make it scale with the weapon level. Does 1d6 per lvl sound reasonable here, or is that overkill? If you were to roll a 6 on every dice on lvl 30 weapon, that would be 180 additional damage assuming the enemy had no resistance to the damage.... Or, you could make it something like 1d2 per weapon lvl PLUS the weapon lvl to get scaling elemental damage per hit. So, for instance the formula would be something like (1~2(WeaponLvl)+(WeaponLvl))=ElementDmg... So if you had a level 30 weapon, you'd deal a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 90 damage of that particular element per hit. Sounds reasonable enough to me, considering the rarity of the augments if you don't want to purchase them and the cost of unslotting them. Or maybe the augments could use a balance between the two previously mentioned options: slightly scale up the damage of the 2% AoE proc and give it an appropriately scaled on-hit-damage effect as well.

    Anyway, just a thought, though I'm sure someone will probably start screaming that it's unreasonable when they read this.

  6. #6
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    "I found a round thing made of glass."
    "What does it look like ?"
    "Well ... round.
    And it is filled with some kind of ... reddish substance."
    "Could it be some kind of red spice ?"
    "No, it's actually some kind of slow moving liquid."
    "Slow moving liquid ? You're making a joke, aren't you ?"
    "No, seriously ! It is red, it is a liquid ... come here to see it yourself !"
    "I'm coming over to you. Just a minute."
    "Here. Do you see it now ?"
    "Yes. It looks like ... some kind of .. odd vine."
    "No- this isn't vine. It's moving too slowly for that in this round thing."
    "I have a very weird thougfht ... could it be ... blood ?"
    "By the Flame ! How do you always have these scaring thought ?"
    "Maybe because I fought in the last war ?"
    "Hm ... Anyway ... you could be right. It *could* be blood ... but who would be able to test this for us ... Besides, I see no opening there ... like ... none at all ... This round thingy is completely sealed ..."
    "We could go to a magician. Or to a priest of Vol. You know, they're always happy to talk aout 'blood'. They often do so as of blood was the only life force ..."
    "Well, that could be right. But I don't trust these folks of Vol. They don't have such a good reputation here in the markets."
    "Well, we could ask a more or less friendly dragon, too. You know, these emissaries ..."
    "... of Argonessen. I know. Well, we could try it with Kear first. He seems to be quite a reasonable person."
    "Okay, let's go over to him."
    "Hello, Mister Kear, do you perhaps have the time to solve a small riddle for us ? One that we cannot solve ?"
    "Hello. A ridle, you say ? Well, I like riddles ... Like a fresco is always a riddle ... made up of so many pieces ..."
    "Well, Mister Kear, we have here a completely sealed round thingy, filled with something we suspect could be blood."
    "Would you be so kind to hand it over to me ? ... Thank you.
    Well, to soilve this riddle ... Yes, yes, this is indeed blood. Please go over there to Miss Lockania to ask her, she'll give you more insight to that."
    "Thank you very much, mister Kear."
    Miss Lockania. We come from Mister Kear, he said to us that you could help us solve a riddle about this completely sealed ound thingy, which is, according to Mister Kear, filled with blood."
    "Well, let me see ... Yes, yes, i can truly see that it is blood.
    And it is no ordinary blood !
    I haven't seen this kind of blood for thousands of years !
    It is in fact blood from the old Gient Emperor ! It is imperial blood !"
    "Oh, wow, hello, stop just a second. You say that this is in fact blood from that giantish emperor whose statue is standing out there in the harbour holding that gientish beacon ?"
    "Yes, it is. I had met him in person once or twice. Long, long ago ... I can sense that this is his."
    "So, well, okay, assumed this is right ... We are merely short living mortals, you know ? All this mumbo jumbo ... How does this thing even exist ? How did it come into your hands, pal ?"
    "It just washed ashore the other day. Next thing I did was pick it up, because it looked so funny.
    And since then I've been wondeing about it. And this morning I gave it to you. For more investigation."
    "Well, this is it, you two. This is truly imperial blood."
    "And what do we do with it, actually ?"
    "You could ask an artificer to set this thing into an item of your choice. It is powerful. However, we from Argonessen wouldn't say no if you'd decide to donate it to us."
    "Well, thank you, we are just a short living folks, so we'd like to take advantage of this thingy's power.
    What does it do, actually ?"
    "It makes you a better person in every respect. It just helps you to be able to stand against the dangers of this continent's jungles much better."
    "And against baddies ?"
    "Yes, and against baddies.
    Beware, though, the Sulatar Drow and the remaining GIants of this continent might want to have this round thing for themselves. Since it is of giantish origin. Which reminds me ... what happened to the seal of Shan-to-kor again ?"
    "Okay, thank you very much, Miss ! I think I'll be going to ask an artificer to embed this item into one of my own things ..."
    "Okay, pal, good luck with this thingy, then ! See you next Friday on in the Leaky Dingy !"
    "Until then, pal !"

    [Written down via a "stream of consciousness" writing method within ca. 20 minutes or less.]
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

  7. #7


    the globe ought to do its original intention which is to boost all ability scores to level commensurate values which would be +8. That would make it a convenience item for heroic gearing and not game-breaking. I would have it drop in the raid though not the black dragon chest which is now too easy.

    Even then, not sure how many would bother chasing it since most folks focus on just a couple of stats
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  8. 10-24-2021, 10:07 AM

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