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  1. #241
    Community Member Stratimics's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Cool Week Ten – Missing at Sea

    Phew, here's the last of 'em!
    A bit of a shame that it had to coincide with Hardcore, so most people had even less time to participate. Maybe next time it would be better cut the challenge down to five weeks for example.
    Also, for the next time, it would probably be better to have stricter rules to allow only first-lifers/third-lifers(+) and one completion per quest, for example.
    But overall, it was fun to participate and see what some feeble and frail first-lifers can do on Reaper – thanks for hosting this event!

    (R1) – 04:03 (modified 03:02)
    5 Base
    1 Skulls
    3 All first lifers
    1 No deaths
    1 Lower level

    Lost at Sea (R1) - 03:05 (modified 02:19)
    Lost at Sea (R4)
    5 Base
    4 Skulls
    3 All first lifers
    1 Lower level

    1 Video

    11 + 13 + 1 = 25 points for the whole week

    Part of the Finnish guild Brotherhood of Blades on Cannith, rolling dice since 2010

    Larendelee — Myrakka — Oikeus — Biggbinn — Betonimuuri — Larendell

  2. #242
    Community Member Cardo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Week #10 Missing & Lost at Sea

    Challenges for week 10 done
    Managed to get at least some kind of submission for every week.
    Videos posted by Stratimics as usual, big thanks to him

    And a special thanks to Mikarddo for taking the time to host the challenge!

    R1 Missing (Time 4:03 modified down to 3:02)
    Base 5
    Skulls 1
    Only first lifers 3
    No deaths 1
    All under level 1
    Total 11 points

    R4 Lost at sea
    Base 5
    Skulls 4
    Only first lifers 3
    No deaths 0
    All under level 1
    Total 13 points

    R1 Lost at Sea (Time 3:05 modified down to 2:19)

    Total points for 10th round 11 + 13 + 1 (videos) = 25 points


    Lost at Sea R4:

    Lost at Sea R1:

    Leader of Brotherhood of Blades on Cannith

    Cardonator - Cardotar - Cardaloth - Cardoflame - Cardostar - Cardowald

  3. #243
    Community Member MIvan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Round 9

    R1 Subversion - 3:47


    R1 Subversion

    13 Points
    6 = R1
    3 = Only 1st lifers
    2 = Truly solo
    1 = No Deaths
    1 = Underlevel


    R1 Inferno of the Damned

    13 Points
    6 = R1
    3 = Only 1st lifers
    2 = Truly solo
    1 = No Deaths
    1 = Underlevel


    Last edited by MIvan; 12-27-2021 at 03:51 PM.

  4. #244
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Round 9 winners

    MlVan: 32 points (Inferno 13, Subversion 13, video 1, speed 5)
    Stratimics: 28 points (Inferno 11, Subversion 11, video 1, speed 10)
    Cardo: 28 points (Inferno 11, Subversion 11, video 1, speed 10)
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  5. #245
    Community Member Draconica's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default round 10 - truly lost at sea

    the final round... wish I could say I ended this round with a flourish... and not dying alone in the dark of the sea - as i almost made that jump...
    It's been fun though! Discovering all the stuff you can do with a first lifer and I think doing the first runs of something on r10 heroic?

    Thanks for hosting!

    And I look forward to maybe a shorter challenge round with only first lifers? Or everyone running the same iconic class? Or separate brackets?

    Missing (R1) – 04:03 (modified 03:02)
    5 Base
    1 Skulls
    3 All first lifers
    1 No deaths
    1 Lower level

    Lost at Sea (R1) - 03:05 (modified 02:19)

    Lost at Sea (R4)
    5 Base
    4 Skulls
    3 All first lifers
    1 Lower level

    1 Video

    11 + 13 + 1 = 25 points for the whole week



    speed sea


    r4 sea

    Officer of the Finnish guild Brotherhood of Blades on Cannith. Icydarkness, Lokidottir, Jadeleliana, Pinkpyro, Vinotar.
    Hardcore: s6 Icywolf of Cannith, s5 Lumi, s4 Sarvinainen, s3 Taikamiekka of Cannith, s2 Rubiini, s1 Jadead.

  6. #246
    Community Member MIvan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Round 10

    R1 Lost at Sea - 3:18


    R1 Lost at Sea

    13 Points
    6 = R1
    3 = Only 1st lifers
    2 = Truly solo
    1 = No Deaths
    1 = Underlevel


    R1 Missing - 8:04


    R1 Missing

    13 Points
    6 = R1
    3 = Only 1st lifers
    2 = Truly solo
    1 = No Deaths
    1 = Underlevel


  7. #247
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    The final results are in and the 10 round competition is over.

    Thank you to those that participated and those that may have lurked.

    The overall winner is Magnus_Arcanis who wins the astral shard price. Congratulations on a very well earned win.

    The runner up is the trio of Cardo, Draconica and Stratimics. By random one should win 500 points and the other two each 100 point. Unless someone objects I will just give each of you 300 points.

    Winner of the 500 point code by random roll according to points earned between everyone else is Saekee [2 of the 3 in the trio above were in the lottery for this, Saekee won with a lucky roll].

    For MlVan, Zargarx, RoyArne and DareDelvis 100 point codes will be coming.

    I will wait a few days before sending out prices in case someone points out a mistake.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  8. #248


    hey awesome and thanks for hosting! Gratz to Magnus and the others!

    I petered off since I could not compete with vid posting first lifers lol.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  9. #249
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Thanks mikarddo for organizing this & providing most of the prizes!
    Hardcore unfortunately overlapped this so stepped out for week 9/10 (plus difficulty in staying in the top 3 weekly versus speed runners).
    Noted first lifer was far far weaker than my regular (which is in epics so didn't help) which made it more fun for me!
    Hope to see more of these competitions (and more folks participating)

  10. #250
    Community Member Stratimics's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Smile The End

    Everything seems to be in order and the points match our Excel sheets.

    All three of us were also okay with receiving 300 points (and it keeps the sibling rivalry in check).
    Just remember to double-check the forum names.

    Cheers and thanks again for hosting this challenge!
    Part of the Finnish guild Brotherhood of Blades on Cannith, rolling dice since 2010

    Larendelee — Myrakka — Oikeus — Biggbinn — Betonimuuri — Larendell

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