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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Mantle comparison chart Preview 2

    Tier Legendary Dreadnaught Fury of the Wild Divine Crusader
    1 Terror Stacks(Debuff) +15% helpless damage heal dot
    2 +1 W w Action Boost active DR Bypass Alignment BAB=level
    3 +15 PRR + 1d6 dot per terror stack 6% fort bypass +15% helpless Favored weapons +3 enhancement, implement, , +1W
    4 +15% helpless damage +10PRR 10% Acid/cold/Electric petrification immune
    5 Regenerate action boosts Shield is a favored weapon shield 50% doublestrike
    Grand Master of Flowers Unyielding Sentinel Shiradi Champion
    1 Knockdown Immune other stuff Proc - 3d100+200*(2*rp) 15% 3d100+200*sp 30%
    2 +1W 15 HA 15% absorb and immune to mind control damage proc(3d100+300 percen as above) + blind or slow
    3 +15% helpless damage d6 law/level aoe on hit CD 8s rainbow proc
    4 +15 AC +5% absorb 9% helpless damage DR 10 Cold Iron and +5 force and universal spell power.
    5 20HA 10% insight bonus to HP 20% with mantle active paralyze or freeze proc
    Shadowdancer Dranonic Incarnation Primal Avatar
    1 Dmg proc 1d6+6/clvl 5s CD 25% proct chance
    2 Ghost touch Sneak/movement speed damage proc on spell cast
    3 +3 sneak dice +3 spell pen T1 dmg proc becomes x4 dmg dot share mantle with summons
    4 15% helpless damage 10% spell cd mobile spellcasting 30% move speed(enh) Spell power + temp spell point proc
    5 25% incorp float/hide/ms
    Magus of the Eclipse Fatesinger Exalted Angel
    1 50% Cold absorb + 50 Neg or light absorb Dmg Proc 25% 1d4+4 fire or light dependent on spell cast
    2 2d4 cold+2d4 neg damage per lvl aura 6s tick on dmg (attack or spell) d6/lvl dmg 6 temp hp/lvl 10s CD Immune to natural poison/disease
    3 share mantle with summons Immune to ASF 1d4+1/lvl heal aura 6s tick * spell power
    4 15% dispel on strike/cast -4 SR Immune to cha damage1d2/lvl heal+restoration on song use 15% dmg absorb(except physcial/untyped) +10MRR
    5 +10 Neg/Cold SP +20USP +20 MRR
    Last edited by Synthetic; 10-06-2021 at 01:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I applaud your effort.
    It would be nice if someone prepared a similar resource for epic strikes.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    +1 for this very helpful overview.
    "The imagination is not … the faculty for forming images of reality; it is the faculty for forming images which go beyond reality..." - Gaston Bachelard

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