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  1. #21
    Community Member Riffolk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    Nah, you want to max Wis. Falconry builds are superior to both trash and red named, the synergy of Nerve Venom and No Mercy vs Trash and Expose Weakness debuff vs Reds. Second reason: Aasimar, arguably the strongest choice of race for Inq, supports Wisdom (+4).

    Int builds are better for 1-29 thou.

    as for splits goes...
    13r/6rgr/1brb -- probably highest dmg.
    10rgr/8ftr/2art -- if u focus hp/survival and gear versatility w rune arm.
    I've got a few questions, as my experience differs from yours and I'm hoping to learn.

    1. Are you saying WIS builds are better because otherwise Inquis. builds will struggle to bypass fort for crits?
    Just checked my current build, it has 164% fort bypass + 15% from Imp. Destruction stacks + 25% from Assassin's Trick. Would that not be enough in your experience?

    2. Why do you suggest Aasimar as the strongest race for Inquis.?
    I think Halfling is currently the strongest race for Inquis. because of their racial sneak dice + their height for Imp. Precise Shot.

    3. Why do you think 13r/6rgr/1brb is the highest damage?
    I can't see how that split would be higher dps than a standard 12 Rogue/6 Ranger/2 Arti split. What am I missing?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riffolk View Post
    I've got a few questions, as my experience differs from yours and I'm hoping to learn.

    1. Are you saying WIS builds are better because otherwise Inquis. builds will struggle to bypass fort for crits?
    Just checked my current build, it has 164% fort bypass + 15% from Imp. Destruction stacks + 25% from Assassin's Trick. Would that not be enough in your experience?

    2. Why do you suggest Aasimar as the strongest race for Inquis.?
    I think Halfling is currently the strongest race for Inquis. because of their racial sneak dice + their height for Imp. Precise Shot.

    3. Why do you think 13r/6rgr/1brb is the highest damage?
    I can't see how that split would be higher dps than a standard 12 Rogue/6 Ranger/2 Arti split. What am I missing?
    Here is my theory.

    1. Inq are very good at bypassing fort as is but it is still +25 for the Falconry, and honestly, which class would be better suited to provide the bird strike then an Inq? However, the main reason for falconry is the 30% helpless dmg buff. That is huge, and it became an even bigger deal with U51.

    2. LOH is big, 10 RP is fairly good too. Since I want to be in falconry (see 1.) it will provide more base stats. Height thingy for halfers is imo a bit overrated; they still have issues IPS-ing small creatures, rough terrain etc... and in the fights you need DPS its value is nil.

    3. 13/6/1 or 12/6/2 they are almost the same build; Runearm utility and 2 feats vs 10% runspeed, 1d6 SA + 1 rogue special feat. If my gearset would require the runearm, I would take that split.

    edit. Int builds have other perks too, that is why they are better in the 1-29 bracket for all races.
    Last edited by LavidDynch; 11-18-2021 at 09:52 AM.

  3. #23
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riffolk View Post
    I've got a few questions, as my experience differs from yours and I'm hoping to learn.

    1. Are you saying WIS builds are better because otherwise Inquis. builds will struggle to bypass fort for crits?
    Just checked my current build, it has 164% fort bypass + 15% from Imp. Destruction stacks + 25% from Assassin's Trick. Would that not be enough in your experience?

    2. Why do you suggest Aasimar as the strongest race for Inquis.?
    I think Halfling is currently the strongest race for Inquis. because of their racial sneak dice + their height for Imp. Precise Shot.

    3. Why do you think 13r/6rgr/1brb is the highest damage?
    I can't see how that split would be higher dps than a standard 12 Rogue/6 Ranger/2 Arti split. What am I missing?
    1. No they don't. At all. The Inquisitive tree has a lot of Armour Piercing built in to it, add to this a armour piercing item and you won't/shouldn't struggle to crit anything (I certainly don't).

    2. Imho Gnomes are the best since they are an Intelligence based race and of course their height, just like Halflings, for IPS.

    3. Afaik the highest damage Inquis split is 18 Rogue, 2 Arti due to the Sneak Attack dice though I have never played it. I personally prefer 9 Ranger, 4 Arti and 7 Rogue.

  4. #24
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner81 View Post
    2. Imho Gnomes are the best since they are an Intelligence based race and of course their height, just like Halflings, for IPS.

    3. Afaik the highest damage Inquis split is 18 Rogue, 2 Arti due to the Sneak Attack dice though I have never played it. I personally prefer 9 Ranger, 4 Arti and 7 Rogue.
    Last I checked gnomes are bugged and the projectiles they shoot/throw come from the same height as from Humans.
    I believe this is because gnomes are a late addition and by that time Devs have lost some of the knowledge required to properly implement a new race,
    so they just change some visuals, like PDKs were copied from HOrcs.
    So Halflings only.
    Dwarves come second in my experience, being just a tad higher than Halflings.

    Best split is 17 rogue 2 arti, as 18th rogue level doesn't add much to the platter. So you are free to choose 1 level of a 3rd class.
    Fighter for extra feat/extra boosts or Barb for extra movement speed (i believe it should stack with Thief Acrobat Fast movement), or maybe a trash class from iconic.

  5. #25
    Community Member majorhavoc's Avatar
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    Default Split

    I am in the same boat as the OP, as such I did almost 100 TRs as some form of Inqis build.

    I like this one, which is one of the best DPS builds so far.

    The Sniper Shoot & Killer combo is huge DPS.

    12/6/2 Rogue/Ranger/Artificer
    True Neutral Aasimar

    Level Order

    1. Rogue. . . . . .6. Ranger. . . . .11. Rogue . . . . .16. Rogue
    2. Ranger. . . . . 7. Rogue . . . . .12. Ranger . . . . 17. Rogue
    3. Artificer . . . 8. Ranger . . . . 13. Rogue. . . . . 18. Rogue
    4. Ranger. . . . . 9. Rogue . . . . .14. Rogue . . . . .19. Rogue
    5. Artificer . . .10. Ranger . . . . 15. Rogue. . . . . 20. Rogue

    . . . . . . . .36pt . . Tome . . Level Up
    . . . . . . . .---- . . ----. . .--------
    Strength. . . . .8. . . .+8. . . .4: WIS
    Dexterity . . . 14. . . .+8. . . .8: WIS
    Constitution. . 16. . . .+8. . . 12: WIS
    Intelligence. . 12. . . .+8. . . 16: WIS
    Wisdom. . . . . 20. . . .+8. . . 20: WIS
    Charisma. . . . .8. . . .+8. . . 24: WIS
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: WIS

    . . . . .Rg Rn Ar Rn Ar Rn Rg Rn Rg Rn Rg Rn Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg
    . . . . . 1. 2 .3. 4 .5. 6 .7 .8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    Heal. . . . .5. . .2. . .2. . .2. . .2. . .2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    Disable . 4. . .2. . .2. . .2 . . 2. . .2 . . 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    Open Lo . 4. . .2. . .2. . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . 3. 3. 2. 1. 1. 1. 23
    Search. . 4. 1 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .23
    Spot. . . 4. 1 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .23
    Bluff . . 4. . . . . . . . .3 . . 4. . .1 . . 2. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 23
    Diplo . . 4. . . . . . . . .4 . . 3. . .2 . . 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 23
    Jump. . . 4. 1 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2 . . 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    UMD . . . 4. . .2. . .2. . .2 . . 2. . .2 . . 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
    Balance . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 .2 . 8
    Listen. . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . .1. . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
    . . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
    . . . . .36. 8 .6. 8 .6. 8 11. 9 11. 9 11. 9 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12


    .1. . . . : Point Blank Shot
    .3. . . . : Completionist
    .6. . . . : Weapon Focus: Ranged
    .9. . . . : Precision
    12. . . . : Improved Critical: Ranged
    15. . . . : Improved Precise Shot
    18. . . . : Power Critical
    21 Epic . : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic . : Combat Archery
    26 Destiny: Holy Strike
    27 Epic . : Improved Sneak Attack
    28 Destiny: Doubleshot
    29 Destiny: Harbinger of Chaos
    30 Epic . : Watchful Eye
    30 Legend : Scion of: Ethereal Plane

    .1 Aasimar: Bond: Bond of the Protector

    18 Rogue. : Improved Evasion

    .2 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
    10 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Undead


    1. Longstrider (8), Jump (12)

    1. Ablative Armor (3), . Resistance* (3), Shield of Faith (5)

    Enhancements (Spent: 80+15r +1u / Max: 80+15r +1u AP)

    Inquisitive (41 AP)
    • Inquisitive, Hit the Streets, Mind Like Iron, True Seeing, Undaunted, Master Inquisitive
      1. Dual Shooter, Eye for Accuracy III, Conjure Bolts III, Law on your Side
      2. Crossbow Adept, Improved Law
      3. Crossbow Adept, What First?: Ask Questions First, Wisdom
      4. Crossbow Adept, What Later?: Shoot Later, Inquisition Style: Martial Inquisition, Greater Law, Wisdom
      5. No Holds Barred, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Inquisitor's Path: Optimistic, Diplomatic Immunity

    Deepwood Stalker (23 AP)
    • Far Shot, Sneak Attack, Sniper Shot
      1. Stealthy III, Increased Empathy III
      2. Survivalist
      3. Survivalist, Thrill of the Hunt III, Aimed Shot, Wisdom
      4. Killer III

    Aasimar (18 AP)
    • Stronger Bonds, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds II: Protector Bond, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds III
      1. Fight the Wicked, Improved Recovery
      2. Fight the Wicked
      3. Fight the Wicked, Blessings I, Improved Recovery
      4. Ascendant Bond: Protector, Aasimar Improved Recovery

    Falconry (14 AP)
    • Summon Avian Companion: Raven, Ability Score: Wisdom
      1. Practiced Accuracy II, Out in Nature III
      2. Killer Instinct I
      3. Killer Instinct II, Conditioning
    Last edited by majorhavoc; 12-02-2021 at 08:27 PM.
    It is better to be silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.... Mark Twain.

  6. #26
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorhavoc View Post
    I am in the same boat as the OP, as such I did almost 100 TRs as some form of Inqis build.

    I like this one, which is one of the best DPS builds so far.

    The Sniper Shoot & Killer combo is huge DPS.

    12/6/2 Rogue/Ranger/Artificer
    True Neutral Aasimar


    .1. . . . : Point Blank Shot
    .3. . . . : Completionist
    .6. . . . : Weapon Focus: Ranged
    .9. . . . : Precision
    12. . . . : Improved Critical: Ranged
    15. . . . : Improved Precise Shot
    18. . . . : Power Critical
    21 Epic . : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic . : Combat Archery
    26 Destiny: Holy Strike
    27 Epic . : Improved Sneak Attack
    28 Destiny: Doubleshot
    29 Destiny: Harbinger of Chaos
    30 Epic . : Watchful Eye
    30 Legend : Scion of: Ethereal Plane

    .1 Aasimar: Bond: Bond of the Protector

    18 Rogue. : Improved Evasion

    .2 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
    10 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Undead

    1. Longstrider (8), Jump (12)

    1. Ablative Armor (3), . Resistance* (3), Shield of Faith (5)

    Enhancements (Spent: 80+15r +1u / Max: 80+15r +1u AP)

    Inquisitive (41 AP)
    • Inquisitive, Hit the Streets, Mind Like Iron, True Seeing, Undaunted, Master Inquisitive
      1. Dual Shooter, Eye for Accuracy III, Conjure Bolts III, Law on your Side
      2. Crossbow Adept, Improved Law
      3. Crossbow Adept, What First?: Ask Questions First, Wisdom
      4. Crossbow Adept, What Later?: Shoot Later, Inquisition Style: Martial Inquisition, Greater Law, Wisdom
      5. No Holds Barred, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Inquisitor's Path: Optimistic, Diplomatic Immunity

    Deepwood Stalker (23 AP)
    • Far Shot, Sneak Attack, Sniper Shot
      1. Stealthy III, Increased Empathy III
      2. Survivalist
      3. Survivalist, Thrill of the Hunt III, Aimed Shot, Wisdom
      4. Killer III

    Aasimar (18 AP)
    • Stronger Bonds, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds II: Protector Bond, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds III
      1. Fight the Wicked, Improved Recovery
      2. Fight the Wicked
      3. Fight the Wicked, Blessings I, Improved Recovery
      4. Ascendant Bond: Protector, Aasimar Improved Recovery

    Falconry (14 AP)
    • Summon Avian Companion: Raven, Ability Score: Wisdom
      1. Practiced Accuracy II, Out in Nature III
      2. Killer Instinct I
      3. Killer Instinct II, Conditioning
    uhmm.. the point of going falconry is the 30% helpless dmg, and you are not picking up any battle trance, rams might is the only usefull ranger spell (as the Rams belt is hardly optimal even on very subpar item setup), also pushback the 4th ranger lvl til lvl 15 that will be the earliest to pick up IPS; this is beyond huge for leveling since archer focus is broken/misfiring at lower levels. Jaded > Optimistic. You don´t need imp. uncanny since you are rogue. Ask Q´s - Shoot later isn´t that great, not when you have Sniper Shot.

  7. #27
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorhavoc View Post
    I am in the same boat as the OP, as such I did almost 100 TRs as some form of Inqis build.

    I like this one, which is one of the best DPS builds so far.

    The Sniper Shoot & Killer combo is huge DPS.

    12/6/2 Rogue/Ranger/Artificer
    True Neutral Aasimar

    1. Longstrider (8), Jump (12)

    1. Ablative Armor (3), . Resistance* (3), Shield of Faith (5)

    Inquisitive (41 AP)
    Deepwood Stalker (23 AP)
    Aasimar (18 AP)
    Falconry (14 AP)
    Awful spell selection (unless those are just placeholders)
    No trance
    No Falconry T4
    No Movement Speed increases
    No extra boosts

    Sniper Shot/Killer? Neither works on red/purple nameds

  8. #28
    Community Member majorhavoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    uhmm.. the point of going falconry is the 30% helpless dmg, and you are not picking up any battle trance, rams might is the only usefull ranger spell (as the Rams belt is hardly optimal even on very subpar item setup), also pushback the 4th ranger lvl til lvl 15 that will be the earliest to pick up IPS; this is beyond huge for leveling since archer focus is broken/misfiring at lower levels. Jaded > Optimistic. You don´t need imp. uncanny since you are rogue. Ask Q´s - Shoot later isn´t that great, not when you have Sniper Shot.
    The point of going falconry is to get WIS to Attack & Dam & a easy point of WIS, there are lots of other places to get bonus helpless dam post U51, and there is not enough AP to go that deep into the tree.

    Indeed the spells are just place holders and amount to very little usefulness at cap.

    "4th ranger lvl til lvl 15" what are you talking about???

    imp. uncanny works well now that we don't have easy meld into darkness anymore.

    Ask Q´s - Shoot later isn´t that great, agreed just not may good choices to fill out the tree to get the magic 41 points.

    I did not clam this was the easiest way to level up, this build was mostly made to sit at cap and build reaper points.
    Last edited by majorhavoc; 12-23-2021 at 10:29 AM.
    It is better to be silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.... Mark Twain.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by majorhavoc View Post
    The point of going falconry is to get WIS to Attack & Dam & a easy point of WIS, there are lots of other places to get bonus helpless dam post U51, and there is not enough AP to go that deep into the tree.

    Indeed the spells are just place holders and amount to very little usefulness at cap.

    "4th ranger lvl til lvl 15" what are you talking about???

    imp. uncanny & regular uncanny are on different timers and works well now that we don't have easy meld into darkness anymore.

    Ask Q´s - Shoot later isn´t that great, agreed just not may good choices to fill out the tree to get the magic 41 points.

    I did not clam this was the easiest way to level up, this build was mostly made to sit at cap and build reaper points.
    You do not have to take my word for it, Magaiti pretty much echoed my post.

    Imp.uncanny from rogue puts the INQ´s Uncanny on timer and vice versa, and there is no regular uncanny once you reached lvl 8 rogue. Are you sure you have experienced your own build?

    Regarding Archer Focus, you will automaticly get that horrible feat at lvl 4 ranger. It will cut your DPS in half due to its being bugged; your first salvo will always miss (before you can get decent alacrity at 12, I´ve noticed)

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