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Aha, harper had slipped my mind, good looking out thanks!
I like paladin for the saves, aura, quick self healing, and light damage from KotC. Since I'm not necessarily the best player, staying alive is more a priority than maxing my dps.
So something like 41 inquis, 14 harper (int hit+damage, favored enemy). That leaves me 26 aps+3 RAP (I have a +1 UAP tome for this character), so 6 paladin would get me smite, paladin immunities, level 6 deity ability. 11 AP's in KotC would get me 2d6 light damage (200% scaling), Ghost Touch, greater restoration (from remove disease), bonuses to hit vs evil, +2/+5 to saves vs just about everything. 11 in Sacred defender would get me +25 prr/mrr, +3 saves, 3 extra LoH's.
That leaves me 4 AP's+3 RAP's to fill out low hanging fruit, and the curve should be fine enough.
Thats my reasoning at least. Rune arms are obvious, and I have a good amount stockpiled from my arti lives. the 2 arti splash is a non negotiable for this plan.
I guess my question would be, why would I go fvs or wiz, since war soul doesn't give me much, LoH seems faster/more reliable than getting interrupted out of healing spells, and PM/EK would both require decently heavy investment in spell power/AP's? I guess the advantage of FvS is I could double as a backup healer for raids?