For well over a decade, we have begged and begged for the issue of server lag to be addressed.
I was there,in a group talking to Fernando on Lamania being told that it was our inferior PC and crappy internet..... and not DDO to blame.
Not terribly long afterwards, DDO anounced there was indeed some lag..... and it was all the fault of the Exploiter builds 18 ranger/1 rogue/ 1 monk 2WF Kopesh. We just kicked so much butt that the number crunching was causing the servers to lag..... and that nerfing them out of existence was the cure. It wasn't.
Then they added even more useless stuff, like pets.... to give the server even more numbers to crunch.
Then DDO was sold to Warner Brothers and we were told about how great things were gonna be now that a big company took over.... rejoice rejoice salvation awaits.
But the lag got worse not better. We literally begged them to make an update that did not give new content, but instead focused on game performance. But were ignored.
Since those days we were told over and over again about this being done and that being done to improve how the game runs. And yet not only is there still lag, it is worse than ever.
Nowdays, someone zoning in turns the game into a unplayable mess. A few days ago I was in quest heading to a fight and POOF, client crashed. I logged back in, all set to tell the guys sorry and when I did...... the whole parties client had crashed, not just me.
This game was created using software that was not even "cutting edge" at the time and a lot has changed since then. It is like trying to force an 8track to play on a cassette, using windows to run a DOS game.... it can be done, but it's not the best idea.
The foundation is weak and so the building is not strong.
Standing Stone needs to spend the time rebuilding the game on a modern platform, doing the tedious task of translating what they have into a modern, more efficient engine. A strong foundation makes for a strong building. The building we have now is crumbling, you cant help but see the bricks laying on the ground.
With a new, big budget D&D movie coming soon, the potential for a wave of new players is huge..... but the minute they figure out the issues DDO has and hear the veterans telling them the horror stories..... they will walk away before they become too vested into the game.
Sometimes I wonder if Fernando is still calling the shots like back in the old days. Him and his wife being offended by anyone daring to criticize their leadership, the unwashed masses believing they know better what the players want..... Fernando's body may be gone, but his spirit lives on.