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  1. #21
    Community Member PrinceOfAsphodel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crackerjackwr View Post
    Im wondering about tinkering with the split a little bit.

    How would 9 cleric / 8 barb/ 3 bard feel?

    4th, 5th level cleric spells: restoration, raise dead, panacea, FoM.
    Knockdown proof
    More SP
    2 to will saves (i think)
    Choice of level 6 deity feat. Amaunator for cold dmg reduction. Or a nice cooldown clicky for helm. 9 PRR (nearly offsetting one of the cons), 4 wis, 5 Fort saves. 78 seconds every 10 minutes.
    Fewer HP and BAB
    -2 STR and Con while raging.
    -1% dmg mitigation
    loss of core 4 Frenzied enhncement, which is HP and HAMP and 10 PRR.
    1 fewer rage. -2 to trap sense.
    I had a very similar idea but it's awkward that you can't cast spells while raging and rage+heal are both things that one would want to access during combat. You also lose base attack bonus by dropping barbarian levels, which in turn reduces your attack speed. I hate that. Boss dps is the one thing this build can consistently do better than others, so it wants as much attack speed as possible. This can be circumvented with Tenser's scrolls or the Divine Crusader mantle but scrolls are a pain to keep up, and the Crusader mantle means you're giving up on the +[1W] from Dreadnought or Grandmaster.
    Princze/Dazneus of Cannith

  2. #22
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    Since i would like self-healing and am willing to sacrifice some dps, i thought about modifying this to :

    Warforged 12 wiz / 5 barb / 3 bard. Int based, put 22+ points in EK (for full BAB). Take mithral body and quicken.
    If you have many racial AP, you can get things like mithral fluidity (+6 MDB) and +15 MP.
    Pretty self sufficient and can also take evasion from SD for 11 points.
    Probably play in Fatesinger and with evoc feats + item can use Burst of Glacial Wrath for CC. Maybe even lvl 5 Hold Monster on reapers.
    I would also take Acid fog and sleet storm.
    Quickened reconstruct works well until R6 or so in my experience.
    For those who solo or pug alot and like mid-reapers while still having decent raid dps and utility, i think this can be a good compromise.

  3. #23
    Community Member Stravix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crackerjackwr View Post
    Im wondering about tinkering with the split a little bit.

    How would 9 cleric / 8 barb/ 3 bard feel?

    4th, 5th level cleric spells: restoration, raise dead, panacea, FoM.
    Knockdown proof
    More SP
    2 to will saves (i think)
    Choice of level 6 deity feat. Amaunator for cold dmg reduction. Or a nice cooldown clicky for helm. 9 PRR (nearly offsetting one of the cons), 4 wis, 5 Fort saves. 78 seconds every 10 minutes.
    Fewer HP and BAB
    -2 STR and Con while raging.
    -1% dmg mitigation
    loss of core 4 Frenzied enhncement, which is HP and HAMP and 10 PRR.
    1 fewer rage. -2 to trap sense.
    Currently working on a similar mindset myself, going off of a base or 5 Brb/3 Brd/5 Clr for STR domain Str to reflex. Was likely gonna just pump Brb for those other levels, but might give your split a shot

  4. #24
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    New player here, trying to learn. Why does the second build require a +1 Lesser Heart of Wood? Thanks.

  5. #25
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Estra_Ven View Post
    New player here, trying to learn. Why does the second build require a +1 Lesser Heart of Wood? Thanks.
    Shadar Kai is an iconic character which means it starts off with one level of Rogue which is not in the build. You need the +1 Heart to change that first level of Rogue into a Bard, Barb, or Cleric level.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    Shadar Kai is an iconic character which means it starts off with one level of Rogue which is not in the build. You need the +1 Heart to change that first level of Rogue into a Bard, Barb, or Cleric level.
    That makes sense. Thank you for replying.

  7. #27
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    I returned to the game somewhat recently and am still figuring out what's changed. Is this still a good build? Obviously some things have changed but it appears it's still good?

  8. #28
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bozone View Post
    I returned to the game somewhat recently and am still figuring out what's changed. Is this still a good build? Obviously some things have changed but it appears it's still good?
    The destiny system has changed since it was first posted so you'll need to take that into account but the overall framework is the same & it's still a very solid performer. My own version is a dex-based shadar-kai 13bard/5barb/2fighter that makes use of buckler with points in vanguard for stunning shield & missile shield, making it weaker on the offensive side & stronger on the defensive. I'm very happy with it's performance.

    Destiny-wise on mine, it's primarily shadowdancer with some points in unyielding sentinel & divine crusader (getting sneak attack dice as extra untyped damage is really nice & I highly recommend shadow mastery plus uncanny dodge in a high mob density quest like breaking the ranks for a laugh) & i took the shield mastery specialty feat at 31 which gives some nice extra boosts to help make up some of the damage difference vs. empty hand - and it's a bunch of extra effects & another augment slot so that's handy too.
    Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 04-11-2023 at 11:46 AM.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyDuck81 View Post
    The destiny system has changed since it was first posted so you'll need to take that into account but the overall framework is the same & it's still a very solid performer. My own version is a dex-based shadar-kai 13bard/5barb/2fighter that makes use of buckler with points in vanguard for stunning shield & missile shield, making it weaker on the offensive side & stronger on the defensive. I'm very happy with it's performance.

    Destiny-wise on mine, it's primarily shadowdancer with some points in unyielding sentinel & divine crusader (getting sneak attack dice as extra untyped damage is really nice & I highly recommend shadow mastery plus uncanny dodge in a high mob density quest like breaking the ranks for a laugh) & i took the shield mastery specialty feat at 31 which gives some nice extra boosts to help make up some of the damage difference vs. empty hand - and it's a bunch of extra effects & another augment slot so that's handy too.

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