Alchemist: Master of Spellvials
Artificer: Master of Artifice, Master of Air, Master of Repeaters
Barbarian: Epic DR (U51)
Bard: Inspire Excellence, Master of Music
Cleric: Master of Alignment, Master of Light
Druid: Master of the Wilds, Bulwark of Defense
Favored Soul: Master of Alignment, Master of Light
Fighter: Bulwark of Defense
Monk: Improved Martial Arts, Vorpal Strikes
Paladin: Bulwark of Defense
Rogue: Improved Sneak Attack
Sorc: Master of Earth/Air/Fire/Water
Warlock: Epic Eldritch Blast/Master of Dead
Wizard: Master of Knowledge/Dead
I only see 1 left out that is filled in D&D 3.5. On second thought, can they implement Death of Enemies from 3.5 instead.