"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Last edited by Fivetigers33; 10-14-2021 at 02:06 PM.
Stratis on Khyber
Solo/duo raids and solo R10s. Come see what a bard can do.
[QUOTE=Lynnabel;6469863]They're actually slated to be in U51, which is the next full update after U50, which was the debut of this overhaul.
Thanks for the reply...its good to have a target date at least. Hopefully there will be a perfected item or 2 that is actually useful for melee as the options Lahar gives now are pretty much caster items. The Perfected Charged Gauntlets are Meh at best (Sovereign lightning strikes <<<<<<<<< dripping with magma and speed is on every third melee item so likely duplicate stat), and being "crafted/purchased" the Perfected dragon helm will never have reaper ability boost with helmet as of yet the ONLY slot that gets that bonus, makes it kinda difficult to choose (not to mention that half of its bonuses are caster based and it is still a ridiculously rare drop that cannot be purchased with runes yet). And Jidz is for monks...
Last edited by YTSEsoldier; 10-14-2021 at 02:10 PM.
Just more opportunity to waste threads rerolling...if paying with threads (or shards or whatever) there should be an option to buy the set bonuses you actually want since more options means more chances for sets that wont be useful to you particular build.
First quote did not make it into thread...was addressing new set bonuses for gem of many facets.
Standing Stone Games is owned by Daybreak Game Company
Daybreak Game Company is owned by Enad Global 7 (EG7) since 2020. Formally owned by Sony till 2015 then Inception Aquisitions till 2020.
Enad Global 7 is a publicly traded company with 44.75% held by insiders with institutional ownership of 29.78% held by 44 institutions.
EG7 has 87.12 million shares outstanding, a float of 44.67 million shares and is trading at 29.65kr for a market cap of 2.35B (currency in Swedish Krona)
"We ran into a build issue overnight so the deployment has been delayed a bit, but is still happening today. The game worlds are expected to become unavailable around 10:00 AM. This likely means we will not be able to open by 1:00 PM, but we'll see."
It was closer to 11 when it went down.
Easy, you can calculate it yourself:
I've noticed - barring some exceptions - that downtime due to patches always takes twice as long as planned -1 hour.
The downtown scheduled was 9 AM - 1 PM, that's four hours. So it will take instead 4 x 2 -1 = 7 hours, in other words 3 hours longer that announced. This means servers are expected to be fully up again around 4 PM or 16:00 GMT.
The more you know ...
Edit to add a disclaimer: the above is no criticism or silly sarcasm. Just something I noticed. A tip for potential readers: for our clients, we have learned over the years to always overprovision any durations and deadlines given, that way we can afterwards go back to that client and say "Hey, we managed it in even less time! and the client is ven happy because of the good service.
Last edited by Syrrah; 10-14-2021 at 03:20 PM.