Fantastic new maps, RL, Sharn, Salt, and very nice return to standard crafting limits and gear power creep fix in the latest patches. Revamping the old "epic " gear, like Chronoscope sets, etc was a decision I greatly appreciate, as a 15 year vet of the game. But trying to get new friends interested in the game hits a brick wall the moment a reaper 60 player joins my R1 group with my noob friends. What was a challenging struggle with the maximum reaper point player in the group was 12, instantly became a joke, an insult, a pathetic waste of time that was no fun at all, and said player quickly decides they don't have time for the game. What an insult it was to see this one high reaper player destroy everything in a single move, and destroy the boss before we even got to the room. How did you let this happen? This is clear power leveling, a complete exploit. Why not limit Reaper 1 dungeon setting to only allow tier 1 reaper skills? DDO, even 15 years ago, always fought power leveling because the devs clearly understood; that destroys games quickly, leading to boredom and players quickly moving on. Now, I have to avoid 90% of all groups posted if I want any fun at all, because its a reaper 50+ player running R1 over and over in neck break speed. I suggest people and devs alike ask themselves ; WHY DO YOU PLAY GAMES? I play for challenge and danger that doesn't hurt me in real life. A scary fantasy I can share with friends. This game has the potential to guarantee that to all players simply by enforcing the "no power leveling " morality the game had from the start.
1) Limit Reaper 1 and 2 game setting to tier 1 reaper skills only , just like you do in heroic low levels.
2) Limit Reaper 3 game settings to only tier 2 reaper skill tree.
3) Limit Reaper 4 game setting to only tier 3 ,, etc.. etc...
Maybe then , I can get my friends to come back and try the game again, knowing it won't be a pathetic joke.