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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jan 2015

    Default What store items survive LR, TR etc

    So just a quick background I played this back in 2015 and probably spent too much money. A lot of what I bought was permanent stuff IE all characters/servers forever. I started over recently with my family and had things on my new character like skill tomes, ability tomes, cosmetics etc.

    If I do an LR or TR do I lose those buffs?

    I only ask because some things in the store say survives reincarnation and other things don't say anything at all but, they don't say lose on reincarnation.

    I would assume store bought things like ability/skill tomes will survive but I am unsure if they do. I was hoping someone could point me to a list of things that cross over or post one here.

    Fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepherds it's certainty.

  2. #2
    Community Member DoctorOfLiterature's Avatar
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    First, this checklist is really good and may answer many of your questions and help you prepare to reincarnate.

    If something is an item in your bank or pack or bag, it will survive reincarnation in a reincarnation cache from which you can withdraw items as you wish--it's sort of a bank overflow bag. Once you take something out of it you can't put it back in the cache, however. And when you do your next reincarnation you will need to move everything out and into your standard bank or backpack.

    Things like tomes do survive although the benefits will be applied progressively as you level up. If you purchased or have access to character classes or to enhancement trees, those do continue into next life.
    This explains the progression for ability and skill tomes as you level:

    Patron favor however will need to be earned anew. On the other hand, you will get bravery bonus again for all quests you do for the first time in your new life. Of course, you will need to earn more experience more per level for your second and third life; after third the exp requirements remain the same forever.

    Not related to your question, but good to know: if you go to 30, it is a good idea to do an Epic Reincarnation to 20 or 15 if doing Iconic, and then go to 30 a second time. If you go to 20 and then do a Heroic or Racial, you only get that one PL. If you go to 30, you get two (Epic and HR or RR). If you go to 30, then down to 20 and back to 30, you get 2 Epic PLs plus that one HR/RR life. On the second run to 30 you do need to be aware you won't get Bravery Bonus for quests you did the first time.

    Also, look at the PL benefit you get before choosing your race or class for your next life and try to make class/race choices that are synergetic to your build goals.

    And you probably know this, but I didn't when I did my first reincarnation; you don't need to spend money on the Heart of Wood. You can use Commendations of Valor or Epic Heart Seeds instead and they are really easy to farm.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by DoctorOfLiterature; 09-28-2021 at 11:12 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    Thanks for the information.
    Fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepherds it's certainty.

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