The title pretty much says it, I came back with 72 points for enhancements and allocated them after researching the changes as best I could. Additionally, I tried to flip my gear around to account for the times, and I think my feats seem to be alright still.
In Hard content, my build feels better than ever and the SLAs for PM make trashing mobs easy. However the core of the build was to have good Necro DCs, and at some of the new content I'm gawking at just how inadequate my build feels now.
For reference, my DCs for necro is 45. What can I do to modernize my build, and what items aren't even worth being slotted anymore and should be replaced? (And if you're feeling especially generous, what are some options for replacement?)
Character Sheet + Enhancements [2 unspent ap]:
Head: supreme tyrant green steel helm of mineral
Goggles: Blindness Immunity
Bracers: insightful light resistance 15, con +7
ring 1: +11% neg energy crit, cold absorb 18
ring 2: Int +6
Gloves: Devotion 7, spell lore +6
Belt: Diplomacy +13, natural armor +4
Cloak: Resistances +4
Trinket: shard of xoriat [2 enchant dc and summon clicky]
Fearsome robes of magi
+5 thaumatargic sceptre of ice lore 13 [for spellcasting 17, potency 55, nullification 87]
+5 corrosive 89 sceptre of necromancy 3 [for necromancy 3, also has spell penetration 4]
So yeah, my goal is to be a more generally useful wiz pm caster. I'm level 18 holding level 19 with one wizard past life, and I feel lackluster in at-level content. Any insight is greatly appreciated!