I sure do wish that a dev could shed some light on our notes. pretty please
I for one only play a 20 monk. I personally will probably always be a 20 monk. I'm like a bare bones chiropractor. I come in and "break" necks. I have a cycle that works for me and works well. I don't need to do finishers and never have. too many buttons...give me a 1 button finisher for 15 ki and call it a day and I may think about incorporating it. lol
We lose Frog, EIN, Ghost Touch, you know, things that monks (or at least I) use frequently. Why make this a hybrid tree? Just put your 11 points in here and get your +30 melee power and call it a day. (this is where epic lives come in real handy). This was a monk tree, I mean, it is called Grand Master of Flowers, and was tailored to monks for years. Try another video game like FF14, and Monks have special attacks that no one ale has...that's how it should be. Every other melee has a go to ED. Why leave monks to the scraps on the table, which is what it looks like in some cases.
For me, make this a monk tree, with areas for people to pick up useful things like absorbs, and defenses. Don't strip out all of our goodies and make it a generic tree. That's not too cool for the 5 or 6 people that actually play a monk on Khyber. lol. Give us EIN back (or something comparable) and up our tactics DCs as well as put ghost touch back and call it a day. If I wanted to be a Bard, I would be a bard, so I could care less for 20 seconds out of every 5 mins of 10% extra DPS. This is weaksauce. If the devs are trying to get rid of instakills, why give it to other builds? I fully suspect that bard EIN will cap at 4 mobs...they tried to make it 4 for monks, but it was argued that its should be better than mass frog, so it went to 6 vs. 40 or so. lol
Honestly, love the game, but fighting over what a tree is supposed to be is exhausting. I tested it, and I can live with it, but its def weak for actual monk players. I'd argue anybody that is not a monk will not go to tier 5 here anyway, so why waste time trying to get somebody to play like a monk. silly to me.
Anyway, just my additional 2 cents.
take care guys!