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  1. #41
    Community Member Kelledren's Avatar
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    I would consider adding +2 tactics boost, +1 action boost, +10 MP to each core for some love to this tree.

    Also maybe add action boost MP (or tactics) to core 2, and action boost Haste to core three. That way those folks who fully invest in LD get their Haste boost back at the end.

    Edit: forget MP to cores- forgot that’s baked in to standard amount.
    Last edited by Kelledren; 09-22-2021 at 11:15 AM.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelledren View Post
    I would consider adding +2 tactics boost, +1 action boost, +10 MP to each core for some love to this tree.

    Also maybe add action boost MP (or tactics) to core 2, and action boost Haste to core three. That way those folks who fully invest in LD get their Haste boost back at the end.

    Edit: forget MP to cores- forgot that’s baked in to standard amount.
    Fair points. We've a cool new destiny to improve all your action boosts. Just in case you don't have any action boosts here there are. fin.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelledren View Post
    Also maybe add action boost MP (or tactics) to core 2, and action boost Haste to core three. That way those folks who fully invest in LD get their Haste boost back at the end.
    "Fully invested" meaning 11 points, that's what it takes to get a core 3. And since we get more DP here then we used to, that's not too much of a commitment...should prob be T5 like Dire Charge (as it exists now) if you really want to make it LD mains only

    I predict a lot of people will have to respec 8 points to VKF for their haste boost, it's just too good not to have.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    "Fully invested" meaning 11 points, that's what it takes to get a core 3. And since we get more DP here then we used to, that's not too much of a commitment...should prob be T5 like Dire Charge (as it exists now) if you really want to make it LD mains only

    I predict a lot of people will have to respec 8 points to VKF for their haste boost, it's just too good not to have.
    Careful saying that, Steel's already threatened to remove haste boost from the game if we mention it too much.

  5. #45
    Community Member Assassination's Avatar
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    Action Boost Tactics! Please remove this and let us buy 2/4/6 increase to tactics dc's. Please add haste boost to this tree.

    This tree needs a lot of help.

  6. #46
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    This tree is awful. Not sure how you figure the 33% cooldown of action heo is OP because its on live now ans NOBODY runs in dreadnought. The other mellee destinies are all better already and you guys preceded to make this destiny even worse. Looks like this destiny will just collect dust. Epic moment 20s for 5 min cooldown. For real?
    Khyber IN BAD COMPANY Longand Drunkmage Sexyheals Fullforce

  7. #47
    Community Member Kelledren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    "Fully invested" meaning 11 points, that's what it takes to get a core 3. And since we get more DP here then we used to, that's not too much of a commitment...should prob be T5 like Dire Charge (as it exists now) if you really want to make it LD mains only

    I predict a lot of people will have to respec 8 points to VKF for their haste boost, it's just too good not to have.
    Yeah didn’t sink in that core 3 is only an 11 point investment- hard to grasp everything at once. I already use VKF, and enjoy the DS that comes with it, but burying Haste Booth deeper in this tree adds some of the Dps it’s missing for those who pass on VKF.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by count_spicoli View Post
    This tree is awful. Not sure how you figure the 33% cooldown of action heo is OP because its on live now ans NOBODY runs in dreadnought. The other mellee destinies are all better already and you guys preceded to make this destiny even worse. Looks like this destiny will just collect dust. Epic moment 20s for 5 min cooldown. For real?
    Fully agree. On live the only thing keep LD in the running is Master's Blitz and Action Hero. Without it this ED is complete garbage.

    Just remove it from the game.

  9. #49
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    Oh for goodness sake I used my level 30 tactical wolf in the destiny.
    It's not a bad destiny for what it is and I'll probably stick with it when the Epic Destiny update goes live.

    Dire charge works well. It's never been a DPS move so nothing has changed on that end. It more effective now than it used to be now that it trips and stuns.
    My Wolf likes being able to recharge action boosts as well as raising his maximum by 3.
    Rally is a strong top tier attack and CC breaking ability.
    And you can stack vulnerability on enemies fairly quickly.

    I did take 14 points in Fury and 6 points in Grandmaster but I suspect every melee/ranged will do that. Pick your primary destiny then pick two other destinies and spend enough points to get the cores as they represent a significant amount of epic destiny power.

    With the exception of the epic destiny moment I think it just needs tweaks.

    --- Suggestions ----

    Add a few stacks of terror to hitting enemies with Dire Charge or Dire Shot

    Dire Shot should use Sunder instead of Stun ( charge continues to use stun ) as the only ranged class I know that uses tactical DC is the battle engineer which uses Sunder exclusively

    Allow Terror stacking up to 25 as the % health damage has been removed.

    Give +1/2/3 sneak attack dice or +1/2/3 damage to Honor/Backstab if character has Tactician ( the epic destiny feat )

    Increase damage from Terror by melee power to raise it from a tickle to an itch

    Double Improved power attack for two handed weapons

    Put Action:boost haste in a multi-selector with action boost: tactics ( My wolf gets his action boost in heroics but would like to mention that the number one thing he uses action boosts on are tactics immune enemies like reapers and bosses )

    Switch Carry On to melee power and let it last the full duration of the action boost

    Rework Action Hero to something with more significant and noticeable effect.

  10. #50
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vorachtin View Post
    Well with the epic moment being doodoo (5 min cd makes it doodoo not the moment itself) worth skipping and putting points somewhere else
    Quote Originally Posted by Theolin View Post
    Yea 20 seconds out of 5 minutes is not worth taking or (remembering to click) for me as I am sure almost anything else I can find that is always on is better.
    Idk, on a THF build most of the time the trash is fast and the boss is like well ya know 20s or something - making DPS-boosting epic moments feel really nice.

    Also raids in general often have a "do your DPS now" portion so I'd expect there's a lot of these worth taking still? I'm really worried/wondering how boss/raid balance is going to go when 12 people fire their epic moments off at once lmao.

    I definitely enjoy Turn the Tide's short CD so I'd prefer global CD of like 3-4 mins instead of 5 for epic moments, but at least they'll be balanced against each other instead of currently where it's pretty awkward.
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  11. #51
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    For the love of Satan please add back the ability to chain action boosts in LD like we can on live.

  12. #52
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    Deleted comment
    Last edited by Theboss71; 09-23-2021 at 05:08 AM.

  13. #53
    Community Member DeathbringerGod's Avatar
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    Exclamation Stunning and Trip attacks felt weak/useless in LE

    Stunning attacks felt weak or almost useless in LE difficulty... almost all the time mobs save the DC!
    What would be a good number for stunning DC? Maybe the mobs are still too strong on those saves? Trip DC too...
    Is not fun at all really... haha

    Before update 50 with a 80 DC was almost enough to stun or trip everything...

    If you are playing a Fighter and use all those feats to rise combat tactics DC for nothing in the end....
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  14. #54
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    I went in, on paper, planning to main LD on my THF Paladin. I tried it and ran screaming back to FotW...

    Dire Charge is not useful at all, mobs are saving far too easily. They save against it now on Live, but not nearly as often. So its basically just a charge with a small cleave, and you're investing most of your points into it

    Terror stacks build too slow, especially for a tree that should promote active, mobile melee fighting. There needs to be an attack or something that lets you apply stacks of Terror so you can get to the "good stuff" like Vuln stacking. Maybe Momentum Swing applies 3 stacks of Terror to your Dire Attack.

    The loss of Haste Boost in the tree is noticeable. If Carry On is meant to be the replacement for that by providing "Haste Lite" on any other AB, it needs to be 20%, not 10%. Its a T4, after all, and 10% is just not enough to make using any other AB worthwhile. 20% + 30 MP, maybe that could be workable.

    I know you already said we're not getting the full-uptime extension on ABs back...but maybe split the difference, like +1/2/3 sec duration in T3 and another +2 in T5? Right now, there's so much that's conditional on ABs, that the difference between uptime and downtime is noticeable. And its no fun having to sit and wait for ABs to come off cooldown. At 25 up/5 down, its a bit more fluid.

    The loss of the special mechanics in the old LD is regrettable. I liked chaining Cleaves, and Blitz was fun for zerging too, though annoying to keep up in some quests.

  15. #55
    The Werewolf Skavenaps's Avatar
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    so, the description says you can be a master in melee or ranged, but half your powers depend on an aura that only works in melee? Oh my, this is an epic fail, not a destiny.

    The aura need to change into a burst centered in the mob you are attacking, or this whole destiny is useless for ranged toons.
    Last edited by Skavenaps; 09-23-2021 at 05:00 AM.

  16. #56
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    Legendary Dreadnought feedback post with Viamel and Friends.

    Cores: Like the thematic fear immunity with the tree being fear aura based. HP/MP is great for the cores, however with the ranged support, the ranged power being at 6 instead of 8 (like shiradi/shadowdancer) feels like it should be brought up to match those trees.

    Push Through the Line: More stats scaling off action boosts is very great, especially when LD's theme has been around action boosts, solid addition

    Epic Tactics: Very good for folks who need it, perhaps a bit expensive, would be willing to see something fun added on to this enhancement for people with the tactics destiny feat (Tactician?), whether it add more or some other bonus.

    Dire Charge/Shot: It's dire charge, we like it, it's nice to be as low in the tree as it is, also nice to see it have a ranged variant.

    Dread Mantle: It's a very nice debuff aura that we worry might be a nasty source of lag (like current divine crusader), and would be better (?) if it would apply on hits instead of having it apply from an aura. This would also help ranged as ranged won't often be in range for the aura to be proccing.

    Shrug off Punishment: This is a heavier melee based tree, nice to see HP to help with the defense aspect of it.

    Extra Action Boost: Everyone loves boosts, we love more of them, very cool.

    Epic Power Attack: Sad to see the old 0.5W go, as it caused more decisions to be made around weapon choice with the dice meaning more, but it's still more damage and I'm glad to see the thing stay.

    Backstab/Honor: Extra to hit is cool, strange to see tactician tied to a to-hit enhancement, but we like to hit. 6/3 to hit for 3 AP feels a little expensive.

    Combat Brute: We like W, used to be in cores, now is not. +W is +W.

    Life and Death: As a healer main, I like melees having more HAMP, especially with the loss from U50, possibly moved to 5/10/15, but it's a nice spot, I like it.

    Action Boost: Tactics: This is... lackluster. It's not enough of a boost to make it worthwhile compared to other boosts, would need to go higher or get changed. Could also see this in a multiselector with a smaller value of passive +tactics.

    Strike Twice: We like doublestrike/doubleshot, good value, well placed. Ranged support is fun too.

    Critical Damage: It's a carryover from live LD, it's more damage which is fine, but it's not particularly interesting. Could be fun to have a smaller passive value with more bonuses if you're hitting things with however many stacks of terror from dread mantle? More bonuses from that is cool as it makes longer fights have more bonuses.

    Dread: PRR aspect is good, solid amount for being mantle. The stacks of bane damage from terror is same complaint as the mantle, where it can cause lag, the bane damage is also... not massive? Would be cool to see it scale with an amount of melee power, even if it's not 100%, just something to separate the amounts between different builds.

    Armor of Dusk: I like having it not locked to light armor like lithe, we like it as it'll let melees have more dodge. Would be nice to see tower shield support even if it's smaller amount of MDB.

    Carry On: This is a fantastic ability, brings every action boost up closer to haste while not sending haste boost any higher. More likely to see use from other action boosts.

    Momentum Swing: This is VERY cool as dire charge will be able to CC undead and constructs, which it cannot currently do on live, massive improvement.

    Strike with Fear: Extra source of vuln application without just adding it passively.

    Kick While They're Down: Extra Helpless damage is good.

    Untouchable: Helps add defensiveness to melees that they would often not have. Solid choice.

    Overpower: We like crit multi. Strange to see it locked to weapons without any difference between the choices. Differences to them would be cool.

    Legendary Rally: Autocrit cleave with a CC break? It's very good, I'll be taking it every time I go t5 LD.

    Lay Waste: Adding back the standard Stun to Dire charge is very solid, definitely cool that dire charge now uses 3 different tactics instead of just 1, makes the +tactics more useful.

    Dusk Surge: Draconic Reinvigoration without being forced into a thunder forged weapon, glad to see it finally make its way into dreadnought, this is fantastic and makes a ton of thematic sense. Helps with longer raid content.

    Action Hero: Fits very well into the theme of the tree, but it should be a little longer (30 seconds instead of 10), and maybe 8 flat damage (similar to kensei atk/dam action boost). Also should be flashier and have a visual that you are the hero of these actions.
    Mostly an affordable tree with them being worthwhile. A lot of it is worth taking on the heavier melee builds with splashes from other styles. A few changes could make it feel a little better. Also needs to have a lot more extra flashy visuals. Mantle having a permanent visual effect would be cool to signify that you are the legendary dreadnought.

  17. #57
    Community Member Bloodskittle's Avatar
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    Default I agree with Grunthorno

    Grun makes excellent points, definitely read that long post
    Viamel ~ Lava Divers

  18. #58
    Community Member Epicsoul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grunthorno View Post
    Mantle having a permanent visual effect would be cool to signify that you are the legendary dreadnought.
    I wish this were true of all the Mantles.
    Epicsoul | Omnisoul | Soul - Assistant to the Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2020-Present | Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2021-2022)
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  19. #59
    Community Member Bloodskittle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epicsoul View Post
    I wish this were true of all the Mantles.
    Yeah totally agree, we have some generic points in each of these mega posts that should really apply across all the trees
    Viamel ~ Lava Divers

  20. #60
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    Focusing on the visuals should be the least of their concerns, ya sure it looks cool but what really needs to be focused is on the abilities because right now as someone who always chose LD as their ED I’m sad as hell and I was super excited about this event because I’m a newbie in this game and I thought it will bring some power to all newbies compared to the vets in this game…
    Last edited by Theboss71; 09-23-2021 at 08:20 AM.

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