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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Default Shroud of hate, r3, kills

    Gonna do more R3 solo speed kills. What comes to mind, is Invitation to Dinner... The reset out of Dragons, The Chaos of Hate shrouds that lower Con. I will do a video, of not only soloing the shrouds, but soloing 5 black dragons. No ddoor. no ********. My vid will be produced on OCT 30th

    Last edited by Devastatian; 09-23-2021 at 08:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2021


    speaking of soloing I had an interest in the dwarf barbarian around two months ago before the stat nerf and enjoyed having the racial enhancements throw your weight around, where you can use your constitution modifier to determine the damage with a great axe since the stat nerf was in effect I had to discard dwarf because the ability at tier 4 became nerfed out from stat item nerf is there a better way to make dwarf more enjoyable for all the points you spend to get a top tier enhancement?

  3. #3
    Community Member ifumoveudie's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by razzjunn View Post
    speaking of soloing I had an interest in the dwarf barbarian around two months ago before the stat nerf and enjoyed having the racial enhancements throw your weight around, where you can use your constitution modifier to determine the damage with a great axe since the stat nerf was in effect I had to discard dwarf because the ability at tier 4 became nerfed out from stat item nerf is there a better way to make dwarf more enjoyable for all the points you spend to get a top tier enhancement?

    TYWA is really only viable-ish, if you have full racial ap banked. Otherwise, it becomes more of a flair build and not optimal in any way. There were a few builds back before reaper came out and for a while after, but these days it's largely a gimmick.

    That said, here is the basis for an old build I ran using ravager/tywa to really good effect.

    Hope that gives you some ideas.
    Proud member of the ArchAngels guild, Thelanis.
    Policegirl Killz, Porklord Meatfield, Pilfering Pirate.

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