[Instead of keep adding broken content and items better fix existing ones. Is not funny spend hours farming for new sets legendary like the Poison ring and necklace from Red fens and get another **** bonuses. A lot of effort and time lost because don't fix whatever need to be fixed. A lot of item bugs.
Last edited by R-ghost; 09-19-2021 at 08:51 PM.
We are currently targeting 2:00pm-ish for opening Lamannia, assuming nothing comes up between now and then.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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I am a refugee of Devourer, abandoned by Coadmasters and washed up on the shores of the new world Thelanis under the rule of the Turbine empire. The locals are primative, the monsters are tough, and to survive in this savage land i must live by one philosophy... trust no one.
If the proposed U51 Epic Destiny changes go live. This game will lose most of its VIP, and a lot of players. This one among them. I've spoken with a lot of veteran players, and we all feel like this would be a huge slap in the face. We all did the grind, so we wouldn't have to do it again. I get that new players feel like the vets are overpowered. But, the thing is, we all spent time, effort, and money to get where we are. If a new player feels out powered by a veteran player, well, reality is, they are. We have spent years of time, effort, and cold hard cash to get us where we are. And, to just say, "nah, you all have to start from scratch, every life" is.. well a giant FU to us. To the new players, that want to be as powerful as us 13+ year vets. You want to have that kind of power, invest that kind of time, effort, and money.
As the saying goes, "There is more than one way to skin a cat. (No offence to cats, cat lovers, or people that want to be cats)
"Everything taste like chicken, 'cept chicken, that taste like turkey.", quoth the barbarian.
I disagree with you.
Following the discussion on discord, it looks like ppl are over all positive to the new EDs.
EDs have been around and (mostly) unchanged since 2012, I do think they're do for a change.
and what does VIP have to do with the EDs? Except for being able to change your EDs in public areas, I don't really know what a VIP would get that a non VIP isn't getting?
Last edited by Micki; 09-30-2021 at 07:24 AM.
Read my blog: Micki's Delirium
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