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  1. #1
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Default psa on some fvs healing

    There seems to be a bug with fvs healing wall.

    under certain conditions it can kill you

    i am not sure what those are, but speaking with the fvs in question it may be related to the ender set from lgs

    (Combat): You are affected by blanks finishing blow. is what it said

  2. #2
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Looking at this, I would say it's likely an oversight of the "instakill" function that is called up when under 5000HP that the Ender set bonus calls up. But the issue is likely not on the Ender set itself.

    As I can tell you the following from previous testing of this:

    1. Wall of Healing (Flame of the Favored), will trigger Brazen Brilliance (another LGS 5 set bonus) on allies and the caster as well. However, there is no damage dealt or any blindness save required either. So it appears that it correctly checks that it is being fired on friendlies and thus only the graphic of the Sunburst happens, and nothing else triggers. Other effects like Royalty's Frigid Response (a variant of Legendary Ice) and Cerulean Wave (an Ice like effect) do not appear to attempt to trigger on allies, although it will trigger on enemies. (Although testing of this last part is not exhaustive to find out if it truly is ignoring allies and friendlies)

    2. The Ender set however is the sole set bonus effect that carries a condition. This condition is you must be greater than 5000HP before it will apply a Vulnerability debuff on you. Otherwise you are slain. Not a take 5000 damage or anything like that, just "slain" (the death condition talked about previously in another thread, only you failed to avoid it by having more than 5000HP, so the issue would be there). This sounds like it's that what is hitting you if it is true (most probably calling another effect, that doesn't make a check on whether it is trying to hit an ally/friendly or not).

    If it was an issue with the Wall of Healing, then the Brazen Brilliance wouldn't know to ignore allies if and when triggered. At least, I'm hoping that's what's happening there. I'm guessing the offending piece of code would be on the effect that calls the instakill that is called up by the Ender set bonus (which may or may not be part of the Ender set bonus itself, which is why I said it's probably not the Ender set itself that's the issue).

    Anyway, lets see what any of the Devs say once they've had a look at it.

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  3. #3
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    It's healing wall + X effect. Most of the X effects have been /bugged over time and thus fixed (healing wall is just notorious for proc'ing friendly fire with the way it works at some level). Enders + Healing wall is a rare combo so probably anyone who's been hit by it/used it just never /bugged it. I've heard tales of it working on players that way but never built a enders to test it myself; plus I heard that as long as one had deathblock equipped it didn't kill you, which is generally pretty common for anyone to have in the level bracket for enders (but that's all just tales I've heard from 3rd parties joking about it).

  4. #4
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    It's healing wall + X effect. Most of the X effects have been /bugged over time and thus fixed (healing wall is just notorious for proc'ing friendly fire with the way it works at some level). Enders + Healing wall is a rare combo so probably anyone who's been hit by it/used it just never /bugged it. I've heard tales of it working on players that way but never built a enders to test it myself; plus I heard that as long as one had deathblock equipped it didn't kill you, which is generally pretty common for anyone to have in the level bracket for enders (but that's all just tales I've heard from 3rd parties joking about it).
    i can tell you from my experience i have a deathblock aug and the fvs had cast dw or party. it killed me in make believe, and fvs in needle - im not sure if he had dw/db on in needle

  5. #5
    Hero Noir's Avatar
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    Default Radiant Glory also causes friendly damage from FVS healing wall

    The Lantern rings procs 2D6 or 3D6 (If Zhentarim Attuned)damage per tic of the healing wall and the damage scales with light spell power.
    Last edited by Noir; 09-14-2021 at 01:57 PM.
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  6. #6
    Community Member
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    While we’re looking at it can we make healing wall not so visually obnoxious?

    Unless that’s the point - good healing but you can’t see anything!

    I try to use it as a last resort or on a static tank only that doesn’t have to move because it’s so awful visually.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    The Lantern rings procs 2D6 or 3D6 (If Zhentarim Attuned)damage per tic of the healing wall and the damage scales with light spell power.
    That's a good thing though, because the ring procs just rewards too, so your healing wall generates more mana than it costs to cast, which enables longer reaper raiding and extra mana for necro casting for the charisma artifact/magistar FvS.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 09-16-2021 at 12:32 AM.

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