The One-Eared Bugbear Inn. Ale, lodging, and transport to Stormreach - what more could you want?!
The One-Eared Bugbear Inn. Ale, lodging, and transport to Stormreach - what more could you want?!
I like the smell of bacon in the morning, so I usually log out for the night on the big ol' Guild ship!
"Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."
I seem lately to log out in House Jorasco. Lots to do, so I am often there, and as a wizard, I use the shops there frequently.
On my guild airship.
On my guild ship, virtually always. Easy access to pretty much anything I need and anywhere I want to go.
"Ignorance killed the cat, sir; curiosity was framed."Tripoint, C.J. Cherryh
Where do you log out for the night:
Where you plan to start next time, where you ended up, in a certain tavern, or someplace else?
Crafting house.
To breakdown items gained that are not needed and sell items that I think someone my like / need before I log.
My wife and I always find a cozy spot wherever we are and /sleep beside one another.
That way when we log back in, we can continue our adventure right where we left off.
My guild airship.
Usually in the bottom hold of the guildship and then I wonder each time I log back in why I've been moved to the top deck. Is my character a sleep walker? What else is he/she getting up to while I'm away? Is there a complete alter-ego off doing other adventures while I'm away?
On our Guildship right next to the Item Deconstruction Device.
Please DOOOOOM!!!!!11111!!!!! early and often.
Behind the two big rocks by the mailbox in the harbor. That way when I wake up I can pee without anyone seeing me.
There is always an inn when you need to rest and eat up.
Unless I was in the middle of a quest chain (where I'd be at its nearest tavern), I will usually logout on our guild airship.
Wherever I am when I'm done. Usually the Airship.
You must gather your party before venturing forth.
Wherever I am when my wife tells me to get off the computer....
By the bank in the Harbor. That's where I started logging out in 2010, and the habit has turned into tradition.
"Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk
I log out in House Cannith, next to the challenge token giver to get my free daily token to build a supply to use in challenges.
In a non-lag wonderland...
Always in House C, in front of the girl that hands out challenge tokens.