In another post I decided that i was gonna start soloing raids once i got back to epics.
first up is Chronoscope!
i missed taking a screenshot of the end my bad but here goes:
some observations for if i decide to retry it again.
i only did it on epic elite. reaper is possible but i would need much better self heals for it. im thinking of coming back in as either a caster arti or caster druid for a reaper attempt
range is key.
for bloodplate he is actually not the main focus. kill armorers then archers/casters then as main devils as you feel comfortable tanking, then bloodplate archers can really screw this up if they hamstring you so they need to go pronto.
bring both resto scrolls and deathward clickies - acoyltes and maybe end boss cast neg levels
for end fight its counterintuitive but stay put in archers focus. if you move - he moves and can knock you down. if you have a lot of devils up this can be deadly. keep the number of devils down i left it at 2 beating on me while i took down boss.
some things you need before hand that i found helpful - have good dr bypass - a lot of things in here take it.
have heals - i had cocoon with a ruby of devotion and good healing amp. for bloodplate fight it gets hectic you want to keep moving as devils can hurt you quick. i used healing spring, scrolls and cocoon in it and still had my first death in there.
it was kinda fun to do - i will be doing this again for sure or at least starting when i put up a lfm
I know this isnt a real big achievement but it is a start and it was an achievement for me