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  1. #1

    Default Quest grouping in create/edit LFM

    Players usually do quests by following quest chain or story arc.

    e.g> When one group ended "Heyton's Rest", "The Storehouse's Secret", "The Cannith Crystal", then the group would do "The Collaborator".

    So, you can make create/edit LFM window to "suggest or auto-selected" the next quest of the chain.
    It would be really helpful for party leader to select next quest.

    For now, selecting next quest of the chain is quite annoying. Sorted by quest name or level range, but, players need to "remember" the quest name or level range. You can just show players "Next quest of the quest chain" or "Quests in current quest Arc".

    And quest list grouping in "create/edit LFM" by "Story Arc" would be very helpful.


    Thank you for making auto level range alignment for LFM channel!
    Last edited by draven1; 09-02-2021 at 01:19 AM.
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