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This is a very bad idea. Right now, there are hard choices. For example, choosing sorcerer requires a high cha which is not much use to combat, so the idea of being an eldritch knight means juggling multiple scores that you want to be real high.
Being able to choose the casting stat means aligning your stats so you can focus on just one, and that is a bad design. Taken too far, this idea means you might as well just have one main stat and not even pretend it means anything beyond the mechanics, and then have the other stats as pure secondary if at all.
No, the array of stats is to force hard choices.
This is one of those cases where the players wanting something but not getting it, is a sign that they need to make hard meaningful choices. Take that away and you lose a very important part of the game.
You ever hear the saying about having your cake and eating it too? In games, it generally makes for a better experience to be unable to eat your cake and still have it, even though naturally you want exactly that. Needing to choose which way to go because you can't have it all is important.